Will MAGAFL Replace the NaziFagLibs?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Roflmao, the NFL has empowered a competition the likes of which they will lose.

Football fans admire tough patriots that will play a tough game, not a bunch of commie losers who are whining multimillionaires playing a kids game.

Leahy: MAGA Football League Coming to a Stadium Near You - Breitbart

Reports that Vince McMahon has sold $100 million of stock in WWE, the publicly traded company he has run since 1982, apparently for the purpose of relaunching the XFL, is welcome news indeed to football fans across the country who have abandoned the social justice warrior political operation formerly known as the National Football League.

The wrestling impresario will reportedly provide no details on his potential new venture until January 25, 2018 at the earliest. While it is not clear if he plans to compete directly with the NFL in the fall, such direct competition–offering a celebration of American exceptionalism through the sport of professional football–would be welcomed by those football fans and voters who chose to Make America Great Again by electing Donald Trump President of the United States in November 2016....

Here are eight keys to success for McMahon–or any potential rival seeking to take fans and advertisers away from the stumbling and out-of-touch NFL–to consider as they contemplate how to dethrone that fading sports institution:

  1. Compete directly with the NFL in the fall, not the spring.
  2. Focus on traditional rules and style of play, including mandatory standing by players for the national anthem.
  3. Build your brand around traditional American values. MAGAFL, for instance, fits that bill better than XFL.
  4. Recruit players people know, like, and will root for.
  5. Place franchises in cities with high populations of Trump supporters.
  6. Select network broadcast partners who are not part of the anti-Trump mainstream media.
  7. Find advertisers who support traditional American values, like Chick-Fil-A and Hobby Lobby.
  8. Hire announcers who focus on football and support traditional American values.

Hell, the MAGAFL will get millions of viewers just by signing Tebow to play QB.

Yeah, we all know how that'll work out. I remember when Trump himself was utterly destroyed by the NFL.

If Vince McMahon wants to throw his money away, he's welcome to do so.
Conservatives just hate people exercising their Constitutional rights to protest..Now who is the commie pinko fag?
The USFL could still be running if Trump didn't try to expand too much too soon. You gotta know when to hold and when to fold.
I think the key changes that make a challenge to the NFL plausible are:
1. The NFL does not have an ability to monopolize internet streaming like it did with broadcast and cable television.

2. The mood to allow the NFL to continue its monopoly status on professional football has evaporated with the flag protests.

3. The liberal meatheads that now control the NFL will never give up control and are determined to use it as a pulpit for their social activism until they bleed it bone dry of all sympathy from patriotic Americans.
The XFL worked out great the first time...

Yeah, because it didnt work in the past it cant work now.

That is some serious analysis you got going there, dude.

If you want to trust the same guy who failed abysmally to create a league to compete with the most popular sports league in America, that's up to you.

Maybe someone can create another football league that will be able to stay afloat in competition with the NFL, but I don't see any reason to expect McMahon to do it with his XFL after the total flub it was the first time around.

I think this person summed it up pretty well:
If anything, the empty seats at NFL games proves that a lot of fans can actually do without football. To me, that’s reason enough not to even consider starting a new league. If those fans can give up “real” football so easily, they’re certainly not going to care about NFL Light.
Am I the only one? Vince McMahon's XFL folly; Sibling McMahons heading opposite directions

Someone may create a league to compete with the NFL, but I don't think it will be Vince McMahon and I don't think it will be right now. Despite the people who have stopped watching over the protests, the NFL still has plenty of viewers, and it is the league where the top talent goes. Trying to make a significant dent in that (in any of the 4 major American sports) would be very difficult.
Conservatives just hate people exercising their Constitutional rights to protest..Now who is the commie pinko fag?
libs are the ones who hate America and LOVE criminals...they protest FOR criminals--criminals that attack police, are dangerous, screw over the community---what morons
Conservatives just hate people exercising their Constitutional rights to protest..Now who is the commie pinko fag?
libs are the ones who hate America and LOVE criminals...they protest FOR criminals--criminals that attack police, are dangerous, screw over the community---what morons
I know just like the conservatives...
really--? show me ''right'' protests for criminals like:
put up or shut up
Conservatives just hate people exercising their Constitutional rights to protest..Now who is the commie pinko fag?
libs are the ones who hate America and LOVE criminals...they protest FOR criminals--criminals that attack police, are dangerous, screw over the community---what morons
I know just like the conservatives...
really--? show me ''right'' protests for criminals like:
put up or shut up
Did they take a knee cupcake?
Conservatives just hate people exercising their Constitutional rights to protest..Now who is the commie pinko fag?
libs are the ones who hate America and LOVE criminals...they protest FOR criminals--criminals that attack police, are dangerous, screw over the community---what morons
I know just like the conservatives...
really--? show me ''right'' protests for criminals like:
put up or shut up
Did they take a knee cupcake?
what the F are you talking about?
please show the whites/cons/etc protests for criminals like the protests for the criminals mentioned above
put up or shut up
LoL!! Do you know how badly similar efforts have failed? But hey, waste your money Vince. You can sign Brock Lesnar at quarterback and The Shield as your offensive line. Now that Brock is protected go long to wide receivers The Miz or Jinder Mahol. On defense Braun Strowman will be a good start with AJ Styles at nose tackle and Apollo Crews in the linebacker slot. John Cena will round things out along with Big Show in the defensive end positions.

Then you'll need to bring Lou Albano and Bobby Heenan out of retirement as managers. Oh wait, they're both dead. How about Miss Elizabeth? - meh, died in 2003 of acute alcohol and opioid poisoning. Mr Fuji? - meh, died last year. Paul Bearer the Mortician - dang .. one of the greats but also pushing daisies. Rats, they're all dead and I'm not familiar with the current WWE managers and Valets. You're on your own there Vince - Maybe your lovely wife Linda and Donald Trump after he gets impeached?

But Vince, in order to make things interesting for the fans you're likely to attract, you'll need heels who refuse to stand for the national anthem. This is where Kevin Owens and Neville come in along with Trump to pound the holy fuk outta 'em! :D


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