Women have to PROVE they were raped

Pennsylvania Bill Would Reduce Welfare Benefits For Women Who Cannot Prove They Were Raped | ThinkProgress

or lose food stamps.

We need a section devoted to the War On Women. But, since there is none, I'm putting this article here.

Note that there was also a Dem on this little holier than thou posse -

I don't even have to ask how the rw's here feel about this. They'll just love it, I'm sure. Force women to bear babies they can't care for but then, take away assistance.

The child that may come from rape aside....

I am always puzzled as to why any woman would get pregnant if she is dependent on government for some or all of her financial needs? Any ideas why?

About a third of all pregnancies are "accidental" or unplanned. If you can't afford birth control pills, I would think that percentage would go up.

there are other means of birth control and much of it is low cost or free.
Pennsylvania Bill Would Reduce Welfare Benefits For Women Who Cannot Prove They Were Raped | ThinkProgress

or lose food stamps.

We need a section devoted to the War On Women. But, since there is none, I'm putting this article here.

Note that there was also a Dem on this little holier than thou posse -

Pennsylvania lawmakers — State Reps. RoseMarie Swanger (R), Tom Caltagirone (D), Mark Gillen (R), Keith Gillespie (R), Adam Harris (R), and Mike Tobash (R) — don’t want their state’s welfare program to provide additional benefits for that newborn. If a woman gives birth to a child who was conceived from rape, she may seek an exception to this rule so that her welfare benefits aren’t slashed, but only if she can provide proof that she reported her sexual assault and her abuser’s identity to the police...

I don't even have to ask how the rw's here feel about this. They'll just love it, I'm sure. Force women to bear babies they can't care for but then, take away assistance.

Faux rage much? Woman have always had to prove they were raped in order to charge someone with rape.

Women need prove nothing. That's the state's job. Women should report the crime to the authorities if they were raped and that's all this law requires.
It's strange how the abortion issue has gotten so skewed that now,

opposing all abortion except in the cases of rape, incest, and the life of the mother is being portrayed by the Right as the moderate alternative position to the extreme position of opposing abortion in any case -except, usually, life of the mother.

Sorry, but opposing all abortion except rape, incest, and life of the mother IS the extreme position.

Opposing all abortion is the extreme version of the extreme position.

Don't let the Right frame the debate.
Personhood people are very extreme.

People who don't want to make an exception for life of the mother/rape/incest are extreme.

I'd say those who oppose but keep exceptions are moderates on that side.

They are not moderates when they want to outlaw abortions for 99% of the reasons abortions are performed.

They are extremists. The basic framework of Roe v. Wade is the moderate position.
She has the baby, and since she cannot care for it, the child gets taken from her. Next time, with all the work and no benefit she will be more careful. Remove having additional children as a career move.

But she can care for it because the social safety net will provide the resources.

And on what planet do you think you're going to get legislatures to pass laws that say that poor women cannot have abortions,

nor can they keep their baby?

Who is going to vote for that?

Because some women have children to get the extra check....dont even tell me you dont know about that

If you get pregnant have the kid, but just because you're irresponsible doesnt mean you get to kill the kid or get cash for having the baby. You're like eveyone else, have the kid and do with what you have....I can post stories and videos of women have multiple kids by multiple fathers....that's rediculous

No, the question was, who is going to vote for that? Where in this country is there a legislature that is going to say to women,

if you're poor and have a baby, we're going to take the baby away from you and make it a ward of the state, or adopt it out.

That is what you're claiming can happen. It will never happen.
I'm still baffled by why someone who is incapable of supporting their family would continue to have more children...

Oh, wait.... never mind.

And yet, if she gets pregnant, you would use the law to force her to have the baby.

Speaking for myself only, no I would not. I believe having an abortion is a moral choice much like many choices we make everyday when we decide whether to do the right thing or the wrong thing. Abortion should never be made illegal imo but neither should I ever have to pay for the abortion choice through our shared government monies also known as taxes and revenues.

Freedom to choose equals freedom to pay your own way.

If you really believed that then you would support getting rid of every part of the tax code that lowers any parents' tax liability based on the number of children they have.

That would mean no child tax credit, no exemptions for dependents, no child care credits, etc., etc., etc.,

all of which lower the tax burden on people with children vs. those taxpayers without children.
It's strange how the abortion issue has gotten so skewed that now,

opposing all abortion except in the cases of rape, incest, and the life of the mother is being portrayed by the Right as the moderate alternative position to the extreme position of opposing abortion in any case -except, usually, life of the mother.

Sorry, but opposing all abortion except rape, incest, and life of the mother IS the extreme position.

Opposing all abortion is the extreme version of the extreme position.

Don't let the Right frame the debate.

Actually, opposing abortion except in the case of rape, incest, and the life of the mother, is the position of a plurality of Americans. Calling it extreme makes it obvious you are the extreme one.

I do not believe this is an accurate statement.

Many of us personally might oppose abortion, but feel it is not us who should be making that decision for others.

What gives you the right to force your ways on others?

I think the laws presently in place, that give rights to the fetus based on viability, are sound. And I mean by this that once the baby can live outside of the womb, the mother should generally have no rights to terminate the pregnancy.

I am looking at a poll right now that shows only about 20% of Americans believe abortion should be illegal in all circumstances. Around 50% believe it should be legal only under certain circumstances. (And viability certainly is one of those circumstances being addressed). 25% believe it should be legal under all circumstances. This is a GALLUP Poll at Abortion

The decision to have a baby is a personal choice, and it should primarily remain that way, in my opinion. For example, I was just discussing the case of a young girl with severe diabetes who was told by her doctor she should get an abortion, that her life is at risk, in trying to maintain her pregnancy. She refuses. Family members have different viewpoints about her pregnany. Should we be putting in place a system that might leave that decision, on whether to abort or not, in cases like this, to doctors, and take away the rights of a mother to even choose to have a baby?


I don't give a fuck if you believe in reality or not.
Or the child could turn out to be a serial child rapist/killer. Your argument is not the most logical I have heard.

The evidence shows that children raised by single mothers commit a disproportionately higher crime rate than those raised in 2-parent households. Those statistics should mean something, don't you think.

It tells me that single mothers need more support, which they are not getting.

It tells everyone else on the planet that kids need more support.
I am looking at a poll right now that shows only about 20% of Americans believe abortion should be illegal in all circumstances. Around 50% believe it should be legal only under certain circumstances. (And viability certainly is one of those circumstances being addressed). 25% believe it should be legal under all circumstances. This is a GALLUP Poll at Abortion

Which means that 75% of Americans are pro choice, but some have limits.

This is the same poll that is twisted around by lifers claiming that the majority of Americans are pro life, which they are not.

This is the poll that pro abortion assholes use to claim that most Americans are pro choice.
It's strange how the abortion issue has gotten so skewed that now,

opposing all abortion except in the cases of rape, incest, and the life of the mother is being portrayed by the Right as the moderate alternative position to the extreme position of opposing abortion in any case -except, usually, life of the mother.

Sorry, but opposing all abortion except rape, incest, and life of the mother IS the extreme position.

Opposing all abortion is the extreme version of the extreme position.

Don't let the Right frame the debate.
Personhood people are very extreme.

People who don't want to make an exception for life of the mother/rape/incest are extreme.

I'd say those who oppose but keep exceptions are moderates on that side.

They are not moderates when they want to outlaw abortions for 99% of the reasons abortions are performed.

They are extremists. The basic framework of Roe v. Wade is the moderate position.

You can't redefine moderation from the pro abortion extreme side and claim that it proves you are moderate.
Pennsylvania Bill Would Reduce Welfare Benefits For Women Who Cannot Prove They Were Raped | ThinkProgress

or lose food stamps.

We need a section devoted to the War On Women. But, since there is none, I'm putting this article here.

Note that there was also a Dem on this little holier than thou posse -

Pennsylvania lawmakers — State Reps. RoseMarie Swanger (R), Tom Caltagirone (D), Mark Gillen (R), Keith Gillespie (R), Adam Harris (R), and Mike Tobash (R) — don’t want their state’s welfare program to provide additional benefits for that newborn. If a woman gives birth to a child who was conceived from rape, she may seek an exception to this rule so that her welfare benefits aren’t slashed, but only if she can provide proof that she reported her sexual assault and her abuser’s identity to the police...

I don't even have to ask how the rw's here feel about this. They'll just love it, I'm sure. Force women to bear babies they can't care for but then, take away assistance.

Sounds like they're trying to prevent welfare fraud to me, but don't let that stop your batshit crazy rant.... :thup:
And yet, if she gets pregnant, you would use the law to force her to have the baby.

Speaking for myself only, no I would not. I believe having an abortion is a moral choice much like many choices we make everyday when we decide whether to do the right thing or the wrong thing. Abortion should never be made illegal imo but neither should I ever have to pay for the abortion choice through our shared government monies also known as taxes and revenues.

Freedom to choose equals freedom to pay your own way.

If you really believed that then you would support getting rid of every part of the tax code that lowers any parents' tax liability based on the number of children they have.

That would mean no child tax credit, no exemptions for dependents, no child care credits, etc., etc., etc.,

all of which lower the tax burden on people with children vs. those taxpayers without children.

Separate issue Carb but how would you even know what I support if you have not discussed these issues with me?

I would love to see a restructuring of the US tax codes and revenue collecting system as well as entitlement reform.
Pennsylvania Bill Would Reduce Welfare Benefits For Women Who Cannot Prove They Were Raped | ThinkProgress

or lose food stamps.

We need a section devoted to the War On Women. But, since there is none, I'm putting this article here.

Note that there was also a Dem on this little holier than thou posse -

Pennsylvania lawmakers — State Reps. RoseMarie Swanger (R), Tom Caltagirone (D), Mark Gillen (R), Keith Gillespie (R), Adam Harris (R), and Mike Tobash (R) — don’t want their state’s welfare program to provide additional benefits for that newborn. If a woman gives birth to a child who was conceived from rape, she may seek an exception to this rule so that her welfare benefits aren’t slashed, but only if she can provide proof that she reported her sexual assault and her abuser’s identity to the police...

I don't even have to ask how the rw's here feel about this. They'll just love it, I'm sure. Force women to bear babies they can't care for but then, take away assistance.

The child that may come from rape aside....

I am always puzzled as to why any woman would get pregnant if she is dependent on government for some or all of her financial needs? Any ideas why?

Im puzzled as to why you would think any woman would get pregnant just to use the government for help.
That's not how it typically works, but hey onward with the stupid!
Pennsylvania Bill Would Reduce Welfare Benefits For Women Who Cannot Prove They Were Raped | ThinkProgress

or lose food stamps.

We need a section devoted to the War On Women. But, since there is none, I'm putting this article here.

Note that there was also a Dem on this little holier than thou posse -

Pennsylvania lawmakers — State Reps. RoseMarie Swanger (R), Tom Caltagirone (D), Mark Gillen (R), Keith Gillespie (R), Adam Harris (R), and Mike Tobash (R) — don’t want their state’s welfare program to provide additional benefits for that newborn. If a woman gives birth to a child who was conceived from rape, she may seek an exception to this rule so that her welfare benefits aren’t slashed, but only if she can provide proof that she reported her sexual assault and her abuser’s identity to the police...

I don't even have to ask how the rw's here feel about this. They'll just love it, I'm sure. Force women to bear babies they can't care for but then, take away assistance.

That's because EVERYONE in the Republican Party understands that women only get pregnant when they want to. It's the way their bodies work. Who else would know that better than graying old white men who believe the earth is less than 9 thousand years old and the Grand Canyon was created by Noah's Flood?
Pennsylvania Bill Would Reduce Welfare Benefits For Women Who Cannot Prove They Were Raped | ThinkProgress

or lose food stamps.

We need a section devoted to the War On Women. But, since there is none, I'm putting this article here.

Note that there was also a Dem on this little holier than thou posse -

I don't even have to ask how the rw's here feel about this. They'll just love it, I'm sure. Force women to bear babies they can't care for but then, take away assistance.

The child that may come from rape aside....

I am always puzzled as to why any woman would get pregnant if she is dependent on government for some or all of her financial needs? Any ideas why?

Im puzzled as to why you would think any woman would get pregnant just to use the government for help.
That's not how it typically works, but hey onward with the stupid!

Trying reading exactly what I posted. I did not post what you claim. I want to understand why a woman would get pregnant when she is not able to afford the expense without going to the government for help.
Pennsylvania Bill Would Reduce Welfare Benefits For Women Who Cannot Prove They Were Raped | ThinkProgress

or lose food stamps.

We need a section devoted to the War On Women. But, since there is none, I'm putting this article here.

Note that there was also a Dem on this little holier than thou posse -

Pennsylvania lawmakers — State Reps. RoseMarie Swanger (R), Tom Caltagirone (D), Mark Gillen (R), Keith Gillespie (R), Adam Harris (R), and Mike Tobash (R) — don’t want their state’s welfare program to provide additional benefits for that newborn. If a woman gives birth to a child who was conceived from rape, she may seek an exception to this rule so that her welfare benefits aren’t slashed, but only if she can provide proof that she reported her sexual assault and her abuser’s identity to the police...

I don't even have to ask how the rw's here feel about this. They'll just love it, I'm sure. Force women to bear babies they can't care for but then, take away assistance.

That's because EVERYONE in the Republican Party understands that women only get pregnant when they want to. It's the way their bodies work. Who else would know that better than graying old white men who believe the earth is less than 9 thousand years old and the Grand Canyon was created by Noah's Flood?

Not everyone with the beliefs I offer here is a member of the GOP. I am not and neither are some of those on this bill.
Pennsylvania Bill Would Reduce Welfare Benefits For Women Who Cannot Prove They Were Raped | ThinkProgress

or lose food stamps.

We need a section devoted to the War On Women. But, since there is none, I'm putting this article here.

Note that there was also a Dem on this little holier than thou posse -

I don't even have to ask how the rw's here feel about this. They'll just love it, I'm sure. Force women to bear babies they can't care for but then, take away assistance.

The child that may come from rape aside....

I am always puzzled as to why any woman would get pregnant if she is dependent on government for some or all of her financial needs? Any ideas why?

Im puzzled as to why you would think any woman would get pregnant just to use the government for help.
That's not how it typically works, but hey onward with the stupid!

Do you even realize what you typed?
Pennsylvania Bill Would Reduce Welfare Benefits For Women Who Cannot Prove They Were Raped | ThinkProgress

or lose food stamps.

We need a section devoted to the War On Women. But, since there is none, I'm putting this article here.

Note that there was also a Dem on this little holier than thou posse -

Pennsylvania lawmakers — State Reps. RoseMarie Swanger (R), Tom Caltagirone (D), Mark Gillen (R), Keith Gillespie (R), Adam Harris (R), and Mike Tobash (R) — don’t want their state’s welfare program to provide additional benefits for that newborn. If a woman gives birth to a child who was conceived from rape, she may seek an exception to this rule so that her welfare benefits aren’t slashed, but only if she can provide proof that she reported her sexual assault and her abuser’s identity to the police...
I don't even have to ask how the rw's here feel about this. They'll just love it, I'm sure. Force women to bear babies they can't care for but then, take away assistance.

That's because EVERYONE in the Republican Party understands that women only get pregnant when they want to. It's the way their bodies work. Who else would know that better than graying old white men who believe the earth is less than 9 thousand years old and the Grand Canyon was created by Noah's Flood?

Another idiot that can't read.

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