Why the Left hate's FNC

Top Clips of Jon Stewart Destroying Fox News

These are the top clips of Jon Stewart destroying Fox News. The last few weeks have spawned some of the greatest moments that Jon Stewart's Daily Show has ever seen. Showing the American public why Fox News is the worst news channel in the world seems like a personal quest of Stewart's because he is doing a really good job of it. So in honor of this, here are the latest clips, as well as 8 other recent classics of Jon Stewart using "logic" and "facts" to demonstrate why Fox News is pretty much wrong about everything. It's not because they're conservative, it's because they're dumb.

Fox News claims to be "fair and balanced" but their conservative bias is evident in everything they do. Fox News anchors are obviously just puppets and they say whatever the teleprompter tells them to but that doesn't relieve them of the responsibility of being honest. In the past the way Fox got away with it was by claiming that at certain times of the day their channel was Fox News but at others it is Fox Opinion. If you look at the facts however it is clear that they do not make any distinction really between the two and they do lots of "opinion" pieces during their regular news program. Fox News is simply the scum of the Earth and you will see after watching these videos exactly how bad they are.

What is the best clip of Jon Stewart destroying Fox News? Take a look here and you'll find some of the best of Stewart on this list.
Best Jon Stewart Clips | List of Jon Stewart Responding to Fox News

lol lol lol
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people who copy and paste this way are brainwashed loses who get paid to post; and cant think for themselves
george soros spoon fed every one of your posts to you anally

and you swallow anything and every thing he puts in front of you or behind you
Fox Has Absolutely NO Journalistic Ethics, And Here’s A LONG List Of Their Lies

It’s pretty well-known among those of us not sipping the Kool-Aid/tea combination that Fox News is an arm of the Republican Party, and with that goal in mind they willfully spread propaganda and misinformation every opportunity they get, provided it benefits conservative political ideology.
It's pretty well known that the left runs the main stream media and hates FOX because things can't be swept under the rug like they used to be.
'We Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us, and now we're discovering that we're working for Fox.'
—David Frum, former American Enterprise Institute fellow, March 2010
The Fox News Channel (a.k.a. "Faux Noise,"Faux News," "Fixed News," "Fux News," "Pox News," "Fox Opinion Channel," "Fox Propaganda Channel," "Fox Noise," "7ox News," "Bullshit Mountain," and, rarely, "Minitrue" to its detractors) is a United States-based cable and satellite "news" propaganda machine known for a blatantly right-wing and dishonest presentation of the news. It is owned by News Corporation.

Notable (dysfunctional) personalities

Fox News - RationalWiki

Notable (dysfunctional) personalities


From the link:

Fox News employs people on all parts of the political spectrum, from the far-right to the ultra-right. Nevertheless, the on-air personalities tend to fall into recognizable categories: angry Irish guys, blondes with nice legs, milquetoast liberals, and hawt chicks of indeterminate ethnicity.[7] .... In order to capture the demographic that is too old to either Google for porn or buy Playboy, Fox employs a host of hawt "news babes" (or "anchor babes"). Many of the news babes were former models or have used Fox to bolster their modeling careers. Because the only thing that's expected of them is to look good in short skirts and hooker boots while regurgitating wingnut talking points, the news babe phenomenon might be the ultimate case of wingnut welfare

... Fox News' usual programming includes anything containing the words: Paris Hilton, Anna Nicole Smith, celebrity, or other such pointless drivel. Occasionally, they let actual news slip by, but it is always quickly removed. They are also your National Headquarters for uninteresting Southern California car chases.

... Fox News was the first to inform us that Barack Obama is a Muslim sleeper, trained in a radical Islamic madrasa, a co-conspirator of terrorist Bill Ayers, who salutes his wife with a "terrorist fist jab." Fox is still awaiting a Pulitzer for these notable revelations.[17]

... Fox invented the technique of showing one thing on the screen while commenting upon the opposite, such as Sean Hannity repeatedly asserting Rudy Giuliani was winning the 2008 Republican debates, while live polls showed Ron Paul winning.[18]

... Fox is known for occasionally refusing advertisements not coinciding with Murdoch's view of what's good for America. For example, in May 2010, Fox refused to air an advert from VoteVets, veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, asking for clean energy development to reduce our dependence upon Middle Eastern oil.[23]

... "They can go fuck themselves." (Also reported as "They can go fox themselves.")
—Joan Rivers, after Fox canceled her appearance, then lied about it, following criticism of Sarah Palin​

:lmao: so true.

people who copy and paste this way are brainwashed loses who get paid to post; and cant think for themselves

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Both Fox & MSNBC are a blight on what used to be known as "the news".


what used to be known as the news is when all the major networks were carbon copies of MSNBC - Left Wing Liberal Vomit- Fox has changed all that

Got news for ya Madge. What MSNBC is doing is imitating Fox Noise.

News used to be news: dry, unemotional facts, who-what-where-when and get out. Along came CNN to bring a steady feed of it to TV. Then Rupert Murdoch shows up, fresh from a career making a fortune on sleazy tabloid rags, with a whole new idea: instead of doing actual news, which is expensive, flying people around, keeping news bureaus open around the world, etc, Fox would present News Theater: talking heads in a studio talking about the news, rather than actually covering it.

Oh, they keep token stringers stringing along to employ a camera crew when something blows up, but where they make their money is prime time -- and prime time is a garishly colored studio populated by angry white guys pounding on tables and short-skirted bimbos all murmuring endless commentary not about what the news IS but what the news means. Not about politics (the process) but about politicians (the persons). Basically the sleazy tabloid applied to TV news: a gossip channel oozing endless salacious scandal, starring the political party of the booga-booga man as the evil villain. Real news has no evil villains; it just is.

And of course that meaning is always polarized into an "us vs. them" mentality of good guys and bad guys in a grand fake morality play that is indistinguishable from that of WWE wrestling. Which also generates loyalty and an emotional relationship with a news channel such as is exhibited here daily. When news was news, nobody cared if the CBS station went down; you just tuned to ABC and got the same news. In Fox Noise you have an emotional investment. That's very different, and that's also very lucrative. Nobody ever made money presenting news. But News Theater, ah yes, there's gold in them thar ills. Because you get viewers emotionally invested.

Poor CNN, back there still doing news, found its ratings foundering with the siphoning of its more gullible audience segment, because as H.L. Mencken astutely put it, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". And Fox Noise was definitely not going broke by polarizing the news. Too, CNN's expenses were a lot higher since it was still doing real news with real reporters and real foreign bureaus. But advertising pays the bills, and without the ratings the income started to suffer (CNN was built by thinking big, and it's got a massive infrastructure to maintain). So, to its discredit CNN and its masturbatory offshoot HLN took a page from the Fox playbook and got down into the same gutter. Or it tried to. It's still trying to figure out how to straddle that fence today.

MSNBC did the same thing, though it didn't have a legacy of actual news to abandon. It's basically the mirror image of Fox Noise, doing the same thing from the perspective of the other side. The guys in the white and black hats switch and the same game goes on. Same game, different channel.

None of it is "news". But make no mistake about where it started. K? This pipe dream sales pitch about how the "news used to be liberal with Walter Cronkite screaming blah blah" (which oddly, no one articulated at the time) is just more revisionist history to try to validate what is nothing more than News Theater, a sleazy gossip channel -- a version of Entertainment Tonight using politicians instead of movie stars. And of course, Fear, the number one selling brand of emotion.

Because when you're in the business of selling rather than telling the news, emotion is your lifeblood.

MSNBC is what News used to be - from the 60s till recently. CBS,NBC,ABC were all MSNBC clones - the News was so terribly tainted , one had to wonder whether Pravda was dictating the cirriculum.

Case in Point 1 :

The Wall Within
Vietnam Veterans - Invented Story / Bogus Vets

In June 1988, CBS presented an hour-long special "CBS Reports: The Wall Within" . The show was praised by critics, the Washington Post called it "extraordinarily powerful" One Vet Terry Bradley, told Rather he had tortured and skinned alive whole Vietnamese families, 50 men, women, and children in a single hour. George Grule claimed he was stationed on the U.S.S. Ticonderoga off the Vietnamese coast during a secret mission. Grule claimed to have witnessed a friend walk into an airplane propeller which turned him into mincemeat and sprayed Grule with his blood. Coaxed by Dan Rather, Steve Southards, vividly described slaughtering hordes of Vietnamese civilians, and blaming the North Vietnamese. "... you went into the village, killed people, burned part of the village, then made it appear that the other side had done this?" Rather replied. Grizzly fantastic horrifying tales, ALL FABRICATED - ---

B. G. Burkett and Glenna Whitley, in their book *Stolen Valor : How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of Its Heroes and Its History*, claim that they had obtained the service records of all six soldiers, documenting where each was stationed throughout the Vietnam War. Only one of the men actually served in Vietnam; he claimed he was a Navy SEAL, but the records contradicted his claims and listed him as an equipment repairman , the other 5 never even set foot on Vietnamese soil. I can understand and possibly forgive One charlatan slipping through, but not 6 !!!!

Case in Point 2 :

... apparently CNN took lessons from the same folks who controlled Dan Rather when they ran a report that the 1970 Operation Tailwind used Sarin gas to kill American defectors . The Pentagon denied the story. Skeptics proved it extremely improbable that such an atrocity went unnoticed , and CNN had no facts or viable witnesses to offer the slightest bit of credibility to the story. After a short inquiry, CNN red-faced - issued a retraction
This was before CNN starting imitating Fox .

Case in Point 3 :

Connie Chung ... a heated interview with a fireman during rescue efforts at the Oklahoma City bombing and her infamous"just between you and me" interview tactics used against an elderly woman- Newt Gingrich's mother - to admit Gingriches opinions of Hillary Clinton.

....MSNBC did the same thing, though it didn't have a legacy of actual news to abandon. It's basically the mirror image of Fox Noise, doing the same thing from the perspective of the other side. The guys in the white and black hats switch and the same game goes on. Same game, different channel.
Nice observation - and you make some excellent points - which I won't attempt to refute - beacause to a large extent - you're right. However - the fact remains that Big Brother Liberalism and the socio fascists monopolized main stream media from the vietnam era till the early 21st Century - Now -Thanks to Fox they only dominate it - they've lost the monopoly.
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what used to be known as the news is when all the major networks were carbon copies of MSNBC - Left Wing Liberal Vomit- Fox has changed all that

Got news for ya Madge. What MSNBC is doing is imitating Fox Noise.

News used to be news: dry, unemotional facts, who-what-where-when and get out. Along came CNN to bring a steady feed of it to TV. Then Rupert Murdoch shows up, fresh from a career making a fortune on sleazy tabloid rags, with a whole new idea: instead of doing actual news, which is expensive, flying people around, keeping news bureaus open around the world, etc, Fox would present News Theater: talking heads in a studio talking about the news, rather than actually covering it.

Oh, they keep token stringers stringing along to employ a camera crew when something blows up, but where they make their money is prime time -- and prime time is a garishly colored studio populated by angry white guys pounding on tables and short-skirted bimbos all murmuring endless commentary not about what the news IS but what the news means. Not about politics (the process) but about politicians (the persons). Basically the sleazy tabloid applied to TV news: a gossip channel oozing endless salacious scandal, starring the political party of the booga-booga man as the evil villain. Real news has no evil villains; it just is.

And of course that meaning is always polarized into an "us vs. them" mentality of good guys and bad guys in a grand fake morality play that is indistinguishable from that of WWE wrestling. Which also generates loyalty and an emotional relationship with a news channel such as is exhibited here daily. When news was news, nobody cared if the CBS station went down; you just tuned to ABC and got the same news. In Fox Noise you have an emotional investment. That's very different, and that's also very lucrative. Nobody ever made money presenting news. But News Theater, ah yes, there's gold in them thar ills. Because you get viewers emotionally invested.

Poor CNN, back there still doing news, found its ratings foundering with the siphoning of its more gullible audience segment, because as H.L. Mencken astutely put it, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". And Fox Noise was definitely not going broke by polarizing the news. Too, CNN's expenses were a lot higher since it was still doing real news with real reporters and real foreign bureaus. But advertising pays the bills, and without the ratings the income started to suffer (CNN was built by thinking big, and it's got a massive infrastructure to maintain). So, to its discredit CNN and its masturbatory offshoot HLN took a page from the Fox playbook and got down into the same gutter. Or it tried to. It's still trying to figure out how to straddle that fence today.

MSNBC did the same thing, though it didn't have a legacy of actual news to abandon. It's basically the mirror image of Fox Noise, doing the same thing from the perspective of the other side. The guys in the white and black hats switch and the same game goes on. Same game, different channel.

None of it is "news". But make no mistake about where it started. K? This pipe dream sales pitch about how the "news used to be liberal with Walter Cronkite screaming blah blah" (which oddly, no one articulated at the time) is just more revisionist history to try to validate what is nothing more than News Theater, a sleazy gossip channel -- a version of Entertainment Tonight using politicians instead of movie stars. And of course, Fear, the number one selling brand of emotion.

Because when you're in the business of selling rather than telling the news, emotion is your lifeblood.

MSNBC is what News used to be - from the 60s till recently. CBS,NBC,ABC were all MSNBC clones - the News was so terribly tainted , one had to wonder whether Pravda was dictating the cirriculum.

Case in Point 1 :

Case in Point 2 :

This was before CNN starting imitating Fox .

Case in Point 3 :

Connie Chung ... a heated interview with a fireman during rescue efforts at the Oklahoma City bombing and her infamous"just between you and me" interview tactics used against an elderly woman- Newt Gingrich's mother - to admit Gingriches opinions of Hillary Clinton.

....MSNBC did the same thing, though it didn't have a legacy of actual news to abandon. It's basically the mirror image of Fox Noise, doing the same thing from the perspective of the other side. The guys in the white and black hats switch and the same game goes on. Same game, different channel.
Nice observation - and you make some excellent points - which I won't attempt to refute - beacause to a large extent - you're right. However - the fact remains that Big Brother Liberalism and the socio fascists monopolized main stream media from the vietnam era till the early 21st Century - Now -Thanks to Fox they only dominate it - they've lost the monopoly.

Uh..... three made-up stories unsourced? Ironic in a thread about news, innit?

Creative, but your #2 says right at the end it was retracted, and your #3 isn't news; it's gossip. What Newt Gingrich's mother thinks is of no consequence to anyone. Never was.

And btw "Big Brother Liberalism" is an unworkable oxymoron. Liberalism doesn't Big Brother; it gets the hell out of the way, which is pretty much the polar opposite.
Got news for ya Madge. What MSNBC is doing is imitating Fox Noise.

News used to be news: dry, unemotional facts, who-what-where-when and get out. Along came CNN to bring a steady feed of it to TV. Then Rupert Murdoch shows up, fresh from a career making a fortune on sleazy tabloid rags, with a whole new idea: instead of doing actual news, which is expensive, flying people around, keeping news bureaus open around the world, etc, Fox would present News Theater: talking heads in a studio talking about the news, rather than actually covering it.

Oh, they keep token stringers stringing along to employ a camera crew when something blows up, but where they make their money is prime time -- and prime time is a garishly colored studio populated by angry white guys pounding on tables and short-skirted bimbos all murmuring endless commentary not about what the news IS but what the news means. Not about politics (the process) but about politicians (the persons). Basically the sleazy tabloid applied to TV news: a gossip channel oozing endless salacious scandal, starring the political party of the booga-booga man as the evil villain. Real news has no evil villains; it just is.

And of course that meaning is always polarized into an "us vs. them" mentality of good guys and bad guys in a grand fake morality play that is indistinguishable from that of WWE wrestling. Which also generates loyalty and an emotional relationship with a news channel such as is exhibited here daily. When news was news, nobody cared if the CBS station went down; you just tuned to ABC and got the same news. In Fox Noise you have an emotional investment. That's very different, and that's also very lucrative. Nobody ever made money presenting news. But News Theater, ah yes, there's gold in them thar ills. Because you get viewers emotionally invested.

Poor CNN, back there still doing news, found its ratings foundering with the siphoning of its more gullible audience segment, because as H.L. Mencken astutely put it, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". And Fox Noise was definitely not going broke by polarizing the news. Too, CNN's expenses were a lot higher since it was still doing real news with real reporters and real foreign bureaus. But advertising pays the bills, and without the ratings the income started to suffer (CNN was built by thinking big, and it's got a massive infrastructure to maintain). So, to its discredit CNN and its masturbatory offshoot HLN took a page from the Fox playbook and got down into the same gutter. Or it tried to. It's still trying to figure out how to straddle that fence today.

MSNBC did the same thing, though it didn't have a legacy of actual news to abandon. It's basically the mirror image of Fox Noise, doing the same thing from the perspective of the other side. The guys in the white and black hats switch and the same game goes on. Same game, different channel.

None of it is "news". But make no mistake about where it started. K? This pipe dream sales pitch about how the "news used to be liberal with Walter Cronkite screaming blah blah" (which oddly, no one articulated at the time) is just more revisionist history to try to validate what is nothing more than News Theater, a sleazy gossip channel -- a version of Entertainment Tonight using politicians instead of movie stars. And of course, Fear, the number one selling brand of emotion.

Because when you're in the business of selling rather than telling the news, emotion is your lifeblood.

MSNBC is what News used to be - from the 60s till recently. CBS,NBC,ABC were all MSNBC clones - the News was so terribly tainted , one had to wonder whether Pravda was dictating the cirriculum.

Case in Point 1 :

Case in Point 2 :

This was before CNN starting imitating Fox .

Case in Point 3 :

....MSNBC did the same thing, though it didn't have a legacy of actual news to abandon. It's basically the mirror image of Fox Noise, doing the same thing from the perspective of the other side. The guys in the white and black hats switch and the same game goes on. Same game, different channel.
Nice observation - and you make some excellent points - which I won't attempt to refute - beacause to a large extent - you're right. However - the fact remains that Big Brother Liberalism and the socio fascists monopolized main stream media from the vietnam era till the early 21st Century - Now -Thanks to Fox they only dominate it - they've lost the monopoly.

Uh..... three made-up stories unsourced? Ironic in a thread about news, innit?

Creative, but your #2 says right at the end it was retracted, and your #3 isn't news; it's gossip. What Newt Gingrich's mother thinks is of no consequence to anyone. Never was.

And btw "Big Brother Liberalism" is an unworkable oxymoron. Liberalism doesn't Big Brother; it gets the hell out of the way, which is pretty much the polar opposite.

Uh..... three made-up stories unsourced? Ironic in a thread about news, innit?

The Wall Within
On June 2, 1988, Rather hosted a CBS News special, The Wall Within. In it, he interviewed six former servicemen, each of whom said he had witnessed horrible acts in Vietnam. Two of the men said that they had killed civilians, and two others said that they had seen friends die. Each talked about the effects the war had upon their lives – including depression, unemployment, drug use and homelessness.

In their self-published book Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of its Heroes and its History, authors B. G. Burkett and Glenna Whitley said they had obtained the service records of all six men, documenting where each was stationed during the Vietnam War. According to the records, the authors said, only one of the men was actually in Vietnam; he claimed to have been a 16-year-old Navy SEAL but, said Burkett and Whitley, the records listed him as an equipment repairer. Wikipedia

The Wall Within Vietnam Veterans - Invented Story / Bogus Vets
The Rise and Fall of Dan Rather

Creative, but your #2 says right at the end it was retracted

Retracted doesn't change the fact that they attempted to pass it off as News and got caught red handed -

And btw "Big Brother Liberalism" is an unworkable oxymoron. Liberalism doesn't Big Brother; it gets the hell out of the way, which is pretty much the polar opposite.

Semantic two step shuffle shoe to you too - Liberalism and Liberals - are an oxymoron . The term 'Liberal' implies an open mind - when in fact Liberals and their Progressive boot lickers are the most narrow minded , constrained thinkers [or non thinkers in actuality] that Modern society has to offer.

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