Why isn't it Mexico's problem to house, feed and take care of these "immigrant" kids?

This will fall on limited IQ's, so you Patriots might want to use this when one of these brain dead zombies brings it up again, and they will....

Ed Meese reported that Ronald Reagan regarded the 1986 amnesty as his biggest presidential mistake. Here`s an article from Conservative Heritage Times....

Raygun made lots of mistakes. Because of him I switched from Republican to Democrat. Fuck Raygun!

The Republican Party has been neutered. They haven't come to terms with the fact that "The Shining City Upon A Hill" has been overrun with freeloaders and parasites, ushered in by the Democratic Party (which was hijacked by communists in the 60's) and the only way to take it back is through revolution. They still think there is integrity in the electoral system. They are wrong.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson
This will fall on limited IQ's, so you Patriots might want to use this when one of these brain dead zombies brings it up again, and they will....

Ed Meese reported that Ronald Reagan regarded the 1986 amnesty as his biggest presidential mistake. Here`s an article from Conservative Heritage Times....

Raygun made lots of mistakes. Because of him I switched from Republican to Democrat. Fuck Raygun!

because the 2008 law signed by Bush applies to children from everywhere BUT Mexico.

This will fall on limited IQ's, so you Patriots might want to use this when one of these brain dead zombies brings it up again, and they will....

Ed Meese reported that Ronald Reagan regarded the 1986 amnesty as his biggest presidential mistake. Here`s an article from Conservative Heritage Times....

Raygun made lots of mistakes. Because of him I switched from Republican to Democrat. Fuck Raygun!


No, please FUCK YOU!
This will fall on limited IQ's, so you Patriots might want to use this when one of these brain dead zombies brings it up again, and they will....

Ed Meese reported that Ronald Reagan regarded the 1986 amnesty as his biggest presidential mistake. Here`s an article from Conservative Heritage Times....

Raygun made lots of mistakes. Because of him I switched from Republican to Democrat. Fuck Raygun!


I.....:badgrin:....believe....:badgrin:.....that....:badgrin:......I...:laugh:...really ......:lmao:.....do! :rofl:
The Republican Party has been neutered. They haven't come to terms with the fact that "The Shining City Upon A Hill" has been overrun with freeloaders and parasites, ushered in by the Democratic Party (which was hijacked by communists in the 60's) and the only way to take it back is through revolution. They still think there is integrity in the electoral system. They are wrong.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson

Absolute idiocy. Actually, the Booosh world depression gave us these UE DUH...:cuckoo::cuckoo:
So why do you think we have 11 million illegals working, paying taxes, owning homes, getting health care, etc, etc? Shyttehead.

Stupidity, and what part of 90 MILLION UNEMPLOYED AMERICANS CITIZENS do these fucking invaders affect?

You ARE the dumbest fucking subversive here...you should be proud of that fact!

Strangely, Pub dupe, you're actually right- the stupidity of Pub dupes.BREAKING!- Megarich Pubs LOVE cheap, easily bullied labor, and distract chumps like you with bs about useless fences and unconstitutional harassment laws. THINK, if you can...


They are FUCKING ILLEGAL....do you have any conception what that means?
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The Republican Party has been neutered. They haven't come to terms with the fact that "The Shining City Upon A Hill" has been overrun with freeloaders and parasites, ushered in by the Democratic Party (which was hijacked by communists in the 60's) and the only way to take it back is through revolution. They still think there is integrity in the electoral system. They are wrong.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson

Absolute idiocy. Actually, the Booosh world depression gave us these UE DUH...:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Conservatards could at the very least do the humane thing and ship them up to Canada, so they can live in a country that doesn't hate the poor so much that they would deny them access to healthcare.

But no, your immediate answer is always "HYUCK HYUCK IT'S ALL MEXICO'S FAULT," even for cases in which you acknowledge that the immigrants aren't even all Mexican.

Mexico made a deal with Guatemala to fast trak these kids through Mexico. Now why do you think Mexico would do that? because they are humanitarian? or because they are bought by the drug cartels who now find that since our border agents are bogged down taking care of children it will be much easier and more profitable in their smuggling efforts.? millions of illegal people in our country hurt the chances of any poor American citizen from finding work.
And yes it is Mexico's fault. They are laughing at the stupid gringo, havnt you figured it out yet?
I don't get it. Why isn't this Mexico's job? It's Mexico that allowed these kids through their southern border.
I get that the Obama administration wants to destroy our nation by getting rid of our border and importing future Democrat voters.
But can someone please explain why no conservatives, or even RINOs, are taking the position that this is Mexico's problem, and demanding that it absorb this population which at least shares with them a common language (for the most part)? And why isn't the United States demanding money from Mexico and every Central American country of origin to pay for the damages that this invasion is causing us?

Apparently, Vigilante, it is our job. We are racist and incompassionate if we don't. Using such logic, Mexico is being racist and incompassionate.

Oy vey.
Conservatards could at the very least do the humane thing and ship them up to Canada, so they can live in a country that doesn't hate the poor so much that they would deny them access to healthcare.

But no, your immediate answer is always "HYUCK HYUCK IT'S ALL MEXICO'S FAULT," even for cases in which you acknowledge that the immigrants aren't even all Mexican.

You think the US hates the poor? Compared to what other Country?? In the US, you need no job to have a roof over your head, cell phone, large screen TV, and food stamps. That is the result of "hate"??
I don't get it. Why isn't this Mexico's job? It's Mexico that allowed these kids through their southern border.
I get that the Obama administration wants to destroy our nation by getting rid of our border and importing future Democrat voters.
But can someone please explain why no conservatives, or even RINOs, are taking the position that this is Mexico's problem, and demanding that it absorb this population which at least shares with them a common language (for the most part)? And why isn't the United States demanding money from Mexico and every Central American country of origin to pay for the damages that this invasion is causing us?

Mexico and the rest of Central America is one big socioeconomic failure. No where in these lands is a Middle Class to be found. Yet, there is plenty of corruption, crime, violence, and, "disparity of wealth and income"; something the Marxists love to attack US with. Don't forget: the wealthiest person in the world lives in Mexico. Maybe the US should annex Central America? Can you hear the cries from the Left and UN assailing the US for being imperialists? LaRaza would shit themselves 10 ways to Sunday about Mexico's "autonomy". But God forbid US defends it's autonomy by simply enforcing Immigration Laws already on the books. Have you compared US Immigration Laws to Mexico recently?
Most are not from mexico?

No they aren't, but you gotta admit, they came through Mexico.

That they did and Mexico had no problem sending them our way.

They need to ship them all back to Mexico and from there back to wherever the hell they came from.

If there is a law allowing them here then the Clowns in DC need to change that law in one fucking hurry and send these disease ridden fuckers out of our country.

One has to wonder what those Clowns use for brains? Sure doesn't sound like any of them have a brain cell that works.
If any of you sheep think that Mexico isn't complicit in the migration of thousands of people across its own country then you are all even dumber than I thought.
I don't get it. Why isn't this Mexico's job? It's Mexico that allowed these kids through their southern border.
I get that the Obama administration wants to destroy our nation by getting rid of our border and importing future Democrat voters.
But can someone please explain why no conservatives, or even RINOs, are taking the position that this is Mexico's problem, and demanding that it absorb this population which at least shares with them a common language (for the most part)? And why isn't the United States demanding money from Mexico and every Central American country of origin to pay for the damages that this invasion is causing us?

Mexico and the rest of Central America is one big socioeconomic failure. No where in these lands is a Middle Class to be found. Yet, there is plenty of corruption, crime, violence, and, "disparity of wealth and income"; something the Marxists love to attack US with. Don't forget: the wealthiest person in the world lives in Mexico. Maybe the US should annex Central America? Can you hear the cries from the Left and UN assailing the US for being imperialists? LaRaza would shit themselves 10 ways to Sunday about Mexico's "autonomy". But God forbid US defends it's autonomy by simply enforcing Immigration Laws already on the books. Have you compared US Immigration Laws to Mexico recently?

Good post and oh so true.

If your an illegal in Mexico you land in prison. Far cry from how illegals are treated in our country.

The fence needs to be built and serious folks need to be on the border. If they shoot a few the others will get the message.
The only thing that will work is a good SS ID card. Like every other modern country has, and which hypocrite Pubs refuse to do. Duped again, fools....Pass the reform bill duh. It would pass if Boehner allowed a free vote, chumps.
I don't get it. Why isn't this Mexico's job? It's Mexico that allowed these kids through their southern border.
I get that the Obama administration wants to destroy our nation by getting rid of our border and importing future Democrat voters.
But can someone please explain why no conservatives, or even RINOs, are taking the position that this is Mexico's problem, and demanding that it absorb this population which at least shares with them a common language (for the most part)? And why isn't the United States demanding money from Mexico and every Central American country of origin to pay for the damages that this invasion is causing us?

Check out how many Corporations are taking advantage of the cheap labor....That should answer the question for you.

The Right only cares about profits today, not about the people. The Left is getting there too.

this is a bunch of Bull excrement. The right is fighting the dumping of Mexico's and Central American's unwanted people. I have been saying from the beginning that the reason that the democrats are fighting so hard is so they get their lettuce picked on the cheap. Now the left will have their lawns maintained, nannies, an valets all on the cheap.

This has NOTHING to do with Republicans this is a democrat, and mostly Obama, man made disaster of the first order. Just like the mess of Obamacare this is all democrats.

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