If Trump and his pals are not guilty why not get on with court proceedings to demonstrate such...


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Trump Stonewalling and Privileged Treatment

Trump and lawyers are messing around with massive stonewalling behavior ................... it's that simple.

While Trump and his closest cronies are the extreme example who should be tried and jailed by their privileged treatment never stops and neither have the crimes across
the board.

If Trump and his pals are not guilty why not get on with court proceedings to demonstrate such. Only guilty parties introduce stonewalling as a tool for delaying.

Is the so called candidate spending campaign money to pay lawyers and live high? Is this legal. So many elected politicians at all levels of government commit various crimes yet are treated as privileged people when found out.

Why is it that these criminals are shown privileged treatment because they are elected officials? Yes on both sides of the aisle?

While Trump and his closest cronies are the extreme example who should be tried and jailed by their privileged treatment never stops and neither have the crimes across the board.

Trump should be in detention until all of his cases have been through the process. Simply because he is a former president should NOT allow form special privileges absolutely not.

Once any of these white collars have committed crimes they then become criminals yet instead they become privileged characters. Many times allowed to resign instead of being prosecuted = what the hell is going on?

What about the house and senate being allowed to investigate their own instead of being investigated by law enforcement such as the FBI? Blue Ribbon committees? Give me a break.

This is setting terrible examples for parents trying to teach there children right from wrong.

Fourteenth Amendment Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

Amdt14.S3.1 Overview of Disqualification Clause
Let's not forget .......

Another COVID surge in the fall could place hospital staff at risk again. Loading up hospitals and clinics up beyond capacity is not acceptable.

Re-electing GOP officials who are and have been part of the misinformation team nation wide at state level and capitol hill is not acceptable = no respect for health care staff and facilities.

IF doable I say Federal, City & County gov't plus hospitals fund as a team to convert new U-haul large vans as "emergency rooms" to make house calls to analyze COVID patients then allow them to quarantine at home rather than over load the ER facilities.

Must do something different.

Outside the box thinking may seem unrealistic however this COVID 19 situation is not going away soon enough. Health care staff and hospitals deserve far more respect.
Outside the box thinking may seem unrealistic however this COVID 19 situation is not going away soon enough.
Alarmist much? The hospitalization rates are increasing, as are good old fashioned case of the flu. Covid19 followed the same exact path that all other novel viruses have followed. They begin as a virulent monster that human immune systems have never been exposed to. Once in a population they begin to mutate as the immune system finds successful ways of countering it.

Finally, broad immuniy is reached and the virus becomes FAR LESS DEADLY to the host while becoming far more transmissable. People who are still freaked out over covid need to get away from the media and have a walk in the fresh air.
Trump seems to be using these political prosecutions to his full advantage. As loathe as you guys are to admit it, the efforts to damage him with these show trials are failing SPECTACULARLY. Please put him in a cell, please. It will guarantee his re-election ;)
Trump Stonewalling and Privileged Treatment

Trump and lawyers are messing around with massive stonewalling behavior ................... it's that simple.

While Trump and his closest cronies are the extreme example who should be tried and jailed by their privileged treatment never stops and neither have the crimes across
the board.

If Trump and his pals are not guilty why not get on with court proceedings to demonstrate such. Only guilty parties introduce stonewalling as a tool for delaying.

Is the so called candidate spending campaign money to pay lawyers and live high? Is this legal. So many elected politicians at all levels of government commit various crimes yet are treated as privileged people when found out.

Why is it that these criminals are shown privileged treatment because they are elected officials? Yes on both sides of the aisle?

While Trump and his closest cronies are the extreme example who should be tried and jailed by their privileged treatment never stops and neither have the crimes across the board.

Trump should be in detention until all of his cases have been through the process. Simply because he is a former president should NOT allow form special privileges absolutely not.

Once any of these white collars have committed crimes they then become criminals yet instead they become privileged characters. Many times allowed to resign instead of being prosecuted = what the hell is going on?

What about the house and senate being allowed to investigate their own instead of being investigated by law enforcement such as the FBI? Blue Ribbon committees? Give me a break.

This is setting terrible examples for parents trying to teach there children right from wrong.

Fourteenth Amendment Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

Amdt14.S3.1 Overview of Disqualification Clause
It doesn't matter. Trump could be absolutely destroyed in court, and they would just say the court is corrupt and rigged.

Who knows if they'd actually believe it. That wouldn't matter, either.

This is a cult. These are the Manson Girls.

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