Why Islam Is More Violent Than Christianity

God says he likes the KJV just fine. If you would like a recommendation that is.

King James is a dubious source, He was also responsible for producing a book called. 'Daemonologie'.
It just happens that I received a reprint of it from amazon today in the post. published by parchment books.
There is a KJV Bible beside me and a God around me. That is what is here and that is what is now.
There really isn't much of a difference. The difference is that currently fucked up Imams and control freaks are whipping up religious fervor to justify violence and recruit the easily whipped up young adults.

As for your stupid apostasy graphic, we have the death penalty in this country. In the end, it doesn't really matter what crime leads to the death penalty, what matters is that control freaks and big government supporters love the death penalty.

Congratulations are in order. Every time I think I have seen the most absolutely ridiculous attempt at moral equivalence by one of the useful idiots, along comes a posting so absolutely retarded that it reads like parody.

Yes, by all means, killing people for abandoning the faith isn't much different than killing them after they have murdered innocent people.

I weep for this country if children like you are an example of our educational system.
See the 10 commandments.

Killing people for ANY reason is immoral.
Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus.

If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence.

Radical Christians burn crosses, lynch folks not to their peculiar liking and pervert the icons and teachings of Christianity to their own purposes. They call themselves the knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They are not examples of Christianity, but a political hate group and a criminal organization.

But they are a distinct minority in Christendom.

Can they be fairly compared to radical Islamists? Absolutely and quite fairly.


Post 5 examples from the last 10 years.


Because we ALL know you're lying - especially you.

And that's the point - you of the left love to lie to support your Muslim allies.

Don't bother because we won't be able to tie those burnings and lynchings to a church. I read through a few articles about cross burning and they never say what church if any the perp belongs to. I wish it would so people would start seeing a connection between religion and insanity.
Well, isn't that interesting. There is a difference right there. Why do you suppose Islamic organizations are sure to let people know who did it when they blow up a cafe but groups that burn crosses do not?
Not all Muslims are terrorists but most all terrorists are Muslims. Currently. I do not see Christians cutting off heads anywhere in the world and there is no shortage of Muslims doing so. Muslims slaughter each other.

If they were the superpower and we lived in a small country that they invaded, and we didn't have access to good weapons, we might resort to ied's and suicide bombings.

And look at how shocked we are to see them cut heads off. BFD I say. Shoot them, cut their heads off, drown them waterboarding them, beat them to death. Cutting a head off is quick and easy and the victim doesn't suffer too long. We tortured men in Abu Grabe for months and those people finally died. That is cruel, no?

If you don't get it out of them after a month of torture, they don't know or they ain't gonna break. Stop it. LOL.

Aren't Russians Christians? Aren't they invading Ukraine right now? Do you approve of Russia's tactics? And lets see how Ukraine reacts if they get desperate enough. They might start buring IUD's and sending in soldiers to do suicide bombs.
So you would see the IRA and ISIS as being similar organizations?

I could see some similarities but also the differences.
What differences can you see?
Think about the unthinkable. What if God exists and is in fact a violent angry God intolerant of non-believers, heretics, and blasphemers?

Think about the truth instead. That Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and that no man can come to the Father except through Him. Think about the truth that God said no murderer, no adulterer, no idolater, no homosexual, no liar, no thief, no sorcerer.......can enter the kingdom of heaven. Think about the truth of what Jesus taught and the commandment - thou shalt not kill - think about the truth that those who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior cannot enter the kingdom of heaven and when you are finished thinking about that consider that no where in the bible did Jesus ever command his followers to murder in his name. To do jihad, to loot, to take sex slaves - and then consider that the one you have been following is Satan and not God.

Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Baal Allah cannot save you. Mohammad cannot save you. He could not even save himself and today he is in hell. Wake up.
Assuming there is a Heaven and a Hell of course.

Are you serious?
Killing people for ANY reason is immoral.

Goodness, it's almost as if you are actually trying to prove you are absolutely incapable of moral reasoning.

It's a good thing uneducated types such as yourself are not crafting our laws.
Think about the unthinkable. What if God exists and is in fact a violent angry God intolerant of non-believers, heretics, and blasphemers?

Think about the truth instead. That Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and that no man can come to the Father except through Him. Think about the truth that God said no murderer, no adulterer, no idolater, no homosexual, no liar, no thief, no sorcerer.......can enter the kingdom of heaven. Think about the truth of what Jesus taught and the commandment - thou shalt not kill - think about the truth that those who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior cannot enter the kingdom of heaven and when you are finished thinking about that consider that no where in the bible did Jesus ever command his followers to murder in his name. To do jihad, to loot, to take sex slaves - and then consider that the one you have been following is Satan and not God.

Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Baal Allah cannot save you. Mohammad cannot save you. He could not even save himself and today he is in hell. Wake up.

If the Bible is the Truth then one must concede also that God demanded the genocide of the Amalekites

'Now go and strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that he has, and do not spare him; but put to death both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.'"

What do you do with that Truth? Ignore it?

You people have invented God in your desired image, and then claimed it as the Truth.
> CORRECTION------------> It is was your own prophet who invented a god designed in his own desired image (with the influence of his wife Khadija) and this was done to justify playing God, justifying sexual sin, adultery (more than one wife) paedophile behavior, beating his wives, theft, looting, sex slavery, beheadings of 900 Jews in Medina, the killing of women and children, and more. Will you now accuse God in order to justify Mohammad for such sins?

If you knew the history of the Amalekites you would not be asking me such a question. Why do you think Saul lost everything for that one act of disobedience? (he didn't obey God 100% on that command) Did not David sin more than once yet still was never removed as King? There is a reason for it. Search the Scriptures.

Stick to the point. Your God commanded a genocide.

My God commanded a righteous judgment for a certain time and a certain place on a people that were under his judgment. Had Saul obeyed -the Israelis would have been spared alot of grief! But no! Saul decided to disobey God and not follow through!

I'll give you a comparison right now and show you how that works out, Nosmos. Look at Israel and the temple mount, the terrorist attacks inside Israel and against Israel! Do you know why that happened? Because a certain Israeli General of the IDF named General Uzi refused to obey God - who spoke through the mouth of a Rabbi named Rabbi Shomo Gorin and decided to go with a secular government and appease the Arab people! How did he do that? After the 6 day war the Israelis took the Temple Mount and the Arabs fled! The Jews were weeping their eyes out - ovewhelmed at the fulfillment of God's promise. What was God's promise?

I will put my Name there! 37 times in the Old Testament God repeatedly declares this promise and then? Suddenly the Temple Mount is theirs! So the Rabbi tells General Uzi - take this dynamite and blow up the Dome of the Rock and the Al asqa Mosque now! THIS IS THE MOMENT OF REDEMPTION!

What does General Uzi respond with? Do not say another word or I'll have to arrest you. In other words? We're not doing that - we're going to hand it back over to the Arabs! Oh my! What a mistake! What a TERRIBLE MISTAKE!

God's Word was abundantly clear on what was going to happen if they didn't tear down those high places on the Temple Mount! Abundantly clear! I was listening to a preacher go over this just last night. Amazing!

It is written:

Numbers 33:50 - 55
Think about the unthinkable. What if God exists and is in fact a violent angry God intolerant of non-believers, heretics, and blasphemers?

No such psychotic nutcase of a God could possibly have got it together to set the known universe into motion.
Let alone unknown heavens. What kind of idiot God would waste energy stoking the fires of an eternal hell.
Think about the unthinkable. What if God exists and is in fact a violent angry God intolerant of non-believers, heretics, and blasphemers?

Think about the truth instead. That Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and that no man can come to the Father except through Him. Think about the truth that God said no murderer, no adulterer, no idolater, no homosexual, no liar, no thief, no sorcerer.......can enter the kingdom of heaven. Think about the truth of what Jesus taught and the commandment - thou shalt not kill - think about the truth that those who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior cannot enter the kingdom of heaven and when you are finished thinking about that consider that no where in the bible did Jesus ever command his followers to murder in his name. To do jihad, to loot, to take sex slaves - and then consider that the one you have been following is Satan and not God.

Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Baal Allah cannot save you. Mohammad cannot save you. He could not even save himself and today he is in hell. Wake up.

If the Bible is the Truth then one must concede also that God demanded the genocide of the Amalekites

'Now go and strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that he has, and do not spare him; but put to death both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.'"

What do you do with that Truth? Ignore it?

You people have invented God in your desired image, and then claimed it as the Truth.
> CORRECTION------------> It is was your own prophet who invented a god designed in his own desired image (with the influence of his wife Khadija) and this was done to justify playing God, justifying sexual sin, adultery (more than one wife) paedophile behavior, beating his wives, theft, looting, sex slavery, beheadings of 900 Jews in Medina, the killing of women and children, and more. Will you now accuse God in order to justify Mohammad for such sins?

If you knew the history of the Amalekites you would not be asking me such a question. Why do you think Saul lost everything for that one act of disobedience? (he didn't obey God 100% on that command) Did not David sin more than once yet still was never removed as King? There is a reason for it. Search the Scriptures.

Stick to the point. Your God commanded a genocide.

My God commanded a righteous judgment for a certain time and a certain place on a people that were under his judgment. Had Saul obeyed -the Israelis would have been spared alot of grief! But no! Saul decided to disobey God and not follow through!

I'll give you a comparison right now and show you how that works out, Nosmos. Look at Israel and the temple mount, the terrorist attacks inside Israel and against Israel! Do you know why that happened? Because a certain Israeli General of the IDF named General Uzi refused to obey God - who spoke through the mouth of a Rabbi named Rabbi Shomo Gorin and decided to go with a secular government and appease the Arab people! How did he do that? After the 6 day war the Israelis took the Temple Mount and the Arabs fled! The Jews were weeping their eyes out - ovewhelmed at the fulfillment of God's promise. What was God's promise?

I will put my Name there! 37 times in the Old Testament God repeatedly declares this promise and then? Suddenly the Temple Mount is theirs! So the Rabbi tells General Uzi - take this dynamite and blow up the Dome of the Rock and the Al asqa Mosque now! THIS IS THE MOMENT OF REDEMPTION!

What does General Uzi respond with? Do not say another word or I'll have to arrest you. In other words? We're not doing that - we're going to hand it back over to the Arabs! Oh my! What a mistake! What a TERRIBLE
God knew full well what Saul was going to do. Saul was punishment for the people demanding a king from Samuel. Islam might just be our Saul until we return to God.
Because islamists were slaves in US and in many other countries. It's only fault of our ancestors that peaceful Islam turns into Radical islam.
And now, there's too late... The only way to destroy these radicals - is to kill 'em.
Think about the unthinkable. What if God exists and is in fact a violent angry God intolerant of non-believers, heretics, and blasphemers?

No such psychotic nutcase of a God could possibly have got it together to set the known universe into motion.
Let alone unknown heavens. What kind of idiot God would waste energy stoking the fires of an eternal hell.
This logic gets me. 'If god were real then he would be like this and therefore he is not real because I do not like that.' or 'There is a god, I like god, therefore god is as I would like him to be." It does not work that way.
Because islamists were slaves in US and in many other countries. It's only fault of our ancestors that peaceful Islam turns into Radical islam.
And now, there's too late... The only way to destroy these radicals - is to kill 'em.
That's a new one.
There really isn't much of a difference. The difference is that currently fucked up Imams and control freaks are whipping up religious fervor to justify violence and recruit the easily whipped up young adults.

As for your stupid apostasy graphic, we have the death penalty in this country. In the end, it doesn't really matter what crime leads to the death penalty, what matters is that control freaks and big government supporters love the death penalty.

Congratulations are in order. Every time I think I have seen the most absolutely ridiculous attempt at moral equivalence by one of the useful idiots, along comes a posting so absolutely retarded that it reads like parody.

Yes, by all means, killing people for abandoning the faith isn't much different than killing them after they have murdered innocent people.

I weep for this country if children like you are an example of our educational system.
See the 10 commandments.

Killing people for ANY reason is immoral.

Actually not.

It is murder that is forbidden, not killing......else war would be outlawed.

I used to expect better scholarship from your side.

No longer.
There really isn't much of a difference. The difference is that currently fucked up Imams and control freaks are whipping up religious fervor to justify violence and recruit the easily whipped up young adults.

As for your stupid apostasy graphic, we have the death penalty in this country. In the end, it doesn't really matter what crime leads to the death penalty, what matters is that control freaks and big government supporters love the death penalty.

Congratulations are in order. Every time I think I have seen the most absolutely ridiculous attempt at moral equivalence by one of the useful idiots, along comes a posting so absolutely retarded that it reads like parody.

Yes, by all means, killing people for abandoning the faith isn't much different than killing them after they have murdered innocent people.

I weep for this country if children like you are an example of our educational system.
See the 10 commandments.

Killing people for ANY reason is immoral.

Actually not.

It is murder that is forbidden, not killing......else war would be outlawed.

I used to expect better scholarship from your side.

No longer.
Capital punishment isn't war.
Why Islam Is More Violent Than Christianity....

Let's get back to the doctrines themselves, the fundamentals that prove the title of the thread:

15. ".... idea here is not a belief in self-sacrifice—Islam, with its emphasis on the glory of dying in battle, has that idea in abundance.

Nor is it the idea of a duty to serve others—Communist regimes were built on the idea that the individual exists only to serve the collective.

Instead, it is the idea that each individual has a supreme and sacred value. Even Ayn Rand declared this to be the idea from Christianity that most impressed her.

Islam has no corresponding idea.

The news is constantly bringing us a story of some imam somewhere declaring it consistent with Islam for a man to beat his wife, and the rise of the Islamic State in Syria has provided us current examples of Islam sanctioning slavery, including the capture and systematic rape of sex slaves. This is a religion that is still very much in the “rights of the conqueror” mode, in which the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
Why Islam Is More Violent Than Christianity
There really isn't much of a difference. The difference is that currently fucked up Imams and control freaks are whipping up religious fervor to justify violence and recruit the easily whipped up young adults.

As for your stupid apostasy graphic, we have the death penalty in this country. In the end, it doesn't really matter what crime leads to the death penalty, what matters is that control freaks and big government supporters love the death penalty.

Congratulations are in order. Every time I think I have seen the most absolutely ridiculous attempt at moral equivalence by one of the useful idiots, along comes a posting so absolutely retarded that it reads like parody.

Yes, by all means, killing people for abandoning the faith isn't much different than killing them after they have murdered innocent people.

I weep for this country if children like you are an example of our educational system.
See the 10 commandments.

Killing people for ANY reason is immoral.

Actually not.

It is murder that is forbidden, not killing......else war would be outlawed.

I used to expect better scholarship from your side.

No longer.
Capital punishment isn't war.

It isn't murder.

Do you have a point, beside the one on top of your head?


Genesis 9:6 prescribed the death penalty for murder when it said that if a man “shed the blood” of another man, by man must his blood be shed. The only law repeated in all five of the books of the old testament. The death penalty is a value, values are eternal, as opposed to customs or traditions, such as stoning for adultery.

2. Exodus 21:12-14

Leviticus 24:17 and 21

Numbers 35:16-18 and Numbers 35:31

Deuteronomy 19:11-13
There really isn't much of a difference. The difference is that currently fucked up Imams and control freaks are whipping up religious fervor to justify violence and recruit the easily whipped up young adults.

As for your stupid apostasy graphic, we have the death penalty in this country. In the end, it doesn't really matter what crime leads to the death penalty, what matters is that control freaks and big government supporters love the death penalty.

Congratulations are in order. Every time I think I have seen the most absolutely ridiculous attempt at moral equivalence by one of the useful idiots, along comes a posting so absolutely retarded that it reads like parody.

Yes, by all means, killing people for abandoning the faith isn't much different than killing them after they have murdered innocent people.

I weep for this country if children like you are an example of our educational system.
See the 10 commandments.

Killing people for ANY reason is immoral.

Actually not.

It is murder that is forbidden, not killing......else war would be outlawed.

I used to expect better scholarship from your side.

No longer.
Capital punishment isn't war.

It isn't murder.

Do you have a point, beside the one on top of your head?


Genesis 9:6 prescribed the death penalty for murder when it said that if a man “shed the blood” of another man, by man must his blood be shed. The only law repeated in all five of the books of the old testament. The death penalty is a value, values are eternal, as opposed to customs or traditions, such as stoning for adultery.

2. Exodus 21:12-14

Leviticus 24:17 and 21

Numbers 35:16-18 and Numbers 35:31

Deuteronomy 19:11-13
My point is this. If you can justify to yourself that state has the right to kill someone, and you do, you can't really hold it against the terrorists who can also justify it to themselves that they have the right to kill someone.

Thou shall not kill.

That's what the commandment is....and we don't follow the old testament.

Killing is either wrong in all cases or it isn't.

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