Will Mueller find any evidence that the Trump-Russia connection is worthy of indictment?

Will Mueller find any evidence that the Trump-Russia connection is worthy of indictment?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 63.6%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Just came across these two wiki pages and read them. They are long reads, but worth the time to understand the items that Mueller is investigating. Really looking forward to Mueller's report since there is a lot of smoke to investigate, i.e. Russian offers to Trump, but no clear evidence that Trump "conspired". Russia seemed more interested in promoting violence between various factions across the US than helping Trump win by releasing Hillary's emails for example. Remember, Trump had no chance of winning, Hillary had the election won by a landslide, according to all the polls, so Putin needed to keep her emails available to blackmail her when she won.

Timeline of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
He already has. Look at the list of indictments and guilty pleas.
I doubt if Mueller will find a smoking gun where Trump offered policy concessions for assistance in winning an election

I believe he will find illegal meetings with a foreign government that were not reported
Unreported financial dealings with foreign nations
Campaign finance violations
Obstruction of justice
Money laundering
Illicit business dealings
And many more
I dont care about Russia. Its more-so worrisome that you can do a cursory search on youtube and find dozens of times when Trump, in his own words, lies about what another video of Trump, in his own words, does or says.

He's the used car salesman guy from every cheesy 80s movie, and because of partisan allegiances, NO wrong doing could be admitted or copped to.

Politicians have always been sleazy gassbags - but this is level three thousand disgusting.

The middle east stuff is especially nauseating. When a guy or candidate on the left proposed we'd do X, theyd blurt out that hes a cut and run chicken shit creating a vacuum and blah blah.

Now, even against MILITARY recommendation - Trumps like we're outty. And they cheer because their principles were not "anti cut n run," and they werent "trust our military leadership," but instead....they were "umm whatever the republican leadership tells me."

Also of particular disgustingness was pretending they had a steadfast principle that "we dont negotiate with terrorists" when republicans fed them that line...

then when Trump does just that...

its "strong leadership" because republicans fed them THAT line.

The lack of spine these puppy dogs with daddy issues have....in needing even the most obviously disturbed, narcissistic liar as a leader.......is far more troublesome than Russia, or Mueller.

Remember.....usually the Military is angelic and cannot be disrespected.

Then Mueller, the Republican war hero....dares dig into the corruption of a corrupt guy.......cuz, yannow, he is a war hero, has a spine and some principles.....actually convictions regarding white collar crime of Trumps closest assets so lets still only call it a "hunch" and a deep state conspiracy cuz an orange liar told me so....

But now theyll smear even a reputable guy like Mueller.

Cuz daddy.

Thats disturbing.
I believe there will be multiple indictable offenses for Trump, his family and his staff
If it was there surely two years would have been enough time to find it.

Now Muellers investigation is little more than a purge of Trump supporters for various crimes these Hillary supporters can tag on some innocent.

It took Starr almost 6 years to find lying about a blow job...Mueller has a long way to go to match that timeline.
He already has. Look at the list of indictments and guilty pleas.

You mean the ones for process "crimes" that have nothing to with ole Donnie? Keep hoping.
Instead of swallowing trumps cock, i mean words verbatim..

why dont you do the most basic research and teach yourself what Manafort was ACTUALLY convicted of...then when you post the list of the crimes, i.e. reality.....point out which ones are mere process crimes that were caused by some entrapment conspiracy.

Because pulling your head out of lala land might be hard - let me help you:

The convictions by REPUBLICAN judges with AGREED UPON juries, cross examined by both defense AND prosecution..

werent some bed time story that partisans and CNN just made up to comfort themselves.

And uh. ...court, lawyers, prosecutions and defenses....dont fuckin work like your fantasy land preacher told you.

So, quit being the anti information type and become one of the ones that grows an actual spine...and when Washington corruption ACTUALLY .....PROVABLY rears its head...

be like Mueller and not like partisan retards...and have the fuckin balls to shut it down, EVEN if its a right winger.
He already has. Look at the list of indictments and guilty pleas.

You mean the ones for process "crimes" that have nothing to with ole Donnie? Keep hoping.

You don’t understand plea bargains do you?
You plead guilty to lesser charges in return for information in prosecuting more serious crimes

Guess who the target of the more serious crimes is?
I doubt if Mueller will find a smoking gun where Trump offered policy concessions for assistance in winning an election

I believe he will find illegal meetings with a foreign government that were not reported
Unreported financial dealings with foreign nations
Campaign finance violations
Obstruction of justice
Money laundering
Illicit business dealings
And many more

I can whittle down your list of potential crimes somewhat:
1. There is no evidence obstruction, so says Dershowitz
2. Campaign finance violations regarding hush money , so says Dershowitz Dershowitz: Candidate Entitled To Pay Hush Money, Committed No Election Crime

How about a link or two for the others? Especially the "many more"...that won't go away due to the statute of limitations if Trump wins in 2020.
He already has. Look at the list of indictments and guilty pleas.

You mean the ones for process "crimes" that have nothing to with ole Donnie? Keep hoping.
You don't think lying about a meeting with the Russian ambassador about sanction relief has anything to do with "Donnie"?
You don't think indicting Russians who hacked his opponents campaign manager has anything to do with "Donnie"?
You don't think that his lawyer admitting to and implicating "Donnie" for campaign finance violations has anything to do with "Donnie"?
You don't think his foundation being forced to shut down for not being a charitable foundation at all has anything to do with "Donnie"?
You don't think that being sued for profiting directly from his position has anything to do with "Donnie"
That's simply what Mueller and the DOJ has so far deemed worthy of prosecution.
Then we have things as meetings with Russians and PERSONALLY dictating the lie to deny it.
Demanding the AG directly interfere in the investigation live and on Twitter.
Saying he fired the FBI director because that investigation on camera.
Lying about business deals to build a tower in Moscow.
Not to mention a more general look at the financial dealings of a guy notorious for borrowing large amounts of money and going bankrupt.
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Just came across these two wiki pages and read them. They are long reads, but worth the time to understand the items that Mueller is investigating. Really looking forward to Mueller's report since there is a lot of smoke to investigate, i.e. Russian offers to Trump, but no clear evidence that Trump "conspired". Russia seemed more interested in promoting violence between various factions across the US than helping Trump win by releasing Hillary's emails for example. Remember, Trump had no chance of winning, Hillary had the election won by a landslide, according to all the polls, so Putin needed to keep her emails available to blackmail her when she won.

Timeline of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
Wait...you give a pass to Trump based on what is posted in wikipedia?

That's fucking flat out stupid
I believe there will be multiple indictable offenses for Trump, his family and his staff
I believe Trump is so crooked he will have to be buried with a corkscrew, but so far all we have is speculation on both sides. Sure there are signs, like those already indicted and those who have already plead guilty, but as yet there is no valid indictment against Trump for conspiracy to collude with his BFF Vlad. If we really want justice, we will have to wait until the investigation is concluded...and accept that conclusion either way. Much as it galls me, Donald Trump is an American with an American right to justice as much as anyone else. He isn't above the law, but he isn't beneath is either. I don't like his leadership (or lack thereof) but if he is charged, I want it to be absolutely true, not somebody's vengeful hope.
I doubt if Mueller will find a smoking gun where Trump offered policy concessions for assistance in winning an election

I believe he will find illegal meetings with a foreign government that were not reported
Unreported financial dealings with foreign nations
Campaign finance violations
Obstruction of justice
Money laundering
Illicit business dealings
And many more

I can whittle down your list of potential crimes somewhat:
1. There is no evidence obstruction, so says Dershowitz
2. Campaign finance violations regarding hush money , so says Dershowitz Dershowitz: Candidate Entitled To Pay Hush Money, Committed No Election Crime

How about a link or two for the others? Especially the "many more"...that won't go away due to the statute of limitations if Trump wins in 2020.

Dershowitz actually doesn't take one thing in consideration. In the precedents he gave NONE of the presidents simply admitted that the investigation that was being run was the reason they interfered.
Just came across these two wiki pages and read them. They are long reads, but worth the time to understand the items that Mueller is investigating. Really looking forward to Mueller's report since there is a lot of smoke to investigate, i.e. Russian offers to Trump, but no clear evidence that Trump "conspired". Russia seemed more interested in promoting violence between various factions across the US than helping Trump win by releasing Hillary's emails for example. Remember, Trump had no chance of winning, Hillary had the election won by a landslide, according to all the polls, so Putin needed to keep her emails available to blackmail her when she won.

Timeline of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
Wait...you give a pass to Trump based on what is posted in wikipedia?

That's fucking flat out stupid

Is it a "pass" or that the CIA and FBI who were monitoring the Trump campaign didn't see anything illegal during the campaign? Obama wanted the Trump campaign under surveillance, and even warned Trump not to hire Flynn, so unless Mueller dredges up old crimes, like for Manafort, I'm not assuming Trump is guilty of "conspiracy".
You have anything current on Trump?
Just came across these two wiki pages and read them. They are long reads, but worth the time to understand the items that Mueller is investigating. Really looking forward to Mueller's report since there is a lot of smoke to investigate, i.e. Russian offers to Trump, but no clear evidence that Trump "conspired". Russia seemed more interested in promoting violence between various factions across the US than helping Trump win by releasing Hillary's emails for example. Remember, Trump had no chance of winning, Hillary had the election won by a landslide, according to all the polls, so Putin needed to keep her emails available to blackmail her when she won.

Timeline of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
Wait...you give a pass to Trump based on what is posted in wikipedia?

That's fucking flat out stupid

Is it a "pass" or that the CIA and FBI who were monitoring the Trump campaign didn't see anything illegal during the campaign? Obama wanted the Trump campaign under surveillance, and even warned Trump not to hire Flynn, so unless Mueller dredges up old crimes, like for Manafort, I'm not assuming Trump is guilty of "conspiracy".
You have anything current on Trump?
Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations
Trump Foundation shuts down amid lawsuit alleging a "shocking pattern of illegality"
Admission that Trump dictated statement on Trump Tower meeting raises new questions
Subpoenas issued to Trump Organization in emoluments lawsuit | Reuters
So because you claim that the CIA and FBI didn't see it coming...we should ignore it?

"Obama wanted the Trump campaign under surveillance" realy ? Care to explain that nonsense? Because it has nothing whatsoever to do with Obama telling Trump not to hire Flynn because it was KNOWN that he was compromised...

And Mueller has already indicted and prosecuted numerous figures and there are more to come...none of which you nor wiki have the details of
He already has. Look at the list of indictments and guilty pleas.

You mean the ones for process "crimes" that have nothing to with ole Donnie? Keep hoping.
You don't think lying about a meeting with the Russian ambassador about sanction relief has anything to do with "Donnie"?
You don't think indicting Russians who hacked his opponents campaign manager has anything to do with "Donnie"?
You don't think that his lawyer admitting to and implicating "Donnie" for campaign finance violations has anything to do with "Donnie"?
You don't think his foundation being forced to shut down for not being a charitable foundation at all has anything to do with "Donnie"?
You don't think that being sued for profiting directly from his position has anything to do with "Donnie"
That's simply what Mueller and the DOJ has so far deemed worthy of prosecution.
Then we have things as meetings with Russians and PERSONALLY dictating the lie to deny it.
Demanding the AG directly interfere in the investigation live and on Twitter.
Saying he fired the FBI director because that investigation on camera.
Lying about business deals to build a tower in Moscow.
Not to mention a more general look at the financial dealings of a guy notorious for borrowing large amounts of money and going bankrupt.

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