Will GOP Rig Tonight’s Primary in New Hampshire?

As of right now, apparently cruz is on top. But some places are reporting Trump. IDK.
Where are you getting this info?
The CNN app has nothing current.
primary results - Bing
FAUX is reporting it too
Doesn't seem like polls are accurate at all.

C'mon. You mean 0.3% of the delegates isn't providing a representative sampling?
You are correct!
winner take all states ..


splitting delegates and getting the nomination ??????????????????????????????

good luck with that all of you Trump chicken counters.


Convention: State will bind delegates to the national convention at a state/territory convention. Other conventions will leave the delegation unbound.

Proportional: State will proportionally allocated delegates based either on the statewide primary/caucus vote or on the combination of the statewide and congressional district votes.

Proportional with Trigger: State will follow above proportional rules but allows for a winner-take-all allocation if a candidate wins a majority of the vote statewide or at the congressional district level.

Hybrid: State will follow some form of winner-take-more plan (i.e.: winner-take-all by congressional district) or directly elects delegates on the primary ballot.

Winner-take-all: State will award all delegates to the plurality winner of the primary or caucus.
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I haven't heard anyone think Cruz would run 2nd in NH. The ones to watch are the govs.
Sounds like another BS generated meme to preempt a Rubio victory, if it happens. Remember, when it comes to rigging elections it is democrat you need watch, for example, the Iowa caucus.
Yup, those cheaters, where Hillary won 7 of 13 coin tosses.
Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert cartoon series) predicts that the GOP will rig tonight’s primary in New Hampshire to favor establishment favorite Marco Rubio. Bullroar? or Hmm, I certainly wouldn't put it past them?

Scott Adams Blog

Is Candy Crowley the moderator?
I wonder what kind of catering there is for the event?

Clinton might lose to a 60s socialist and all you care about is foo!!!???!!

The left/right crazies are turning our nation into their battleground, an you are thinking about finger sandwiches???

hmmm, I guess so!:alcoholic:
The GOP is using their vote tampering on each other. GOP suddenly now cares...when it's them!
Trump can't be controlled by Trump. The guy is prone to petulant outbursts and occasional tantrums.

I thought you were talking about Obammy there...

I don't remember Obama refusing to participate in a debate unless the folks running it got rid of a moderator.
Yep. He and Hillary refused a FOX debate in 08

Everyone refused to participate in that Fox debate. It never happened. And there were no demands that any particular moderator be removed.

Trump demanded that Meghan Kelly be removed or he wouldn't participate. Every other eligible candidate did participate. And Trump lost Iowa, attributing his refusal to participate in the debate as one of the reasons why.

Trump's petulance fucked Trump.
Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert cartoon series) predicts that the GOP will rig tonight’s primary in New Hampshire to favor establishment favorite Marco Rubio. Bullroar? or Hmm, I certainly wouldn't put it past them?

Scott Adams Blog

They have heard that her husband is a serial sexual predator and she helped him get away with it....?
Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert cartoon series) predicts that the GOP will rig tonight’s primary in New Hampshire to favor establishment favorite Marco Rubio. Bullroar? or Hmm, I certainly wouldn't put it past them?

Scott Adams Blog

They have heard that her husband is a serial sexual predator and she helped him get away with it....?

Scott Adams doesn't have a husband.

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