Will the GOP's rising stars save the party?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

First Bobby Jindal, and now Susana Martinez:

Martinez criticizes Romney comments, points way forward for GOP - James Hohmann - POLITICO.com

From the piece: She’s been publicly critical of Romney before. In a May interview, she criticized his embrace of “self-deportation.” In September, she criticized the failed GOP nominee’s caught-on-camera assertion that 47 percent of voters are dependent on government, and returned to the topic here — but using harsher terms.

“It’s a ridiculous statement to make,” she said. “You want to earn the vote of every single person you can … It doesn’t matter whether individuals are in need of assistance of the government or individuals who are in college, it doesn’t matter. Why would you ever write off 47 percent?”

Hopefully the GOP's introspection will continue and it will save itself from further decay by listening to new leaders like these. America needs two strong, credible parties, and the GOP needs strong leaders who aren't willing to give in to the absolutist crazies any more.

Romney was right on "self deportation". Any sane person could understand that. Susan has a little racism in her I'm afraid.
There's nothing seriously wrong with "the party" that a few adjustments won't correct. The candidate was the problem and those at the top who push RINOs on the voters.
Bobby Jindal is probably the only Catholic in the US who believes in "magical creation" over "science and evolution".

Martinez had a highly publicized spat with her gay hair dresser after she came out against the gays. He refused to do her hair, even though campaign staffers visited him multiple times. Finally, when she went to a public event, her hair looked nasty which made her look even more like a fool.
Will the GOP's rising stars save the party?

First, the Republican Party is in no danger of going away anytime soon

Secondly, the party is way bigger than its leadership.

How many people voted for MItt, again? Something like 49,000,000 or so wasn't it?

The GOP isn't going anywhere.

There's nothing seriously wrong with "the party" that a few adjustments won't correct. The candidate was the problem and those at the top who push RINOs on the voters.

What would you say to people like Jindal and Martinez? And do you think they've hurt their futures within the party now?


Romney should have faded into history. Write a book and bitch. All he proved was that his mouth gets him in trouble just like the 47% remark. He did however speak the truth as to how Obama won, not that his supporters will ever see it that way.

I didn't hear all of Jindal remarks but I'm sure that he bought into all the nonsense being propagated as to what the Party needs to do.

Simply put they need to get back to their Conservatives roots and stop running RINOs. The nation is by no means as Liberal as those think the election indicated.

They also need to come up with a fair comprehensive plan on immigration. The Hispanic voters have more in common with the Republican party as far as family values, hard work, religion, etc.

One Latino attorney who called into a talk show stated it clearly.

She said that those that come here, come from a country that no matter how poor they were and what little they had, they still received it from the government. So hence they have ingrained in them that what they get by default comes at the government's good will.

They hear a guy like Obama promise pie in the sky and they fall for it. But when you look at history, they have more in common with those that emigrated here during the start of the last century than the "moocher generation" that we sadly raised and propagated and who post here.
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Personality isn't their problem. Their problem is their platform. And since there are enough nutters who are fine with the platform, the party is troubled.
The haters are being forced out.

The Republicans are returning to reality.
It is refreshing to see Republican leadership stand up to the lunatic fringe.

Not since John McCain slapped around the Obama is Arab lady have top republicans stood up and said....stop saying stupid shit!

Get as far away from the birthers as you can
Tell the abortion/rape crowd to keep it to themselves
Avoid appearances with Rush Limbaugh
Stop attacking hispanics and the working poor

If the new Republicans can hold their ground, there may be hope in 2016
There's nothing seriously wrong with "the party" that a few adjustments won't correct. The candidate was the problem and those at the top who push RINOs on the voters.

The problem is exactly the opposite. The vast majority of voters prefer the "RINOs". Certainly, there are concentrations of folks who will vote for the pure ideologues the party has been pandering to over the last decade or so. However, on a national stage that just does not play. Which is why Bush the Younger never even tried to push the kind of social agenda the party has been talking about and why none of the forerunners in that particular fight won a single senate seat and lost ground in the House.

The percentage of voters who do want those kind of folks continues to shrink. Once the party gets back to the notion of personal liberty and responsibility (which they are certainly not in favor of now) then they will stand a chance. Hopefully the party leadership will get its collective head out of their behinds and stop worrying about satisfying people who would never vote for their opponent under any conditions and start worrying about the people who actually make a difference in the elections.
There's nothing seriously wrong with "the party" that a few adjustments won't correct. The candidate was the problem and those at the top who push RINOs on the voters.

The problem is exactly the opposite. The vast majority of voters prefer the "RINOs". Certainly, there are concentrations of folks who will vote for the pure ideologues the party has been pandering to over the last decade or so. However, on a national stage that just does not play. Which is why Bush the Younger never even tried to push the kind of social agenda the party has been talking about and why none of the forerunners in that particular fight won a single senate seat and lost ground in the House.

The percentage of voters who do want those kind of folks continues to shrink. Once the party gets back to the notion of personal liberty and responsibility (which they are certainly not in favor of now) then they will stand a chance. Hopefully the party leadership will get its collective head out of their behinds and stop worrying about satisfying people who would never vote for their opponent under any conditions and start worrying about the people who actually make a difference in the elections.

Yup! it certainly was the opposite, I recall the two RINOs.... President McCain and President Romney saying that after they were elected.
There's nothing seriously wrong with "the party" that a few adjustments won't correct. The candidate was the problem and those at the top who push RINOs on the voters.

The problem is exactly the opposite. The vast majority of voters prefer the "RINOs". Certainly, there are concentrations of folks who will vote for the pure ideologues the party has been pandering to over the last decade or so. However, on a national stage that just does not play. Which is why Bush the Younger never even tried to push the kind of social agenda the party has been talking about and why none of the forerunners in that particular fight won a single senate seat and lost ground in the House.

The percentage of voters who do want those kind of folks continues to shrink. Once the party gets back to the notion of personal liberty and responsibility (which they are certainly not in favor of now) then they will stand a chance. Hopefully the party leadership will get its collective head out of their behinds and stop worrying about satisfying people who would never vote for their opponent under any conditions and start worrying about the people who actually make a difference in the elections.

Yup! it certainly was the opposite, I recall the two RINOs.... President McCain and President Romney saying that after they were elected.

I don't recall any radical conservatives even making it out of the GOP primary. How has that worked out for you?
The problem is exactly the opposite. The vast majority of voters prefer the "RINOs". Certainly, there are concentrations of folks who will vote for the pure ideologues the party has been pandering to over the last decade or so. However, on a national stage that just does not play. Which is why Bush the Younger never even tried to push the kind of social agenda the party has been talking about and why none of the forerunners in that particular fight won a single senate seat and lost ground in the House.

The percentage of voters who do want those kind of folks continues to shrink. Once the party gets back to the notion of personal liberty and responsibility (which they are certainly not in favor of now) then they will stand a chance. Hopefully the party leadership will get its collective head out of their behinds and stop worrying about satisfying people who would never vote for their opponent under any conditions and start worrying about the people who actually make a difference in the elections.

Yup! it certainly was the opposite, I recall the two RINOs.... President McCain and President Romney saying that after they were elected.

I don't recall any radical conservatives even making it out of the GOP primary. How has that worked out for you?

And there lies the problem. When your view of what a Republican is becomes so far out of whack from rationality, actual conservatives become liberals. Once the party comes back to the real world, perhaps we can finally understand that the real RINOs are the extremists. Until then, it will just become more and more marginalized and less and less relevant.
Unless the republican party finds a way to out promise the democrats, they are done for all time. They should have promised amnesty to the hispanics, more free stuff and fewer criminal penalties to the blacks, and increased welfare for all. Free college tuition to everyone. Children have the right to support from their parents up to age 55. The right to a comfortable living whether a person works or not.

Unless republicans are prepared to up the ante, they won't win anymore elections.
katz can stop his hate or katz can continue to be irrelevant.
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Only if they can give more handouts to minorities, women, homosexuals, illegals and obese eskimo paraplegic civil servants...............

Identity politics and affirmative action..............The higher the pay offs, the larger the vote

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