WikiLeaks: Fatah Asked Israel to Attack Hamas

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
WikiLeaks has released a number of new U.S. diplomatic cables pertaining to the Middle East. One memo from 2007 indicates that members of Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party asked Israel to attack members of the rival Palestinian movement Hamas. The memo also quotes the head of Israel’s security agency Shin Bet praising the organization’s working relationship with Abbas. Fatah is said to share with Shin Bet "almost all the intelligence that it collects." Meanwhile, another leaked cable mentions a possible "secret accord" between Israel and the United States to continue the "natural growth" of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Democracy Now! | Headlines for December 21, 2010
WikiLeaks has released a number of new U.S. diplomatic cables pertaining to the Middle East. One memo from 2007 indicates that members of Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party asked Israel to attack members of the rival Palestinian movement Hamas. The memo also quotes the head of Israel’s security agency Shin Bet praising the organization’s working relationship with Abbas. Fatah is said to share with Shin Bet "almost all the intelligence that it collects." Meanwhile, another leaked cable mentions a possible "secret accord" between Israel and the United States to continue the "natural growth" of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Cooperation between Israeli and Pallie security in the West Bank is the single biggest factor behind the economic resurgence of the West Bank economy.

Not that you would have a clue. :lol:
WikiLeaks has released a number of new U.S. diplomatic cables pertaining to the Middle East. One memo from 2007 indicates that members of Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party asked Israel to attack members of the rival Palestinian movement Hamas. The memo also quotes the head of Israel’s security agency Shin Bet praising the organization’s working relationship with Abbas. Fatah is said to share with Shin Bet "almost all the intelligence that it collects." Meanwhile, another leaked cable mentions a possible "secret accord" between Israel and the United States to continue the "natural growth" of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Cooperation between Israeli and Pallie security in the West Bank is the single biggest factor behind the economic resurgence of the West Bank economy.

Not that you would have a clue. :lol:

Where is that "economic surge," exactly?
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WikiLeaks has released a number of new U.S. diplomatic cables pertaining to the Middle East. One memo from 2007 indicates that members of Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party asked Israel to attack members of the rival Palestinian movement Hamas. The memo also quotes the head of Israel’s security agency Shin Bet praising the organization’s working relationship with Abbas. Fatah is said to share with Shin Bet "almost all the intelligence that it collects." Meanwhile, another leaked cable mentions a possible "secret accord" between Israel and the United States to continue the "natural growth" of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Cooperation between Israeli and Pallie security in the West Bank is the single biggest factor behind the economic resurgence of the West Bank economy.

Not that you would have a clue. :lol:

Where is that "economic surge," exactly?

Read, learn, clueless one...

Wall Street Journal--
RAMALLAH, West Bank—Swanky coffee shops, luxury-car dealerships, and a designer boutique are among hundreds of new businesses that have sprouted here in recent months, part of a boom that has defied failures to make progress toward peace with Israel.

Meanwhile, the stability also drawn a generation of Palestinian expatriates, who fled during the years of unrest, back home with savings to invest.

Investors are taking a leap of faith," says Sam Bahour, a Palestinian-American businessman who invested money in the West Bank long before most, opening the $10.2 million Plaza Shopping Center in Ramallah in 2004. "These investors want to be the first movers in postoccupation Palestine.

Signs of new wealth are ubiquitous here. "The Boutique," Ramallah's first haute couture clothing store, opened late last year, offering Palestinians python-skin purses by Prada for $3,000, Sergio Rossi heels, and one-of-a-kind Valentino dresses. Next door, the Zaman Café serves up Belgian microbrews, French Bordeauxs and $4 cappuccinos.

This spring, the West Bank's first licensed Mercedes dealership opened a showroom on Ramallah Boulevard. Owners say it is doing a brisk business selling luxury-class sports cars and sport-utility vehicles, with sticker prices ranging from $100,000 to $200,000, to wealthy Palestinians.

On Nov. 1, Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts made its Palestinian debut, opening the city's first five-star hotel. The 172-room, $40 million hotel boasts a head chef imported from Florence, a pastry chef from Paris, and a lobby bedecked in marble and Italian suede.

In the past six months, the West Bank has also seen the launch of three private-equity funds.
Wariness Accompanies West Bank's New Boom -

My source was right: Gaza economic growth is outstripping "Fayyadist" West Bank

Back in June, a diplomatic source very close to these matters told me the following, as I reported on this blog at the time:

"World Bank figures due to be published in coming weeks are likely to show that economic growth in the Gaza Strip in the first quarter of 2010 has exceeded that in the West Bank. While virtually all economic growth in the West Bank is a result of foreign aid, much of the growth in Gaza is attributable to a "parallel economy" that has emerged thanks to the tunnels. This has even created a small new class of nouveaux riches in Gaza."

It appears the source was completely correct. In an article headlined "IMF: Gaza's economy shoots up by 16% in 2010," Haaretz reports:

The International Monetary Fund expects the Palestinian economy to grow by 8 percent overall this year, after the West Bank economy grew by 9 percent in the first half and the Gaza Strip by a whopping 16 percent.

But the significance of these figures is that they further undercut the narrative of the so-called "Fayyadists" -- supporters of the Israeli-backed collaborationist regime of illegally-installed West Bank "prime minister" Salam Fayyad. In their narrative, Fayyad is building the institutions and economy of a Palestinian state. They constantly tout the supposedly stellar economic performance in the West Bank with such dubious achievements as a Ramallah property bubble or laud vulgar over-consumption of such commodities as luxury cars by the Ramallah-centred Palestinian bourgeoisie. But Salam Fayyad is not building any new institutions.

My source was right: Gaza economic growth is outstripping "Fayyadist" West Bank - Ali Abunimah
My source was right: Gaza economic growth is outstripping "Fayyadist" West Bank

The fascist Gaza where Hamas IslamoNazis throw acid in the faces of women caught laughing in public or dressing "immodestly"?

Good one, clueless one.

Israeli Arab Journalist Khaled Abu Toameh: Gaza Women: Who is Defending Their Rights?
It is not easy to be a woman living under a fundamentalist Islamic regime like the one in the Gaza Strip. Over the past three years, women in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip have been facing a campaign of intimidation and terror that has forced many of them to sit at home and do nothing. The fact that women are oppressed under radical Islamic regimes is of course very disturbing. But what is even more disturbing is the silence over abuse of women's rights in the Gaza Strip. Has anyone heard prominent Palestinian spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi come out in public against Hamas's repressive measures against Palestinian women? Where are local and international human rights organizations, especially those that claim to defend rights of women in the Arab and Islamic world? Has any major media outlet in the West thought of making a documentary about the suffering of women under Hamas?

Or are they so obsessed with everything that Israel does [or does not do] that they prefer to turn a blind eye to what is happening in the Gaza Strip? Has anyone dared to ask Hamas why sending women to carry out suicide bombings is all right, while it is not ok for them to walk alone on the beach or be seen in public with a man? Have "pro-Palestinian" groups in North America and Europe ever thought of endorsing the case of these women by raising awareness to their plight?

Since Hamas seized full control over the Gaza Strip in 2007, Palestinian women have been deprived of many of basic rights, such as strolling along the beach alone or smoking in public. Under Hamas, female lawyers are not allowed to appear in court unless they are wearing the hijab. They are also barred from going to male hairdressers. A woman who is seen in public with a man is often stopped by Hamas policemen and questioned about the nature of the relationship between them. Women in the Gaza Strip who have dared to participate in public political and social events have been repeatedly harassed by the Hamas government. As a result, many of them have been forced to stay at home out of fear for their lives. Even Palestinian women's groups in the West Bank do not seem to care much about the conditions of women under Hamas. Have any of them thought of organizing demonstrations or campaigns in protest against abuse of women's rights under Hamas?

The West, Islam and Sharia: Gaza's Women: Who Is Defending Their Rights?
My source was right: Gaza economic growth is outstripping "Fayyadist" West Bank

The fascist Gaza where Hamas IslamoNazis throw acid in the faces of women caught laughing in public or dressing "immodestly"?

Good one, clueless one.

Israeli Arab Journalist Khaled Abu Toameh: Gaza Women: Who is Defending Their Rights?
It is not easy to be a woman living under a fundamentalist Islamic regime like the one in the Gaza Strip. Over the past three years, women in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip have been facing a campaign of intimidation and terror that has forced many of them to sit at home and do nothing. The fact that women are oppressed under radical Islamic regimes is of course very disturbing. But what is even more disturbing is the silence over abuse of women's rights in the Gaza Strip. Has anyone heard prominent Palestinian spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi come out in public against Hamas's repressive measures against Palestinian women? Where are local and international human rights organizations, especially those that claim to defend rights of women in the Arab and Islamic world? Has any major media outlet in the West thought of making a documentary about the suffering of women under Hamas?

Or are they so obsessed with everything that Israel does [or does not do] that they prefer to turn a blind eye to what is happening in the Gaza Strip? Has anyone dared to ask Hamas why sending women to carry out suicide bombings is all right, while it is not ok for them to walk alone on the beach or be seen in public with a man? Have "pro-Palestinian" groups in North America and Europe ever thought of endorsing the case of these women by raising awareness to their plight?

Since Hamas seized full control over the Gaza Strip in 2007, Palestinian women have been deprived of many of basic rights, such as strolling along the beach alone or smoking in public. Under Hamas, female lawyers are not allowed to appear in court unless they are wearing the hijab. They are also barred from going to male hairdressers. A woman who is seen in public with a man is often stopped by Hamas policemen and questioned about the nature of the relationship between them. Women in the Gaza Strip who have dared to participate in public political and social events have been repeatedly harassed by the Hamas government. As a result, many of them have been forced to stay at home out of fear for their lives. Even Palestinian women's groups in the West Bank do not seem to care much about the conditions of women under Hamas. Have any of them thought of organizing demonstrations or campaigns in protest against abuse of women's rights under Hamas?

The West, Islam and Sharia: Gaza's Women: Who Is Defending Their Rights?

From your link:

Women in the Gaza Strip who have dared to participate in public political and social events have been repeatedly harassed by the Hamas government. As a result, many of them have been forced to stay at home out of fear for their lives.

Your source is all wet.

Christian woman in Gaza addresses 70,000 supporters.
Palestinian Revolutionaries on International Women's Day


A woman from Gaza: Shireen Said of the PFLP.
My source was right: Gaza economic growth is outstripping "Fayyadist" West Bank

The fascist Gaza where Hamas IslamoNazis throw acid in the faces of women caught laughing in public or dressing "immodestly"?

Good one, clueless one.

Israeli Arab Journalist Khaled Abu Toameh: Gaza Women: Who is Defending Their Rights?

The West, Islam and Sharia: Gaza's Women: Who Is Defending Their Rights?

From your link:

Women in the Gaza Strip who have dared to participate in public political and social events have been repeatedly harassed by the Hamas government. As a result, many of them have been forced to stay at home out of fear for their lives.

Your source is all wet.

Christian woman in Gaza addresses 70,000 supporters.

Hamas Bans Women From Dancing And Riding Scooters
Hamas Bans Women Dancers, Scooter Riders in Gaza Push (Update1) - Bloomberg

Hamas tries to punish woman for walking with a man
Hamas tries to detain woman walking with man | World news |

Hamas bans laughing among women...
'They accused me of laughing in public'
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My source was right: Gaza economic growth is outstripping "Fayyadist" West Bank

The fascist Gaza where Hamas IslamoNazis throw acid in the faces of women caught laughing in public or dressing "immodestly"?

Good one, clueless one.

Israeli Arab Journalist Khaled Abu Toameh: Gaza Women: Who is Defending Their Rights?

The West, Islam and Sharia: Gaza's Women: Who Is Defending Their Rights?

From your link:

Women in the Gaza Strip who have dared to participate in public political and social events have been repeatedly harassed by the Hamas government. As a result, many of them have been forced to stay at home out of fear for their lives.

Your source is all wet.

Christian woman in Gaza addresses 70,000 supporters.
Palestinian Revolutionaries on International Women's Day


A woman from Gaza: Shireen Said of the PFLP.

Khaled Abu Toameh...
Has anyone dared to ask Hamas why sending women to carry out suicide bombings is all right?
The fascist Gaza where Hamas IslamoNazis throw acid in the faces of women caught laughing in public or dressing "immodestly"?

Good one, clueless one.

Israeli Arab Journalist Khaled Abu Toameh: Gaza Women: Who is Defending Their Rights?

The West, Islam and Sharia: Gaza's Women: Who Is Defending Their Rights?

From your link:

Your source is all wet.

Christian woman in Gaza addresses 70,000 supporters.
Palestinian Revolutionaries on International Women's Day


A woman from Gaza: Shireen Said of the PFLP.

Khaled Abu Toameh...
Has anyone dared to ask Hamas why sending women to carry out suicide bombings is all right?

Has anyone told Toameh that the Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago and he needs to update his propaganda?
Gaza starts at 33:40.

Palestine Press Agency: Hamas beat and arrested children in Gaza for raising a Fatah banner.

Today [Hamas] arrested a minor child Mohammed Abu Harbeed (13 years old) and other children, and tortured and beat them with batons and blindfolded them in the cold, for raising the banners of the Fatah movement.

A Fatah spokesman said that 'these practices are incompatible with the principles of national and moral traditions and customs, and with human rights and international covenants and instruments, which provide for the protection of the rights of children, as well as inconsistent with the teachings of our religion.
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From your link:

Your source is all wet.

Christian woman in Gaza addresses 70,000 supporters.
Palestinian Revolutionaries on International Women's Day


A woman from Gaza: Shireen Said of the PFLP.

Khaled Abu Toameh...
Has anyone dared to ask Hamas why sending women to carry out suicide bombings is all right?

Has anyone told Toameh that the Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago and he needs to update his propaganda?

Has anyone told you, clueless one, Pallie suicide bombers attempt to infiltrate Israel on a daily basis?
WikiLeaks has released a number of new U.S. diplomatic cables pertaining to the Middle East. One memo from 2007 indicates that members of Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party asked Israel to attack members of the rival Palestinian movement Hamas. The memo also quotes the head of Israel’s security agency Shin Bet praising the organization’s working relationship with Abbas. Fatah is said to share with Shin Bet "almost all the intelligence that it collects." Meanwhile, another leaked cable mentions a possible "secret accord" between Israel and the United States to continue the "natural growth" of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Cooperation between Israeli and Pallie security in the West Bank is the single biggest factor behind the economic resurgence of the West Bank economy.

Not that you would have a clue. :lol:
How much cooperation would you extend to snipers in observation towers at the end of your block killing your children for sport?

I'm guessing it would depend on much the snipers were willing to pay you...
WikiLeaks has released a number of new U.S. diplomatic cables pertaining to the Middle East. One memo from 2007 indicates that members of Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party asked Israel to attack members of the rival Palestinian movement Hamas. The memo also quotes the head of Israel’s security agency Shin Bet praising the organization’s working relationship with Abbas. Fatah is said to share with Shin Bet "almost all the intelligence that it collects." Meanwhile, another leaked cable mentions a possible "secret accord" between Israel and the United States to continue the "natural growth" of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Cooperation between Israeli and Pallie security in the West Bank is the single biggest factor behind the economic resurgence of the West Bank economy.

Not that you would have a clue. :lol:
How much cooperation would you extend to snipers in observation towers at the end of your block killing your children for sport?

I'm guessing it would depend on much the snipers were willing to pay you...

No love for the mass murder of children by your fellow IslamoNazis in Darfur? Tsk tsk

Allahu Fucku, jihadist.

The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people. More than one hundred people continue to die each day; five thousand die every month.

Since February 2003, the Sudanese government in Khartoum and the government-sponsored Janjaweed militia have used rape, displacement, organized starvation, threats against aid workers and mass murder. Violence, disease, and displacement continue to kill thousands of innocent Darfurians every month.
Genocide in Darfur, Sudan | Darfur Scorecard

Israel is the only country providing safe haven to Darfur refugees seen here proudly waiving Israeli flags and praising Israeli democracy.
How much money do you make from killing your neighbor's children?

What % do you send to Darfur?

How many children killed by followers of the religion of peace?

"We Desire Death Like You Desire Life"
The point is that Palestinians are Muslims, Christians, and Jews. None of them, as a religion, claim exclusive rights to Palestine. As a diverse group they do have exclusive rights to Palestine. They are the indigenous population. An important fact is that none of them, including the Jews, wanted a foreign takeover of their country.

This is not an Arab or Muslim versus Jew conflict. It is a Palestinians versus foreigners conflict. The Palestinians be they Muslims, Christians, or Jews have the legal and moral high ground. Palestine is their country. It does not belong to foreigners.
The point is that Palestinians are Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

Well, no, clueless one.

Pallies are just Arabs and 99% of them are Muslims.

Jews do not refer to themselves as Palestinians given the Romans renamed Judea, the correct historical geographical name of the land, "Palaestina" in retribution of the Jewish Revolt against Roman persecution, in an attempt to erase the historical link between Judea and Jews.

Now, you know

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