Woman claiming to be a doctor says "Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy"

I think her idiotic statement .......
I see... so if you consent towards letting your wife or husband drive your car - you also consent towards him/her killing other drivers and road users - it's obvious who is forwarding idiotic statements.
It also shows that you can't even differentiate between giving a consent towards a single issue (e.g. borrowing someone your car) - and being aware of possible dangers or outcomes by someone driving your car. Show me a single court-case involving an accident or even deadly accident were the owner of a car was brought to justice due to having borrowed his legit car to a legit driver.

There are however numerous court-cases due to the parties accusing each other of having damaged/manipulated a contraceptive on purpose - and therefore resulting in an unwanted pregnancy.

Nowhere was "abortion" brought in by J.Lincoln - that is simply your own personal fixation, to divert from the ongoing issue and to garner sympathy. from anti-abortionists.
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You don't get to give your consent to consequences. "I didn't give consent to the known consequences of my action.".

What an odd worldview.
This is the type of "science" the left LOVES.

Along with things like "you're not going to get Covid if you have these vaccines", "I can't define what a woman is because I'm not a biologist", and the classic "men can get pregnant".


She’s a loon
I see... so if you consent towards letting your wife or husband drive your car - you also consent towards him/her killing other drivers and road users - it's obvious who is forwarding idiotic statements.
It also shows that you can't even differentiate between giving a consent towards a single issue (e.g. borrowing someone your car) - and being aware of possible dangers or outcomes by someone driving your car. Show me a single court-case involving an accident or even deadly accident were the owner of a car was brought to justice due to having borrowed his legit car to a legit driver.

There are however numerous court-cases due to the parties accusing each other of having damaged/manipulated a contraceptive on purpose - and therefore resulting in an unwanted pregnancy.

Nowhere was "abortion" brought in by J.Lincoln - that is simply your own personal fixation, to divert from the ongoing issue and to garner sympathy. from anti-abortionists.
So stupid on so many levels...
" Sex Is Not Consent For Pregnancy "

* Insurance Policies Funded By Sapient Beings *

When I get into my car I never consent to an accident, but that's the risks -- and RESPONSIBILITY of engaging in an activity
There are insurance policies to be made whole after accidents .

Sometimes the restoration is paid directly by those without insurance , and some have insurance .

To presume that abortion surmounts to intoxicated manslaughter is dumbfounded on numerous levels , with the most basic being that any perceived offenses against a zygote , or embryo , or fetus , are in fact offenses against the mother .

There are a number of males who just do not seem to get that their arrogant expectations to capture a female for a life long relationship , based on a requirement to deliver its potential offspring - should a pregnancy occur , is a typical instinct in males leading to social stupidity .
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" Child Adolescent Adult Senile Ages Of Informed Consent "

* Could Knot Be At Fault When Consumed With Dong Wong *

Essentially the woman (or Doctor) is absolutely correct.
Neither women nor men automatically consent towards a pregnancy or causing a pregnancy or wanting a pregnancy - due to simply wanting to have sex.
Due to this there are means to prevent a pregnancy.
As to how to deal with an unwanted pregnancy - is a different topic.

From principles of individualism , where self ownership entitles individuals to free roam , to free association and to progeny , and where self determination entitles individuals to own private property and to apply willful intents through social civil contracts made valid with informed consent , it seems to be a direct inference for any contractual agreement made valid through informed consent for accepted risks , that a social civil contract to engage sexual congress would include accepting a risk of pregnancy , which semantically means giving consent to become pregnant based on risk factors , thus consenting to the possibility of becoming pregnant .

Any social civil contract to engage in sexual congress whereby pregnancy could occur is not also consent to remain pregnant , which is the meaning intended by the statement " Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy . " .

* Straight Forward Swept Away Inn Passion Excuses *
Yep, that's how normal folks get pregnant. No 'consent' required.
How valid is a defense that insufficient informed consent was provided , that when being consumed by overwhelming existentialism for self projection during copulation could impair an ability to make valid judgments for accepting a risk of fertilization , a pregnancy , should insemination occur ?
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" Perverse Prurient Versus Perverse Puritanical "

* With Cause Abortion Elephants In The Room *

She should keep her legs closed if she does not want to get pregnant. Or try strong birth control pills.
As live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , such that a zygote , or embryo , or fetus , does not have constitutional protections , a ZEF is private property of the mother and male surrogate provided its private property semen without any stipulation of contract .

The second and third trimester would be mother seeking without cause abortion is a demonstrative lie and a perverse puritanical myth from sanctimonious degenerates ignorant to with cause abortions .

The with cause abortion occurs due to developmental anomalies which are most often determined by ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks of pregnancy , which does not fit into the histrionic 6 , 8 , 12 , 15 and 20 week timelines being legislated to dictate how individuals are to resolve significant dilemmas to quality of life , liberty and pursuit of happiness .

* Statistics Of Without Cause Abortion In First Trimester And With Cause Abortion In Second And Third Trimester *

About 3% of all conceptions are associated with major congenital malformations, many of them are lethal developmental defect and genetic in origin or teratogenic (adverse effects of the envi- ronment during gametogenesis or early embryogenesis).

The vast majority of abortions occur during the first trimester of a pregnancy. In 2020, 93% of abortions occurred during the first trimester – that is, at or before 13 weeks of gestation, according to the CDC. An additional 6% occurred between 14 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, and 1% were performed at 21 weeks or more of gestation. These CDC figures include data from 40 states and New York City (but not the rest of New York).
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" Child Adolescent Adult Senile Ages Of Informed Consent "

* Could Knot Be At Fault When Consumed With Dong Wong *

From principles of individualism , where self ownership entitles individuals to free roam , to free association and to progeny , and where self determination entitles individuals to own private property and to apply willful intents through social civil contracts made valid with informed consent , it seems to be a direct inference for any contractual agreement made valid through informed consent for accepted risks , that a social civil contract to engage sexual congress would include accepting a risk of pregnancy , which semantically means giving consent to become pregnant based on risk factors , thus consenting to the possibility of becoming pregnant .

Any social civil contract to engage in sexual congress whereby pregnancy could occur is not also consent to remain pregnant , which is the meaning intended by the statement " Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy . " .

* Straight Forward Swept Away Inn Passion Excuses *

How valid is a defense that insufficient informed consent was provided , that when being consumed by overwhelming existentialism for self projection during copulation could impair an ability to make valid judgments for accepting a risk of fertilization , a pregnancy , should insemination occur ?
A sperm enters an egg without consent.
I think her idiotic statement highlights one of the biggest problems with the pro-abort mindset....it's anti-reality. They are in complete opposition to the inescapable reality that actions have consequences. Cause-and-effect.

If you consent to an action that you KNOW can lead to a certain outcome (in this case, pregnancy).... then at the very least you are consenting to the possibility of pregnancy.

It's basically like saying "I'm consenting to playing Russian roulette, but I'm not consenting to getting shot." (as someone pointed out in the replies to her tweet.)

lolol.... Sorry "Dr Jennifer Lincoln", but at your age you should be living in reality instead of your foolish, selfish delusional utopia where cause-and-effect doesn't exist. :itsok:
I see... so if you consent towards letting your wife or husband drive your car - you also consent towards him/her killing other drivers and road users - it's obvious who is forwarding idiotic statements.

Consent was given towards handing someone else your car-key - one did NOT give consent towards the driver hurting or killing other road users. If an accident occurs the "damage' is handled via the car owners insurance - and the driver has to take the responsibility towards any injury or death he caused.

Consent is given towards e.g. sex - it does NOT include consent towards a pregnancy. A possible pregnancy is the result of having had sex, and therefore responsibility comes in by the mother and the fathering part.

This responsibility might include an abortion - and the topic of abortion is ANOTHER issue. - to which consent was NOT given either - just towards SEX
If a woman wants to become pregnant she naturally would have to give consent towards sex - which then again isn't part of this topic.
And religious nut cases can have sex only for the reason to multiply - which again isn't part of this topic.

If a person consents towards buying a gun - that person does NOT automatically consent towards using the gun, to intentionally hurt/kill someone.
However if he uses his gun - he/she has to take responsibility for the action.

It's amazing as to how many Neanderthal minded folks are on this Forum
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When I get into my car I never consent to an accident, but that's the risks -- and RESPONSIBILITY of engaging in an activity
Right - and the matter of consenting towards driving a car is one issue on it's own. - since you obviously only want to DRIVE somewhere.
And the facing and handling of consequences due to an ACCIDENT is another, separate issue.
" Sex Is Not Consent For Pregnancy "

* Insurance Policies Funded By Sapient Beings *

There are insurance policies to be made whole after accidents .

Sometimes the restoration is paid directly by those without insurance , and some have insurance .

To presume that abortion surmounts to intoxicated manslaughter is dumbfounded on numerous levels , with the most basic being that any perceived offenses against a zygote , or embryo , or fetus , are in fact offenses against the mother .

There are a number of males who just do not seem to get that their arrogant expectations to capture a female for a life long relationship , based on a requirement to deliver its potential offspring - should a pregnancy occur , is a typical instinct in males leading to social stupidity .

Proving yet again that pro-abortion democrats have at best a total disregard for human life.

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