Will we step up in global temperature like we did after 1998?

The Arctic "warmed" from -35 to -34.2




It was warm enough this winter to stop the sea ice from increasing from January through March. 10-15c above normal with places 20c+....Can we please talk about the subject of this thread?

I'll be shocked if we ever see another .5c year again outside of the most intense of nina's. It would have to be a -1.7 or -2 at 3.4. Do you agree or disagree?
Hey, thanks for alerting me to that hoax, but the fact does remain, in the past, the MSM was telling us that an Ice age was on the way.

They were starting a global cooling hysteria. It is a fact. Look it up.

Yes, based almost entirely on the work of Dr. Reid Bryson, who was a hard core global warming denier until his death in 2009.

What are you, a millennial? Do you deny this? Seriously? Or do you have memory loss?

Having lived through the period, I'm very aware of how deniers have been making failed ice age predictions for over 40 years now, and of how good the real climate science has been during that time.
Hey, thanks for alerting me to that hoax, but the fact does remain, in the past, the MSM was telling us that an Ice age was on the way.

They were starting a global cooling hysteria. It is a fact. Look it up.

Yes, based almost entirely on the work of Dr. Reid Bryson, who was a hard core global warming denier until his death in 2009.

What are you, a millennial? Do you deny this? Seriously? Or do you have memory loss?

Having lived through the period, I'm very aware of how deniers have been making failed ice age predictions for over 40 years now, and of how good the real climate science has been during that time.
and then you woke up and DOH!!!
Japan Meteorological Agency

JMA: Global temp records smashed (again) in March, 1.07°C above 20th C avg http://bit.ly/1RWaBIb #climateaction


Expertise in climate science is a major predictor for consensus on human-caused climate change.
Credit: University of Queensland, John Garrett

A research team confirms that 97 percent of climate scientists agree that climate change is caused by humans. The group includes Sarah Green, a chemistry professor at Michigan Technological University.

Even though 2015 crushed the previous record for hottest year — which of course was just set in 2014 — it seems increasingly likely that 2016 will top 2015, even as the current El Niño fades.
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Expertise in climate science is a major predictor for consensus on human-caused climate change.
Credit: University of Queensland, John Garrett

A research team confirms that 97 percent of climate scientists agree that climate change is caused by humans. The group includes Sarah Green, a chemistry professor at Michigan Technological University.

Even though 2015 crushed the previous record for hottest year — which of course was just set in 2014 — it seems increasingly likely that 2016 will top 2015, even as the current El Niño fades.
too bad there isn't any expertise. Anyone can publish that statement.
To bad all this data for the most part is rigged.
and if you don't believe this happy horse #### you may be arrested or worse not get any funding
Denier cult crackpot conspiracy theory insanity, fit for fertilizing rose bushes.
Maybe because I'm in the farming game.

Just because you have your head stuck in a hole in the ground, futilily waiting for your brains to grow, does not mean you are "in the farming game", you bogus bullshitting troll.
Dayum, And I bet you said that with a mouth full of food.
I suggest you invest in rubber rafts. Here's their stock symbol; GT
btw: Are you a Vietnam Era Vet. If not, I interpret your avatar as stolen valor.
Insane gibberish. Are you in an asylum? Doesn't the straitjacket interfere with your typing?
Are you Jean?

That guy that used to say obama is a fraud and a failure?
Before 1998 the temperature avged around .35-.4c, but after they avged around .5 to .65 from 2000-2009! It seems to me that the oceans released extra energy into the Atmospheric system and some of that extra clotted up the radiation part of the system(that goes into space) allowing a small build up of .1c step up in global temperatures. One known scientist believes this to be so and thinks it could happen this time...

1998 was around .63c based on giss and noaa....So anywhere from .05 to .12c downwards from current nino the yearly temperature peak depending on rather it is a neutral or a nina after such a step up should be expected after this event. (Note: I say this as the nino's are similar in strength)...

What we will have to watch for is .86c - .1 =.76c could very well be a avg yearly event!!! I'll be shocked if a strong nina takes us below .65c and most neutral years could be around .74 to .78c...What is even more shocking is 2005 without a full blown nino blew away 1998 by about .06c globally....Who knows, but I won't go there until I see it.

1998 NOAA reported avg global temp as 62 degrees. 2015 they reported it as 58 degrees and you bleat about it being the "warmest year 'evah!". How about you ask for some honest reporting and then we can get concerned if there is a real trend. Currently the trend is to cooling. But you ignore the actual facts and barrage us with false information. Try reporting real facts instead of the propaganda you constantly spew.
Before 1998 the temperature avged around .35-.4c, but after they avged around .5 to .65 from 2000-2009! It seems to me that the oceans released extra energy into the Atmospheric system and some of that extra clotted up the radiation part of the system(that goes into space) allowing a small build up of .1c step up in global temperatures. One known scientist believes this to be so and thinks it could happen this time...

1998 was around .63c based on giss and noaa....So anywhere from .05 to .12c downwards from current nino the yearly temperature peak depending on rather it is a neutral or a nina after such a step up should be expected after this event. (Note: I say this as the nino's are similar in strength)...

What we will have to watch for is .86c - .1 =.76c could very well be a avg yearly event!!! I'll be shocked if a strong nina takes us below .65c and most neutral years could be around .74 to .78c...What is even more shocking is 2005 without a full blown nino blew away 1998 by about .06c globally....Who knows, but I won't go there until I see it.

1998 NOAA reported avg global temp as 62 degrees. 2015 they reported it as 58 degrees and you bleat about it being the "warmest year 'evah!". How about you ask for some honest reporting and then we can get concerned if there is a real trend. Currently the trend is to cooling. But you ignore the actual facts and barrage us with false information. Try reporting real facts instead of the propaganda you constantly spew.


The noaa still reports it as .63c. That means it is tied for 6th place! 2015 beat the shit out of it with .9c...That is a increase of .9c - .63c = .27c! Global Analysis - Annual 2015 | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

There's no way in hell you can say that 1998 was warmer then 2015. That is the cold honest truth...
Before 1998 the temperature avged around .35-.4c, but after they avged around .5 to .65 from 2000-2009! It seems to me that the oceans released extra energy into the Atmospheric system and some of that extra clotted up the radiation part of the system(that goes into space) allowing a small build up of .1c step up in global temperatures. One known scientist believes this to be so and thinks it could happen this time...

1998 was around .63c based on giss and noaa....So anywhere from .05 to .12c downwards from current nino the yearly temperature peak depending on rather it is a neutral or a nina after such a step up should be expected after this event. (Note: I say this as the nino's are similar in strength)...

What we will have to watch for is .86c - .1 =.76c could very well be a avg yearly event!!! I'll be shocked if a strong nina takes us below .65c and most neutral years could be around .74 to .78c...What is even more shocking is 2005 without a full blown nino blew away 1998 by about .06c globally....Who knows, but I won't go there until I see it.

1998 NOAA reported avg global temp as 62 degrees. 2015 they reported it as 58 degrees and you bleat about it being the "warmest year 'evah!". How about you ask for some honest reporting and then we can get concerned if there is a real trend. Currently the trend is to cooling. But you ignore the actual facts and barrage us with false information. Try reporting real facts instead of the propaganda you constantly spew.


The noaa still reports it as .63c. That means it is tied for 6th place! 2015 beat the shit out of it with .9c...That is a increase of .9c - .63c = .27c! Global Analysis - Annual 2015 | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

There's no way in hell you can say that 1998 was warmer then 2015. That is the cold honest truth...

Are you stating that NOAA LIED? It was their press release. There was no POINT before those numbers in actual temperature average.. another Joe Romm, SKS, Cook, Nuttercellie, anomaly bull shit lie.. You can scream all you want about the anomaly when the fact is 58 is not greater than 62, at least not in the real world. now in the alarmist world of common core math and failed models it might be..
Before 1998 the temperature avged around .35-.4c, but after they avged around .5 to .65 from 2000-2009! It seems to me that the oceans released extra energy into the Atmospheric system and some of that extra clotted up the radiation part of the system(that goes into space) allowing a small build up of .1c step up in global temperatures. One known scientist believes this to be so and thinks it could happen this time...

1998 was around .63c based on giss and noaa....So anywhere from .05 to .12c downwards from current nino the yearly temperature peak depending on rather it is a neutral or a nina after such a step up should be expected after this event. (Note: I say this as the nino's are similar in strength)...

What we will have to watch for is .86c - .1 =.76c could very well be a avg yearly event!!! I'll be shocked if a strong nina takes us below .65c and most neutral years could be around .74 to .78c...What is even more shocking is 2005 without a full blown nino blew away 1998 by about .06c globally....Who knows, but I won't go there until I see it.

1998 NOAA reported avg global temp as 62 degrees. 2015 they reported it as 58 degrees and you bleat about it being the "warmest year 'evah!". How about you ask for some honest reporting and then we can get concerned if there is a real trend. Currently the trend is to cooling. But you ignore the actual facts and barrage us with false information. Try reporting real facts instead of the propaganda you constantly spew.


The noaa still reports it as .63c. That means it is tied for 6th place! 2015 beat the shit out of it with .9c...That is a increase of .9c - .63c = .27c! Global Analysis - Annual 2015 | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

There's no way in hell you can say that 1998 was warmer then 2015. That is the cold honest truth...

Mathew cant tell the difference between the ACTUAL OBSERVED TEMPERATURE and the highly adjusted ANOMALY which changes when the base period to figure the anomaly changes.. The last bit of deception was when NOAA changed the base line for the anomaly by 3.8 Deg C.. making it appear that 1998 was much cooler than it was in relation to this year. NCEI is a government propaganda machine for the AGW cult morons who cant understand real math.

Simple observation vs anomaly manipulations... And the Cult Faithful cant see through the deception..
Before 1998 the temperature avged around .35-.4c, but after they avged around .5 to .65 from 2000-2009! It seems to me that the oceans released extra energy into the Atmospheric system and some of that extra clotted up the radiation part of the system(that goes into space) allowing a small build up of .1c step up in global temperatures. One known scientist believes this to be so and thinks it could happen this time...

1998 was around .63c based on giss and noaa....So anywhere from .05 to .12c downwards from current nino the yearly temperature peak depending on rather it is a neutral or a nina after such a step up should be expected after this event. (Note: I say this as the nino's are similar in strength)...

What we will have to watch for is .86c - .1 =.76c could very well be a avg yearly event!!! I'll be shocked if a strong nina takes us below .65c and most neutral years could be around .74 to .78c...What is even more shocking is 2005 without a full blown nino blew away 1998 by about .06c globally....Who knows, but I won't go there until I see it.

1998 NOAA reported avg global temp as 62 degrees. 2015 they reported it as 58 degrees and you bleat about it being the "warmest year 'evah!". How about you ask for some honest reporting and then we can get concerned if there is a real trend. Currently the trend is to cooling. But you ignore the actual facts and barrage us with false information. Try reporting real facts instead of the propaganda you constantly spew.


The noaa still reports it as .63c. That means it is tied for 6th place! 2015 beat the shit out of it with .9c...That is a increase of .9c - .63c = .27c! Global Analysis - Annual 2015 | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

There's no way in hell you can say that 1998 was warmer then 2015. That is the cold honest truth...

Mathew cant tell the difference between the ACTUAL OBSERVED TEMPERATURE and the highly adjusted ANOMALY which changes when the base period to figure the anomaly changes.. The last bit of deception was when NOAA changed the base line for the anomaly by 3.8 Deg C.. making it appear that 1998 was much cooler than it was in relation to this year. NCEI is a government propaganda machine for the AGW cult morons who cant understand real math.

Simple observation vs anomaly manipulations... And the Cult Faithful cant see through the deception..

They see. They just ignore.
Before 1998 the temperature avged around .35-.4c, but after they avged around .5 to .65 from 2000-2009! It seems to me that the oceans released extra energy into the Atmospheric system and some of that extra clotted up the radiation part of the system(that goes into space) allowing a small build up of .1c step up in global temperatures. One known scientist believes this to be so and thinks it could happen this time...

1998 was around .63c based on giss and noaa....So anywhere from .05 to .12c downwards from current nino the yearly temperature peak depending on rather it is a neutral or a nina after such a step up should be expected after this event. (Note: I say this as the nino's are similar in strength)...

What we will have to watch for is .86c - .1 =.76c could very well be a avg yearly event!!! I'll be shocked if a strong nina takes us below .65c and most neutral years could be around .74 to .78c...What is even more shocking is 2005 without a full blown nino blew away 1998 by about .06c globally....Who knows, but I won't go there until I see it.

1998 NOAA reported avg global temp as 62 degrees. 2015 they reported it as 58 degrees and you bleat about it being the "warmest year 'evah!". How about you ask for some honest reporting and then we can get concerned if there is a real trend. Currently the trend is to cooling. But you ignore the actual facts and barrage us with false information. Try reporting real facts instead of the propaganda you constantly spew.


The noaa still reports it as .63c. That means it is tied for 6th place! 2015 beat the shit out of it with .9c...That is a increase of .9c - .63c = .27c! Global Analysis - Annual 2015 | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

There's no way in hell you can say that 1998 was warmer then 2015. That is the cold honest truth...

I'm not saying it. NOAA REPORTED it. Huge difference. Now that the planet isn't behaving like the models said it would, NOAA is resorting to outright fraud to keep faithful anti-science individuals, like you, in line.

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