Did Diamond Of "Diamond & Silk" Betray America By Taking The Vaccine??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The sisters had often used their platform to question COVID vaccine policy—specifically Joe Biden's vaccine mandate—as well as the efficacy of the jab. They were also removed from Fox News' list of contributors for their claims about the vaccine, according to the Associate Press, which prompted their move to Newsmax. Neither sister appear to have publicly said whether they were vaccinated or not. However, the reaction to Richardson's memorial speech suggests others believe they were, though she does not mention the vaccine explicitly."

So if what Silk is saying is true, her sister took the vaccine and immediately died from it....I mean, she had to have taken the vaccine recently or else why would she automatically assume it was the vaccine her sister died from? However, since Diamond and Silk spent all of this time deriding the vaccine, demanding the imprisonment of anyone associated with bringing the vaccine to the market, never admitting to whether they took it or not -- if it is true that Diamond took the vaccine...doesn't that make her a fraud??

Or is the real truth that; now that her sister is dead, it is easier to just throw her under the bus and claim she took the vaccine and that is what killed her....since admitting that she wasn't vaxed and died of COVID kind of hurts the grift....much more lucrative to turn her sister into a martyr instead.....and hint around about her taking the vaccine..
I know people right now whose family browbeat them into taking the vaccine in spite of the ever growing evidence that it is potentially harmful. Many give in because...they want to continue to see their parents, their famlies, keep their job,
No, does not need to be recent, your odds of death grow though, with each successive jab! Its not hypocrisy in any fashion for someone to have taken the jabs, and yet council caution, the only folk making issue of such would be your typical fascist democrat street trash!

As for your risk of death, they have no idea how long you are at risk, they do know that pathologists, and morticians are removing hideous clumps of spike protein from the cadavers of 18-60+ year old's though, often as much as 12 inches in length and checking in at a half pound or more of weight....

Biden Booster up, and die.....you are literally flipping coin with your life, literally! :wink:

"The sisters had often used their platform to question COVID vaccine policy—specifically Joe Biden's vaccine mandate—as well as the efficacy of the jab. They were also removed from Fox News' list of contributors for their claims about the vaccine, according to the Associate Press, which prompted their move to Newsmax. Neither sister appear to have publicly said whether they were vaccinated or not. However, the reaction to Richardson's memorial speech suggests others believe they were, though she does not mention the vaccine explicitly."

So if what Silk is saying is true, her sister took the vaccine and immediately died from it....I mean, she had to have taken the vaccine recently or else why would she automatically assume it was the vaccine her sister died from? However, since Diamond and Silk spent all of this time deriding the vaccine, demanding the imprisonment of anyone associated with bringing the vaccine to the market, never admitting to whether they took it or not -- if it is true that Diamond took the vaccine...doesn't that make her a fraud??

Or is the real truth that; now that her sister is dead, it is easier to just throw her under the bus and claim she took the vaccine and that is what killed her....since admitting that she wasn't vaxed and died of COVID kind of hurts the grift....much more lucrative to turn her sister into a martyr instead.....and hint around about her taking the vaccine..

They may have bought into the bullshit of it being “safe & effective” early on. You can be vaxxed and still be 100% against mandates that get people fired.
They may have bought into the bullshit of it being “safe & effective” early on. You can be vaxxed and still be 100% against mandates that get people fired.
Stop moving goal posts...

They were wanting people sent to death row over this vaccine...now you telling me they would take something this late into their grift?? Something you all claim is a poisonous toxin from Satan?

Nope, sounds like more grifting to me
No, does not need to be recent, your odds of death grow though, with each successive jab! Its not hypocrisy in any fashion for someone to have taken the jabs, and yet council caution, the only folk making issue of such would be your typical fascist democrat street trash!

As for your risk of death, they have no idea how long you are at risk, they do know that pathologists, and morticians are removing hideous clumps of spike protein from the cadavers of 18-60+ year old's though, often as much as 12 inches in length and checking in at a half pound or more of weight....

Biden Booster up, and die.....you are literally flipping coin with your life, literally! :wink:
This is why it will always be easy to grift Conservatives.......people can blatantly con you morons and you will bend over backwards to claim otherwise....

She literally threw her sister under the bus by claiming she was vaccinated when all the way up until that point, she lied about it....

Guess that means Silk should be dropping dead any minute now, she took it too....
This is a really stupid post even for you Buffy.

She may have betrayed common sense by taking the vax like many others that didn't live to regret it.
Many more took it & actively regret it now.

Maybe you got lucky & they gave you a placebo
Stop moving goal posts...

They were wanting people sent to death row over this vaccine...now you telling me they would take something this late into their grift?? Something you all claim is a poisonous toxin from Satan?

Nope, sounds like more grifting to me
If I had taken it and then seen the horrors of it, I would definitely be asking for those who made it, lied about it, and forced people to take it, to be held accountable.
No, does not need to be recent, your odds of death grow though, with each successive jab! Its not hypocrisy in any fashion for someone to have taken the jabs, and yet council caution, the only folk making issue of such would be your typical fascist democrat street trash!

As for your risk of death, they have no idea how long you are at risk, they do know that pathologists, and morticians are removing hideous clumps of spike protein from the cadavers of 18-60+ year old's though, often as much as 12 inches in length and checking in at a half pound or more of weight....

Biden Booster up, and die.....you are literally flipping coin with your life, literally! :wink:
They're not putting that actual covid clot shot in him. Otherwise with his history of aneurysms....he'd be dead long before now.
They may have bought into the bullshit of it being “safe & effective” early on. You can be vaxxed and still be 100% against mandates that get people fired.
perhaps she had taken it early on and had previously felt the after effects that eventually got her. you really can't trust anyone in the medical field anymore...not unless they profess to you believably that they will do what they can to insure your health...as much as they can...because if they're found out by pro vaxxers or the gov/t...they'll be shut down.
If I had taken it and then seen the horrors of it, I would definitely be asking for those who made it, lied about it, and forced people to take it, to be held accountable.
Well you can start with your Orange God, Trump Humper.

Trump Dismisses COVID-19 Vax Safety Claims, Says He Saved 100 Million Lives​

Former President Donald Trump has dismissed claims that COVID-19 vaccines are broadly unsafe while asserting that his own role in the development of the vaccines may have saved 100 million lives.

"I was able to get something approved that, you know, that has proven to have saved a lot of lives," Trump said, ignoring Brody's request to weigh in on the anti-vaccine narrative. "Some people say that I saved 100 million lives worldwide."

Trump touted the speed of vaccine development under his program, saying that he was "able to get [the vaccines] done in nine months," as opposed to what he claimed would have been "five years to 12 years."

They're not putting that actual covid clot shot in him. Otherwise with his history of aneurysms....he'd be dead long before now.
Biden, nor any fascist democrat in DC government, has submitted to these jabs, if they had then they would mirror the fatality ratios in larger society, and to the very best of my knowledge they are not dropping over dead from sudden onset heart disease...
Biden, nor any fascist democrat in DC government, has submitted to these jabs, if they had then they would mirror the fatality ratios in larger society, and to the very best of my knowledge they are not dropping over dead from sudden onset heart disease...
Trump hasn't took a dirt nap and he says he took his vaccine.
Trump hasn't took a dirt nap and he says he took his vaccine.
True enough, expand that from fascist democrats to include fascist rinos... I am not a Trump toe sucker, even though he is an order of magnitude better for America than any fascist democrat!

The reality is this, the excess die off currently underway in the western world, which is staggeringly excessive, most fortuitously seems to have skipped past these DC fascists altogether, and that all by itself is extraordinarily suspicious. :wink:
True enough, expand that from fascist democrats to include fascist rinos... I am not a Trump toe sucker, even though he is an order of magnitude better for America than any fascist democrat!

The reality is this, the excess die off currently underway in the western world, which is staggeringly excessive, most fortuitously seems to have skipped past these DC fascists altogether, and that all by itself is extraordinarily suspicious. :wink:
Your Orange God claims to be the one responsible for the shot.
True enough, expand that from fascist democrats to include fascist rinos... I am not a Trump toe sucker, even though he is an order of magnitude better for America than any fascist democrat!

The reality is this, the excess die off currently underway in the western world, which is staggeringly excessive, most fortuitously seems to have skipped past these DC fascists altogether, and that all by itself is extraordinarily suspicious. :wink:
Whenever a right-winger says:

"I am not a Trump toe-sucker, but......"

That is just like saying you suck, but don't swallow......you still on your knees for this orange moron either way, cuck....

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