"Woke" isn't profitable

However it may have started, what it did was expose the fact that rightwingers found the M&Ms sexy.

That is the "news" part to me at least. I did not realize that was even a thing till now.

Perhaps you already knew it was a thing due to you finding them sexy and being pissed they are now less sexy
This is hilarious though, and spot on as only the Babylon Bee can do

The best thing unsaid is that a Skittle is definitely not a M&M, and if you expect a handful of chocolately goodness but get instead a Skittle mixed in, you are repulsed.

And there you go again.
All you see is the conservative reaction, not what actually happened.
Some GenZ pink hairs were horrified that these little cartoon characters were too binary... not inclusive enough. So they changed the characters so they could look more non binary.
The reaction was predictable.... as in... "you have got to be kidding me... you are upset that female cartoons look like females??'

You don't want to even acknowledge that this whole thing started with woke virtue signalers

You can try to talk logic to that idiot until you're blue in the face, he'll just keep repeating his bullshit over and over, he's made the same post 100 times in 2 different threads. The best tactic is to ignore its drivel and not give it the satisfaction of even knowing you've read its post, it's not worth responding to at all at this point. Waste of time. It has no sense of humor, more to be pitied.
The trouble is the woke crowd has such loud mouths they think they can run their will roughshod over everyone through those loud mouths. Then the reality hits them that their mouths aren't made up for in actual numbers.
And the activists that blackmail corporations into pushing woke propaganda are not their core customers and will never support their product.
And the activists that blackmail corporations into pushing woke propaganda are not their core customers and will never support their product.
Absolutely true. No question about it. Some of the most vocal supporters of kneeling down at sporting events weren't even sports fans. They had zero skin in the game.

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