Wi senator's wife signs his recall pertition

Faint Praise indeed....look who approves of Wicked Jester's Class Act.
So, you're approving of one of your fellow lib idiots calling for an elected politician to be dragged from his home and tortured.

Don't think it isn't noticed up here, asshole, that you are choosing to talk shit to those americans who don't believe in anarchy, and don't believe that ANY politician deserves to be dragged from their home and tortured based on a simple vote, regardless of their political bend.

Obviously, unlike you, there are those true americans that fully understand what our republic/democracy is truly all about....That torturing or murdering elected politicians is absolutely wrong on every level.....The thought or support of it is equally wrong on every level.......That even eluding to it is wrong on every level.

You're exposed yet again, ASSHOLE!

Screw these lib/progressives. They are nothing but hypocritical double standard types who despise rules for themselves but want rules for everyone else.
"Libs: "Do as I say. Not as I do"....Cock suckers.

Thats the Repub motto. Remember when Gingrich was calling for Clinton's impeachment while Gingrich was busy cheating on his 3rd wife? Or how about William Bennett being the morality Czar while he was spending his free-time at casinos w/ a gambling addiction?
Fuck unions. Ever heard of the term "closed shop"?
This term is directly tied to union workplaces. Meaning, in order to get work, one must "know people"...
My cousin, who has since retired from the printing business, only got his job because his father worked there.
That is just one example. Had a friend in my home town many years ago who was an iron worker. He got that job because he had family in the union. Same with another guy I played baseball with. He got a job working for a carting company...Becauee his friend's father was a Teamster....Unions are closed shops...
Wait for an opening...Please....
Anyway, this has nothing to do with private sector unions.
Your side's argument is so weak that you keep bringing in the private sector into the mix. Doesn't wash.
My son-in-law didn't walk in and say sign me up. And he didn't "know" anyone. He answered a classified ad and started with UPS as a night-line package handler, sorting packages on a conveyer from midnight to eight. From there he went to loading trucks. He did that kind of thing for over three years until finally he was a good enough employee and well known enough that the company gave him an opening as a driver and the Union accepted him.

He delivered packages for another three years. He paid $2,500 to a school to learn how to drive a trailer and get the license and when an opening came up UPS gave it to him. Now he's a man without a high-school diploma bringing home $86k+. This would not be possible without the Union.

I have no doubt there are patronage entries into unions but for the most part people work their way into acceptance in those unions which are worth belonging to.
So, you're approving of one of your fellow lib idiots calling for an elected politician to be dragged from his home and tortured.

Don't think it isn't noticed up here, asshole, that you are choosing to talk shit to those americans who don't believe in anarchy, and don't believe that ANY politician deserves to be dragged from their home and tortured based on a simple vote, regardless of their political bend.

Obviously, unlike you, there are those true americans that fully understand what our republic/democracy is truly all about....That torturing or murdering elected politicians is absolutely wrong on every level.....The thought or support of it is equally wrong on every level.......That even eluding to it is wrong on every level.

You're exposed yet again, ASSHOLE!

Screw these lib/progressives. They are nothing but hypocritical double standard types who despise rules for themselves but want rules for everyone else.
"Libs: "Do as I say. Not as I do"....Cock suckers.

Thats the Repub motto. Remember when Gingrich was calling for Clinton's impeachment while Gingrich was busy cheating on his 3rd wife? Or how about William Bennett being the morality Czar while he was spending his free-time at casinos w/ a gambling addiction?

William Bennet was not the morality czar. There is no such thing.

Gingrich's affair is his personal business. Clinton was gulty of obstruction of justice and lying to a grand jury.

Try again.
Put me on ignore!.....It just shows that what you said was completely ridiculous, and you were called on it.

What you called for is anarchy......What you called for was an elected politician being dragged from his home and, for all intensive purposes, tortured.

Obama is destroying this country economically, and in many other ways. Would I EVER call for him being dragged from the whitehouse to be tortured for his doing so?......Absolutely not. That's what elections are for.....And his ass will be tossed from office come '12.

You, Art 15, and several other lib's up here are disgusting to the core. You people are the worst of america, fully on display.
Says the guy that writes pornography about young girls.

What a toad and a hypocrite you are.
I never wrote pornography about young girls, lil' missy.

Why don't you put up the full context of what I said, dirtbag?

Too include, in response to your attacks on Palin and her special needs child.

What did I say I Ravi?......Oh that's right:

"Isn't it just funny what I said, Palin haters......Isn't what I just said a fuckin' hoot?........Isn't it just funny that I attacked Obama's kids. Don't you just think it's knee slappin' funny?....C'mon' libs laugh with me....We're all attacking kids now, so lets just laugh at the disgusting comments I made towards Obama's kids.......Show me the difference, libs.....Lets all laugh at bringing the kids into the equation.

You know what that thread was about. Everybody on this board who saw that thread, knows what it was about......Everybody knows that I was not serious in what I said....But it did work brilliantly in exposing disgusting pigs like you, who where vociferously attacking Palin and her child.

Just admit it Ravi.....It exposed, YOU!

You wrote porn about preteen girls. That is all that matters and your attempts to justify yourself are ridiculous.
Let me get this straight, every democrat in the state senate abandoned their posts for a month and let a vote happen in their absence that they didn't want and they want to recall a republican? The world is upside down under liberalism.
You don't have it straight.

The Democrats didn't have enough votes to block passage of the Bill, so if everyone voted it is certain the Bill would pass. But there is a provision in the rules which holds that a vote cannot go forward if any senate members are not present in the state. To prevent passage of the obnoxious Bill the Democrats chose to strategically exploit the absence technicality by leaving the state.

Those who understand the importance of allowing collective bargaining to remain in effect by blocking passage of the Bill will regard those absented Democrat senators' radical action as exemplary representation. Those who are too ignorant or dense to understand why and how the American middle class depends for its existence on the strength and power of unions will be critical of their action.
um... not to put a damper on a great faux poutrage thread, but...

1. Where is the evedence showing that he left his wife instead of her throwing him out?

2. How does anyone know that if he did leave his wife it wasn't for some reason unrelated to this affair that predates the affair?

3. Can anyone show that this affair started before they filed for divorce in AUG 2010?

4. He was already out of the house when he was elected.

As far as I know this guy didn't break any laws, like perjury, obstruction of justice, or subornation of perjury. Not even a little law like say... soliciting sexual favors, like this guy did

State Rep. Gordon Hintz, D-Oshkosh, has been fined $2,032 on a sexual misconduct citation in Outagamie County that was issued in connection with a prostitution sting last month.

Hintz, 37, signed a statement pleading no contest to the citation on Monday and the paperwork was filed in Outagamie County Circuit Court on Tuesday. As a result of the plea, Hintz was ordered to pay a $2,032.50 fine, which he paid Tuesday.
Wisconsin state Rep. Gordon Hintz fined $2,032 for sexual misconduct | Wausau Daily Herald | wausaudailyherald.com

Should he be recalled too?
State Rep. Gordon Hintz, D-Oshkosh, has been fined $2,032 on a sexual misconduct citation in Outagamie County that was issued in connection with a prostitution sting last month.

Hintz, 37, signed a statement pleading no contest to the citation on Monday and the paperwork was filed in Outagamie County Circuit Court on Tuesday. As a result of the plea, Hintz was ordered to pay a $2,032.50 fine, which he paid Tuesday.
If he voted to support a bill that would eliminate collective bargaining by unions I would say yes. Otherwise I know of no reason to recall him.
um... not to put a damper on a great faux poutrage thread, but...

1. Where is the evedence showing that he left his wife instead of her throwing him out?

2. How does anyone know that if he did leave his wife it wasn't for some reason unrelated to this affair that predates the affair?

3. Can anyone show that this affair started before they filed for divorce in AUG 2010?

4. He was already out of the house when he was elected.

As far as I know this guy didn't break any laws, like perjury, obstruction of justice, or subornation of perjury. Not even a little law like say... soliciting sexual favors, like this guy did

State Rep. Gordon Hintz, D-Oshkosh, has been fined $2,032 on a sexual misconduct citation in Outagamie County that was issued in connection with a prostitution sting last month.

Hintz, 37, signed a statement pleading no contest to the citation on Monday and the paperwork was filed in Outagamie County Circuit Court on Tuesday. As a result of the plea, Hintz was ordered to pay a $2,032.50 fine, which he paid Tuesday.
Wisconsin state Rep. Gordon Hintz fined $2,032 for sexual misconduct | Wausau Daily Herald | wausaudailyherald.com

Should he be recalled too?


You think that he's being recalled because he cheated on his wife?
The Gov is not going to be recalled. There is no reason to recall him. All this is about is a special interest group that didn't get treated special and they're angry about it. Grow up.
The Gov is not going to be recalled. There is no reason to recall him. All this is about is a special interest group that didn't get treated special and they're angry about it. Grow up.
A recall petition is predicated on numbers, not reasons. If enough voters demand that Walker be recalled, he's gone. A recall is not a trial. It's a mandate.

What this is about is Walker is a corrupt sonofabitch -- period. And while he's too slick to prove that, he's not immune to being booted on general principles. Did you not hear a broadcast of the twenty minute phone conversation between him and the faux David Koch? Would you want a sonofabitch like that as your governor?
The Gov is not going to be recalled. There is no reason to recall him. All this is about is a special interest group that didn't get treated special and they're angry about it. Grow up.
A recall petition is predicated on numbers, not reasons. If enough voters demand that Walker be recalled, he's gone. A recall is not a trial. It's a mandate.

What this is about is Walker is a corrupt sonofabitch -- period. And while he's too slick to prove that, he's not immune to being booted on general principles. Did you not hear a broadcast of the twenty minute phone conversation between him and the faux David Koch? Would you want a sonofabitch like that as your governor?

Now you have to get the numbers. It aint happening.

It's your opinion the Gov is a corrupt sonofabitch. I've followed this pretty closely and it looks to me that the union tells the dem politicians what to do and they do it. The government workers trashed the capital. The government workers have made death threats and harrassed people. You've lost. The lame recall will be forgotten about in a few weeks. Mark it down because I'll be sure and remind you about it.
Now you have to get the numbers. It aint happening.
We'll see.

It's your opinion the Gov is a corrupt sonofabitch.
Yes, it is. Exactly.

As any reasonably sensible person who listened to the telephone call referred to in my message must necessarily agree. The man is a sycophantic lackey to the emerging corporatocracy. He clearly is prepared to drop his pants and bend over for David Koch and if you can't see that you need to get out more. Is that what you want for your governor?

I've followed this pretty closely and it looks to me that the union tells the dem politicians what to do and they do it.
For your information, unions are good for the common people and the Democrats represent the common people. So this shouldn't surprise you.

The government workers trashed the capital.
If by "trashed" you mean they made a mess, a gathered mob usually does that. The trick to good government is to not provoke the formation of an angry mob. Makes sense, don't it?

The government workers have made death threats and harrassed people.
Pissed off people usually do that.

You've lost. The lame recall will be forgotten about in a few weeks. Mark it down because I'll be sure and remind you about it.
You, along with the rest of your Fox News chorus, hope. But, again, we'll see.
State Rep. Gordon Hintz, D-Oshkosh, has been fined $2,032 on a sexual misconduct citation in Outagamie County that was issued in connection with a prostitution sting last month.

Hintz, 37, signed a statement pleading no contest to the citation on Monday and the paperwork was filed in Outagamie County Circuit Court on Tuesday. As a result of the plea, Hintz was ordered to pay a $2,032.50 fine, which he paid Tuesday.
If he voted to support a bill that would eliminate collective bargaining by unions I would say yes. Otherwise I know of no reason to recall him.
So, breaking laws is fine, ignoring the law is fine, not doing his job is fine, threatening other members of the legislature with death is fine... but gods forbid he should actually do his job.
um... not to put a damper on a great faux poutrage thread, but...

1. Where is the evedence showing that he left his wife instead of her throwing him out?

2. How does anyone know that if he did leave his wife it wasn't for some reason unrelated to this affair that predates the affair?

3. Can anyone show that this affair started before they filed for divorce in AUG 2010?

4. He was already out of the house when he was elected.

As far as I know this guy didn't break any laws, like perjury, obstruction of justice, or subornation of perjury. Not even a little law like say... soliciting sexual favors, like this guy did

State Rep. Gordon Hintz, D-Oshkosh, has been fined $2,032 on a sexual misconduct citation in Outagamie County that was issued in connection with a prostitution sting last month.

Hintz, 37, signed a statement pleading no contest to the citation on Monday and the paperwork was filed in Outagamie County Circuit Court on Tuesday. As a result of the plea, Hintz was ordered to pay a $2,032.50 fine, which he paid Tuesday.
Wisconsin state Rep. Gordon Hintz fined $2,032 for sexual misconduct | Wausau Daily Herald | wausaudailyherald.com

Should he be recalled too?

'You think that he's being recalled because he cheated on his wife?
He's not likely going to be recalled. Hintz in the other hand is in trouble. This thread of course was about his wife and him so treying to backpeddle now isn't going to do anything but show the hypocracy of the left.
State Rep. Gordon Hintz, D-Oshkosh, has been fined $2,032 on a sexual misconduct citation in Outagamie County that was issued in connection with a prostitution sting last month.

Hintz, 37, signed a statement pleading no contest to the citation on Monday and the paperwork was filed in Outagamie County Circuit Court on Tuesday. As a result of the plea, Hintz was ordered to pay a $2,032.50 fine, which he paid Tuesday.
If he voted to support a bill that would eliminate collective bargaining by unions I would say yes. Otherwise I know of no reason to recall him.
So, breaking laws is fine, ignoring the law is fine, not doing his job is fine, threatening other members of the legislature with death is fine... but gods forbid he should actually do his job.

As if you need to remind people...but KUDOS that you did.
Now you have to get the numbers. It aint happening.
We'll see.

It's your opinion the Gov is a corrupt sonofabitch.
Yes, it is. Exactly.

As any reasonably sensible person who listened to the telephone call referred to in my message must necessarily agree. The man is a sycophantic lackey to the emerging corporatocracy. He clearly is prepared to drop his pants and bend over for David Koch and if you can't see that you need to get out more. Is that what you want for your governor?
Must neccesarily agree with what? That he should be commended for turning Koch down? That he should be commended for "letting them protest"? Sounds to me like you're the one who didn't listen to the call.

[For your information, unions are good for the common people and the Democrats represent the common people. So this shouldn't surprise you.
unions are a bunch pampered petulant lazy pussies, fuck them all. Democratics represent papmered special interests that give them money.

If by "trashed" you mean they made a mess, a gathered mob usually does that. The trick to good government is to not provoke the formation of an angry mob. Makes sense, don't it?
I'm sure you said the same thing last summer.

The government workers have made death threats and harrassed people.
Pissed off people usually do that.
Then they should be in jail getting pumped in their lazy asses by bubba and cletus.

You've lost. The lame recall will be forgotten about in a few weeks. Mark it down because I'll be sure and remind you about it.
You, along with the rest of your Fox News chorus, hope. But, again, we'll see.
when the recalls are done I'm thinking instead of 19 GOP in the Senate there'll be 20 or 21.

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