Why the democrats lost...


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2008
These riots are exactly sort of behavior that created a cultural shift in the US, which played a large part in the Democratic Party's epic defeat last night. You guys came to Trump rallies and threw bottles, rocks, eggs, spit on people, blocked traffic, broke car windows, assaulted people, stole their belongings, burned their belongings, etc. Your party is prone to violence. I know you dont want to admit that, but its simply a fact. Weve all seen the videos.

White privilege, white people are inherently racist, Republicans are racist, cultural appropriation, closing the border is racist, safe spaces where whites arent allowed, vote for Trump and you are racist, etc. This is the message thats been coming from Democrats for the last 8 years. Did you really think there wouldnt be a backlash? Did you really think that wasnt going to piss off a fuck load of people? What were you guys thinking?!

You lost the house, senate and presidency because, you dismissed and demonized the largest demographic in the nation. It was a really shitty thing to do and now your party is in the worst shape weve ever seen in our lifetime. You guys fucked up.
Why the Dimocrats lost the 2016 Presidential election; too many Americans still have IQs higher than 80.
San Francisco


5 people shot in Seattle



Those aren't "riots", clown shoes. :rolleyes:

Ever seen an actual riot? Doesn't seem so.

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