Chiefs' Kicker Butker Slams Abortion, LBGT, and Biden's fake Catholicism in Commencement Address

Is it possible that your reaction would be different if you agreed with his ideology?
Nope. In 1987, I was a dyed in the wool Republican, registered to vote in the 88 election, and I did end up voting for Bush Sr.
I thought his campaign stumping during something that was supposed to be about me and the students didn't belong there. I was pissed.

Sorry, I'm consistent on this one. Leave your political and religious beliefs at the door if you are asked to give one of these speeches. Left or Right.
It isn't about you.
Harrison Butker is a devout Catholic who practices his faith, unlike fake Catholic Joe Biden who claims to be devout, but actively wages war against the Church's most central teaching about the value of human life. Butker is 28, married, and has two kids. He's the antithesis of immature teammate and party boy Travis Kelce who showed up falling-down drunk at the team's Super Bowl parade.

Leftwingers are slamming Butker, calling for him to be cut from the Chiefs for his comments. He's being called bigoted and uneducated (which falls flat given his Engineering degree from Georgia Tech). His stay-at-home wife is called a weak stepford-wife victim, which also fails, as she has degrees in Computer Science and Spanish.

It remains to be seen if the ultra-PC NFL will sanction Butker. Recall Jack Del Rio, defensive coordinator of the Redskins was fined $100,000 and forced to apologize for calling January 6 and dust-up and asking why nothing was done about the violent Antifa riots that killed 25 people in 2020. I have a feeling Butker would forfeit his $4 million annual salary to stand up for his principles.

As a Raiders fan, I have always hated the Chiefs and wanted Butker to miss every kick. But the fact is he is one of the very best kickers, and is a truly great human being and role model. The good he is doing is enormous.

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker delivered a controversial commencement speech during Benedictine College's graduation ceremony that has sparked backlash on social media.

The 28-year-old's address at the May 11 ceremony decried various "diabolical lies told to women" about topics including abortion, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and surrogacy, as well as President Joe Biden.
That guy is a Gaga-Chad.


Nope, you are a nobody. :) Butker gets the same level of treatment as Kapernick.
Butker is getting attacked for his personal religious beliefs from a private Catholic event in the off season.

Kapernick was already a failed QB who flunked out of the NFL and decided to become a race grifter during the games to make himself relevant. Kapernick was mocked for his idiotic political beliefs.
So of course anti freedom of speech libs want him fired from the NFL and want Kansas City to hire a female kicker...
So of course anti freedom of speech libs want him fired from the NFL and want Kansas City to hire a female kicker...
What's anti freedom of speech about that you brittle little bitch? It's freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences. :itsok:
What's anti freedom of speech about that you brittle little bitch? It's freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences. :itsok:
When you call for someone to never be able to earn a living in his chosen field because you don't like what he is saying... that is anti freedom of speech... just ask your civics teacher...
When you call for someone to never be able to earn a living in his chosen field because you don't like what he is saying... that is anti freedom of speech... just ask your civics teacher...
The school I attended sure wasn't whatever backwater, redneck, trailer park home school where you learned that brittle white shit from. :laugh:

Your freedom of speech protects you from being arrested by the government when you say things they don't like. You facing social and economic consequences for being a deplorable fucking mutant is just everyone else around you exercising their freedom, Snowflake little bitch. :laugh: :itsok:
The school I attended sure wasn't whatever backwater, redneck, trailer park home school where you learned that brittle white shit from. :laugh:

Your freedom of speech protects you from being arrested by the government when you say things they don't like. You facing social and economic consequences for being a deplorable fucking mutant is just everyone else around you exercising their freedom, Snowflake little bitch. :laugh: :itsok:
What are you trying to do by threatening someone's career for their words in a speech?.... you are trying to silence him... why not debate him instead?... you are anti freedom of speech... and you are not a good American...
What are you trying to do by threatening someone's career for their words in a speech?.... you are trying to silence him... why not debate him instead?... you are anti freedom of speech... and you are not a good American...
We've already established it isn't anti freedom of speech for me to use my speech to advocate for your public shaming and ridicule. How about you make an educated point you fucking retard?:dunno:
We've already established it isn't anti freedom of speech for me to use my speech to advocate for your public shaming and ridicule. How about you make an educated point you fucking retard?:dunno:
When you threaten someone in an attempt to silence them you are by definition anti speech... Nazi's didn't know they were evil either... so another thing you have in common with them....
When you threaten someone in an attempt to silence them you are by definition anti speech...
Depends on what you're threatening them with. If I'm threatening to point and laugh at you and call you a bigot and try and get you fired well that's just me using my freedom of speech you pussy.
Nazi's didn't know they were evil either... so another thing you have in common with them....
Oooo....dumb Bingo who doesn't even know what the first amendment protects is now invoking evil demons..... why am I not surprised? :dunno: :laugh:
Depends on what you're threatening them with. If I'm threatening to point and laugh at you and call you a bigot and try and get you fired well that's just me using my freedom of speech you pussy.
Sure its your freedom of speech but you are still anti free speech for others who may disagree with you... its because of people like you that we had to adopt our first amendment.... our founders knew scoundrel's like you would pop up from time to time....
Sure its your freedom of speech but you are still anti free speech for others who may disagree with you... its because of people like you that we had to adopt our first amendment.... our founders knew scoundrel's like you would pop up from time to time....
Your Founders were slavers you fucking moron. They repressed more than just speech from other people. Damn you're one dumb mother fucker. :lmao:
Your Founders were slavers you fucking moron. They repressed more than just speech from other people. Damn you're one dumb mother fucker. :lmao:
They are the nations founders... you may not like that truth but that's too damn bad snowflake... its the way it is so deal with it or move to China bitch....

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