Why Not a Probe of ‘Israel-gate’?


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
The other day, I asked a longtime Democratic Party insider who is working on the Russia-gate investigation which country interfered more in U.S. politics, Russia or Israel. Without a moment’s hesitation, he replied, “Israel, of course.”

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaking to the AIPAC conference in Washington D.C. on March 21, 2016. (Photo credit: AIPAC)

Which underscores my concern about the hysteria raging across Official Washington about “Russian meddling” in the 2016 presidential campaign: There is no proportionality applied to the question of foreign interference in U.S. politics. If there were, we would have a far more substantive investigation of Israel-gate.

Source: Why Not a Probe of 'Israel-gate'?

LInk: www.octoldit.info
Democrat icon Al Gore was caught breaking the law by soliciting funding for Bill Clinton from the White House and he declared "there is no controlling agency". Nobody in the left wing media followed up on it. The dirty little secret is that foreign governments are in the business of trying to influence U.S. elections just as the U.S. is in the business of trying to influence foreign elections since freaking WW2. What do we do about it? Do we depend on the CIA or the FBI? That doesn't seem to work when the CIA and the FBI are political tools of mostly democrat administrations. Maybe anti-Semites can find some poll to implicate Israel but my concern is how and why our own "intelligence agencies" are in the freaking political blame game.
No need for any poll to implicate the Israeli's and the dual citizenship Israeli politicians who pretend to be Americans, however everything that they do is for the Israeli's at the great expense of the Americans.

The "intelligence agencies" especially the C.I.A. works almost exclusively for the Israeli's. Keeping in mind that the Zionist international bankers if viewed as being a nation would certainly be the Israeli's.

Those controlling the money (FED) are in control of the nation and the "intelligence agencies". The enormous crimes of the C.I.A. worldwide is the only poll needed to document all the Anti-American activities based on Zionist greed.

Evidence is real; not polls. Polls are meaningless distractions to deceive people in a variety of ways. Fake news love creating polls, and simply make up the numbers to try to sway those susceptible to the herd mentality.

The Zionist international bankers are the communist, they brought communism to Russia and are now transforming this democracy into full blown communism. The treason against president Trump by the closet communist of the judicial branch is part of the purple revolution of former democrats gone communist.

These color revolution are used worldwide to bring down many governments and the Zionist/Israeli's are behind all the trouble! Zionist like George Soros who aid and abet terrorism worldwide is ignored while they all push for a communist world order.

The Israeli's/bankers are the real problem, not the Russians!


LINK: www.octoldit.info
Finally took a little time to view the corny video.

The confessions in the video is somewhat of a rarity.

You people being such expert liars.

All the subliminal circles are attempting to plant in people's mind some sort of evil, which is true to your satanic nature.

May as well post the link for the protocols of Zion one can get a better education from the Protocols than 4 years of Zionist indoctrination at Harvard.

LINK: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Esau you failed to mention that you are not the biblical Jews of the bible. You people live a fake existence it's no wonder you folks are behind a billion dollar (Zionist media) fake news factory.

Now all you have to do is admit that you are really the Edomites and that will put the icing on the cake.

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Finally took a little time to view the corny video.

The confessions in the video is somewhat of a rarity.

You people being such expert liars.

All the subliminal circles are attempting to plant in people's mind some sort of evil, which is true to your satanic nature.

May as well post the link for the protocols of Zion one can get a better education from the Protocols than 4 years of Zionist indoctrination at Harvard.

LINK: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Esau you failed to mention that you are not the biblical Jews of the bible. You people live a fake existence it's no wonder you folks are behind a billion dollar (Zionist media) fake news factory.

Now all you have to do is admit that you are really the Edomites and that will put the icing on the cake.


And there's nothing you can do about it.

P.S. I have a message for you from the International Jewish Conspiracy. Your rent is late, again.
The fulfillment of the prophecy concerning you Edomites will not be late.

There's nothing the God of Israel can do about it.....Right?

P.S. You are only in the Holy land that was promised to Jacob for one reason.

The Prophet Obadiah might give a clue to the the clueless.

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^You realize the OT and NT is nothing but racist, plagiarized and idiotic mythology and assorted nonsense right?

Nevertheless, there does seem to be a pattern in that Russia is repeatedly used as a scapegoat by zionist politicians and their MSM to divert attention away from them apparently.
^You realize the OT and NT is nothing but racist, plagiarized and idiotic mythology and assorted nonsense right?

Nevertheless, there does seem to be a pattern in that Russia is repeatedly used as a scapegoat by zionist politicians and their MSM to divert attention away from them apparently.

Thank you for coming straight out and confessing to the world that you folks who want to call yourself's Jews Don't believe in Holy Scripture and never really have.

You Edomites try to have it both ways, pretending to be the biblical Israelites as if God made his covenant with You Esau; and not Jacob. Your true bible is the Talmud! You have it all backward as most satanic people do. It's the Talmud filled with all the hatred and racism, and assorted nonsense.

You don't believe in the son of God for prophecy speaks of all that the wicked will have to endure, all the unbearable suffering for all the evil they have done. You edomites seems to think retribution applies to everyone but you. You have violated Holy Scripture in every possible way and make no mistake your non-belief does not excuse you from the endless torment.

The children of satan will do the works of satan, and you so-called Jews have your covenant with your father satan. Confirmation of this is all the evil you do. Play the anti-Semitism card all you want people don't despise you worldwide for who that "you say you are", you are despised for "what you do"!

How dare you point to anyone else as being an enemy to America and it's you Zionist that are the biggest enemy America has ever known.

Prophecy proves Holy Scripture's validity. Enormous liars hate truth. The real problem is you deceive so many people into following your lead into the bowels of hell and endless torment. This is precisely what satan wants and it's a horrible thing to be doing to those who have no idea what they are signing on too. Money worship is one of the very worst forms of Idolatry, and many have sold their souls to satan though you Esau.

Russia has been though the communism nightmare that you Jews destroyed that nation with. The last thing you want is for the Russian leader to have a good working relationship with President Trump he may share some insight into how the Jews made Russia communist.

Which is precisely what the Jews are trying to do in America and the world right now!

P.S. Can you smell yourself?

Your stench is worst than the mid-sixties Chicago stock yards at high noon in late August
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The other day, I asked a longtime Democratic Party insider who is working on the Russia-gate investigation which country interfered more in U.S. politics, Russia or Israel. Without a moment’s hesitation, he replied, “Israel, of course.”

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaking to the AIPAC conference in Washington D.C. on March 21, 2016. (Photo credit: AIPAC)

Which underscores my concern about the hysteria raging across Official Washington about “Russian meddling” in the 2016 presidential campaign: There is no proportionality applied to the question of foreign interference in U.S. politics. If there were, we would have a far more substantive investigation of Israel-gate.

Source: Why Not a Probe of 'Israel-gate'?

LInk: www.octoldit.info

You might have a bit more credibility if you didn't have a profit motive for pushing your propaganda. Try providing links to someone other than yourself. I for one will give you ZERO CLICKS.

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