Why the anger


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I asked this question on another thread, but I am sure it will be ignored or deflected in some way:

What did President Bush do to you that has made you guys so angry with him?

And while I'm at it,

What has President Obama done to oyu that has made you so angry with him?
Both failed to secure the border, basically slowly dripping our sovereignty to death. Thats my #1 issue with Bush.

Obama is the symbolic figure of the far left progressive movement. Why I dislike him would take a long, long thread. I can offer, but basically it comes down to the desire for America to remain the worlds lone superpower vs the desire for America to be brought into equality with the rest of the world. Obama represents one side of that, I wish for the other.
Obama is dismantling the United States. Deliberately. He hates us, and we know it.
What's funny is that the Left was spittle-flinging angry for eight years, and now that they have Congress and the White House, you'd think they'd be happy...but they're just as angry.

They don't know how to turn it off. It's consumed them.

Actually, I guess that's more pathetic and sad than funny...
Bush crashed the economy, lied us to war, spied on us, subverted teh DOJ, distroyed our energy policy causing coal miners and oil riggers deaths, spilled oil with his lack of oversite and much more.

i suppose you idiots think he is some kind of fucking hero huh?
I didnt hate Bush, but I was very dissapointed with how he handled fiscal issues, the borders, and his ditractors (he was too worried with making the left happy too)

I cant even begin to say why I hate Obama... I didnt hate him at first, he has earned it though. At first I just didnt like his politics, but now he has showed me just how much he hates America and everything it stands for. Therefore "F" him.

I wouldnt shed a tear if he were to drop dead right now....

I believe he is a racist piece of crap, and he surrounds himself with some of the worst riff raff imagineable.

I just cant sit here and type all the reasons he has earned my hatred. I dont have the time.

Ironically though... I pray for him everyday. (That he will see the error of his ways and start to act like The President of the most wonderful, benevilant nation on earth)

I dont want to hate him though... it pains me that I do.
I asked this question on another thread, but I am sure it will be ignored or deflected in some way:

What did President Bush do to you that has made you guys so angry with him?

And while I'm at it,

What has President Obama done to oyu that has made you so angry with him?

Bush took us to war under false pretenses...there were no WMDs. Worse, he then tried to claim the war was about terrorism and link it to 9/11 when 15 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Arabian and NONE of them were Iraqi. He also pulled our troops OUT of Saudi Arabia. When China shot down our plane and took our people hostage, he answered by apologizing and paying them money.

Obama nodded his head to the Queen of England and bowed low to the King of Saudi Arabia, practically groveling. He's a closet Muslim and he doesn't even qualify for the presidential office. He promised to immediately take us out of Iraq, how'd that work out? Hmm? Where are the lower taxes on those making less than $200,000 a year?
Bush crashed the economy, lied us to war, spied on us, subverted teh DOJ, distroyed our energy policy causing coal miners and oil riggers deaths, spilled oil with his lack of oversite and much more.

i suppose you idiots think he is some kind of fucking hero huh?

He spent all the goddamned money earmarked for your spelling lessons. Arrest him quick.
I didnt hate Bush, but I was very dissapointed with how he handled fiscal issues, the borders, and his ditractors (he was too worried with making the left happy too)

I cant even begin to say why I hate Obama... I didnt hate him at first, he has earned it though. At first I just didnt like his politics, but now he has showed me just how much he hates America and everything it stands for. Therefore "F" him.

I wouldnt shed a tear if he were to drop dead right now....

I believe he is a racist piece of crap, and he surrounds himself with some of the worst riff raff imagineable.

I just cant sit here and type all the reasons he has earned my hatred. I dont have the time.

Ironically though... I pray for him everyday. (That he will see the error of his ways and start to act like The President of the most wonderful, benevilant nation on earth)

I dont want to hate him though... it pains me that I do.

I don't hate either of them. I don't respect the present idiot. I did respect the past idiot.
It impossible to discuss these two presidents rationally. Bush lied. Expanded presidential powers to an unprecedented extent, led the country into an unneccessary war by lying to us an set himself up as a divine king answering to no one.

His administration was cynical secretive and corrupt.

Obama has made some mistakes. He came in with such promise and he hasn't been radical enough.
It impossible to discuss these two presidents rationally. Bush lied. Expanded presidential powers to an unprecedented extent, led the country into an unneccessary war by lying to us an set himself up as a divine king answering to no one.

His administration was cynical secretive and corrupt.

Obama has made some mistakes. He came in with such promise and he hasn't been radical enough.
You complain about Bush expanding presidential powers, then say Obama hasn't expanded enough? :confused:
Kool aid brigade front and center..

talking points talking points talking points.

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Bush crashed the economy, lied us to war, spied on us, subverted teh DOJ, distroyed our energy policy causing coal miners and oil riggers deaths, spilled oil with his lack of oversite and much more.

i suppose you idiots think he is some kind of fucking hero huh?

Bush spied on you? And destroyed the economy? And lied to you to war? You fought did you?

We've beaten the DOJ thing to death. Lawfully firing at will employees is not wrong.

And how has energy policy caused coal minors and oil riggers deaths? And are you either of them?

Seriously, why do you hate him? What did he do to you?
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It impossible to discuss these two presidents rationally. Bush lied. Expanded presidential powers to an unprecedented extent, led the country into an unneccessary war by lying to us an set himself up as a divine king answering to no one.

His administration was cynical secretive and corrupt.

Obama has made some mistakes. He came in with such promise and he hasn't been radical enough.

Forcing Health care down the throats of the American people and spending Trillions of dollars we don't have isn't radical enough? What the heck do you want him to do? Kill children?

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