Anti-gun New York City reducing gun crime? Can you say “stop and frisk?”


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Well, well, well…… seems that those who brag about New York City lowering gun murder rates don’t like to explain how they are doing it……

Is it their gun control laws?

No, because their criminals ignore those laws, so targeting law abiding gun owners does nothing to lower gun crime or murder.

So, in order to actually stop the felons doing the shooting…..New York democrat mayor has once again implemented the tried and true targeting of criminals…..with stop and frisk….

A lot of shootings happen when gang members carry illegal guns. When they don’t have to worry about the police stopping them, they carry their illegal guns without fear……

when cops can frisk them…..since the cops generally know who the gang bangers are…..they stop carrying guns and shootings go down.
Yes, Stop and Frisk is wonderful, they should apply it to white people.

Oh, wait.

The majority of gun crime in blue ciities is committed by gang members and most of them are not white people.
There's just as many gun crimes per capita in the red areas and most gun crimes are domestic or relationship crimes.

Nope.....most gun crimes are criminals with long histories of crime and violence shooting people, including their baby mommas......

Normal gun owners, who are law abiding citizens are not shooting each other in their homes....that is a lie........
Nope.....most gun crimes are criminals with long histories of crime and violence shooting people, including their baby mommas......

Normal gun owners, who are law abiding citizens are not shooting each other in their homes....that is a lie........

70 million Americans have a police record...

Most gun murders the victim and killer know each other. It's just that the gang-drive-by gets more attention than the guy who shoots his old lady because she burned the pot roast.
70 million Americans have a police record...

Most gun murders the victim and killer know each other. It's just that the gang-drive-by gets more attention than the guy who shoots his old lady because she burned the pot roast.

Most gun murder victims knew the gang member who murdered them....or the drug dealer or drug user who murdered them over drug territory...

They are not normal, law abiding citizens gunning each other down...they are lifelong, violent dumb ass....
Well, well, well…… seems that those who brag about New York City lowering gun murder rates don’t like to explain how they are doing it……

Is it their gun control laws?

No, because their criminals ignore those laws, so targeting law abiding gun owners does nothing to lower gun crime or murder.

So, in order to actually stop the felons doing the shooting…..New York democrat mayor has once again implemented the tried and true targeting of criminals…..with stop and frisk….

A lot of shootings happen when gang members carry illegal guns. When they don’t have to worry about the police stopping them, they carry their illegal guns without fear……

when cops can frisk them…..since the cops generally know who the gang bangers are…..they stop carrying guns and shootings go down.
We Don't Need More Prisons; We Need More Morgues

If the police know who the gangstas are, they must kill those beasts in cold blood. Any other reaction to these enemies of the human race is state-sponsored terrorism, no matter if it is the Rightist approach. We should have realized by now that neither party is interested in our safety from these humanoids.
Stop and frisk is a fishing expedition that violates the 4th Amendment.

If the police know who the gangstas are, they must kill those beasts in cold blood. Any other reaction to these enemies of the human race is state-sponsored terrorism, no matter if it is the Rightist approach. We should have realized by now that neither party is interested in our safety from these humanoids.
Yes, bcause the police murdering people worked out so well for us.

Were you asleep during 2020?
The police aren't murdering people.....gang members in democrat party controlled cities are murdering people in the thousands each year.

1000 americans are killed by police officers every year.

By way of Comparison, most European countries, that number is less than 20.

In Japan, it's considered a bit of a scandal of the police even pull their guns out of their holsters.
1000 americans are killed by police officers every year.

By way of Comparison, most European countries, that number is less than 20.

In Japan, it's considered a bit of a scandal of the police even pull their guns out of their holsters.

Japan is essentially a police state…..their police can do things you will not allow American police to do…..their prosecutors can do things you will not allow American prosecutors to do.

Their police can search you on the street for any reason, at any time. Including your body and belongings……and you have no right to refuse.

You have no Right against self incrimination….they can hold you in custody for as long as they want, and they can force you to confess…and their judges allow it.

If you are caught with a gun in Japan, you are going to prison for 10 years, and you do not get time off…..if you have bullets with that gun you are in for 15 years or Ionger. If you fire the weapon, you go to prison for life.

You let American cops and prosecutors do those things here first, before you compare our system to their system.

The democrat party works to lower the prison sentences for gun crimes including felony possession of guns and even drive by shootings……democrat party prosecutors and judges also plea bargain away gun charges even if the criminal is a convicted felon caught with an illegal gun….in Japan, that same criminal would serve life in prison.

Europe is now seeing massive increases in gun crime……after they spent decades importing violent men from 3rd world countries.

These immigrants now control the drug trade across Europe and you are seeing gun crime increases in France, Belgium, Sweden, the Nettherlands , and England……..
Japan is essentially a police state…..their police can do things you will not allow American police to do…..their prosecutors can do things you will not allow American prosecutors to do.

Japan has nowhere near our crime rate, and the police are nowhere near as bad as ours. This is the reason theirs are loved and respected, while ours are kind of despised.

Japan only locks up 43,000 people compared to our 2 million. We are the Police State, not them.



Europe is now seeing massive increases in gun crime……after they spent decades importing violent men from 3rd world countries.

Guy, you've been saying that for 10 years, and frankly, they have NOWHERE NEAR our crime rates.


They don't let the average yahoo buy guns
they treat their mentally ill and addicts
Japan has nowhere near our crime rate, and the police are nowhere near as bad as ours. This is the reason theirs are loved and respected, while ours are kind of despised.

Japan only locks up 43,000 people compared to our 2 million. We are the Police State, not them.

View attachment 894178 vs

View attachment 894179

Guy, you've been saying that for 10 years, and frankly, they have NOWHERE NEAR our crime rates.


They don't let the average yahoo buy guns
they treat their mentally ill and addicts

Again....the Japanese police can search you anytime, for any reason......and you have to submit.

The prosecutors can hold you without letting you see a lawyer....

Judges allow this.....

You don't want the AMerican police to do what the Japanese police can are an idiot when you try to use Japan, yet you hate American police.

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