Why we cannot trust the US government, it is a Narco-Corruptocracy.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
In 1987 I switched jobs from a steelworker to a technical trainee at a large manufacturing plant that produced ultra-precision components for friction management. I had to pass a lot of tests to get the job even though my wife got me into the place. Right away I noticed something odd. The person training me was selling high quality cocaine right out his car in the parking lot and his biggest customers were in the top management of the organization.

The job paid really well so I took it in stride because I had three kids and I needed the money. I worked there for thirty years after the company was sold to a worldwide manufacturer that bought it up as a big fish eating a smaller fish in the corporate stock world. I get a pension from that company that most people will never see in their lifetime. Still, I wondered at the time of my hiring where all that cocaine was coming from.

I did recall something about Reagan, Nicaragua and the Contras back in the 70’s but I had no idea how corrupt the US government had become, and I was in the process of becoming more conservative in my thinking. Drugs are big business in America, and they have infiltrated every corner of Our Congress. Today we do not live in a democracy, or even an oligarchy, we are living in a Narco-Corruptocracy which is why we cannot trust the US government or any of its agencies.

America’s opioid epidemic is almost certainly imposed onto the population by the US government for reasons only It knows but more on that in a later piece. About the time I was starting my new job two young boys stumbled on a CIA drug drop in Mena Arkansas. They were killed in cold blood by local law enforcement working with government drug runners and their bodies were posed on railroad tracks to make their deaths look like a suicide. The incident was quickly covered up and honest law enforcement attempts to solve the murders were thwarted by Washington at the highest levels. The murders remain unsolved to this day because the perpetrators are protected by Congress.

Something very sinister is going on in America and American leadership is poisoned by drug money every bit as much as Pablo Escobar was. We cannot trust our government because it is acting is its own interest not the people’s.

ID Files – The train deaths

train deaths mena arkansas - Bing images

Death of Don Henry and Kevin Ives - Wikipedia

www.oocities.org/theoctopus22/thetraindeaths.html Mena, Drugs and the Train Deaths

Case (serendipity.li)

Judge To Review Clinton 1987 Murder Of 2 Arkansas Boys (newspunch.com)

DEA must disclose files in Arkansas teens' railroad deaths (apnews.com)
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Most of the original investigators in the case were destroyed by the government in one way or another because those boys were going to blow the lid off a can of worms that still operates to this day.
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I’m glad you’re finally catching on Raymond. Albeit very slowly.
It looks to me like all this chaos and disorder is planned. They want to take away local policing so they can impose martial law with the military patrolling the streets. With much of the population sedated and wired on drugs it will not be hard.
Drugs allow Americans to be productive in a soulless consumerist environment. In a way it's even worse now that we have all these prescription psychotropic remedies to a boring empty life spent toiling for faceless corporations. Take your Zoloft and you can handle shuffling paper all day long.
In 1987 I switched jobs from a steelworker to a technical trainee at a large manufacturing plant that produced ultra-precision components for friction management. I had to pass a lot of tests to get the job even though my wife got me into the place. Right away I noticed something odd. The person training me was selling high quality cocaine right out his car in the parking lot and his biggest customers were in the top management of the organization.

The job paid really well so I took it in stride because I had three kids and I needed the money. I worked there for thirty years after the company was sold to a worldwide manufacturer that bought it up as a big fish eating a smaller fish in the corporate stock world. I get a pension from that company that most people will never see in their lifetime. Still, I wondered at the time of my hiring where all that cocaine was coming from.

I did recall something about Reagan, Nicaragua and the Contras back in the 70’s but I had no idea how corrupt the US government had become, and I was in the process of becoming more conservative in my thinking. Drugs are big business in America, and they have infiltrated every corner of Our Congress. Today we do not live in a democracy, or even an oligarchy, we are living in a Narco-Corruptocracy which is why we cannot trust the US government or any of its agencies.

America’s opioid epidemic is almost certainly imposed onto the population by the US government for reasons only It knows but more on that in a later piece. About the time I was starting my new job two young boys stumbled on a CIA drug drop in Mena Arkansas. They were killed in cold blood by local law enforcement working with government drug runners and their bodies were posed on railroad tracks to make their deaths look like a suicide. The incident was quickly covered up and honest law enforcement attempts to solve the murders were thwarted by Washington at the highest levels. The murders remain unsolved to this day because the perpetrators are protected by Congress.

Something very sinister is going on in America and American leadership is poisoned by drug money every bit as much as Pablo Escobar was. We cannot trust our government because it is acting is its own interest not the people’s.

ID Files – The train deaths

train deaths mena arkansas - Bing images

Death of Don Henry and Kevin Ives - Wikipedia

www.oocities.org/theoctopus22/thetraindeaths.html Mena, Drugs and the Train Deaths
Case (serendipity.li)

Judge To Review Clinton 1987 Murder Of 2 Arkansas Boys (newspunch.com)

DEA must disclose files in Arkansas teens' railroad deaths (apnews.com)
In the early 70s there were a lot of antiwar protests on college campuses. Suddenly campuses were flooded with a drug called Sopors. They were downers and the theory was that the government was behind it to keep students less interested in protesting.
In 1987 I switched jobs from a steelworker to a technical trainee at a large manufacturing plant that produced ultra-precision components for friction management. I had to pass a lot of tests to get the job even though my wife got me into the place. Right away I noticed something odd. The person training me was selling high quality cocaine right out his car in the parking lot and his biggest customers were in the top management of the organization.

The job paid really well so I took it in stride because I had three kids and I needed the money. I worked there for thirty years after the company was sold to a worldwide manufacturer that bought it up as a big fish eating a smaller fish in the corporate stock world. I get a pension from that company that most people will never see in their lifetime. Still, I wondered at the time of my hiring where all that cocaine was coming from.

I did recall something about Reagan, Nicaragua and the Contras back in the 70’s but I had no idea how corrupt the US government had become, and I was in the process of becoming more conservative in my thinking. Drugs are big business in America, and they have infiltrated every corner of Our Congress. Today we do not live in a democracy, or even an oligarchy, we are living in a Narco-Corruptocracy which is why we cannot trust the US government or any of its agencies.

America’s opioid epidemic is almost certainly imposed onto the population by the US government for reasons only It knows but more on that in a later piece. About the time I was starting my new job two young boys stumbled on a CIA drug drop in Mena Arkansas. They were killed in cold blood by local law enforcement working with government drug runners and their bodies were posed on railroad tracks to make their deaths look like a suicide. The incident was quickly covered up and honest law enforcement attempts to solve the murders were thwarted by Washington at the highest levels. The murders remain unsolved to this day because the perpetrators are protected by Congress.

Something very sinister is going on in America and American leadership is poisoned by drug money every bit as much as Pablo Escobar was. We cannot trust our government because it is acting is its own interest not the people’s.

ID Files – The train deaths

train deaths mena arkansas - Bing images

Death of Don Henry and Kevin Ives - Wikipedia

www.oocities.org/theoctopus22/thetraindeaths.html Mena, Drugs and the Train Deaths
Case (serendipity.li)

Judge To Review Clinton 1987 Murder Of 2 Arkansas Boys (newspunch.com)

DEA must disclose files in Arkansas teens' railroad deaths (apnews.com)
Something very sinister is going on in America and American leadership is toxically intoxicated by drug money every bit as much as Pablo Escobar was. We cannot trust our government because it is acting is its own interest for future considerations in a globalist coalition to wipe out America’s middle class and drug average Americans into giving up all their freedoms and liberties.

Citizens are invited to research Gary Webb, an actual investigative reporter that exposed Washington’s role as drug pusher on the people of the United states as a control mechanism. Citizens killing each other in the streets over drug territory are not likely to question government and that appears to be the plan. Like other “real” investigative reporters before him, Webb’s life and livelihood were destroyed by the government and he eventually committed suicide.

After decades of injecting innocent children with Adderall and Ritalin, the US government has used American education to create a Zombie population of rioters and looters that have been unleashed in answer to the former president and to intimidate American voters into never again trying to regain control of the government as the founders intended.

Americans should pay close attention to the Covid pandemic because the US government is in the process of forcing a DNA-altering chemical onto the public via “vaccine passports”. Already women are noticing disturbing changes to their menstrual cycles which could indicate future worldwide birth defects. Why on Earth would a vaccine be designed to interface with human DNA? What is the US the US government not telling us about the origins of this dastardly plague and Washington’s possible collaboration in its development? Do your own investigative reporting and research Thalidomide if you really want to see what experts in action do for the people.

Do not expect your local Hooterville media to ask real questions. They couldn’t investigate a missing doughnut and that is fine with them. They are not there to inform you; they are there to control you.

In 1987 I switched jobs from a steelworker to a technical trainee at a large manufacturing plant that produced ultra-precision components for friction management. I had to pass a lot of tests to get the job even though my wife got me into the place. Right away I noticed something odd. The person training me was selling high quality cocaine right out his car in the parking lot and his biggest customers were in the top management of the organization.

The job paid really well so I took it in stride because I had three kids and I needed the money. I worked there for thirty years after the company was sold to a worldwide manufacturer that bought it up as a big fish eating a smaller fish in the corporate stock world. I get a pension from that company that most people will never see in their lifetime. Still, I wondered at the time of my hiring where all that cocaine was coming from.

I did recall something about Reagan, Nicaragua and the Contras back in the 70’s but I had no idea how corrupt the US government had become, and I was in the process of becoming more conservative in my thinking. Drugs are big business in America, and they have infiltrated every corner of Our Congress. Today we do not live in a democracy, or even an oligarchy, we are living in a Narco-Corruptocracy which is why we cannot trust the US government or any of its agencies.

America’s opioid epidemic is almost certainly imposed onto the population by the US government for reasons only It knows but more on that in a later piece. About the time I was starting my new job two young boys stumbled on a CIA drug drop in Mena Arkansas. They were killed in cold blood by local law enforcement working with government drug runners and their bodies were posed on railroad tracks to make their deaths look like a suicide. The incident was quickly covered up and honest law enforcement attempts to solve the murders were thwarted by Washington at the highest levels. The murders remain unsolved to this day because the perpetrators are protected by Congress.

Something very sinister is going on in America and American leadership is poisoned by drug money every bit as much as Pablo Escobar was. We cannot trust our government because it is acting is its own interest not the people’s.

ID Files – The train deaths

train deaths mena arkansas - Bing images

Death of Don Henry and Kevin Ives - Wikipedia

www.oocities.org/theoctopus22/thetraindeaths.html Mena, Drugs and the Train Deaths
Case (serendipity.li)

Judge To Review Clinton 1987 Murder Of 2 Arkansas Boys (newspunch.com)

DEA must disclose files in Arkansas teens' railroad deaths (apnews.com)
Catherine Austin Fitts is a life-long Republican with long ties to the inner workings of Wall Street and the US Government:

"Narco News Publisher's Note: Catherine Austin Fitts is a former managing director and member of the board of directors of Dillon Read & Co, Inc, a former Assistant Secretary of Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner in the first Bush Administration, and the former President of The Hamilton Securities Group, Inc. She is the President of Solari, Inc, an investment advisory firm. Solari provides risk management services to investors through Sanders Research Associates in London.​

"The Latin American drug cartels have stretched their tentacles much deeper into our lives than most people believe. It's possible they are calling the shots at all levels of government."

- William Colby, former CIA Director, 1995"

Narco News Publishes C.A. Fitts Guide to Narco-Dollars
In 1987 I switched jobs from a steelworker to a technical trainee at a large manufacturing plant that produced ultra-precision components for friction management. I had to pass a lot of tests to get the job even though my wife got me into the place. Right away I noticed something odd. The person training me was selling high quality cocaine right out his car in the parking lot and his biggest customers were in the top management of the organization.

The job paid really well so I took it in stride because I had three kids and I needed the money. I worked there for thirty years after the company was sold to a worldwide manufacturer that bought it up as a big fish eating a smaller fish in the corporate stock world. I get a pension from that company that most people will never see in their lifetime. Still, I wondered at the time of my hiring where all that cocaine was coming from.

I did recall something about Reagan, Nicaragua and the Contras back in the 70’s but I had no idea how corrupt the US government had become, and I was in the process of becoming more conservative in my thinking. Drugs are big business in America, and they have infiltrated every corner of Our Congress. Today we do not live in a democracy, or even an oligarchy, we are living in a Narco-Corruptocracy which is why we cannot trust the US government or any of its agencies.

America’s opioid epidemic is almost certainly imposed onto the population by the US government for reasons only It knows but more on that in a later piece. About the time I was starting my new job two young boys stumbled on a CIA drug drop in Mena Arkansas. They were killed in cold blood by local law enforcement working with government drug runners and their bodies were posed on railroad tracks to make their deaths look like a suicide. The incident was quickly covered up and honest law enforcement attempts to solve the murders were thwarted by Washington at the highest levels. The murders remain unsolved to this day because the perpetrators are protected by Congress.

Something very sinister is going on in America and American leadership is poisoned by drug money every bit as much as Pablo Escobar was. We cannot trust our government because it is acting is its own interest not the people’s.

ID Files – The train deaths

train deaths mena arkansas - Bing images

Death of Don Henry and Kevin Ives - Wikipedia

www.oocities.org/theoctopus22/thetraindeaths.html Mena, Drugs and the Train Deaths
Case (serendipity.li)

Judge To Review Clinton 1987 Murder Of 2 Arkansas Boys (newspunch.com)

DEA must disclose files in Arkansas teens' railroad deaths (apnews.com)

CONSPIRACY THEORY? Nice story, you even post links, that does not prove anything since our Government has turned over and over again with new people. Presidents, Members of the H. of Rep., Senators, Supreme Court Justices, FBI Agents, etc. etc.
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