Why smug atheists are wrong

Nothing happened, I just realized one day why religion was created and that there is no way god exists. I also didn't want to waste my life trying to make sure I got into heaven. Life is too short to waste it on religion.
And Christians hate people for their beliefs all the time. The only time I address them about their religion is when they use it judge someone, or deny them a right.

There is no way God exists, or there is no way the God you created in your head exists?

I do love how you have to look for some deep reason or meaning as to why I don't believe in God.

You seem to have conclusive evidence that God does not exist. In order for that to be true you would have to be smarter than Carl Sagan, yet you keep arguing you are not claiming to be intelligent. Not sure how that works, but feel free to live in your delusional world.

In the meantime can you explain to me how you managed to;

  • Come up with a definitive understanding of what, exactly, God is.
  • Search the entire universe/multiverse/quantum reality/matrix to prove that he/she/it is nowhere within it.
  • Manage to come up with conclusive proof that he/she it never inhabited it.
  • Develop proof that you are in possession of all the knowledge available.
  • Conclusively prove that all unavailable knowledge excludes him/her/it.
  • And, finally, prove that everything you searched/know/cannot know is all that there is to know.
Personally, I think it would be easier to develop a definition of God that makes it impossible for him to exist and declare myself smugly satisfied that God does not exist, which is why I asked the question the way I did. If you took the harder route, feel free to lay out all the evidence.

On the other hand, you could simply admit that I just proved I am wiser than you are, and that you don't know what you think you know.
Did I say that liar?
No I said Christians can be knowledgable but not intelligent.
My friend got into MIT but she is a complete dumb ass.
Actually a better way to explain it, Christians are not wise.

That isn't what you said. It might be what you meant, who knows. You can't distinguish between emotion and coherent thought. All you do is show up your own ignorance and narrowmindedness when you make such ridiculous bigoted claims. "Christians can't be smart cuz dey believes in de BIBLE!"

This is priceless coming from you Kosher every time I've seen you posting you were calling liberals, muslims, atheists, pogressive, etc.. nazis.

bigot: "a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance"

Bigot - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The way you sling this vitriol around is the epitome of bigotry Kosher.

I was going to rep you for your name, but the drivel you posted negated my appreciation of your sense of humor.
Yes, she knows for certain there is no God...and she is also convinced that those who know there is a God are not as *wise* as she is...yet somehow she's not claiming to be more intelligent than the cited, well known examples of genius who are devout....

It's all very incoherent.
That isn't what you said. It might be what you meant, who knows. You can't distinguish between emotion and coherent thought. All you do is show up your own ignorance and narrowmindedness when you make such ridiculous bigoted claims. "Christians can't be smart cuz dey believes in de BIBLE!"

This is priceless coming from you Kosher every time I've seen you posting you were calling liberals, muslims, atheists, pogressive, etc.. nazis.

bigot: "a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance"

Bigot - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The way you sling this vitriol around is the epitome of bigotry Kosher.

I was going to rep you for your name, but the drivel you posted negated my appreciation of your sense of humor.

Good thing you didn't, if I were to receive rep from you I would begin to wonder what is going on. The nazi shit is getting old and if you support it you are in the same boat as kosher.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is a product of the US Public School system, and is absolute proof that more money and more teachers is not the answer.

Sorry, but unless you fucking explain yourself, and explain exactly HOW I am reading what you are saying wrong, shut the fuck up.

Do you really not know what you fucking said, and how many sane person would fucking interpret it? You're focusing in on the "smug atheists" part and saying I am somehow not understanding the adjective smug.

So please, enlighten everybody and make me feel like an idiot by explaining exactly what the fuck you are talking about.

But you can't... because you know you're going off on a tangent because you don't have any better fucking defense for the bullshit you were spouting and what I had to say in response to it.

If only they taught basic grammar in school.


[aj-ik-tiv] Show IPA
noun 1. Grammar . any member of a class of words that modify nouns and pronouns, primarily by describing a particular quality of the word they are modifying, as wise in a wise grandmother, or perfect in a perfect score, or handsome in He is extremely handsome. Other terms, as numbers ( one cup; twelve months ), certain demonstrative pronouns ( this magazine; those questions ), and terms that impose limits ( each person; no mercy ) can also function adjectivally, as can some nouns that are found chiefly in fixed phrases where they immediately precede the noun they modify, as bottle in bottle cap and bus in bus station. Synonyms: modifier, qualifier, identifier, describer, describing word.

I know what an adjective is you fucking retard. How are you so god damn dumb that you can't understand that I'm telling you to show me where I interpreted what you said wrong, somehow, based on the fucking adjective of 'smug'.

Please. Go ahead. I'm fucking waiting.

Or you can post more dictionary definitions on adjective and totally sidestep the issue because you realize you have no fucking point whatsoever.

If you have a fucking point, then please bring it out to show for the rest of us. I have in no way misinterpreted your usage of the word smug. The fact that you're saying I have, and you keep doing it without fucking explaining what you're doing, is entirely a straw man argument. Actually, I don't even know if it's that. You're just fucking saying a lot of shit without saying anything. And you're claiming I'm doing something without actually showing me how I did it.

It basically comes down to one word, wonder. Smug atheists insist there is no room for wonder in the universe, and that their experience is the only valid one. The simple fact is that, a sense of wonder makes us humble, and anyone that approaches the universe without wonder and humility is crazier than the guy who thinks he is in charge.

Are you joking? Atheists as in love with science as I am are full of wonder at the Universe. It's fucking amazing and it excites me at a very high level.

Anybody in love with science will probably have that.

RELIGION ISN'T A FUCKING FACTOR, you god damn retard.

When you look at all the amazing things in the universe, do you get excited about mankind finding out how everything ticks and works? Or do you just go "Well god made it... that's all the complexity I need to understand." What's to wonder about when god is at the center of everything...

Do yourself a favor, go look up what an adjective is, and how they modify nouns, then come back and reread my post. If, after you understand it, you still have a problem with what I am actually saying, we can talk.

Your post is above. The whole chain of events is above. Point it out. Waiting...

I've seen enough of your god damn posts to know that when you refer to "smug atheists" you're referring to atheists in general. That's a fucking modifier you apply to all atheists.

Have you seen your god damn posts about atheists? As your post applies to so called "smug atheists" as well is wrong on the very same levels as I outlined in my original response to your post.

"Ohhh! I can see how you thought I was saying idiotic stuff Cowman. But don't worry, I was only saying idiotic stuff about SMUG atheists! Tee hee"

Your OP was dumb... get over it.
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This is priceless coming from you Kosher every time I've seen you posting you were calling liberals, muslims, atheists, pogressive, etc.. nazis.

bigot: "a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance"

Bigot - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The way you sling this vitriol around is the epitome of bigotry Kosher.

I was going to rep you for your name, but the drivel you posted negated my appreciation of your sense of humor.

Good thing you didn't, if I were to receive rep from you I would begin to wonder what is going on. The nazi shit is getting old and if you support it you are in the same boat as kosher.

That hurt my feelings.

Sorry, but unless you fucking explain yourself, and explain exactly HOW I am reading what you are saying wrong, shut the fuck up.

Do you really not know what you fucking said, and how many sane person would fucking interpret it? You're focusing in on the "smug atheists" part and saying I am somehow not understanding the adjective smug.

So please, enlighten everybody and make me feel like an idiot by explaining exactly what the fuck you are talking about.

But you can't... because you know you're going off on a tangent because you don't have any better fucking defense for the bullshit you were spouting and what I had to say in response to it.

If only they taught basic grammar in school.


[aj-ik-tiv] Show IPA
noun 1. Grammar . any member of a class of words that modify nouns and pronouns, primarily by describing a particular quality of the word they are modifying, as wise in a wise grandmother, or perfect in a perfect score, or handsome in He is extremely handsome. Other terms, as numbers ( one cup; twelve months ), certain demonstrative pronouns ( this magazine; those questions ), and terms that impose limits ( each person; no mercy ) can also function adjectivally, as can some nouns that are found chiefly in fixed phrases where they immediately precede the noun they modify, as bottle in bottle cap and bus in bus station. Synonyms: modifier, qualifier, identifier, describer, describing word.

I know what an adjective is you fucking retard. How are you so god damn dumb that you can't understand that I'm telling you to show me where I interpreted what you said wrong, somehow, based on the fucking adjective of 'smug'.

Please. Go ahead. I'm fucking waiting.

Or you can post more dictionary definitions on adjective and totally sidestep the issue because you realize you have no fucking point whatsoever.

If you have a fucking point, then please bring it out to show for the rest of us. I have in no way misinterpreted your usage of the word smug. The fact that you're saying I have, and you keep doing it without fucking explaining what you're doing, is entirely a straw man argument. Actually, I don't even know if it's that. You're just fucking saying a lot of shit without saying anything. And you're claiming I'm doing something without actually showing me how I did it.

Are you joking? Atheists as in love with science as I am are full of wonder at the Universe. It's fucking amazing and it excites me at a very high level.

Anybody in love with science will probably have that.

RELIGION ISN'T A FUCKING FACTOR, you god damn retard.

When you look at all the amazing things in the universe, do you get excited about mankind finding out how everything ticks and works? Or do you just go "Well god made it... that's all the complexity I need to understand." What's to wonder about when god is at the center of everything...

Do yourself a favor, go look up what an adjective is, and how they modify nouns, then come back and reread my post. If, after you understand it, you still have a problem with what I am actually saying, we can talk.

Your post is above. The whole chain of events is above. Point it out. Waiting...

I've seen enough of your god damn posts to know that when you refer to "smug atheists" you're referring to atheists in general. That's a fucking modifier you apply to all atheists.

Have you seen your god damn posts about atheists? As your post applies to so called "smug atheists" as well is wrong on the very same levels as I outlined in my original response to your post.

"Ohhh! I can see how you thought I was saying idiotic stuff Cowman. But don't worry, I was only saying idiotic stuff about SMUG atheists! Tee hee"

Your OP was dumb... get over it.

I actually have to spell it out for you? I am talking about a sub group of atheists, not the entire group.

Is that simple enough for you? do I have to use smaller words?
If you or mjo were men, I might consider silence, caps.

Okay, that was actually a pretty good comeback. :eusa_clap:

Atheist regimes are responsible for the worst wholesale bloodshed the world has ever seen.

Not if your precious Bible is to be believed.

I mean, face it: there was the slaughter of more than a million blacks, the massacre of the firstborns in Egypt (infants included), in which "[there was] not a house where [there was] not one dead.", the time when your God sent pestilence and wiped out 70,000 of HIS own chosen people, the time HE smote more than 50,000 men for the horrific crime of curiosity, there was King David's ]Holocaust, Moses's commandment to kill 168,000 people (including women and children), there was this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and this, but it still feels like I'm forgetting something. Yes, it definitely seems there was at least one other incident worth mentioning. Oh yeah, I remember now: that beautiful bedtime classic, Noah's Ark, in which your God reportedly drowned every man, woman, and child on the planet ...outside of Noah's family, that is (yep, that one always gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside as a child).

Even granting that Hitler's Holocaust wasn't underpinned by his religious views (Which I don't, BTW), and that religion played no part in the accumulative number of the Bush family wars (which is OBVIOUSLY not the case), and that every other mass murder in history had absolutely no ties to religion, if you believe in the Bible as an accurate historical account, the title-holder for "the worst wholesale bloodshed the world has ever seen" is clearly the God of the Bible. Hands down.

Class dismissed.
It basically comes down to one word, wonder. Smug atheists insist there is no room for wonder in the universe, and that their experience is the only valid one. The simple fact is that, a sense of wonder makes us humble, and anyone that approaches the universe without wonder and humility is crazier than the guy who thinks he is in charge.

Atheists might be bigoted, racist and ignorant but they have a right to their beliefs. Nobody is wrong but atheists are pretty smug about it.
If you or mjo were men, I might consider silence, caps.

Okay, that was actually a pretty good comeback. :eusa_clap:

Atheist regimes are responsible for the worst wholesale bloodshed the world has ever seen.

Not if your precious Bible is to be believed.

I mean, face it: there was the slaughter of more than a million blacks, the massacre of the firstborns in Egypt (infants included), in which "[there was] not a house where [there was] not one dead.", the time when your God sent pestilence and wiped out 70,000 of HIS own chosen people, the time HE smote more than 50,000 men for the horrific crime of curiosity, there was King David's ]Holocaust, Moses's commandment to kill 168,000 people (including women and children), there was this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and this, but it still feels like I'm forgetting something. Yes, it definitely seems there was at least one other incident worth mentioning. Oh yeah, I remember now: that beautiful bedtime classic, Noah's Ark, in which your God reportedly drowned every man, woman, and child on the planet ...outside of Noah's family, that is (yep, that one always gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside as a child).

Even granting that Hitler's Holocaust wasn't underpinned by his religious views (Which I don't, BTW), and that religion played no part in the accumulative number of the Bush family wars (which is OBVIOUSLY not the case), and that every other mass murder in history had absolutely no ties to religion, if you believe in the Bible as an accurate historical account, the title-holder for "the worst wholesale bloodshed the world has ever seen" is clearly the God of the Bible. Hands down.

Class dismissed.


Atheists get so worked up when mankind pays the price of disobedience to God.
If only they taught basic grammar in school.


[aj-ik-tiv] Show IPA
noun 1. Grammar . any member of a class of words that modify nouns and pronouns, primarily by describing a particular quality of the word they are modifying, as wise in a wise grandmother, or perfect in a perfect score, or handsome in He is extremely handsome. Other terms, as numbers ( one cup; twelve months ), certain demonstrative pronouns ( this magazine; those questions ), and terms that impose limits ( each person; no mercy ) can also function adjectivally, as can some nouns that are found chiefly in fixed phrases where they immediately precede the noun they modify, as bottle in bottle cap and bus in bus station. Synonyms: modifier, qualifier, identifier, describer, describing word.

I know what an adjective is you fucking retard. How are you so god damn dumb that you can't understand that I'm telling you to show me where I interpreted what you said wrong, somehow, based on the fucking adjective of 'smug'.

Please. Go ahead. I'm fucking waiting.

Or you can post more dictionary definitions on adjective and totally sidestep the issue because you realize you have no fucking point whatsoever.

If you have a fucking point, then please bring it out to show for the rest of us. I have in no way misinterpreted your usage of the word smug. The fact that you're saying I have, and you keep doing it without fucking explaining what you're doing, is entirely a straw man argument. Actually, I don't even know if it's that. You're just fucking saying a lot of shit without saying anything. And you're claiming I'm doing something without actually showing me how I did it.

Do yourself a favor, go look up what an adjective is, and how they modify nouns, then come back and reread my post. If, after you understand it, you still have a problem with what I am actually saying, we can talk.

Your post is above. The whole chain of events is above. Point it out. Waiting...

I've seen enough of your god damn posts to know that when you refer to "smug atheists" you're referring to atheists in general. That's a fucking modifier you apply to all atheists.

Have you seen your god damn posts about atheists? As your post applies to so called "smug atheists" as well is wrong on the very same levels as I outlined in my original response to your post.

"Ohhh! I can see how you thought I was saying idiotic stuff Cowman. But don't worry, I was only saying idiotic stuff about SMUG atheists! Tee hee"

Your OP was dumb... get over it.

I actually have to spell it out for you? I am talking about a sub group of atheists, not the entire group.

Is that simple enough for you? do I have to use smaller words?

No you're not and you fucking know it. I've seen enough of your god damn posts about atheists that you're just trying to defend yourself.

Also, please fucking show me this sub group of atheists that insist there is no room for wonder in the universe.

YOU CAN'T FUCKING DO IT. What you're saying is fucking bullshit. It's stupid and you know it.
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Now that comeback ...ehhh, not so good.

Atheists get so worked up when mankind pays the price of disobedience to God.

Couldn't tell ya'; I'm not an atheist.

And please, don't flatter yourself. If I was going to get "worked up" about anything (sorry, but I didn't), it would have been your laughable claim WRT the role of atheism in the worst atrocities ever committed.
Atheist regimes are responsible for the worst wholesale bloodshed the world has ever seen.

And it's still going on...ignored by progressives, who by and large, approve.

Wow, the "No True Scotsman" fallacy again.

I know what an adjective is you fucking retard. How are you so god damn dumb that you can't understand that I'm telling you to show me where I interpreted what you said wrong, somehow, based on the fucking adjective of 'smug'.

Please. Go ahead. I'm fucking waiting.

Or you can post more dictionary definitions on adjective and totally sidestep the issue because you realize you have no fucking point whatsoever.

If you have a fucking point, then please bring it out to show for the rest of us. I have in no way misinterpreted your usage of the word smug. The fact that you're saying I have, and you keep doing it without fucking explaining what you're doing, is entirely a straw man argument. Actually, I don't even know if it's that. You're just fucking saying a lot of shit without saying anything. And you're claiming I'm doing something without actually showing me how I did it.

Your post is above. The whole chain of events is above. Point it out. Waiting...

I've seen enough of your god damn posts to know that when you refer to "smug atheists" you're referring to atheists in general. That's a fucking modifier you apply to all atheists.

Have you seen your god damn posts about atheists? As your post applies to so called "smug atheists" as well is wrong on the very same levels as I outlined in my original response to your post.

"Ohhh! I can see how you thought I was saying idiotic stuff Cowman. But don't worry, I was only saying idiotic stuff about SMUG atheists! Tee hee"

Your OP was dumb... get over it.

I actually have to spell it out for you? I am talking about a sub group of atheists, not the entire group.

Is that simple enough for you? do I have to use smaller words?

No you're not and you fucking know it. I've seen enough of your god damn posts about atheists that you're just trying to defend yourself.

Also, please fucking show me this sub group of atheists that insist there is no room for wonder in the universe.

YOU CAN'T FUCKING DO IT. What you're saying is fucking bullshit. It's stupid and you know it.

Tell you what, idiot, why don't you go and find those posts you are talking about. Until then, the only post I made about atheists is the OP of this thread.

Not that I expect you to admit you are wrong.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is a product of the US Public School system, and is absolute proof that more money and more teachers is not the answer.

Sorry, but unless you fucking explain yourself, and explain exactly HOW I am reading what you are saying wrong, shut the fuck up.

Do you really not know what you fucking said, and how many sane person would fucking interpret it? You're focusing in on the "smug atheists" part and saying I am somehow not understanding the adjective smug.

So please, enlighten everybody and make me feel like an idiot by explaining exactly what the fuck you are talking about.

But you can't... because you know you're going off on a tangent because you don't have any better fucking defense for the bullshit you were spouting and what I had to say in response to it.

If only they taught basic grammar in school.


[aj-ik-tiv] Show IPA
noun 1. Grammar . any member of a class of words that modify nouns and pronouns, primarily by describing a particular quality of the word they are modifying, as wise in a wise grandmother, or perfect in a perfect score, or handsome in He is extremely handsome. Other terms, as numbers ( one cup; twelve months ), certain demonstrative pronouns ( this magazine; those questions ), and terms that impose limits ( each person; no mercy ) can also function adjectivally, as can some nouns that are found chiefly in fixed phrases where they immediately precede the noun they modify, as bottle in bottle cap and bus in bus station. Synonyms: modifier, qualifier, identifier, describer, describing word.

The problem is that the word “smug” as you have used it could be interpreted two ways. First, the word “smug” could be a limiting factor, meaning that only those atheists who were smug were incapable of feeling wonder. Second, it could meant that the entire class of atheists were smug. I often read comments about how “stupid liberals” are ruining this country and I am convinced that the writer is implying that all liberals are stupid. When I read your post, I thought you implied that ALL atheists were smug. When the word is taken in context, this is the most logical interpretation. Certainly, there are smug people of every religion; therefore, by using the adjective “smug” to define only atheists, the implication is that all atheist are smug and incapable of feeling wonder. At any rate, it is the writer's responsibility to provide clarity, not the reader's.

Here is the way you put it:

“Smug atheists insist there is no room for wonder in the universe, and that their experience is the only valid one.”

Here is a better way which removes any doubt as to whether the word “smug” applies to a limited group of atheist or the enter class of atheists.

“ (Many/Most) atheists are smug and insist there is no room for wonder in the universe, and that their experience is the only valid one.”

Don't thank me; that's why I'm here.
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