The Dumbest President...EVER


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Barack Obama is the dumbest president...EVER.

That is a reasonable conclusion once you've assessed the first nineteen months of his presidency and compared it to the definition of intelligence put together by researchers in the field. Although the mainstream media have spent the last two years proclaiming Obama "super-smart" or, as Newsweek put it, "sort of God" in stature and brilliance, the 44th president of the United States is poised to surpass our 15th president, James Buchanan. Jr., as the White Houseoccupant who has made the dumbest moves while in office. With two years left, he is on the fast track to last.

That takes some doing, for the leadership of the hapless Buchanan prior to the Civil War "has led to his consistent ranking by historians as one of the worst Presidents." This is the president who vetoed a college funding bill because "there were already too many educated people" in the young nation. Buchanan's judgment was so wretched that he thought anti-slavery forces could be convinced to give up their opposition by his personal assurances that slaves were "treated with kindness and humanity" and that poverty could be ended by simply printing more money. Sound familiar?

Barack Obama is dumb. How dumb? Alfred E. Newman dumb, says columnist David Limbaugh, who labeled him "President Alfred E. Obama" because of his blithe disregard of the basics of fiscal responsibility. Alfred E. Newman is the Mad magazine mascot, whose answer to every problem is his signature statement: "What, me worry?"

American Thinker: The Dumbest President...EVER!

He is for himself and what he can add to his name in history books ... nothing more.
As one of the most anti-Obama folks on here, I must strongly disagree with you. Barack Obama is anything but dumb. He is in fact very, very smart.

What we have to do is take into account perspective. For us, the end goal of policy should be a stronger, more powerful, wealthier America. He is taking us opposite of that, for sure.

Some people claim to be global citizens, and see the USA as an oppressive force on the planet whose wealth is holding back other nations, and that all nations should be brought into equality with each other, starting by bringing America down a few notches.

Coming from that perspective, Obama is doing just about as good a job as a president could ever do. We must look at his own words. He said "I'd rather be a great 1 term president than a bad 2 term president".

Well, if he was "great", he'd get re-elected. If he was bad, he would be 1 term. BUT....if you take into account perspective? "Great" according to 75% of Americans? Or great according to the small % of far left globalists? The 1st great will get him re-elected. The 2nd great will make him a 1 term president, but "great" in the eyes of the far left globalists. So, by his own words, he is which?
In the spirit of the op

"He is TruthMatters DUmb! :lol::lol::lol: next?
Didn't we do this same thread yesterday?

Ok lets start with the same posts
President Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years. The financial sector was in a panic and GM, Chrysler and most major banks were on the verge of collapse. If they collapsed, we would be in a Depression right now. Upon taking office, Obama shored up the banks and provided a bailout to the automakers to save this critical manufacturing sector.
Almost immediately, the plunging stock markets reversed themselves and have rebounded 60%. By all accounts, we have emerged from recession and are starting a slow but steady recovery.
In Jan 2009, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We have had positive jobs growth in 4 of the last 5 months and unemployment rate has dropped from a high of 10.2% to its current 9.5%
Ronald Reagan, at this point in his Presidency had unemployment rise to 10.8% before he saw a reverse
Obama took office in the midst of two wars. A daunting task for any President. Complicating his mission was a global mistrust of the US due to his predecessors misleading rationale for starting an unnecessary war, bullying tactics and single minded strategy
He ordered the withdrawal of troops from the hot zones in Iraq and turned over control of those regions to Iraqi forces.
As promised, he turned the wars away from nation building into a war on terrorism again. He plussed up the troop strength in Afganistan and allowed US forces to retake territory surrendered to the Taliban when that other president invaded Iraq.
Obama also rebuilt international alliances and convinced them to become more engaged in Afghanistan. Most importantly, he engaged Pakistan as an equal partner and assisted their attempts to retake Taliban stronholds on the Afghan border.
He has intensified drone strikes to kill key AlQaida and Taliban leaders.
President Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years. The financial sector was in a panic and GM, Chrysler and most major banks were on the verge of collapse. If they collapsed, we would be in a Depression right now. Upon taking office, Obama shored up the banks and provided a bailout to the automakers to save this critical manufacturing sector.
Almost immediately, the plunging stock markets reversed themselves and have rebounded 60%. By all accounts, we have emerged from recession and are starting a slow but steady recovery.
In Jan 2009, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We have had positive jobs growth in 4 of the last 5 months and unemployment rate has dropped from a high of 10.2% to its current 9.5%
Ronald Reagan, at this point in his Presidency had unemployment rise to 10.8% before he saw a reverse

Just curious what flavor of Kool Aid that is your drinking :confused:
President Obama is the first president to pass a comprehensive nationwide healthcare plan. After over 100 years of trying, the US has joined the rest of the industrialized world in ensuring that its citizens have access to healthcare.
In spite of massive lobbying by the insurance industry and rampant fear mongering and misinformation generated from the right, president Obama along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid managed to hammer out a deal long after most considered healthcare to be dead.
Is the bill flawless.?....hell no
Is there more to be done?....hell yes

But the bill did establish the groundwork for comprehensive coverage for all Americans. Despite repeated attempts by Republicans to rip it up and lame promises of "we will help you this time, no really, trust us, we republicans want Americans to hae access to healthcare"...Obama pushed through a deal that will be a hallmark of his presidency

Damn....and its only been 18 months so far....pretty impressive
1. Patched up tattered relations with international allies and re-established the reputation of the US abroad
2. Established a new ideal of global cooperation with other nations. Showed a willingness to consider their needs and listening to their input and concerns in resolving global issues
3. Negotiated the largest nuclear disarmament treaty since Reagan
4. Pushed Finance reforms to prevent a massive economic meltdown like we saw under the Republicans

Imagine....he accomplished all this with the Republicans blocking, obfuscating, lying, fear mongering every major initiative.

President Obama has accomplished more in his first 18 months of office than any President since FDR. The good part for the nation is he still has six and a half years to continue putting the nation on the right track and repairing the damage done by our eight year journey into rightwing hell
President Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years. The financial sector was in a panic and GM, Chrysler and most major banks were on the verge of collapse. If they collapsed, we would be in a Depression right now. Upon taking office, Obama shored up the banks and provided a bailout to the automakers to save this critical manufacturing sector.
Almost immediately, the plunging stock markets reversed themselves and have rebounded 60%. By all accounts, we have emerged from recession and are starting a slow but steady recovery.
In Jan 2009, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We have had positive jobs growth in 4 of the last 5 months and unemployment rate has dropped from a high of 10.2% to its current 9.5%
Ronald Reagan, at this point in his Presidency had unemployment rise to 10.8% before he saw a reverse

Just curious what flavor of Kool Aid that is your drinking :confused:

Facts are only Kool Aid to Republicans....that is the only response they have
1. Patched up tattered relations with international allies and re-established the reputation of the US abroad
2. Established a new ideal of global cooperation with other nations. Showed a willingness to consider their needs and listening to their input and concerns in resolving global issues
3. Negotiated the largest nuclear disarmament treaty since Reagan
4. Pushed Finance reforms to prevent a massive economic meltdown like we saw under the Republicans

Imagine....he accomplished all this with the Republicans blocking, obfuscating, lying, fear mongering every major initiative.

President Obama has accomplished more in his first 18 months of office than any President since FDR. The good part for the nation is he still has six and a half years to continue putting the nation on the right track and repairing the damage done by our eight year journey into rightwing hell

How exactly does insulting the British, the Russians, the French, the Germans, the Polish, etc build our reputation around the world?

How exactly is making the financial sector worse going to help us?
1. Patched up tattered relations with international allies and re-established the reputation of the US abroad

and this has been translated into exactly what? Some concrete examples please.

2. Established a new ideal of global cooperation with other nations. Showed a willingness to consider their needs and listening to their input and concerns in resolving global issues

examples please.

3. Negotiated the largest nuclear disarmament treaty since Reagan

Uhm Bush 2 did quite a bit too, and his treaty has not passed muster in congress and if you studied it you'd find some interesting tidbits ....that don't exactly stack up.

4. Pushed Finance reforms to prevent a massive economic meltdown like we saw under the Republicans

the jury is way out on that, lets see him wind down and back all that hes done financially to give us this great, fantastic recovery and I'll give him credit.

Imagine....he accomplished all this with the Republicans blocking, obfuscating, lying, fear mongering every major initiative.

Until January he had complete control of congress , hello.....what about immigration reform? And he could not even draw Rino sppt. and rammed probably the most invasive bill ever created through on a party line vote only, go look up the other 2-3 major prices of legislation and the votes there in.....he did a very poor job, he needed to ran it through while other didn't, they drew bi-partisan sppt. ....some accomplishment.

President Obama has accomplished more in his first 18 months of office than any President since FDR. The good part for the nation is he still has six and a half years to continue putting the nation on the right track and repairing the damage done by our eight year journey into rightwing hell

you are giving him credit for things that are very far from complete or that any sensible grade ala effectiveness can be fashioned for, but hey, talk is still cheap I guess.
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Barack Obama is the dumbest president...EVER.

Quoted from such a bi-partisan website and posted by such a fair-minded member of this site, it must be true. *eye roll*

Don't you ever get bored spewing the same nonsense everyday?
Barack Obama is the dumbest president...EVER.

Quoted from such a bi-partisan website and posted by such a fair-minded member of this site, it must be true. *eye roll*

Don't you ever get bored spewing the same nonsense everyday?

How exactly does partisan = nonsense? Simply because something is partisan doesn't mean it's true.
Obama is the booksmart kid that has no street sense. He is a naive idealist. His foreign diplomacy has been a train wreck, although, he´s done better most recently with Israel and Russia. Obama was the man that was supposed to charm everybody into liking and working with us. Instead, the opposite has occured. I would not describe him as ¨dumb¨but, rather, innefective.
Barack Obama is the dumbest president...EVER.

Quoted from such a bi-partisan website and posted by such a fair-minded member of this site, it must be true. *eye roll*

Don't you ever get bored spewing the same nonsense everyday?

How exactly does partisan = nonsense? Simply because something is partisan doesn't mean it's true.

Because they have an axe to grind, an agenda to push. There's nothing but editorializing in that piece. An opinion by someone who hates the person they're writing about.

Why waste everyones time?
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Quoted from such a bi-partisan website and posted by such a fair-minded member of this site, it must be true. *eye roll*

Don't you ever get bored spewing the same nonsense everyday?

How exactly does partisan = nonsense? Simply because something is partisan doesn't mean it's true.

Because they have an axe to grind, an agenda to push. There's nothing but editorializing in that piece. An opinion of someone who hates the person they're writing about.

Why waste everyones time?

You do realize that opinions can be factual don't you?
*snicker* This is classic:

How dumb? How-many-Obamas-does-it-take-to-screw-in-a-light-bulb dumb. And in the answer lies the answer, the key to his pole position in the race to last: It takes 242. One to hold the light bulb, four to turn the ladder, eighteen to assess conformity to OSHA workplace requirements, four to assess the environmental impact of the burnt-out bulb disposal, twelve to participate in a task force to evaluate green energy solutions for a replacement bulb, eight to script his actions, four to script instructions and work the teleprompter, 23 to work with the justice department to sue the light bulb get the picture. And, à la Buchanan, Obama never does get that light bulb changed.

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