will you go see your rep in person now?

violence has an effect on democracy.

To deny this fact is utter silliness
I just dont see how politicizing this could help anyone. Even if you're right...that it's one side's fault...what does it gain you? Nothing.
Just another stupid plow to drag people into a party-against-party rant.

One day, (maybe), TM will figure out that party isn't the culprit. People make their choices. Not the party they CHOOSE to belong to. The Democrat party is not responsible for anything...the people that belong to the Democrat party are responsible. The Republican party is not responsible for anything... the people that belong to the Republican party are responsible. Not all Democrats are horrible people. Not all Republicans are horrible people either. But there are plenty of horrible people that make up the human race...why not blame the human in each of us for the wretched things we do?

If we went by TM's flawed logic about being afraid to go support this or that because some lunatic decided to shoot someone at this event or another, then we'd all live our lives trapped in our homes.

We wouldn't send our kids to school, because kids are getting killed there. We wouldn't take our kids to church...some maniac just killed a pastor and some others during a church service not long ago. We wouldn't go to the grocery store, the mall, sporting events, political rallies, parades, conventions, the movies...the list goes on.

If you live in fear, the terrorist wins. And sadly, it is apparent that there are some among us who are OK with that.

That's way too much logic for TM to digest. TM is more interested in weaving up a gift basket filled with hate and fear. It's sad.

You do know that she doesn't bother really reading anyone's response to her, she just babbles on and on, interjecting her shit as if it were a fact that someone else said. :cuckoo:
determining what really happened is paramount to preventing like events.

When you know what prompted this violence you have a much better chance of stopping a repete crime.

Do you people truely wish this to be the last incident lilke this?

If so than the hows and whys should be just as important to you as it is to the police, FBI, procisutors, judge, jury and the families of all concerned.

You pretend it doesnt matter for political reasons
What happened is that the guy is a nutbar loon and got it into his head to go shoot Giffords and all the others. Don't know what part of that is so difficult to understand.

Why do you find it impossible to not make this political?
will you go see your rep in person now?

Naah they keep pestering me to make appoints for them to come see me.
Everybody needs to step back and breathe through their noses for a moment. The world has not come to an end because of some seriously demented fool.
Just another stupid plow to drag people into a party-against-party rant.

One day, (maybe), TM will figure out that party isn't the culprit. People make their choices. Not the party they CHOOSE to belong to. The Democrat party is not responsible for anything...the people that belong to the Democrat party are responsible. The Republican party is not responsible for anything... the people that belong to the Republican party are responsible. Not all Democrats are horrible people. Not all Republicans are horrible people either. But there are plenty of horrible people that make up the human race...why not blame the human in each of us for the wretched things we do?

If we went by TM's flawed logic about being afraid to go support this or that because some lunatic decided to shoot someone at this event or another, then we'd all live our lives trapped in our homes.

We wouldn't send our kids to school, because kids are getting killed there. We wouldn't take our kids to church...some maniac just killed a pastor and some others during a church service not long ago. We wouldn't go to the grocery store, the mall, sporting events, political rallies, parades, conventions, the movies...the list goes on.

If you live in fear, the terrorist wins. And sadly, it is apparent that there are some among us who are OK with that.

That's way too much logic for TM to digest. TM is more interested in weaving up a gift basket filled with hate and fear. It's sad.

You do know that she doesn't bother really reading anyone's response to her, she just babbles on and on, interjecting her shit as if it were a fact that someone else said. :cuckoo:

How does one get to that point... is it too much pot or something? Seriously, TM reads like that AZ nutjob reads. Scary.
I was wondering if people will be as likely to meet with thier reps at face to face events now.

Do you think this event will effect these interactions

I am sure there will be people who will avoid such gatherings now. I am not one of them.
Only one victim was a premeditated.

This is a fact already established by the evidence
Only one victim was a premeditated.

This is a fact already established by the evidence

What? He was out to kill as many people as possible. He wanted to shoot everybody that was there, that is why he had a 2nd clip.

Can I be a stickler? Ok I'm a stickler


If you don't have the ability to watch youtube here is a picture




For those that may not be able to see images read the poem below:

A clip is not a magazine, a mag is not a clip
Neither is a grip a stock nor does stock mean grip
I do not mean to nitpick but improvement could be seen
If we can bring ourselves to say exactly what we mean
Only one victim was a premeditated.

This is a fact already established by the evidence

What? He was out to kill as many people as possible. He wanted to shoot everybody that was there, that is why he had a 2nd clip.

Well from what TM has been spewing all over the boards this morning, the fact that Giffords was a DEM and that Loughner specifically came to shoot her (the rest be damned I guess) is all that matters.

will you bring yoiur children to see a democrat speak?

You know that this is going to effect the people who have a dem rep more than those who have a republican rep.

One side is being shot at and one is not.

there was a democrat who was targeted.

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