Wi senator's wife signs his recall pertition

Political Circus: Hell hath no fury like a senator's wife scorned - CNN.com

Wisconsin state Sen. Randy Hopper, a Republican from Fond du Lac, is not only facing backlash from constituents angry over his support for Gov. Scott Walker's union busting bill -- but from his wife.

According to RawStory.com, protesters who came to his home this past weekend were met by Mrs. Hopper, who told them that her husband "was no longer in residence at this address, but now lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with his 25-year-old mistress."

To make matters worse for Sen. Hopper? A recall effort is under way and one of its top supporters is his wife.

This guy is a typical conservative repub
Randy Hopper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In a written statement to several Wisconsin news outlets, Hopper spokesman Jeff Harvey said "Senator Hopper maintains an apartment in the district where he lives and works. He and his wife separated roughly a year ago and are divorcing, which is a private family matter."[5] The alleged address of Hopper's apartment was not made public, but according to The Capital Times, property tax reports show that it is not an apartment, but "a roughly $600,000 home owned by a high-ranking employee of Hopper's media company."
Put me on ignore!.....It just shows that what you said was completely ridiculous, and you were called on it.

What you called for is anarchy......What you called for was an elected politician being dragged from his home and, for all intensive purposes, tortured.

Obama is destroying this country economically, and in many other ways. Would I EVER call for him being dragged from the whitehouse to be tortured for his doing so?......Absolutely not. That's what elections are for.....And his ass will be tossed from office come '12.

You, Art 15, and several other lib's up here are disgusting to the core. You people are the worst of america, fully on display.

Faint Praise indeed....look who approves of Wicked Jester's Class Act.
So, you're approving of one of your fellow lib idiots calling for an elected politician to be dragged from his home and tortured.

Don't think it isn't noticed up here, asshole, that you are choosing to talk shit to those americans who don't believe in anarchy, and don't believe that ANY politician deserves to be dragged from their home and tortured based on a simple vote, regardless of their political bend.

Obviously, unlike you, there are those true americans that fully understand what our republic/democracy is truly all about....That torturing or murdering elected politicians is absolutely wrong on every level.....The thought or support of it is equally wrong on every level.......That even eluding to it is wrong on every level.

You're exposed yet again, ASSHOLE!
Faint Praise indeed....look who approves of Wicked Jester's Class Act.
So, you're approving of one of your fellow lib idiots calling for an elected politician to be dragged from his home and tortured.

Don't think it isn't noticed up here, asshole, that you are choosing to talk shit to those americans who don't believe in anarchy, and don't believe that ANY politician deserves to be dragged from their home and tortured based on a simple vote, regardless of their political bend.

Obviously, unlike you, there are those true americans that fully understand what our republic/democracy is truly all about....That torturing or murdering elected politicians is absolutely wrong on every level.....The thought or support of it is equally wrong on every level.......That even eluding to it is wrong on every level.

You're exposed yet again, ASSHOLE!

Torture you say?

Let me get this straight, every democrat in the state senate abandoned their posts for a month and let a vote happen in their absence that they didn't want and they want to recall a republican? The world is upside down under liberalism.
What you don't understand is owing to the intricacies of political process leaving their posts was a last ditch effort to prevent that Bill from being passed. Their presence would have expedited its passage in spite of their opposition because they were outnumbered. I call that a sincere and heroic effort to protect the interests of the constituents who elected them against an obviously corrupt administration and its Republican lackeys.

omg, that is the lamest EXCUSE you all can come up, The 14 Fleebaggers should of been fired on the spot. We can't have our elected officials ACTING THIS WAY.
But it figures you lefties would support such shit.
you damn right I worked for a couple of UNIONS, and what I saw they did to the Employers they worked for MADE ME ASHAMED to be a member.
What unions were they, the Armenian chicken-pluckers Local 4 & 7?

And you frikken UNHINGED people BETTER HOPE you don't start seeing ACTUAL VIOLENCE by your calls for this type of thuggery. It will be YOU ALL who has the BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS.
It's a good thing you weren't around during the American Revolution. You would have gone catatonic.

Typical reply just what you would expect.
They are all puffed up blowhard but deep down a immature little child in an adults body.
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Faint Praise indeed....look who approves of Wicked Jester's Class Act.
So, you're approving of one of your fellow lib idiots calling for an elected politician to be dragged from his home and tortured.

Don't think it isn't noticed up here, asshole, that you are choosing to talk shit to those americans who don't believe in anarchy, and don't believe that ANY politician deserves to be dragged from their home and tortured based on a simple vote, regardless of their political bend.

Obviously, unlike you, there are those true americans that fully understand what our republic/democracy is truly all about....That torturing or murdering elected politicians is absolutely wrong on every level.....The thought or support of it is equally wrong on every level.......That even eluding to it is wrong on every level.

You're exposed yet again, ASSHOLE!

Torture you say?


And this means WHAT exactly? You FORGOT FDR and Internment CAMPS didn't you?
So, you're approving of one of your fellow lib idiots calling for an elected politician to be dragged from his home and tortured.

Don't think it isn't noticed up here, asshole, that you are choosing to talk shit to those americans who don't believe in anarchy, and don't believe that ANY politician deserves to be dragged from their home and tortured based on a simple vote, regardless of their political bend.

Obviously, unlike you, there are those true americans that fully understand what our republic/democracy is truly all about....That torturing or murdering elected politicians is absolutely wrong on every level.....The thought or support of it is equally wrong on every level.......That even eluding to it is wrong on every level.

You're exposed yet again, ASSHOLE!

Torture you say?


And this means WHAT exactly? You FORGOT FDR and Internment CAMPS didn't you?

What about them....wait....are you saying we tortured Japanese Americans during WWII? Are you really saying that?
Faint Praise indeed....look who approves of Wicked Jester's Class Act.
So, you're approving of one of your fellow lib idiots calling for an elected politician to be dragged from his home and tortured.

Don't think it isn't noticed up here, asshole, that you are choosing to talk shit to those americans who don't believe in anarchy, and don't believe that ANY politician deserves to be dragged from their home and tortured based on a simple vote, regardless of their political bend.

Obviously, unlike you, there are those true americans that fully understand what our republic/democracy is truly all about....That torturing or murdering elected politicians is absolutely wrong on every level.....The thought or support of it is equally wrong on every level.......That even eluding to it is wrong on every level.

You're exposed yet again, ASSHOLE!

Torture you say?

Did your fellow LIB not say that the politician in question should be taken out and TARRED and FEATHERED?

Do you NOT understand what that means?

You people are fuckin' idiots.:cuckoo:

You people are an embarrasment to all americans.
Did your fellow LIB not say that the politician in question should be taken out and TARRED and FEATHERED?

Do you NOT understand what that means?

You people are fuckin' idiots.:cuckoo:

You people are an embarrasment to all americans.

What is this "you people" crap? I'm an Independent. I've never registered for either party. As to being "American", I'm a vet who discharged out from active-duty in the late 80's. You were saying?
Is there even one proclaimed left wing vet up here who has the guts to call out their fellow left winger, for calling for an elected politician to be removed from his home and tortured on the basis of a vote?

Do ANY of you proclaimed veterans have the guts to call him out for what he said?

Do any of you have an understanding that what he said amounts to a domestic enemy. That what he said was as anti-american as it gets. That what he said goes completely against that oath you SUPPOSEDLY took?
Is there even one proclaimed left wing vet up here who has the guts to call out their fellow left winger, for calling for an elected politician to be removed from his home and tortured on the basis of a vote?

Do ANY of you proclaimed veterans have the guts to call him out for what he said?

Do any of you have an understanding that what he said amounts to a domestic enemy. That what he said was as anti-american as it gets. That what he said goes completely against that oath you SUPPOSEDLY took?

None of that matters because Dick Cheney was much worse. You just don't understand. :eusa_shhh:
Did your fellow LIB not say that the politician in question should be taken out and TARRED and FEATHERED?

Do you NOT understand what that means?

You people are fuckin' idiots.:cuckoo:

You people are an embarrasment to all americans.

What is this "you people" crap? I'm an Independent. I've never registered for either party. As to being "American", I'm a vet who discharged out from active-duty in the late 80's. You were saying?
"You people" refers to the assholes up here who don't have the guts to call out a certain piece of shit for what he is......"You people" refers to those who proclaimed to take an oath, and then sit back and say nothing, because that certain persons political bend coincides with their thoughts and beliefs......."You people" refers to ANY american that just sits back and says nothing, even though a complete scumbag called for the torture of an elected politician.

One thing is for sure, if I see a person of my political bend, or any political bend call for that anti-american shit, i'm up in their ass like colon cancer on steroids.

And what do we hear from those on his side?......Absolute silence......It's disgusting.
Is there even one proclaimed left wing vet up here who has the guts to call out their fellow left winger, for calling for an elected politician to be removed from his home and tortured on the basis of a vote?

Do ANY of you proclaimed veterans have the guts to call him out for what he said?

Do any of you have an understanding that what he said amounts to a domestic enemy. That what he said was as anti-american as it gets. That what he said goes completely against that oath you SUPPOSEDLY took?

I think it would be a hoot if they tarred and feathered him.

I bet I would be able to hear you screech from here.
Judging from your postings? You prefer lynching.
I do, indeed. It's the best way I know of to extricate our political system from the pit of devious corruption it's slid into over the years.

If you know a better way how about sharing it with us.
Piss on the unions. They keep non union people from working, and to be part of the union you must pay them to work. I say again piss on the unions.
So you wait for an opening in the local and you join the union -- just like everyone else in the union did. And then you have a job that pays you several times more than you'd be making in the same job if it were non-union.

My son-in-law drives an 18-wheeler for UPS. He likes the job and he works a lot of overtime. Last year he brought home $86,000. How's that for a man who dropped out of high-school. How much do you think he'd be making if not for the Teamsters Union?

In addition to that he has Aetna health insurance (the best) for his whole family, he has a dental plan, paid holidays, two weeks vacation, an excellent pension plan and a free $50,000 life insurance policy.

And you have a problem with unions? I think you need to do a little research into reality and stop listening to right-wing anti-union propaganda.
I'm not condoning extra-marital affairs, however, why is it always assumed that when a man cheats on his wife he's a dirty scoundrel with no morals? 9 times out of 10 when a woman cheats on her husband it's because he wasn't there for her when she needed him or some BS like that. I do understand that there are exceptions that many people do cheat out of lack of morality, however, it seems like there is a double standard. The governor's wife (possibly ex) might have been the biggest beyotch on the planet who would never cough up the guts. just sayin.
Tax-Shy Randy Hopper's $250 Million Yearly Capital Gains Giveaway

Tax Avoiding Senator Proposes Deficit-Growing Tax Break Primarily Helping Wealthy
Madison - Sen. Randy Hopper (R-Fond du Lac), who paid net state income taxes once in ten years, has proposed an end to capital gains taxes, which primarily benefit the wealthy and would cost $250 million a year, according to the non-partisan Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau.

Hopper introduced his plan this week to repeal recent changes to the state's generous capital gains loophole and end capital gains taxes all together in three years. The first part of this plan would add $243 million to the current to the current $3.3 billion budget deficit for the next two years and full implementation of the Hopper capital gains scheme would top $250 million every year. [Legislative Fiscal Bureau, Act 28, 8/09][/b]

Hopper's lack of tax payment was raised in an article in the Fond du Lac Reporter in October 2008. The article noted that Hopper not only paid state income tax just once in ten years, but also had three businesses, which also paid no net state income tax. According to the article, "In 2006 he paid $22,752 in state tax due, he said, to capital gains from the sale of one of the two radio stations he owns in Sheboygan."

..... Capital gains tax breaks are given disproportionately to those at the top of the income ladder. According to the data from the state fiscal bureau, before the change to the Wisconsin capital gains tax in 2009, the highest two percent of Wisconsin tax filers earning over $200,000 got over half the benefit. By contrast, the bottom two-thirds of income earners, those under $50,000, got just 15 percent. [Wisconsin Council on Children and Families, 6/22/09]

Tax-Shy Randy Hopper's $250 Million Yearly Capital Gains Giveaway - One Wisconsin Now
Wisconsin State GOP Senator Randy Hopper'a resume
- cheats on his wife (Adultery is a Class I felony in Wisconsin)

- started an affair in January 2010 with a 25-year-old Republican aide

- moved out of his legal residence in the district on May 2010

- Wisconsin State law requires that Senators live in the district they represent

- Hopper spokesperson state that the Senator has an apartment in the district where he lives and works but provided no home address

- Hopper filed a petition for divorce in August, 2010

- "It is correct that my husband, Randy Hopper, started an affair in January 2010 with a then-25-year-old Republican aide. This affair has caused great emotional pain for my children and me. Randy moved out, without attempting marital counseling, as of May 2010 and now lives mostly in Madison."
(Alysia Hopper)

- only paid state income tax just once in ten years, but can afford a maid

- had 3 businesses, which also paid no net state income tax

- forced to pay $22,752 in state capital gains tax from the sale of one of his 2 radio stations in 2006

- recently introduced plan to end capital gains taxes all together in 3 years that would add another approximately $250 million annually to the state debt

- highest 2% of Wisconsin tax filers earning over $200,000 would get over 50% of the benefit from ending state capital gains tax

Randy Hopper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

what the fuck does this guy's dick activity have t do with anything?
You libs have nothing. No substance. So you resort to personal attacks.
Liberals: Riding the short bus too mediocrity.
The guy's a sleaze bag. Plain & simple. RECALL HIM!!!. He'll be lucky if he isn't brought into court for his serial, tax-avoidance.
Piss on the unions. They keep non union people from working, and to be part of the union you must pay them to work. I say again piss on the unions.
So you wait for an opening in the local and you join the union -- just like everyone else in the union did. And then you have a job that pays you several times more than you'd be making in the same job if it were non-union.

My son-in-law drives an 18-wheeler for UPS. He likes the job and he works a lot of overtime. Last year he brought home $86,000. How's that for a man who dropped out of high-school. How much do you think he'd be making if not for the Teamsters Union?

In addition to that he has Aetna health insurance (the best) for his whole family, he has a dental plan, paid holidays, two weeks vacation, an excellent pension plan and a free $50,000 life insurance policy.

And you have a problem with unions? I think you need to do a little research into reality and stop listening to right-wing anti-union propaganda.

Fuck unions. Ever heard of the term "closed shop"?
This term is directly tied to union workplaces. Meaning, in order to get work, one must "know people"...
My cousin, who has since retired from the printing business, only got his job because his father worked there.
That is just one example. Had a friend in my home town many years ago who was an iron worker. He got that job because he had family in the union. Same with another guy I played baseball with. He got a job working for a carting company...Becauee his friend's father was a Teamster....Unions are closed shops...
Wait for an opening...Please....
Anyway, this has nothing to do with private sector unions.
Your side's argument is so weak that you keep bringing in the private sector into the mix. Doesn't wash.
Faint Praise indeed....look who approves of Wicked Jester's Class Act.
So, you're approving of one of your fellow lib idiots calling for an elected politician to be dragged from his home and tortured.

Don't think it isn't noticed up here, asshole, that you are choosing to talk shit to those americans who don't believe in anarchy, and don't believe that ANY politician deserves to be dragged from their home and tortured based on a simple vote, regardless of their political bend.

Obviously, unlike you, there are those true americans that fully understand what our republic/democracy is truly all about....That torturing or murdering elected politicians is absolutely wrong on every level.....The thought or support of it is equally wrong on every level.......That even eluding to it is wrong on every level.

You're exposed yet again, ASSHOLE!

Screw these lib/progressives. They are nothing but hypocritical double standard types who despise rules for themselves but want rules for everyone else.
"Libs: "Do as I say. Not as I do"....Cock suckers.

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