
Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Brace yourself for a jarring experience. Paul Joseph Watson ushers us into Woketopia so as to bring us up to date on current events in the alternate reality inhabited by moonbats:

To recap:

• Orange Man bad.

Shoplifting has become progressive.

• Traditional marriage is now regarded as comparable to sexual slavery imposed by ISIS.

• It is still “brave” to publicly announce your devotion to sexual perversion.

• A woman making breakfast for her husband is grounds for public shaming.

• Diversity means no white people even in white countries.

• Feminism and moral degeneracy have made birthrates plummet.

• The commies of Rage Against the Machine are having a comeback concert at Capital One Arena.

• Celebrities have predictably begun announcing that they are homosexual even when they probably are not.

• The environmentalist movement stands accused of being too full of white people.

• The world in general is considered to be too full of white people.

• White liberals literally kiss the boots of militant black supremacists.

• Scandinavia is proclaimed to have no native culture.

• Liking classical architecture means being Hitler.

• Simping surpasses coronavirus as a pandemic.

• Those who identify with left-wing beliefs are more likely to have been diagnosed with a mental illness.

It is clearly in your best interests to avoid Woketopia. Unfortunately, this nightmare realm intrudes ever more aggressively into the real world.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Moonbattery is in no way shape or form approved by the ministry of current truths ..and of course they're wacist

All links highlighted
100 million But that wasn't real socialism ! Theyll get it right this time you fools
Have you been to the post office ?.........socialism!

these are the smart "rubes" who are on the right side of history !

Workers of the world unite!


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