Wind Turbines - Not so Human friendly as proponents say..

Wind Turbines - Not so human friendly as proponents say..

The primary pathway of turbine assault on human health is no mystery. The Israeli army has used low-frequency sound pulses as high-tech crowd control for years. People are made nauseous and confused, with blurred vision, vertigo, headaches, tachycardia, heightened blood pressure, pain and ringing in the ears, difficulties with memory and concentration, anxiety, depression, irritability, and panic attacks.

This also describes the Wind Turbine Syndrome (WTS), a constellation of symptoms first given a name by the brilliant young MD/PhD, Nina Pierpont. She followed her astute and compassionate observations of turbine neighbors around the world with epidemiological research, using a robust case-crossover statistical design: subjects experienced symptoms that varied with proximity to the turbines. When the same subjects were placed at a greater distance from the turbines, their symptoms abated; returning them to the scene brought the symptoms back.

Now that several studies have been done the health impacts of wind power generation is stunning and bad for both humans and animals alike.
Entire eco systems are being altered because of the rapid slaughter of raptors and bats.

Causes of Bird Mortality - Sibley Guides

Oh my, obviously, we must do away with windows, cats, communication towers, high tension wires, cars, pesticides, and hunting, since they all have higher mortality rates for birds than wind turbines.

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