Will Killers or Gang Bangers follow gun control laws?

Will gun control laws keep criminals from obtaining guns?

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You mean, taken from their cold dead hands? Like all those pro gun patriots say? All of this is exactly why we need gun bans, and the total repeal of the 2nd amendment. We would be better off as a society.
/——-/ Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. According to Wittes, the words appear in a letter widely presumed to be written by Franklin in 1755 on behalf of the Pennsylvania Assembly to the colonial governor.
You lost me. Right now, we have mass slaughter caused by the 2nd amendment and human nature and is that not going away. Essential liberty is an abstraction. Meaningless.
/----/ And you lost me with "mass slaughter caused by the 2nd amendment " Where does it say in the 2nd Amendment to take up arms to slaughter innocent unarmed teenagers? Where? And if t you think LIberty is a distraction, go live in North Korea where you'd fit right in.
I know, Muslim terrorists use bombs, knives and all kinds of weapons which is why we should focus on the ideology itself, because that is the ACTUAL dangerous thing. The knives, bombs and guns are useless without a PERSON with an AGENDA to operate them.

Hmm... or we could try the incredibly sensible thing of NOT TRAVELING TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET TO GET INTO THEIR BUSINESS.

You know, that would work, too.

If find it amusing that you think you gots to have you some guns to defend yourself, but when we travel to the other side of the planet, invade a country over a lie, and the people there start shooting at us because we didn't have the common sense to collect all the weapons that were left lying around, your immediate response is, "It must be their religion!!!"

The Muslim religion kills MANY more people on a worldwide basis than your lone wolf occasional crazy gunman. They are well funded sometimes and have connections in high places too. VERY dangerous for our country. Much more dangerous than a crazy teenager with a gun.

No, what's dangerous is our dumb policies of supporting Israel and getting involved in their fights. If a foreign power invaded America, you'd do the EXACT SAME STUFF they are doing.

But statistically, you are more likely to be shot by a crazy teenager with a gun than a crazy Muslim with a gun. But I'm a fair guy. I don't think either should be able to get a gun.

That was easy.
. You are either an anti-American while being an American (how ever that idiocy occurs) or you are a foreigner who has absolutely no right to spew your anti-American propaganda upon these message boards. The FBI should be breathing down your neck big time. It's time they start doing their job in this country. I mean it's all right upon these boards or platforms for them to read, yet they sit there allowing it to go on until AMERICANS get dead. It's disgusting is what it is.
At least you’re consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

To advocate for firearm regulatory measures that comport with Second Amendment jurisprudence is not to be ‘anti-American,’ the notion is a ridiculous lie.

And this is typical of most on the reprehensible right: when a conservative is losing the argument, when he’s on the wrong side of an issue, he attempts to impugn his opponents’ patriotism, or otherwise attacks his opponent, as we’ve seen many conservatives attack Parkland shooting survivors.
How do we know your not a foreign agent operating to try and disarm a country by spewing your constant bullcrap here or elsewhere for that matter upon the social media networks upon the web ???? Let me make this clear to you or anyone else whom operates like you - We won't give up our guns, and the only way we will is if they are taken from us after we are dead.

I don't have a problem with that.

The use of human carnage carried out by mentally deranged individuals isn't going to be used by Demon-crats to try and dis-arm the citizens, because it won't work. Now if the Demon-crats & republican's come up with a plan to surgically remove the gun's from the bad guy's in this country, then we are all for that, and as far as the mentally ill go, well they will be looked at for signs of their conditions, identified, and hopefully appropriate treatment will be given in each case as is needed.

But here's the problem with that. Every mass shooter was able to pass a background check. Usually they had no criminal record and their mental health history wasn't readily available.

Let's take James Holmes as an example. He was able to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round drum magazine, and it didn't raise any red flags. But if someone had talked to his school, where they were in the process of discharging him mental instability, they would have known he was nuts. The guy thought he was the Joker from the Batman comics.

Of course, once you do meaningful background checks, gun ownership isn't a "right" anymore, it becomes a privilege. A privilege that will be more and more restricted as guys slip through the cracks.

More to the point, the gun industry is based on selling to the least stable people, people who probably couldn't pass a check if people talked to their coworkers and neighbors.
Come get'em tough guy.
I know, Muslim terrorists use bombs, knives and all kinds of weapons which is why we should focus on the ideology itself, because that is the ACTUAL dangerous thing. The knives, bombs and guns are useless without a PERSON with an AGENDA to operate them.

Hmm... or we could try the incredibly sensible thing of NOT TRAVELING TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET TO GET INTO THEIR BUSINESS.

You know, that would work, too.

If find it amusing that you think you gots to have you some guns to defend yourself, but when we travel to the other side of the planet, invade a country over a lie, and the people there start shooting at us because we didn't have the common sense to collect all the weapons that were left lying around, your immediate response is, "It must be their religion!!!"

The Muslim religion kills MANY more people on a worldwide basis than your lone wolf occasional crazy gunman. They are well funded sometimes and have connections in high places too. VERY dangerous for our country. Much more dangerous than a crazy teenager with a gun.

No, what's dangerous is our dumb policies of supporting Israel and getting involved in their fights. If a foreign power invaded America, you'd do the EXACT SAME STUFF they are doing.

But statistically, you are more likely to be shot by a crazy teenager with a gun than a crazy Muslim with a gun. But I'm a fair guy. I don't think either should be able to get a gun.

That was easy.
. You are either an anti-American while being an American (how ever that idiocy occurs) or you are a foreigner who has absolutely no right to spew your anti-American propaganda upon these message boards. The FBI should be breathing down your neck big time. It's time they start doing their job in this country. I mean it's all right upon these boards or platforms for them to read, yet they sit there allowing it to go on until AMERICANS get dead. It's disgusting is what it is.
At least you’re consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

To advocate for firearm regulatory measures that comport with Second Amendment jurisprudence is not to be ‘anti-American,’ the notion is a ridiculous lie.

And this is typical of most on the reprehensible right: when a conservative is losing the argument, when he’s on the wrong side of an issue, he attempts to impugn his opponents’ patriotism, or otherwise attacks his opponent, as we’ve seen many conservatives attack Parkland shooting survivors.
.Anyone and I mean anyone spewing ignorance, then that ignorance will be countered. If kids want to enter the adult world, then they will be treated as adults. The demon-crats using them as human shields upon an issue is reprehensible for sure.
At least these companies boycotting the NRA realize its the 18 yr olds they will be doing business with in the future and not the paranoid zombie NRA followers.
How do we know your not a foreign agent operating to try and disarm a country by spewing your constant bullcrap here or elsewhere for that matter upon the social media networks upon the web ???? Let me make this clear to you or anyone else whom operates like you - We won't give up our guns, and the only way we will is if they are taken from us after we are dead.

I don't have a problem with that.

The use of human carnage carried out by mentally deranged individuals isn't going to be used by Demon-crats to try and dis-arm the citizens, because it won't work. Now if the Demon-crats & republican's come up with a plan to surgically remove the gun's from the bad guy's in this country, then we are all for that, and as far as the mentally ill go, well they will be looked at for signs of their conditions, identified, and hopefully appropriate treatment will be given in each case as is needed.

But here's the problem with that. Every mass shooter was able to pass a background check. Usually they had no criminal record and their mental health history wasn't readily available.

Let's take James Holmes as an example. He was able to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round drum magazine, and it didn't raise any red flags. But if someone had talked to his school, where they were in the process of discharging him mental instability, they would have known he was nuts. The guy thought he was the Joker from the Batman comics.

Of course, once you do meaningful background checks, gun ownership isn't a "right" anymore, it becomes a privilege. A privilege that will be more and more restricted as guys slip through the cracks.

More to the point, the gun industry is based on selling to the least stable people, people who probably couldn't pass a check if people talked to their coworkers and neighbors.
Come get'em tough guy.
Tough guys don`t need guns.
Criminals don't care about the law, they only care about not getting caught for breaking it.

The question I'd like to ask is, can Congress create law that infringe our right?

The answer is - NO.

There are no rights. There are only privileges society thinks you should have. Any fool who thinks he has "Rights' needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942"

The real question is, will the 78% of us who don't own guns and have no use for them get sick and tired of the 3% who are stockpiling guns like the Zombies are coming? (Somewhere in between there are 18% who own maybe one gun, and aren't fanatics about it. They don't want their kids going to school with Nikolas Cruz, either.)

If they don't like guns, fine... two thirds of both houses of Congress, propose the amendment, have it ratified by three fourths of the States and amend the Constitution. Stop treating Constitution like shit by going around it.

Again, WE DON'T NEED TO DO THAT. "Well Regulated Militia". That means the government can determine who can buy a gun, what kind of gun he can own, and if he has a real need for it.

The bizarre interpretation that gun ownership was a "right" is a relatively new one.
.How do we know your not a foreign agent operating to try and disarm a country by spewing your constant bullcrap here or elsewhere for that matter upon the social media networks upon the web ???? Let me make this clear to you or anyone else whom operates like you - We won't give up our guns, and the only way we will is if they are taken from us after we are dead.

The use of human carnage carried out by mentally deranged individuals isn't going to be used by Demon-crats to try and dis-arm the citizens, because it won't work. Now if the Demon-crats & republican's come up with a plan to surgically remove the gun's from the bad guy's in this country, then we are all for that, and as far as the mentally ill go, well they will be looked at for signs of their conditions, identified, and hopefully appropriate treatment will be given in each case as is needed.
This is a truly ignorant and idiotic post.

No one is trying to ‘disarm’ the country – this is yet another ridiculous rightwing lie.

It is one more BIG LIE repeated over and over by the echo chamber. It seems members of that chamber will not or can not think for themselves. The only other conclusions one can logically make is they are damn liars or fools.
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How do we know your not a foreign agent operating to try and disarm a country by spewing your constant bullcrap here or elsewhere for that matter upon the social media networks upon the web ???? Let me make this clear to you or anyone else whom operates like you - We won't give up our guns, and the only way we will is if they are taken from us after we are dead.

I don't have a problem with that.

The use of human carnage carried out by mentally deranged individuals isn't going to be used by Demon-crats to try and dis-arm the citizens, because it won't work. Now if the Demon-crats & republican's come up with a plan to surgically remove the gun's from the bad guy's in this country, then we are all for that, and as far as the mentally ill go, well they will be looked at for signs of their conditions, identified, and hopefully appropriate treatment will be given in each case as is needed.

But here's the problem with that. Every mass shooter was able to pass a background check. Usually they had no criminal record and their mental health history wasn't readily available.

Let's take James Holmes as an example. He was able to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round drum magazine, and it didn't raise any red flags. But if someone had talked to his school, where they were in the process of discharging him mental instability, they would have known he was nuts. The guy thought he was the Joker from the Batman comics.

Of course, once you do meaningful background checks, gun ownership isn't a "right" anymore, it becomes a privilege. A privilege that will be more and more restricted as guys slip through the cracks.

More to the point, the gun industry is based on selling to the least stable people, people who probably couldn't pass a check if people talked to their coworkers and neighbors.

Come get'em tough guy.

Tough guys don`t need guns.

Especially when they go to Safeway, Piggly Wiggly or Winn-Dixie, their mail box or while sitting in their home playing tough guy. It must suck to be paranoid all the time.
Women are the fastest growing demographic of gun owners, hunters and sports shooters. :)

The NRA: Representing More Than the Second Amendment - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens

If you’ve been to any of the National Rifle Association’s annual meetings, you’ll understand what I mean when I say the gathering is a true representation of what makes America exceptional.

This year, the NRA held its annual meetings and convention in Houston and was attended by more than 85,000 people. Last year it was held in St. Louis and the year before in Pittsburgh. Over the past few months, the NRA has seen their membership balloon and just last Friday, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre announced the organization has reached 5 million members.

The common thing that brings all of these people together is obviously a celebration of the Second Amendment and the guaranteed right embedded in our Constitution for the people to keep and bear arms without infringement, but there are many other common American values and themes found at the convention that are often overlooked.


Each year no matter the venue, the NRA convention center floor is an amazing example of capitalism as hundreds of companies show and sell thousands of different products. Major companies from Midway USA to Remington to Ruger are there in addition to smaller start ups who have been able to find a comfortable home in the firearms industry. The NRA advertises the convention as “acres and acres of gear,” something that isn’t possible without embracing the ideas of competition, the free market, choice and entrepreneurship.

Free Speech:

The NRA annual meetings aren’t just about looking at all the new gear available on the convention floor. There are many seminars and speeches where people with both big and small voices can be heard. Only in America can you have speakers standing in front of a crowd of thousands to directly call out the President of the United States by name without persecution or punishment. Only in America do you see thousands of people peacefully standing up and saying ‘no’ to an infringement on their rights.


The National Rifle Association is the oldest civil rights organization in the United States and serves as one of the most important in the world. After all, without the Second Amendment, there is no First. Founded in 1871, the NRA has always promoted equality of rights for everyone.

Following the firebombing of his house in 1956, Dr. Martin Luther King, who was, among other things, a Christian minister, applied for a gun permit, but the Alabama authorities found him unsuitable. A decade later, he won a Nobel Peace Prize.

How’s that “may issue” gun permit policy working for you?
The NRA opposed these discretionary gun permit laws and proceeded to grant NRA charters to blacks who sought to defend themselves from Klan violence — including the great civil rights hero Robert F. Williams.

A World War II Marine veteran, Williams returned home to Monroe, N.C., to find the Klan riding high — beating, lynching and murdering blacks at will. No one would join the NAACP for fear of Klan reprisals. Williams became president of the local chapter and increased membership from six to more than 200.

But it was not until he got a charter from the NRA in 1957 and founded the Black Armed Guard that the Klan got their comeuppance in Monroe.

Williams’ repeated thwarting of violent Klan attacks is described in his stirring book, “Negroes With Guns.” In one crucial battle, the Klan sieged the home of a black physician and his wife, but Williams and his Black Armed Guard stood sentry and repelled the larger, cowardly force. And that was the end of it.

As the Klan found out, it’s not so much fun when the rabbit’s got the gun.

The NRA’s proud history of fighting the Klan has been airbrushed out of the record by those who were complicit with the KKK, Jim Crow and racial terror, to wit: the Democrats.

Women are the fastest growing demographic in the country and this fact was clearly embraced at this year’s convention. The NRA has launched an entire media organization dedicated to women with role models like Second Amendment advocate Natalie Foster and shooting champion Julie Golob leading the way. There is nothing more empowering as a woman than to be able to understand how to protect yourself.

As the old saying goes, “God made man and God made woman. Sam Colt made them equal.”

Q. Are you 2aguy posting in women's clothing? [if not, the number of obsessive compulsive supporters of the NRA have joined Trump&Co]

An answer to my question will be appreciated. Be honest and out your comrades (BTW, how is the weather in Moscow today?)
Q. Are "gang banger's" dressed in camouflage, who claim to be members of the Militia?

Q. Have members of the Militia taken the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the U.S. of A.? Or, is the Milita limited to the Nation Guard and the Navy Reserve?
How do we know your not a foreign agent operating to try and disarm a country by spewing your constant bullcrap here or elsewhere for that matter upon the social media networks upon the web ???? Let me make this clear to you or anyone else whom operates like you - We won't give up our guns, and the only way we will is if they are taken from us after we are dead.

I don't have a problem with that.

The use of human carnage carried out by mentally deranged individuals isn't going to be used by Demon-crats to try and dis-arm the citizens, because it won't work. Now if the Demon-crats & republican's come up with a plan to surgically remove the gun's from the bad guy's in this country, then we are all for that, and as far as the mentally ill go, well they will be looked at for signs of their conditions, identified, and hopefully appropriate treatment will be given in each case as is needed.

But here's the problem with that. Every mass shooter was able to pass a background check. Usually they had no criminal record and their mental health history wasn't readily available.

Let's take James Holmes as an example. He was able to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round drum magazine, and it didn't raise any red flags. But if someone had talked to his school, where they were in the process of discharging him mental instability, they would have known he was nuts. The guy thought he was the Joker from the Batman comics.

Of course, once you do meaningful background checks, gun ownership isn't a "right" anymore, it becomes a privilege. A privilege that will be more and more restricted as guys slip through the cracks.

More to the point, the gun industry is based on selling to the least stable people, people who probably couldn't pass a check if people talked to their coworkers and neighbors.
Come get'em tough guy.
Tough guys don`t need guns.
You are right, but I got guns because I like guns not because they make me tougher moron. I did end up in a knife fight one time without one (a gun), but I garantee you that that never happened again.
Q. Are "gang banger's" dressed in camouflage, who claim to be members of the Militia?

Q. Have members of the Militia taken the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the U.S. of A.? Or, is the Milita limited to the Nation Guard and the Navy Reserve?
Well with 300 million guns in circulation since forever and a day in this country now, it's just hilarious that you are asking such dumb questions. Not a gun problem, but a societal breakdown is what we have now. Now the tough job is talking all the groups into not fearing each other. Then see who will lay down their guns first. Good luck.
How do we know your not a foreign agent operating to try and disarm a country by spewing your constant bullcrap here or elsewhere for that matter upon the social media networks upon the web ???? Let me make this clear to you or anyone else whom operates like you - We won't give up our guns, and the only way we will is if they are taken from us after we are dead.

I don't have a problem with that.

The use of human carnage carried out by mentally deranged individuals isn't going to be used by Demon-crats to try and dis-arm the citizens, because it won't work. Now if the Demon-crats & republican's come up with a plan to surgically remove the gun's from the bad guy's in this country, then we are all for that, and as far as the mentally ill go, well they will be looked at for signs of their conditions, identified, and hopefully appropriate treatment will be given in each case as is needed.

But here's the problem with that. Every mass shooter was able to pass a background check. Usually they had no criminal record and their mental health history wasn't readily available.

Let's take James Holmes as an example. He was able to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round drum magazine, and it didn't raise any red flags. But if someone had talked to his school, where they were in the process of discharging him mental instability, they would have known he was nuts. The guy thought he was the Joker from the Batman comics.

Of course, once you do meaningful background checks, gun ownership isn't a "right" anymore, it becomes a privilege. A privilege that will be more and more restricted as guys slip through the cracks.

More to the point, the gun industry is based on selling to the least stable people, people who probably couldn't pass a check if people talked to their coworkers and neighbors.

Come get'em tough guy.

Tough guys don`t need guns.

Especially when they go to Safeway, Piggly Wiggly or Winn-Dixie, their mail box or while sitting in their home playing tough guy. It must suck to be paranoid all the time.
.You see yourself as coming to the rescue of your homies ? You worried they can't debate their way out of the situations they get themselves into ?? Look if you sling tough guy talk, then get ready to get it back.. Joe said he wish me dead, yet you come running to his rescue. Pathetic.
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Conservatives never have followed the law.
. You tell those lies with a straight face do ya ?
Just as you and others on the right propagate your lies with a straight face, such as the lie that advocating for Constitutional firearm regulatory measures is being ‘anti-American,’ or the lie that some seek to ‘disarm the country.’

Indeed, given your propensity for lying, you’re in no position to admonish others who do the same.
Conservatives never have followed the law.
. You tell those lies with a straight face do ya ?
Just as you and others on the right propagate your lies with a straight face, such as the lie that advocating for Constitutional firearm regulatory measures is being ‘anti-American,’ or the lie that some seek to ‘disarm the country.’

Indeed, given your propensity for lying, you’re in no position to admonish others who do the same.
. I like the way you package it all into some kind of neat little pile of bullcrap while ignoring all the rehtoric that has been spewed in which proves the left wants more than what you say. You must think people are stupid or either you are just stupid.
I already answered that stupid question in Murky's poll. And NO - that is NOT already a law. In around half the states, a convicted felon can go online or to a show and buy a gun from an unlicensed dealer with no BG check.

Time to stroke another check to cover Wayne's 4 million dollar bonus - GO! :)

NOT legally they can't. It is against the law for a felon to own a weapon already. Yet, they still do! Go figure!
Sure because the market is flooded with guns. There’s zero regulations. It’s almost as if the system is designed so that flooding the markets..... of course they are gun manufacurers. Any company wants to sell more not less.

It should be a big deal when you buy sell or lose a gun. Somethings wrong and the nra doesn’t want to fix it

The NRA is a special interest group that is concerned with protecting the 2A from government intrusion. That is all. They are not responsible for what gun manufacturers do or what is going on in the black market. That doesn't have anything to do with the NRA.

The NRA represents gun and ammo manufacturers - Not you and not me.

Sucker ;)

They do represent me, thankfully. Go NRA! I am SO grateful for this wonderful grassroots organization.

The True Source of the N.R.A.’s Clout: Mobilization, Not Donations
They represent you like unions represent all workers.

The nra doesn’t need to go away just reform
That is already a law. Do you think that banning a weapon is going to stop school shootings or what? Answer the question or GTFO.

I already answered that stupid question in Murky's poll. And NO - that is NOT already a law. In around half the states, a convicted felon can go online or to a show and buy a gun from an unlicensed dealer with no BG check.

Time to stroke another check to cover Wayne's 4 million dollar bonus - GO! :)

NOT legally they can't. It is against the law for a felon to own a weapon already. Yet, they still do! Go figure!
Sure because the market is flooded with guns. There’s zero regulations. It’s almost as if the system is designed so that flooding the markets..... of course they are gun manufacurers. Any company wants to sell more not less.

It should be a big deal when you buy sell or lose a gun. Somethings wrong and the nra doesn’t want to fix it

The NRA is a special interest group that is concerned with protecting the 2A from government intrusion. That is all. They are not responsible for what gun manufacturers do or what is going on in the black market. That doesn't have anything to do with the NRA.

The NRA represents gun and ammo manufacturers - Not you and not me.

Sucker ;)
If Chris has guns and stock in gun manufacturing they may represent her.

They don’t want their industry more regulated even though it would save lives because it will cost money

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