Why NOT to vote for Trump


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Through a number of social media mechanisms that I do not fully understand, I occasionally see electronic conversations between and among friends and relatives where I am just included for...information? Since I do not have a lot of contact with adult humans (of voting age) under 40 years old, some of the views I see expressed seem...not quite right. Not quite informed. Fatuous.

Recently it occurred to me that the uniformly anti-Trump comments from the young adults are essentially all based on a dislike of Donald Trump. There are the usual vacuous slanders about his intellect, his "corruption," and his spending too much time golfing and tweeting, but when you boil it all down to its essence, they "hate" Donald Trump.

Two things occur to me about this phenomenon: First, the dislike is not surprising given the last four years of the Media slandering him (coupled with his often obnoxious communications and actions), but Second, Who gives a shit whether the President is likable, kind, lazy, easily distracted, or any of that? What difference does it make? What matters is how he is doing at being President. We have three years of history by which to judge him.

In the coming election, we have a choice between one candidate - the incumbent - who has staked out the RIGHT/CORRECT position on every single important issue of the day,
  • immigration,
  • Federal courts/the Constitution,
  • taxes and business development,
  • regulations,
  • international trade,
  • international political relations,
  • the environment,
  • climate change,
  • healthcare,
  • Et cetera.
While he never says it overtly, his core constituency is people who work for a living in the private sector, and pay the taxes that fund the Federal Government. As for government workers and those who live one way or another OFF the government, not so much. And that is his main difference with the Left.

Regarding current events, he has done everything conceivable to avoid a global Depression in the face of an unprecedented medical situation, and has experienced nothing but petty sniping and Monday-morning-second-guessing from his opponents and the Media. And as for the current spate of riots, he seems to be the "only adult in the room." The Democrats - especially the mayors of the worst-run cities in the country - are cheering the rioters on, then demanding Federal money to repair the damage. Are they even serious?

And on the other side, we have an old, worthless, not terribly bright, life-long politico who has not a single major accomplishment to boast of after nearly half a century sucking at the government's capacious teats. Even ignoring his huge corruption problem, he is a person who has abandoned every political "stand" he has taken in his entire career as soon as critics from the left take umbrage (which is what they live for, taking umbrage). A person who has adopted the entire phony, empty-headed agenda of the extreme Left, yet does everything he can to hide it. His entire campaign thus far is the "message" that Things would be better if he were President. No details, no explanation, no policy discussion, no nothing. Just trust me.

How can the next election result be beneficial if so many voters are focused on things that are unimportant, and they ignore what is vital? I personally don't care much for Donald Trump, but I intend to vote for him "early and often," as the saying goes, both by mail and in person, to try to offset at least some of the massive fraud that the Left is cooking up for November.
The fabricated polling leads constructed by insulated academics such as the racial-justice fetish intellectuals from the esteemed research labs of "Quinnipiac" are giving us a huge assist, lulling the Leftists into a false sense of security where many of them would end up voting for Kanye.
But the hellstorm going on in Seattle and Portland is giving us a HUGE assist. I can't help but love what I'm seeing there. The cowardly mayors letting the anarchists run rampant, letting their own cops and government buildings be attacked burned and destroyed and then on top of that, BLAMING THEIR OWN COPS, is beautiful to watch.
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I don't doubt the polls - most of them. Clearly, the President would lose in a landslide if the election were held today.

Which is why it's Wake-up Time!
I don't doubt the polls - most of them. Clearly, the President would lose in a landslide if the election were held today.

Which is why it's Wake-up Time!

You're just letting them under your skin, friend. Have faith! I felt that way in 2016. But Hillary was a stronger candidate than Biden. Biden is such an incredibly weak candidate, I can't possibly let the polling propaganda supercede what I percieve with my own blessed intuition.
What you seem to be missing about many of the folks who oppose the President, (And the President for that matter) is that much of the ground swell inspiring protesters right now has less to do with President Trump and more to do with long standing grievances. Due in part to his own nature of exciting and rattling others, the President has placed himself in direct opposition to these movement, mistaking the rejection of societies inequities for a rejection of him. I would also add, that many who are protesting have made the same mistake of replacing the long standing generational conflicts for a conflict with Trump personally. Unfortunately, many of his supporters have seen that as a direct attack on them and their system of values. (Remember the anger the first time you heard Hillary’s “basket of deplorable” BS?) So a society that does have a fairly well defined set of shared core values, begins to attack itself based on the perceptions that others lack philosophical purity or lack the intellect to see truth when it happens.
The truth is none of us are as good as those who love us think we are and none of us are as bad as our worst enemy fear we might be.
So, during a pandemic that is hitting our nation like we were an improvised 3rd world nation with limited medical infrastructure, we take up our time debating whether this disease even exists. When families fight everyone looses. So instead of wasting our time coming up with witty memes and catchy phrases that insult and belittle those we disagree with, maybe we should do the hard work of figuring out how to function most effectively with our neighbors, friends and loves ones to create a future for those that come after us that grants them the promises given to us by our founding documents.
Allow me to step down off the soap box.
Thank You for the time you took to read this response.
EL Rich: What I see day after day is scores of "news" stories that are presented in the way most slanderous to the President. I give you Exhibit A:

Over the past week or so, the Administration has dispatched uniformed Federal officers to Portland, Oregon, in order to protect Federal property from violent "protesters" who are doing their best to damage and/or destroy the same. Every single story, regardless of its origin, reports this as a Trumpian attempt to take over the disastrous situation that already existed in Portland, and overstep the bounds of Federal authority. Claims by the Mayor - clearly cheering the rioters on - that the Feds have made the situation worse are clearly preposterous...there were 7 weeks of uncontrolled riots and violence before the Feds came in... but the Media treats the bleating of this idiot as though it were serious.

But that's just one example among hundreds.

The Media have done their level best to promote HATE for Our Beloved President, since the moment he announced his candidacy. They ignore his policies, which the majority of Americans support, ignore or belittle his accomplishments, and focus on personalities and personal vexations, as though these defined his Presidency. They are scum, and it could well be that this President will lose the 2020 election because the Media have convinced gullible "young people" to dislike/hate the man, as though likability were the least bit relevant. Shame on them.
Through a number of social media mechanisms that I do not fully understand, I occasionally see electronic conversations between and among friends and relatives where I am just included for...information? Since I do not have a lot of contact with adult humans (of voting age) under 40 years old, some of the views I see expressed seem...not quite right. Not quite informed. Fatuous.

Recently it occurred to me that the uniformly anti-Trump comments from the young adults are essentially all based on a dislike of Donald Trump. There are the usual vacuous slanders about his intellect, his "corruption," and his spending too much time golfing and tweeting, but when you boil it all down to its essence, they "hate" Donald Trump.

Two things occur to me about this phenomenon: First, the dislike is not surprising given the last four years of the Media slandering him (coupled with his often obnoxious communications and actions), but Second, Who gives a shit whether the President is likable, kind, lazy, easily distracted, or any of that? What difference does it make? What matters is how he is doing at being President. We have three years of history by which to judge him.

In the coming election, we have a choice between one candidate - the incumbent - who has staked out the RIGHT/CORRECT position on every single important issue of the day,
  • immigration,
  • Federal courts/the Constitution,
  • taxes and business development,
  • regulations,
  • international trade,
  • international political relations,
  • the environment,
  • climate change,
  • healthcare,
  • Et cetera.
While he never says it overtly, his core constituency is people who work for a living in the private sector, and pay the taxes that fund the Federal Government. As for government workers and those who live one way or another OFF the government, not so much. And that is his main difference with the Left.

Regarding current events, he has done everything conceivable to avoid a global Depression in the face of an unprecedented medical situation, and has experienced nothing but petty sniping and Monday-morning-second-guessing from his opponents and the Media. And as for the current spate of riots, he seems to be the "only adult in the room." The Democrats - especially the mayors of the worst-run cities in the country - are cheering the rioters on, then demanding Federal money to repair the damage. Are they even serious?

And on the other side, we have an old, worthless, not terribly bright, life-long politico who has not a single major accomplishment to boast of after nearly half a century sucking at the government's capacious teats. Even ignoring his huge corruption problem, he is a person who has abandoned every political "stand" he has taken in his entire career as soon as critics from the left take umbrage (which is what they live for, taking umbrage). A person who has adopted the entire phony, empty-headed agenda of the extreme Left, yet does everything he can to hide it. His entire campaign thus far is the "message" that Things would be better if he were President. No details, no explanation, no policy discussion, no nothing. Just trust me.

How can the next election result be beneficial if so many voters are focused on things that are unimportant, and they ignore what is vital? I personally don't care much for Donald Trump, but I intend to vote for him "early and often," as the saying goes, both by mail and in person, to try to offset at least some of the massive fraud that the Left is cooking up for November.

Immigration: He had 2 years of a Republican Controlled Congress. Result? Nothing
Healthcare: Really? Thanks for the chuckle
International relations: he's alienated our allies and has all but ignored our enemies
Climate Change/the environment: He's done nothing positive for either
Taxes? You may have noticed the $5T in debt he's added.

That you plan to commit voter fraud it telling; not surprising but when you have a criminal administration....I guess criminal supporters can't be far behind.
EL Rich: What I see day after day is scores of "news" stories that are presented in the way most slanderous to the President. I give you Exhibit A:

Over the past week or so, the Administration has dispatched uniformed Federal officers to Portland, Oregon, in order to protect Federal property from violent "protesters" who are doing their best to damage and/or destroy the same. Every single story, regardless of its origin, reports this as a Trumpian attempt to take over the disastrous situation that already existed in Portland, and overstep the bounds of Federal authority. Claims by the Mayor - clearly cheering the rioters on - that the Feds have made the situation worse are clearly preposterous...there were 7 weeks of uncontrolled riots and violence before the Feds came in... but the Media treats the bleating of this idiot as though it were serious.

But that's just one example among hundreds.

The Media have done their level best to promote HATE for Our Beloved President, since the moment he announced his candidacy. They ignore his policies, which the majority of Americans support, ignore or belittle his accomplishments, and focus on personalities and personal vexations, as though these defined his Presidency. They are scum, and it could well be that this President will lose the 2020 election because the Media have convinced gullible "young people" to dislike/hate the man, as though likability were the least bit relevant. Shame on them.

You just said you "don't care much for him"...now you're saying he's "beloved"? Wow.

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