Will we torture again?

The fact that we even discuss whether or not torture is a good idea shows how far our society has deteriorated. The qualities and attributes that once made America "exceptional" are no longer relevant.

Torture is wrong in my opinion. What I find disingenuous about is the arguments. First of all most, including myself, on this board would not stand up to torture very long in my opinion. That does not make torture viable only understandable. Much like when Allen fired a gun next to a captured enemy, is that torture? The left wing sure smeared Allen as if it were. (army also)

My point is that it seems very strange to me that the left will do all it can to protect the most vile in our society, yet the most innocent they are willing to send to the ovens or sell their body parts. On the other hand there are those on the right that are are all for torture, of other people, and yet say they are against abortion. On the left it seems that guilt/innocents doesn't matter they have made a stand that actually makes no sense other then to tear the fabric of society, even if they don't sincerly realize it. At least the arguments on the right are somewhat consistent. Punish those who do evil and protect the most innocent. Torture our enemies to protect our friends.

I really do not believe that ANYONE tortures someone for no good reason. If the techniques didn't work why would they do them? That does not mean I condone the practice but reality should be admitted so the subject can be truthfully discussed.
Ever wonder how many completely innocent people have been tortured?

One is too many, but since Roe vs Wade I believe the number of innocents killed is somewhere around 50 million, what do you think of that?
I think you're posing a false equivalency.

Nope, you are ignoring that all life matters.
Then, by that criteria, you accept the Catholic doctrine of seamless line of life and oppose capital punishment.
Criminal language.

Only to snowflakes such as yourself
Nah, that's you. The language is criminal.

Torturing Terrorist is fine with me. But we rounded up innocent people & tortured them to death. Then we invaded Iraq. Iraqis resisting US invaders were thrown into Abu-Ghraib prison tortured & killed. None of those Iraqis were terrorist. We were the terrorist in that case.

Tortured them to death? Really? LOL

A CIA prisoner froze to death after subjected to 48 hours of sleep deprivation, auditory overload, total darkness, isolation, a cold shower and rough treatment. Striped naked & shackled to the wall of his cell in a position that required the detainee to rest on the bare concrete floor. An internal CIA review and autopsy assessed he likely died from hypothermia – “in part from having been forced to sit on the bare concrete floor without pants”.

Sitting on a concrete floor without pants is torture? I'd like to see more of this story, got a link?
You would have been sobbing within 15 minutes if you were in Abu Graib. Talk about wussy snowflakes. :lol:
The fact that we even discuss whether or not torture is a good idea shows how far our society has deteriorated. The qualities and attributes that once made America "exceptional" are no longer relevant.

Torture is wrong in my opinion. What I find disingenuous about is the arguments. First of all most, including myself, on this board would not stand up to torture very long in my opinion. That does not make torture viable only understandable. Much like when Allen fired a gun next to a captured enemy, is that torture? The left wing sure smeared Allen as if it were. (army also)

My point is that it seems very strange to me that the left will do all it can to protect the most vile in our society, yet the most innocent they are willing to send to the ovens or sell their body parts. On the other hand there are those on the right that are are all for torture, of other people, and yet say they are against abortion. On the left it seems that guilt/innocents doesn't matter they have made a stand that actually makes no sense other then to tear the fabric of society, even if they don't sincerly realize it. At least the arguments on the right are somewhat consistent. Punish those who do evil and protect the most innocent. Torture our enemies to protect our friends.

I really do not believe that ANYONE tortures someone for no good reason. If the techniques didn't work why would they do them? That does not mean I condone the practice but reality should be admitted so the subject can be truthfully discussed.
Ever wonder how many completely innocent people have been tortured?

One is too many, but since Roe vs Wade I believe the number of innocents killed is somewhere around 50 million, what do you think of that?
I think you're posing a false equivalency.

Nope, you are ignoring that all life matters.
Since when? When has that ever been true?
I don't know if we will use enhanced interrogation again what I am 99.9% sure of is if we do get hit with another 9-11 type attack the people who are trashing the CIA now for using those techniques will be the same ones demanding to know why we did not have better intel know more and be able to prevent such an attack.

:cuckoo: What legitimate info did we get out of prisoners with torture?
Not usually my thing, but I will answer your question with a question. How many major terror attacks have there been inside the borders of the US since 9/11

Torturing Terrorist is fine with me. But we rounded up innocent people & tortured them to death. Then we invaded Iraq. Iraqis resisting US invaders were thrown into Abu-Ghraib prison tortured & killed. None of those Iraqis were terrorist. We were the terrorist in that case.

Tortured them to death? Really? LOL

A CIA prisoner froze to death after subjected to 48 hours of sleep deprivation, auditory overload, total darkness, isolation, a cold shower and rough treatment. Striped naked & shackled to the wall of his cell in a position that required the detainee to rest on the bare concrete floor. An internal CIA review and autopsy assessed he likely died from hypothermia – “in part from having been forced to sit on the bare concrete floor without pants”.

Sitting on a concrete floor without pants is torture? I'd like to see more of this story, got a link?
You would have been sobbing within 15 minutes if you were in Abu Graib. Talk about wussy snowflakes. :lol:
Fuck those terrorist assholes.

Torturing Terrorist is fine with me. But we rounded up innocent people & tortured them to death. Then we invaded Iraq. Iraqis resisting US invaders were thrown into Abu-Ghraib prison tortured & killed. None of those Iraqis were terrorist. We were the terrorist in that case.

Tortured them to death? Really? LOL

A CIA prisoner froze to death after subjected to 48 hours of sleep deprivation, auditory overload, total darkness, isolation, a cold shower and rough treatment. Striped naked & shackled to the wall of his cell in a position that required the detainee to rest on the bare concrete floor. An internal CIA review and autopsy assessed he likely died from hypothermia – “in part from having been forced to sit on the bare concrete floor without pants”.

Sitting on a concrete floor without pants is torture? I'd like to see more of this story, got a link?
You would have been sobbing within 15 minutes if you were in Abu Graib. Talk about wussy snowflakes. :lol:

I wouldn't give them a reason to put me there, I'm a true American...unlike you
Torturing Terrorist is fine with me. But we rounded up innocent people & tortured them to death. Then we invaded Iraq. Iraqis resisting US invaders were thrown into Abu-Ghraib prison tortured & killed. None of those Iraqis were terrorist. We were the terrorist in that case.

Tortured them to death? Really? LOL

A CIA prisoner froze to death after subjected to 48 hours of sleep deprivation, auditory overload, total darkness, isolation, a cold shower and rough treatment. Striped naked & shackled to the wall of his cell in a position that required the detainee to rest on the bare concrete floor. An internal CIA review and autopsy assessed he likely died from hypothermia – “in part from having been forced to sit on the bare concrete floor without pants”.

Sitting on a concrete floor without pants is torture? I'd like to see more of this story, got a link?
You would have been sobbing within 15 minutes if you were in Abu Graib. Talk about wussy snowflakes. :lol:

I wouldn't give them a reason to put me there, I'm a true American...unlike you
You are a wussy snowflake. You can't even recapture RouteIrish. You would fold in a heartbeat.

Sure, we will torture again.
Tortured them to death? Really? LOL

A CIA prisoner froze to death after subjected to 48 hours of sleep deprivation, auditory overload, total darkness, isolation, a cold shower and rough treatment. Striped naked & shackled to the wall of his cell in a position that required the detainee to rest on the bare concrete floor. An internal CIA review and autopsy assessed he likely died from hypothermia – “in part from having been forced to sit on the bare concrete floor without pants”.

Sitting on a concrete floor without pants is torture? I'd like to see more of this story, got a link?
You would have been sobbing within 15 minutes if you were in Abu Graib. Talk about wussy snowflakes. :lol:

I wouldn't give them a reason to put me there, I'm a true American...unlike you
You are a wussy snowflake. You can't even recapture RouteIrish. You would fold in a heartbeat.

Sure, we will torture again.
you have no point. You're just spewing here...
Tortured them to death? Really? LOL

A CIA prisoner froze to death after subjected to 48 hours of sleep deprivation, auditory overload, total darkness, isolation, a cold shower and rough treatment. Striped naked & shackled to the wall of his cell in a position that required the detainee to rest on the bare concrete floor. An internal CIA review and autopsy assessed he likely died from hypothermia – “in part from having been forced to sit on the bare concrete floor without pants”.

Sitting on a concrete floor without pants is torture? I'd like to see more of this story, got a link?
You would have been sobbing within 15 minutes if you were in Abu Graib. Talk about wussy snowflakes. :lol:

I wouldn't give them a reason to put me there, I'm a true American...unlike you
You are a wussy snowflake. You can't even recapture RouteIrish. You would fold in a heartbeat.

Sure, we will torture again.

Bleh...GFY, toad
Torturing Terrorist is fine with me. But we rounded up innocent people & tortured them to death. Then we invaded Iraq. Iraqis resisting US invaders were thrown into Abu-Ghraib prison tortured & killed. None of those Iraqis were terrorist. We were the terrorist in that case.

Tortured them to death? Really? LOL

A CIA prisoner froze to death after subjected to 48 hours of sleep deprivation, auditory overload, total darkness, isolation, a cold shower and rough treatment. Striped naked & shackled to the wall of his cell in a position that required the detainee to rest on the bare concrete floor. An internal CIA review and autopsy assessed he likely died from hypothermia – “in part from having been forced to sit on the bare concrete floor without pants”.

Sitting on a concrete floor without pants is torture? I'd like to see more of this story, got a link?
You would have been sobbing within 15 minutes if you were in Abu Graib. Talk about wussy snowflakes. :lol:
Fuck those terrorist assholes.

What terrorist assholes were at Abu Graib?
Leftist Rabbi Eric Yoffie Supports Torture of Jews, Opposes Torture of Muslim Terrorists
Torture isn't inherently wrong. It's just wrong when the left supports the terrorists
December 29, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Leftist clergyman Eric Yoffie opposes torture. Forcefully and vehemently.

In 2005, he wrote that, "The torture of prisoners, or issues of what is the appropriate conduct of soldiers, are issues that should have special resonance for Jews, given our experience in the 20th century. We have a special obligation to speak out on these issues; if we don't, shame on us."

This paragraph was quoted in a Union for Reform Judaism resolution against forceful interrogations of Al Qaeda terrorists in Guantanamo Bay. Yoffie signed on to a letter to Obama by the National Religious Campaign Against Torture stating, "Torture is incompatible with the tenets of our faiths."

But Eric Yoffie was only opposed to torturing Muslims. He is really enthusiastic about torturing Jews.

In his latest Haaretz piece on the Duma hoax, Eric Yoffie cries, "If rules need to be bent to get the information required to convict the Duma murderers, then so be it. To the security services: Do what you have to do. Do it quickly. Do it now."

In the Duma hoax, one of several fires started as part of a local Muslim clan rivalry in Israel was blamed on "Jewish terrorists" leading to the extended detention and alleged torture of "right-wing Jews" by the leftist Shabak security service. Many leftist and center-right politicians in Israel have made statements in favor of the Duma hoax, even though no actual evidence has been presented, which made it necessary for the security services to try and break some of the detainees to justify the hoax.

And Eric Yoffie abandons his opposition to torture, his concern for civil liberties, to call for extreme measures.

"Suspected Jewish terrorists... are now being defended by those who claim that the civil rights of the suspects are being violated by Israel’s security services. As a left of center American Jew, I would like to say plainly: There are times when human rights and civil liberties are not the most important thing for a democratic country that is fighting for her very survival," Yoffie shrieks.

Do a bunch of teens and twenty-somethings who occasionally spray graffiti represent a threat to a country's survival more than Muslim terrorists who massacre thousands of people? Obviously not.

What Eric Yoffie really means is that he supports the torture of Jews, but not of Muslims. He supports the torture of people he considers right-wing, but not those that are allied with the left.

"The question is not: Is Israel violating the human rights of the Jewish terrorists and their supporters ... The question is: Why have the security services not already put an end to this network of murderers and monsters," Eric Yoffie bleats.

This is the same Eric Yoffie who stopped by ISNA and works with Muslim Brotherhood front groups, an actual network of murderers and monsters whose various arms have helped finance Hamas.

"If rules need to be bent or if strict interpretations of human rights need to be adjusted in order to get the information required to convict the Duma murderers, then so be it. Instructions to the security services should be simple and straightforward: Do what you have to do. Do it quickly. Do it now," Yoffie goes on to bluster.


Leftist Rabbi Eric Yoffie Supports Torture of Jews, Opposes Torture of Muslim Terrorists
Its not Torture...they have cute euphemisms and / or justifications of fear that says its not really torture even tho it is
"Can we now say with confidence that our government will not use torture again and that Americans in the future will rise up to prevent it from doing so? In light of the reaction to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, I fear that we can’t." Dionne Will we torture again The Salt Lake Tribune

Too many of our citizens do not understand that acting like AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL whatever makes us no different than AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL.
Trump has said he would torture suspected terrorists, even if it doesn't work. Just for the sheer thrill of it.

It does not get more Nazi than that.

He justified torture by describing the atrocities committed by "the other side", proving once again that Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

The word torture is thrown around too much, I don't think the progressives even know what real torture is.
Certainly not waterboarding... Lol
"Can we now say with confidence that our government will not use torture again and that Americans in the future will rise up to prevent it from doing so? In light of the reaction to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, I fear that we can’t." Dionne Will we torture again The Salt Lake Tribune

Too many of our citizens do not understand that acting like AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL whatever makes us no different than AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL.
Trump has said he would torture suspected terrorists, even if it doesn't work. Just for the sheer thrill of it.

It does not get more Nazi than that.

He justified torture by describing the atrocities committed by "the other side", proving once again that Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Yes Trump is acting a "progressive" the only reason why you hate him is because he has an (R) next to his name..

Silly far left drones!

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