Why right wing beliefs are so crazy

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
How the Right-Wing Brain Works and What That Means for Progressives | | AlterNet

Essay from Mooney's new book, The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--and Reality

Yes, its from a liberal source and yes, its a science-based book but I hope rw's don't dismiss it out of hand. There really are some excellent points - even for the crazy right wing.

You might even see your own reflection ...
How the Right-Wing Brain Works and What That Means for Progressives | | AlterNet

Essay from Mooney's new book, The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--and Reality

Yes, its from a liberal source and yes, its a science-based book but I hope rw's don't dismiss it out of hand. There really are some excellent points - even for the crazy right wing.

You might even see your own reflection ...

Do you lie awake at night dreaming this stupid shit up?
How the Right-Wing Brain Works and What That Means for Progressives | | AlterNet

Essay from Mooney's new book, The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--and Reality

Yes, its from a liberal source and yes, its a science-based book but I hope rw's don't dismiss it out of hand. There really are some excellent points - even for the crazy right wing.

You might even see your own reflection ...

Do you lie awake at night dreaming this stupid shit up?
His scrip for Viagra ran out, and this was the next most effective way for the old man to get a stiffy.
How the Right-Wing Brain Works and What That Means for Progressives | | AlterNet

Essay from Mooney's new book, The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--and Reality

Yes, its from a liberal source and yes, its a science-based book but I hope rw's don't dismiss it out of hand. There really are some excellent points - even for the crazy right wing.

You might even see your own reflection ...

Do you lie awake at night dreaming this stupid shit up?

Its a book. No, I didn't write the book.
It has lots of words in it.
Go read some Glenn Beck.

There. Don't be scared.

Feel better?

Y'all realize, doncha, that your reactions to stuff like this only reinforces what it says about you - that you're all a bunch of knee-jerk loony tunes who are incapable of real thought or ideas.

None of you have read the essay or the book and yet you all pretend you have.

Try not to get so defensive ...

Oh crap.
Never mind.

Just carry on with hiding behind your childish name calling.
Last edited:
How the Right-Wing Brain Works and What That Means for Progressives | | AlterNet

Essay from Mooney's new book, The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--and Reality

Yes, its from a liberal source and yes, its a science-based book but I hope rw's don't dismiss it out of hand. There really are some excellent points - even for the crazy right wing.

You might even see your own reflection ...

Men of faith who believed in God were some of the most renowned scientists. From Copernicus to Planck.

Many had deep Christian commitments like physicists Stokes and Maxwell.

To have faith, to be socially conservative is not to be against science.
What are "left wing beliefs"? Democrats make no claim to family values or morality so what do they believe in? A "condom in every wallet" seems to sum up the democrat party slogan for 2012.
How the Right-Wing Brain Works and What That Means for Progressives | | AlterNet

Essay from Mooney's new book, The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--and Reality

Yes, its from a liberal source and yes, its a science-based book but I hope rw's don't dismiss it out of hand. There really are some excellent points - even for the crazy right wing.

You might even see your own reflection ...

A science-based book bashing republicans from a uberliberal source. Cannot imagine why RWs wouldn't dismiss it out of hand. I want you to know I make a serious effort to avoid personal attacks or trashing somebody's opinion, but this is so far out there it's unbelievable.
How the Right-Wing Brain Works and What That Means for Progressives | | AlterNet

Essay from Mooney's new book, The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--and Reality

Yes, its from a liberal source and yes, its a science-based book but I hope rw's don't dismiss it out of hand. There really are some excellent points - even for the crazy right wing.

You might even see your own reflection ...

Do you lie awake at night dreaming this stupid shit up?

Its a book. No, I didn't write the book.
It has lots of words in it.
Go read some Glenn Beck.

There. Don't be scared.

Feel better?

Y'all realize, doncha, that your reactions to stuff like this only reinforces what it says about you - that you're all a bunch of knee-jerk loony tunes who are incapable of real thought or ideas.

None of you have read the essay or the book and yet you all pretend you have.

Try not to get so defensive ...

Oh crap.
Never mind.

Just carry on with hiding behind your childish name calling.
Like the political compass and world's smallest political quiz, anyone who has been around fora like this for any amount of time have seen the dreck that you find sooooooooo "thought provoking".

If anything here is being reinforced, it's how socialist moonbat nut sacks like you are so quick to pat yourselves on the back for being the smartest peter puffers in the room.
How the Right-Wing Brain Works and What That Means for Progressives | | AlterNet

Essay from Mooney's new book, The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--and Reality

Yes, its from a liberal source and yes, its a science-based book but I hope rw's don't dismiss it out of hand. There really are some excellent points - even for the crazy right wing.

You might even see your own reflection ...

Do you lie awake at night dreaming this stupid shit up?

Its a book. No, I didn't write the book.
It has lots of words in it.
Go read some Glenn Beck.

There. Don't be scared.

Feel better?

Y'all realize, doncha, that your reactions to stuff like this only reinforces what it says about you - that you're all a bunch of knee-jerk loony tunes who are incapable of real thought or ideas.

None of you have read the essay or the book and yet you all pretend you have.

Try not to get so defensive ...

Oh crap.
Never mind.

Just carry on with hiding behind your childish name calling.

Sorry kid, when you start out with stupid shit like right wingers hate science, you lose... 'cause that's just retarded.
How the Right-Wing Brain Works and What That Means for Progressives | | AlterNet

Essay from Mooney's new book, The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--and Reality

Yes, its from a liberal source and yes, its a science-based book but I hope rw's don't dismiss it out of hand. There really are some excellent points - even for the crazy right wing.

You might even see your own reflection ...

Men of faith who believed in God were some of the most renowned scientists. From Copernicus to Planck.

Many had deep Christian commitments like physicists Stokes and Maxwell.

To have faith, to be socially conservative is not to be against science.
then why is the right wing against global warming and evolution? oh thats right, when they think a science that is accepted by the rest world is wrong, its labeled a hoax and inconclusive. we could just go back to the days when the world was flat and the sun revolved around the earth
How the Right-Wing Brain Works and What That Means for Progressives | | AlterNet

Essay from Mooney's new book, The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--and Reality

Yes, its from a liberal source and yes, its a science-based book but I hope rw's don't dismiss it out of hand. There really are some excellent points - even for the crazy right wing.

You might even see your own reflection ...

Men of faith who believed in God were some of the most renowned scientists. From Copernicus to Planck.

Many had deep Christian commitments like physicists Stokes and Maxwell.

To have faith, to be socially conservative is not to be against science.
then why is the right wing against global warming and evolution? oh thats right, when they think a science that is accepted by the rest world is wrong, its labeled a hoax and inconclusive. we could just go back to the days when the world was flat and the sun revolved around the earth
Or you could just create and invoke strawman arguments, to marginalize anyone who differs from your socialistic mores. :lol:
Men of faith who believed in God were some of the most renowned scientists. From Copernicus to Planck.

Many had deep Christian commitments like physicists Stokes and Maxwell.

To have faith, to be socially conservative is not to be against science.
then why is the right wing against global warming and evolution? oh thats right, when they think a science that is accepted by the rest world is wrong, its labeled a hoax and inconclusive. we could just go back to the days when the world was flat and the sun revolved around the earth
Or you could just create and invoke strawman arguments, to marginalize anyone who differs from your socialistic mores. :lol:
can you even define socialism without using a dictionary?

didnt think so....:fu:

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