Why Was Mike Pence Not Charged With Possessing Classified Documents?

Section 3 is controlling when a former President is involved, section 2 clearly does not apply.

(3) the Presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President

Bill Clinton possesses digital audio recording from his presidency which are recordings of him doing official business including speaking with foreign leaders. The court said these were his personal records and the Archive had no right to them.

On a practical level, the possibility of judicial review raises a host of questions. If it is available, why is the PRA entirely silent on the subject?
Lots of useless and pointless knowledge/words. Ho hum.
Read post # 23.... 27........ 33

You have no way of showing/proving that Trump stole anything. Not 1 piece of paper.

You're still stuck on who owns the documents. You claim they belong to Trump. The law explicitly contradicts you, affirming that the docs belong to the United States.

Thus, any argument you make that is predicated on the documents belonging to Trump is already meaningless pseudo-legal gibberish.

Presidential records can be made available to the president....under very specific circumstances, also laid out in the law.

"(2) The Archivist shall deposit all such Presidential records in a Presidential archival depository or another archival facility operated by the United States. The Archivist is authorized to designate, after consultation with the former President, a director at each depository or facility, who shall be responsible for the care and preservation of such records."

A former president can't just steal shit. They can't defy subpoenas. They can't lie to authorities about willfully retaining classified docs. They can't compel others to lie to authorities for them. They can't hide the docs from authorities. They can't show them to anyone else.

The presidential records don't belong to the president. They belong to the United States.

You're stuck. This is why no one on the grand jury called you when assessing charges. You just don't know what you're talking about.
You're still apeing, EX....but you've never actually read anything you're linking to. Which is why don't understand what you've been told to think.

Presidential records do NOT belong to the president.

They are the property of the United States. Says who? Says the law:

"Ownership of Presidential records. The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter."


Presidential records can be made available to the president....under very specific circumstances, also laid out in the law.

"(2) The Archivist shall deposit all such Presidential records in a Presidential archival depository or another archival facility operated by the United States. The Archivist is authorized to designate, after consultation with the former President, a director at each depository or facility, who shall be responsible for the care and preservation of such records."

A former president can't just steal shit. The presidential records don't belong to the president. They belong to the United States.

Trump just stole them. Willfully retained the documents, lied to authorities about having them, compelled his lawyers to lie, tried to move the documents so they wouldn't be found, shared classified documents with other people, and defied a subpoena.

The law doesn't allow ANY of that. Not one bit. As the documents are not and never have been Trump's. They've always belonged to the United States.

As for the Judicial Watch case, Judicial Watch tried to COMPEL the Archivst to collect tapes from Clinton that Judicial Watch claimed were presidential records. The courts found that they couldn't compel the Archivst to do any such thing.

You're going to need better talking points to mindlessly repeat. Ex.
I already eliminated your rather stupid inclusions of the words "property" and "steal", Your wheels are spinning, and you're not going anywhere in this debate. In fact, you've already lost it, you just apparently don't want to admit it.

Not my problem.

ps-Let's add the word "belong" to the list

PPS -large/bold print doesn't help
I already eliminated your rather stupid inclusions of the words "property" and "steal", Your wheels are spinning, and you're not going anywhere in this debate. In fact, you've already lost it, you just apparently don't want to admit it.

Not my problem.

ps-Let's add the word "belong" to the list

Nope. You're still stuck at square one. You insist that the documents belong to Trump. The PRA is explicit that the documents belong to the United States.

"Ownership of Presidential records. The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter."

Give me a holler if you ever get over that hump.
Congress had 2 months to look into that. Meanwhile, the law states the vice president starts counting the electoral votes on January 6th following an election. On whose authority did Pence have to violate that law?
The same authority that allowed the Marxists/Democrats to steal the 2020 election. Of course the Marxists couldnt have that, because then they would of been destroyed forever as the truth came out who started the Kung Flu, who made everyone lives miserable when the Kung Flu hit America, who is really the enemy of the people...Marxists/Democrats.
The same authority that allowed the Marxists/Democrats to steal the 2020 election. Of course the Marxists couldnt have that, because then they would of been destroyed forever as the truth came out who started the Kung Flu, who made everyone lives miserable when the Kung Flu hit America, who is really the enemy of the people...Marxists/Democrats.

What stolen election?

Remember, every court to hear that pseudo-legal gibberish has laughed it right out of the door. From the SCOTUS on down.
The scary thing is that these folks really don't give a fuck about how much this prosecution makes us look like a third world country. I'm just shaking my head in disbelief.

Or.....Excalibur just doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

"Ownership of Presidential records. The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter."

So vast international conspiracy to make the US look like a third world country.

Or some dude on the internet just doesn't understand the law.

Occam's razor definitely picks a side on that one.
Or.....Excalibur just doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

"Ownership of Presidential records. The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter."

So vast international conspiracy to make the US look like a third world country.

Or some dude on the internet just doesn't understand the law.

Occam's razor definitely picks a side on that one.
Hey Clarence, you skipped square 1. I do love when condescending , pretentious assholes expose themselves as some dude on the internet just doesn't understand the law.
Hey Clarance, you skipped square 1. I do love when condescending , pretentious assholes expose themselves as some dude on the internet just doesn't understand the law.
Laughing.....oh, Rawley. There's no need to be so butthurt just because I dismantled your silly gibberish with evidence.

Nor is there any reason for you to ignore the law. Its clear as a bell that the President does NOT own the Presidential Records.

"Ownership of Presidential records. The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter."


And while former presidents can gain access to presidential records, they can only do so under very specific circumstances:

"(2) The Archivist shall deposit all such Presidential records in a Presidential archival depository or another archival facility operated by the United States. The Archivist is authorized to designate, after consultation with the former President, a director at each depository or facility, who shall be responsible for the care and preservation of such records."

This is also the law.

Your absurd little conspiracy is completely unnecessary.
The same authority that allowed the Marxists/Democrats to steal the 2020 election. Of course the Marxists couldnt have that, because then they would of been destroyed forever as the truth came out who started the Kung Flu, who made everyone lives miserable when the Kung Flu hit America, who is really the enemy of the people...Marxists/Democrats.

The election wasn't stolen, brain-dead con. :cuckoo:
Former Trump Vice-President Mike Pence possessed classified documents from January 20, 2021 forward. NB That part of the [BS] charging document of Donald Trump says he possessed them from January 20, 2021, same as Pence possessed them.

And not until after the MAL raid did Pence decide maybe he should search to see if he possessed any classified documents. Meaning Pence possessed them longer than Trump did.

A 100% selective prosecution of Trump because he is a threat to the deep state, whereas Pence is no threat to that same deep state.

The object is to get Trump not Pence.
Former Trump Vice-President Mike Pence possessed classified documents from January 20, 2021 forward. NB That part of the [BS] charging document of Donald Trump says he possessed them from January 20, 2021, same as Pence possessed them.

And not until after the MAL raid did Pence decide maybe he should search to see if he possessed any classified documents. Meaning Pence possessed them longer than Trump did.

A 100% selective prosecution of Trump because he is a threat to the deep state, whereas Pence is no threat to that same deep state.

He wasn't running for President at the time....should he beat Trump.......all of a sudden he will be indicted...
Laughing.....oh, Rawley. There's no need to be so butthurt just because I dismantled your silly gibberish with evidence.

Nor is there any reason for you to ignore the law. Its clear as a bell that the President does NOT own the Presidential Records.

"Ownership of Presidential records. The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter."


And while former presidents can gain access to presidential records, they can only do so under very specific circumstances:

"(2) The Archivist shall deposit all such Presidential records in a Presidential archival depository or another archival facility operated by the United States. The Archivist is authorized to designate, after consultation with the former President, a director at each depository or facility, who shall be responsible for the care and preservation of such records."

This is also the law.

Your absurd little conspiracy is completely unnecessary.
LOL Didn't figure out square 1 yet? You should stop playing lawyer on the internet, your ignorance is painful
Former Trump Vice-President Mike Pence possessed classified documents from January 20, 2021 forward. NB That part of the [BS] charging document of Donald Trump says he possessed them from January 20, 2021, same as Pence possessed them.

And not until after the MAL raid did Pence decide maybe he should search to see if he possessed any classified documents. Meaning Pence possessed them longer than Trump did.

A 100% selective prosecution of Trump because he is a threat to the deep state, whereas Pence is no threat to that same deep state.

Pence gave them back. Trump hid them.
Former Trump Vice-President Mike Pence possessed classified documents from January 20, 2021 forward. NB That part of the [BS] charging document of Donald Trump says he possessed them from January 20, 2021, same as Pence possessed them.

And not until after the MAL raid did Pence decide maybe he should search to see if he possessed any classified documents. Meaning Pence possessed them longer than Trump did.

A 100% selective prosecution of Trump because he is a threat to the deep state, whereas Pence is no threat to that same deep state.

You know why. It's because he's not THE ORANGE MAN BAD!


Where is Mikey, anyways? Mikey put all the dunce caps and crybaby faces on this.

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