Why Romney will win

He hasn't even won the Primary yet. :lmao:

It's a bit early to be calling him the GE winner. lets keep our pants on for now. Remember, Romney talks. That's what he does. Anti-stimulus before being pro-stimulus. Prochoice then prolife....the guy will say anything. Does this mean he has the right kind of character to lead in Washington?
I don't think so, but it hasn't stopped the American people from electing one of his kind before.
Came to me via e-mail......

This actually happened in the 90s - Please forward to anyone you think would be interested. Check snoops at snopes.com: Romney Business Partner Daughter Search Sometimes, this facet of Romney's personality isn't so subtle.

In July 1996, the 14-year-old daughter of Robert Gay, a partner at Bain Capital, had disappeared. She had attended a rave party in New York Cityand gotten high on ecstasy. Three days later, her distraught father had no idea where she was. Romney took immediate action. He closed down the entire firm and asked all 30 partners and employees to fly to New York to help find Gay's daughter. Romney set up a command center at the LaGuardia Marriott and hired a private detective firm to assist with the search. He established a toll-free number for tips, coordinating the effort with the NYPD, and went through his Rolodex and called everyone Bain did business with in New York, and asked them to help find his friend's missing daughter. Romney's accountants at Price Waterhouse Cooper put up posters on street poles, while cashiers at a pharmacy owned by Bain put fliers in the bag of every shopper. Romney and the other Bain employees scoured every part of New York and talked with everyone they could, prostitutes, drug addicts, anyone. That day, their hunt made the evening news, which featured photos of the girl and the Bain employees searching for her. As a result, a teenage boy phoned in, asked if there was a reward, and then hung up abruptly. The NYPD traced the call to a home in New Jersey, where they found the girl in the basement, shivering and experiencing withdrawal symptoms from a massive ecstasy dose. Doctors later said the girl might not have survived another day.

Romney's former partner credits Mitt Romney with saving his daughter?s life, saying, "It was the most amazing thing, and I'll never forget this to the day I die." So, here's my epiphany: Mitt Romney simply can't help himself. He sees a problem, and his mind immediately sets to work solving it, sometimes consciously, and sometimes not-so-consciously. He doesn't do it for self-aggrandizement, or for personal gain. He does it because that's just how he's wired. Many people are unaware of the fact that when Romney was asked by his old employer, Bill Bain, to come back to Bain & Company as CEO to rescue the firm from bankruptcy, Romney left Bain Capital to work at Bain & Company for an annual salary of one dollar. When Romney went to the rescue of the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics, he accepted no salary for three years, and wouldn't use an expense account. He also accepted no salary as Governor of Massachusetts. Character counts!! (and yes...that's worth reading again!)
Saw him speak yesterday.

The thing that really struck me was his remarks about how a President has a very fundamental responsibility of uniting America. Regardless of our challenges, he reminded us we have always been 'One Nation, Under God.' It is one of the principles which made us the greatest Nation in the history of the world.

Obama is, of course, the antithesis of a uniter, seeking to divided us along every possible fissure to pit us one against another for political gain. I truly hate this piece of human waste for what he is doing to our proud Nation.

The independents know that Obama hasn't an snowball's chance of ever uniting the Nation. Everybody knows this is truth. Hell, Obama has no intention of even trying.

For this reason alone he will be shat like the foul turd that he is.

Romney can't unite this nation. obama might increase the divisions for his own gain, but the idealogical differences now are so great that unity just isn't possible. If Romney wins the democrats will just hate him. He will come under the same kind of attacks that Bush did.

Yeah, you are probably right. Of course, they hated Reagan as well.
The young adult vote will soon flip.

Maybe not this cycle, but they will only sit still for the hopey changey bullshit for so many years before they too will be looking for an opportunity society that their parents once had.

Obama is creating the next generation of conservatives and he doesn't even know it.

Hey, I should know. I voted for Carter!
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Romney has a shot. Obama's favoribility numbers indicate he's vulnerable. Unfortunately Romney's favoribility ratings indicate he's not in a good position to take advantage - yet.

He could make up the ground. I think his best bet is if the economy turns worse or if he can convince enough people that the economy is worse. He's not there yet - if the election were held today, poll averages indicate a 332 - 206 Obama win. But if the economic numbers get worse (or if Romney can convince enough people that the "real" economic numbers are worse) he can make up that ground quickly imho.

The economy is the main issue in this campaign, but money will be the main determinant of who wins the election. Obama has a strong advantage because he is the incumbent, but he is not otherwise a strong candidate. He won in 2008 by massively outspending McCain.

Arizona Senator McCain, unlike Obama, accepted $84.1 million in public financing for the general election, a decision that barred him from raising money privately. Obama outspent him by a 4-1 margin between Sept. 1 and Nov. 24, FEC records show.

Spending Doubled as Obama Led First Billion-Dollar Race in 2008 - Bloomberg

Had Obama accepted public financing in 2008, we would now be talking about President McCain's chances for a second term. If Romney can raise as much money as Obama this time around, $1 billion +, there is little doubt he can defeat this weak, failed president.
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He hasn't even won the Primary yet. :lmao:

It's a bit early to be calling him the GE winner. lets keep our pants on for now. Remember, Romney talks. That's what he does. Anti-stimulus before being pro-stimulus. Prochoice then prolife....the guy will say anything. Does this mean he has the right kind of character to lead in Washington?
I don't think so, but it hasn't stopped the American people from electing one of his kind before.

Good points. But don't underestimate the power of hate. The far right REALLY hates Obama.
LOL at anyone who thinks Romney will be anything different than Obama. And none of you actually care, you'll just think things are better because there is a (R) occupying the white house.
Came to me via e-mail......

This actually happened in the 90s - Please forward to anyone you think would be interested. Check snoops at snopes.com: Romney Business Partner Daughter Search Sometimes, this facet of Romney's personality isn't so subtle.

In July 1996, the 14-year-old daughter of Robert Gay, a partner at Bain Capital, had disappeared. She had attended a rave party in New York Cityand gotten high on ecstasy. Three days later, her distraught father had no idea where she was. Romney took immediate action. He closed down the entire firm and asked all 30 partners and employees to fly to New York to help find Gay's daughter. Romney set up a command center at the LaGuardia Marriott and hired a private detective firm to assist with the search. He established a toll-free number for tips, coordinating the effort with the NYPD, and went through his Rolodex and called everyone Bain did business with in New York, and asked them to help find his friend's missing daughter. Romney's accountants at Price Waterhouse Cooper put up posters on street poles, while cashiers at a pharmacy owned by Bain put fliers in the bag of every shopper. Romney and the other Bain employees scoured every part of New York and talked with everyone they could, prostitutes, drug addicts, anyone. That day, their hunt made the evening news, which featured photos of the girl and the Bain employees searching for her. As a result, a teenage boy phoned in, asked if there was a reward, and then hung up abruptly. The NYPD traced the call to a home in New Jersey, where they found the girl in the basement, shivering and experiencing withdrawal symptoms from a massive ecstasy dose. Doctors later said the girl might not have survived another day.

Romney's former partner credits Mitt Romney with saving his daughter?s life, saying, "It was the most amazing thing, and I'll never forget this to the day I die." So, here's my epiphany: Mitt Romney simply can't help himself. He sees a problem, and his mind immediately sets to work solving it, sometimes consciously, and sometimes not-so-consciously. He doesn't do it for self-aggrandizement, or for personal gain. He does it because that's just how he's wired. Many people are unaware of the fact that when Romney was asked by his old employer, Bill Bain, to come back to Bain & Company as CEO to rescue the firm from bankruptcy, Romney left Bain Capital to work at Bain & Company for an annual salary of one dollar. When Romney went to the rescue of the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics, he accepted no salary for three years, and wouldn't use an expense account. He also accepted no salary as Governor of Massachusetts. Character counts!! (and yes...that's worth reading again!)

That's a great story and a true sign of his character and why he'll make a great President
Had Obama accepted public financing in 2008, we would now be talking about President McCain's chances for a second term. If Romney can raise as much money as Obama this time around, $1 billion +, there is little doubt he can defeat this weak, failed president.

I wonder where Romney would be if he hadn't outspent Santorum by about 5 to 1?

Maybe jockeying for the VP slot?
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Had Obama accepted public financing in 2008, we would now be talking about President McCain's chances for a second term. If Romney can raise as much money as Obama this time around, $1 billion +, there is little doubt he can defeat this weak, failed president.

I wonder where Romney would be if he hadn't outspent Santorum by about 5 to 1?

Maybe jockeying for the VP slot?

We'll never find out until we go to public financing of elections.
When the government stop spending our money is when we should go to publicly finance elections
Wait until he starts running on cutting taxes on the bloated rich and destroying Medicare and Medicaid. That's how we got our first Dem rep ever here last year. Plus he's totally FOS, a W Booosh clone.
At this point my money is on Obama, Romney is the plastic man who says whatever he thinks the audience wants to hear. He is sort of the republican John Kerry or Al Gore, kinda uninspiring and while that should not matter, a person's persona matters. Plus if any working American votes for him they are retarded. Please excuse the un-PC use of stupid.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_evS-T-c35M]Winning Our Future | King of Bain "When Mitt Romney Came To Town" [Trailer] - YouTube[/ame]
Why Romney will win. Bookmark it.

Romney is Attacking Problems, Obama's Attacking Romney.

Romney believes in American Greatness; Obama apologizes for it

Romney believes in Freedom, Free enterprise, innovation and Entrepreneurship; Obama believes in government hand outs and dependency

Romney's Dad raised a family and dedicated to bettering himself, Obama's Dad a Genuine Communist, was plotting the destruction of the USA

It's as clear an election as we've had since 1980

From your keyboard to God's ears my friend.
Had Obama accepted public financing in 2008, we would now be talking about President McCain's chances for a second term. If Romney can raise as much money as Obama this time around, $1 billion +, there is little doubt he can defeat this weak, failed president.

I wonder where Romney would be if he hadn't outspent Santorum by about 5 to 1?

Maybe jockeying for the VP slot?

We'll never find out until we go to public financing of elections.

We had public financing of presidential elections since 1976 until Obama destroyed the system in 2008.

No major party nominee turned down government funds for the general election from 1976, when the program was launched, until Barack Obama did so in 2008.

Campaign finance in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama at first pledged to accept public financing but then reneged on that pledge, no doubt realizing that in a fair election his record of failure in every job he had ever had would have led him to be soundly defeated.
what Romney should menton in campaign speeches, is ask the crowd, "How Much Money They Have Lost Since Obama Took Office"? most likely, the Average american has lost a 6 digit figure ( I know I have lost over 100,000 since Bozo took office)
what Romney should menton in campaign speeches, is ask the crowd, "How Much Money They Have Lost Since Obama Took Office"? most likely, the Average american has lost a 6 digit figure ( I know I have lost over 100,000 since Bozo took office)

He can ask Reagan's Question: "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?"
Why Romney will win. Bookmark it.

Romney is Attacking Problems, Obama's Attacking Romney.

Romney believes in American Greatness; Obama apologizes for it

Romney believes in Freedom, Free enterprise, innovation and Entrepreneurship; Obama believes in government hand outs and dependency

Romney's Dad raised a family and dedicated to bettering himself, Obama's Dad a Genuine Communist, was plotting the destruction of the USA

It's as clear an election as we've had since 1980

Give us a clear post as to what romney proposes for his preidency that will create jobs and make us have a viable economy.
He wants to cut taxes for the wealthy. That has not worked, as much as you right wingers would like to profess it has it has not.
The next few things he makes his case for being president are....cutting programs.
Well put the two elements together and figure out the problem yourself if you are truthful enough to do so.
what Romney should menton in campaign speeches, is ask the crowd, "How Much Money They Have Lost Since Obama Took Office"? most likely, the Average american has lost a 6 digit figure ( I know I have lost over 100,000 since Bozo took office)

He can ask Reagan's Question: "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?"

I try to steer away from that one if I were Mitt

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