Will Trump persist in spreading Xi Jinping's anti-U.S. propaganda?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
The Cry Baby Sore Loser's baseless, spiteful attacks upon the democratic system of the United States undoubtedly justifies Putin's decision to interfere in the presidential election of 2016 to help the reality-tv performer but, even after being dumped by the American electorate, his persistence in trashing democracy serves authoritarian propaganda.

[Conservative Congresswoman Liz] Cheney likened Trump's refusal to accept the 2020 election results and claims that the electoral system cannot function to circumstances in Communist China, saying "I won't be part of that."
"To cause that kind of questioning about our process, frankly, it's the same kinds of things that the Chinese Communist Party says about democracy: that it's a failed system, that America is a failed nation. I won't be part of that," she continued.

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"I think it's very important for Republicans who won't be part of that to stand up and speak out," Cheney added.
The Cry Baby Sore Loser's baseless, spiteful attacks upon the democratic system of the United States undoubtedly justifies Putin's decision to interfere in the presidential election of 2016 to help the reality-tv performer but, even after being dumped by the American electorate, his persistence in trashing democracy serves authoritarian propaganda.

[Conservative Congresswoman Liz] Cheney likened Trump's refusal to accept the 2020 election results and claims that the electoral system cannot function to circumstances in Communist China, saying "I won't be part of that."
"To cause that kind of questioning about our process, frankly, it's the same kinds of things that the Chinese Communist Party says about democracy: that it's a failed system, that America is a failed nation. I won't be part of that," she continued.

"I think it's very important for Republicans who won't be part of that to stand up and speak out," Cheney added.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Have you ever stopped to consider that some of us who voted for Trump might not believe in or support Democracy anymore?
That is what I have to assume, and that is precisely what Xi and Putin are hoping that Trump has achieved, but some terminal Trumpers refuse to admit it, and attack anyone who openly acknowledges and comes to the defense of it.

Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 10.34.27 AM.png
The Cry Baby Sore Loser's baseless, spiteful attacks upon the democratic system of the United States undoubtedly justifies Putin's decision to interfere in the presidential election of 2016 to help the reality-tv performer but, even after being dumped by the American electorate, his persistence in trashing democracy serves authoritarian propaganda.

[Conservative Congresswoman Liz] Cheney likened Trump's refusal to accept the 2020 election results and claims that the electoral system cannot function to circumstances in Communist China, saying "I won't be part of that."
"To cause that kind of questioning about our process, frankly, it's the same kinds of things that the Chinese Communist Party says about democracy: that it's a failed system, that America is a failed nation. I won't be part of that," she continued.

"I think it's very important for Republicans who won't be part of that to stand up and speak out," Cheney added.
You're the asshole sock puppet bot spreading the CCP propaganda, Gomer Pyle.
The Cry Baby Sore Loser's baseless, spiteful attacks upon the democratic system of the United States undoubtedly justifies Putin's decision to interfere in the presidential election of 2016 to help the reality-tv performer but, even after being dumped by the American electorate, his persistence in trashing democracy serves authoritarian propaganda.

[Conservative Congresswoman Liz] Cheney likened Trump's refusal to accept the 2020 election results and claims that the electoral system cannot function to circumstances in Communist China, saying "I won't be part of that."
"To cause that kind of questioning about our process, frankly, it's the same kinds of things that the Chinese Communist Party says about democracy: that it's a failed system, that America is a failed nation. I won't be part of that," she continued.

"I think it's very important for Republicans who won't be part of that to stand up and speak out," Cheney added.

schmidlap is possibly the most informative left-leaning poster here. Every time he posts something he demonstrates how seriously tarded the left has become.

Look at the photo on the post. If Trump had a propaganda outlet like Joe Biden every photo would be flattering. Why are lefties so hysterical about what the former president has to say while the current president sinks further and further into mental incompetence?
You're a good monkey, Skinflap.
You spread your shit around real well.

Liz Cheney simply wants Trump to take his political rape, shut up and go away and if he doesn't
then "he's like Xi Jinping".
Things don't work that way Liz.

Hopefully Wyoming voters will push you out of office at the end of
your term and then like Mitt Romney, Joe Scarborough and John Kasich you can become a full time
stooge of the MSNBC clique and show up on panel shows and in op-eds from time to time
telling your sad stories to an ever shrinking audience.

What a horribly rotten apple Cheney is.
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The Cry Baby Sore Loser's baseless, spiteful attacks upon the democratic system of the United States undoubtedly justifies Putin's decision to interfere in the presidential election of 2016 to help the reality-tv performer but, even after being dumped by the American electorate, his persistence in trashing democracy serves authoritarian propaganda.

[Conservative Congresswoman Liz] Cheney likened Trump's refusal to accept the 2020 election results and claims that the electoral system cannot function to circumstances in Communist China, saying "I won't be part of that."
"To cause that kind of questioning about our process, frankly, it's the same kinds of things that the Chinese Communist Party says about democracy: that it's a failed system, that America is a failed nation. I won't be part of that," she continued.

"I think it's very important for Republicans who won't be part of that to stand up and speak out," Cheney added.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I want Trump to be a sore loser....
That means he's the right man for the job. Anything less is inexcusable...
Look at the photo on the post. If Trump had a propaganda outlet like Joe Biden every photo would be flattering. Why are lefties so hysterical about what the former president has to say while the current president sinks further and further into mental incompetence?
He's coming back and they know it.... They're pulling out all the stops to keep him from running again because they can't steal the next one....that was a one time only stunt

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