Will we step up in global temperature like we did after 1998?


Devastating Reply To Richard Tol's Nonsensus In Peer-Reviewed Journal - Real Skeptic
The consensus that humans are causing recent global warming is shared by 90%–100% of publishing climate scientists according to six independent studies by co-authors of this paper. Those results are consistent with the 97% consensus reported by Cook et al (Environ. Res. Lett. 8 024024) based on 11 944 abstracts of research papers, of which 4014 took a position on the cause of recent global warming. A survey of authors of those papers (N = 2412 papers) also supported a 97% consensus. Tol (2016 Environ. Res. Lett. 11 048001) comes to a different conclusion using results from surveys of non-experts such as economic geologists and a self-selected group of those who reject the consensus. We demonstrate that this outcome is not unexpected because the level of consensus correlates with expertise in climate science. At one point, Tol also reduces the apparent consensus by assuming that abstracts that do not explicitly state the cause of global warming (‘no position’) represent non-endorsement, an approach that if applied elsewhere would reject consensus on well-established theories such as plate tectonics. We examine the available studies and conclude that the finding of 97% consensus in published climate research is robust and consistent with other surveys of climate scientists and peer-reviewed studies.
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Before 1998 the temperature avged around .35-.4c, but after they avged around .5 to .65 from 2000-2009! It seems to me that the oceans released extra energy into the Atmospheric system and some of that extra clotted up the radiation part of the system(that goes into space) allowing a small build up of .1c step up in global temperatures. One known scientist believes this to be so and thinks it could happen this time...

1998 was around .63c based on giss and noaa....So anywhere from .05 to .12c downwards from current nino the yearly temperature peak depending on rather it is a neutral or a nina after such a step up should be expected after this event. (Note: I say this as the nino's are similar in strength)...

What we will have to watch for is .86c - .1 =.76c could very well be a avg yearly event!!! I'll be shocked if a strong nina takes us below .65c and most neutral years could be around .74 to .78c...What is even more shocking is 2005 without a full blown nino blew away 1998 by about .06c globally....Who knows, but I won't go there until I see it.
That wasproven to be untrue many years ago.
I will predict that Neutral years from 2017-2024 will avg near .75c-.78c. The possibility is there that one could get over .8c.

Weak ninas(-.5 to -.9c) could see global avg temperatures between .69-.74c. In comparison, 2005's .69 or 2014's global yearly temperature.

Moderate ninas(-1 to -1.4c) will probably see global avg yearly temperatures near .66c +- .3c. Probably warmer then 1998! ;)

Strong Nina's(-1.5c to -2.0) will probably see .58 to .65c depending on how strong. Likelyhood of a .5c yearly global temperature will only occur in a -1.8c or above nina.
Before 1998 the temperature avged around .35-.4c, but after they avged around .5 to .65 from 2000-2009! It seems to me that the oceans released extra energy into the Atmospheric system and some of that extra clotted up the radiation part of the system(that goes into space) allowing a small build up of .1c step up in global temperatures. One known scientist believes this to be so and thinks it could happen this time...

1998 was around .63c based on giss and noaa....So anywhere from .05 to .12c downwards from current nino the yearly temperature peak depending on rather it is a neutral or a nina after such a step up should be expected after this event. (Note: I say this as the nino's are similar in strength)...

What we will have to watch for is .86c - .1 =.76c could very well be a avg yearly event!!! I'll be shocked if a strong nina takes us below .65c and most neutral years could be around .74 to .78c...What is even more shocking is 2005 without a full blown nino blew away 1998 by about .06c globally....Who knows, but I won't go there until I see it.
That wasproven to be untrue many years ago.
Link, idiot child, link. Seems that you fellows are just allergic to giving any source of data. Makes one believe it comes out of your ass. And the quality of your opinions reinforces that belief.
Before 1998 the temperature avged around .35-.4c, but after they avged around .5 to .65 from 2000-2009! It seems to me that the oceans released extra energy into the Atmospheric system and some of that extra clotted up the radiation part of the system(that goes into space) allowing a small build up of .1c step up in global temperatures. One known scientist believes this to be so and thinks it could happen this time...

1998 was around .63c based on giss and noaa....So anywhere from .05 to .12c downwards from current nino the yearly temperature peak depending on rather it is a neutral or a nina after such a step up should be expected after this event. (Note: I say this as the nino's are similar in strength)...

What we will have to watch for is .86c - .1 =.76c could very well be a avg yearly event!!! I'll be shocked if a strong nina takes us below .65c and most neutral years could be around .74 to .78c...What is even more shocking is 2005 without a full blown nino blew away 1998 by about .06c globally....Who knows, but I won't go there until I see it.
That wasproven to be untrue many years ago.
Link, idiot child, link. Seems that you fellows are just allergic to giving any source of data. Makes one believe it comes out of your ass. And the quality of your opinions reinforces that belief.
Prove me wrong, you brainwashed ignorant fool.
Another Joe Romm lie piece that is not supported by any facts... TO funny.... You guys really are desperate..

From the link...the Japan Meteorological Agency...not Joe Romm

JMA: Global temp records smashed (again) in March, 1.07°C above 20th C avg http://bit.ly/1RWaBIb #climateaction
And once again Silly Billy puts his foot into it. Problem for him is that he has made nearly 100% wrong predictions for the last year. When someone is wrong that often, they lack any credibility whatsoever.

I think within the next decade, we are going to see some very serious costs from the warming. And those politicians who are presently 40 or younger that have supported the deniers, are going to answer politically for their ignorant foolishness.
Before 1998 the temperature avged around .35-.4c, but after they avged around .5 to .65 from 2000-2009! It seems to me that the oceans released extra energy into the Atmospheric system and some of that extra clotted up the radiation part of the system(that goes into space) allowing a small build up of .1c step up in global temperatures. One known scientist believes this to be so and thinks it could happen this time...

1998 was around .63c based on giss and noaa....So anywhere from .05 to .12c downwards from current nino the yearly temperature peak depending on rather it is a neutral or a nina after such a step up should be expected after this event. (Note: I say this as the nino's are similar in strength)...

What we will have to watch for is .86c - .1 =.76c could very well be a avg yearly event!!! I'll be shocked if a strong nina takes us below .65c and most neutral years could be around .74 to .78c...What is even more shocking is 2005 without a full blown nino blew away 1998 by about .06c globally....Who knows, but I won't go there until I see it.
That wasproven to be untrue many years ago.
Link, idiot child, link. Seems that you fellows are just allergic to giving any source of data. Makes one believe it comes out of your ass. And the quality of your opinions reinforces that belief.
Prove me wrong, you brainwashed ignorant fool.
Your statement. You prove it. In the meantime, all the valid sources of data from around the world have shown 2014 and 2015 to be the warmest years on record. And, by the looks of it, 2016, will be the third record year in a row. Then, if we are lucky, there will be a leveling off for at least a decade. If we are lucky.
Before 1998 the temperature avged around .35-.4c, but after they avged around .5 to .65 from 2000-2009! It seems to me that the oceans released extra energy into the Atmospheric system and some of that extra clotted up the radiation part of the system(that goes into space) allowing a small build up of .1c step up in global temperatures. One known scientist believes this to be so and thinks it could happen this time...

1998 was around .63c based on giss and noaa....So anywhere from .05 to .12c downwards from current nino the yearly temperature peak depending on rather it is a neutral or a nina after such a step up should be expected after this event. (Note: I say this as the nino's are similar in strength)...

What we will have to watch for is .86c - .1 =.76c could very well be a avg yearly event!!! I'll be shocked if a strong nina takes us below .65c and most neutral years could be around .74 to .78c...What is even more shocking is 2005 without a full blown nino blew away 1998 by about .06c globally....Who knows, but I won't go there until I see it.
That wasproven to be untrue many years ago.
Link, idiot child, link. Seems that you fellows are just allergic to giving any source of data. Makes one believe it comes out of your ass. And the quality of your opinions reinforces that belief.
Prove me wrong, you brainwashed ignorant fool.
Your statement. You prove it. In the meantime, all the valid sources of data from around the world have shown 2014 and 2015 to be the warmest years on record. And, by the looks of it, 2016, will be the third record year in a row. Then, if we are lucky, there will be a leveling off for at least a decade. If we are lucky.
You can't prove a negative, jackass.

It is your doomsday cult that insists that the sky is falling. The onus is on you.

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