CDC Director knew COVID vax did not prevent infection.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The Left love lying to make money and keep the Leftard sheeples happy following orders.

“This revelation comes via a FOIA request that, you can see, was redacted. Given that the email was in no way classified, the excuse for removing 90% of the content is a mystery. Perhaps the content was embarrassing? Who can say? Perhaps she included war plans against Iran or secret intelligence that Russia was planning an invasion of Ukraine.”

The Left love lying to make money and keep the Leftard sheeples happy following orders.

“This revelation comes via a FOIA request that, you can see, was redacted. Given that the email was in no way classified, the excuse for removing 90% of the content is a mystery. Perhaps the content was embarrassing? Who can say? Perhaps she included war plans against Iran or secret intelligence that Russia was planning an invasion of Ukraine.”

Yes, but if you get the vax, though it might not stop infection, it will greatly increase your chances of living.
My friend wasn't vaxxed, he got it and died. I got the vax, and covid, and lived. I was sick only for about 3 days, he was hospitalized, we're both in our 70s
It's worth getting the shot.
Yes, but if you get the vax, though it might not stop infection, it will greatly increase your chances of living.
My friend wasn't vaxxed, he got it and died. I got the vax, and covid, and lived. I was sick only for about 3 days, he was hospitalized, we're both in our 70s
It's worth getting the shot.
Yes, but if you get the vax, though it might not stop infection, it will greatly increase your chances of living.
My friend wasn't vaxxed, he got it and died. I got the vax, and covid, and lived. I was sick only for about 3 days, he was hospitalized, we're both in our 70s
It's worth getting the shot.
My body my choice.
I never got the jab nor the virus.
Over a dozen jabbed friends almost died from the virus.
The director became aware of that after the first and second shots.

The saved millions of lives.

Your focus is immoral, Weatherman2020.
To be fair, the pharmaceutical companies were up front in saying that the jab didn't prevent contracting or passing COVID. They intimated that it might make the condition less severe for those who did contract it. However, there was no clinical trial to support this.

It was the politicians that we elected (and many of those who support them) who insisted anyone who didn't get the jab wanted women and children to die because they were too stubborn to take the shot.
My body my choice.
I never got the jab nor the virus.
Over a dozen jabbed friends almost died from the virus.

Almost, and ya think the jab saved them from dying? I believe the studies show this to be true. I'll look them up.
Yes, but if you get the vax, though it might not stop infection, it will greatly increase your chances of living.
My friend wasn't vaxxed, he got it and died. I got the vax, and covid, and lived. I was sick only for about 3 days, he was hospitalized, we're both in our 70s
It's worth getting the shot.

I am also in my 70s, and the 2nd Moderna shot nearly killed me.
I was sick for weeks, worse than I had ever been.
About 12 hours after the mRNA shot was the worst, with intense chills, uncontrollable shaking, throwing up every 4 hours, etc.

There is no possible way the mRNA shots can reduce death after a month or 2.
And the only reason why is slightly reduced the risk of covid death in that short time period, is that the mRNA caused spike protein debris in the blood that the immune system simply employs generic clean up antibodies for, and NOT any specific immune response antibodies.

For any long term immune response, the identity of the pathogen has to get stored in T-cells in the bone marrow, and the mRNA shots do absolutely nothing for this at all, in any way.

Given the massive risk of side effects, such as almost a thousand people who have had to have limbs amputated from the mRNA injections, it is NOT at all worth getting any of the mRNA shots.
There is no scientific way they could possibly work at all.
Don't have to. Millions survived, a very few died.

I don't have the exact figures in front of me this second, but the mRNA shot have about 10 times worse of a side effect history than any vaccine ever made.
And since there is no evidence of any positive effect after 2 months, it is absolutely crazy to get the shots, and criminal to give them.
The conspiracy lies about Covid is killing Americans.
Once any epidemic has breached quarantine, the fastest way to end it and reduce the death total, is by accelerating spread.
It won't end until herd immunity is reached, and "flattening the curve" only increases the time and death total.
Almost, and ya think the jab saved them from dying? I believe the studies show this to be true. I'll look them up.

There is no evidence at all that the jab saved any lives at all.
The temporary increase in generic cleanup antibodies is not stored and does not last more than 2 months.
So then the person is ensured to get covid after the 2 month temporary boost is over, and be just as likely to dies as anyone who did not get the jab.
In fact, there is evidence the jab increases your deadly allergic over reaction to covid.

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