Why is the inner-city so violent?

Why is the inner-city so violent and why isn't it national news? Where is the outrage over thousands of young men killing each other??? I read daily on the local news out of Chicago and you're talking about 20-30 people shot per day. This is nuts.

I'm assuming that most of this violence is done by minority gangs. So is it accurate to blame the single parent families for not being there for their child? Making the child turn to these gangs...

I think this is the biggest problem facing this nation.

How do we uplift these people? I think we need to discuss the most important issue we face.

Let's invest more into education of our inner-cities and set up a program that helps these children get interested in business, science and innovation. KEEPING THEM OUT OF GANGS.

Violent Crime and murder rates in the inner-cities you discuss generally follow nationwide crime trends.

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If you want to uplift these people you must first have them obey the laws. Why didn't the people in these areas not go around killing and hurting others before the mid-1960's?

They didn't do it as much becuase the people in the city and leaders punished them more effectively. Nationwide, crime went way up after the criminal justice system was liberalized in the late 50's and early 1960's. The cities with high crime just followed the pattern.

All repeat violent felons should pay the maximum penalty under the law.

Hanging is always the best way to straignten-out those who refuse rehabilitation.
Why is the inner-city so violent and why isn't it national news? Where is the outrage over thousands of young men killing each other??? I read daily on the local news out of Chicago and you're talking about 20-30 people shot per day. This is nuts.

I'm assuming that most of this violence is done by minority gangs. So is it accurate to blame the single parent families for not being there for their child? Making the child turn to these gangs...

I think this is the biggest problem facing this nation.

How do we uplift these people? I think we need to discuss the most important issue we face.

Let's invest more into education of our inner-cities and set up a program that helps these children get interested in business, science and innovation. KEEPING THEM OUT OF GANGS.

Violent Crime and murder rates in the inner-cities you discuss generally follow nationwide crime trends.

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If you want to uplift these people you must first have them obey the laws. Why didn't the people in these areas not go around killing and hurting others before the mid-1960's?

They didn't do it as much becuase the people in the city and leaders punished them more effectively. Nationwide, crime went way up after the criminal justice system was liberalized in the late 50's and early 1960's. The cities with high crime just followed the pattern.

All repeat violent felons should pay the maximum penalty under the law.

Hanging is always the best way to straignten-out those who refuse rehabilitation.

You are mistaken.

Violent Crime and murder rates in the inner-cities do not generally follow nationwide crime trends, they lead them.
...Hanging is always the best way to straignten-out those who refuse rehabilitation.

The Taliban agrees with you.

The Taliban does hang some of their victims.

Warning, cover your eyes if your under 18.



But the Taliban often beheads them---too barbaric, too messy. Ropes are more ecologically friedly. They are reusable, biodegradable and don't require wasteful electricity or use harmful chemicals. The Founding Fathers used them---they are an American tradition.
Let's define "inner cities" please.

There are parts of other cities where minorities other than blacks live that also have high crime rates. Check out East Los Angeles, Parts of Miami, and other cities.

However, there are other minority centers of cities where crime IS NOT rampant. Little Korea in Los Angeles is an example.

Crime is here where there is a lack of parental mentoring, failing schools and lack of desire to learn, and low job possibilities - the latter being a result of the failure of the first two.

And, it is NOT just endemic to the USA. Major cities all over the world have the same problem.
Let's invest more into education

America already spends more per student than any other country.


Now, you want to write check? Have at it.

Most of this doesn't go to improving education. This should go towards 1. hiring one teacher for every 10 children, 2. equal exist to supplies and equipment like books, computers and science.
Why is the inner-city so violent and why isn't it national news? Where is the outrage over thousands of young men killing each other??? I read daily on the local news out of Chicago and you're talking about 20-30 people shot per day. This is nuts.

I'm assuming that most of this violence is done by minority gangs. So is it accurate to blame the single parent families for not being there for their child? Making the child turn to these gangs...

I think this is the biggest problem facing this nation.

How do we uplift these people?
I think we need to discuss the most important issue we face.

Let's invest more into education of our inner-cities and set up a program that helps these children get interested in business, science and innovation. KEEPING THEM OUT OF GANGS.

(My bold)

The inner cities are poor by gov. policy, although it may have been accidental. @ the end of WWII, there was a lot of pent-up consumer demand for cars, clothing, telephones, refrigerators (electric), powered washing machines (clothes), ovens & on & on. There was also a dream of a detached single-family home that was affordable.

This last meant near - not in - the existing cities. City land was too expensive (taxes for services) & not usually available in single lots. But there was lots of land potentially available as farms, woodlots, land in pasturage. There was also lots of money to be made - buy a big tract of land, subdivide, build single-family detached houses on spec (there were lots of returning military with money saved up, & the down payment on mortgages was ratcheting down steadily), banks & S&Ls were flush with money that had no outlet during the war years. Cities & suburbs got "free" homes, which meant a bigger tax base (which also meant rising demand for services, eventually.)

Cities are an efficient use of land - population density justifies mass transit, big public schools, police & fire is within easy reach. Contrast the suburbs, where you normally need a car & there isn't usually mass transit. Hell, there aren't usually sidewalks.

As the young couples with their young families left the cities, they wanted work, schools, fire, police, shopping, churches - the usual - @ or near their new location. The sunk costs - hospitals, K-12 public schools, universities, power plants, etc. stayed in the cities. But the suburbs wanted all that stuff, & the soon-to-be-big-box stores followed. The fed & state gov. encouraged these trends - mortgage write-offs, funds to extend electricity, telephone, freeways, utilities, schools. Over time, the cities were hollowed out, just as manufacturing capacity has been hollowed out in the US post-WWII.

The inner cities need to be redeveloped. With an eye to identifying & educating the next generation of doctors, skilled workers, engineers, scientists - whatever we will need. We've allowed a lot of waste of talent, because we drew a lot of foreign students & people fleeing political issues @ home to come to the US & prosper here. We can't count on that anymore, & we're making it difficult for foreign students to come here, earn a good technical education, & possibly settle here & start businesses.

We need a crash program, more or less comparable in scope to the Space Race - to ID & train talent in the inner cities, redevelop the land & buildings there, & make the space much more livable. Yah, it would be good to eradicate the culture of poverty too, if we can figure out a way to do that.
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Let's invest more into education

America already spends more per student than any other country.


Now, you want to write check? Have at it.

Most of this doesn't go to improving education.

Which is the case with any government monopoly...exactly what we have with affordable education. Time to end it.

This should go towards 1. hiring one teacher for every 10 children,

For years, we heard bitching about class size. Over the last few decades, class size was cut in half! The results? They got worse.


2. equal exist to supplies and equipment like books, computers and science

Because no one ever learned anything in a one room school house?

Again, pass.

You want to improve the affordable educational experience for all Americans? Let the market respond to local needs, with local solutions and above all, COMPETITION.
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Good luck with that local competition with a people that don't want education. lol

The market would respond to demand as it always does. If there's no demand, nobody wastes money trying supply. The status quo isn't working but at least my way wouldn't require the forcible extraction of taxpayer money. Voluntary...it's a good thing.

That said, I strongly suspect that if left to a free market, local entrepreneurs WOULD find a way to entice those people that "don't want an education". Perhaps, just perhaps, they don't want the centrally planned education that we see today. Maybe they'd be willing to try something tailored for their needs.

Either way, competition ensures nobody is forced to pay for educated those that don't want to be educated. So thanks for making my point.
Dollars and Sense

There is simply not enough academic motivation in under-funded inner-city schools for crime-prone youngsters to be drawn away from human frailties.

Programs for inner-city school chess clubs are definitely a great achievement. In that same tone, what if other academic initiatives are funded by the state?

Here's a good idea I came across in a magazine at a doctor's office:

"Teachers give each elementary school student a personalized small piggy bank doll that they take home to store loose change and pennies they find on the carpet or their parents do not seem to deem important. The children collect the change and bring them to class to compare who took good care in searching for lost coins and then responsibly placed in them in their piggy banks that they themselves maintained. This simple activity encourages a sense of personal responsibility and civic sense, and it's fun too."


Urban debate league - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why is the inner-city so violent and why isn't it national news? Where is the outrage over thousands of young men killing each other??? I read daily on the local news out of Chicago and you're talking about 20-30 people shot per day. This is nuts.

I'm assuming that most of this violence is done by minority gangs. So is it accurate to blame the single parent families for not being there for their child? Making the child turn to these gangs...

I think this is the biggest problem facing this nation.

How do we uplift these people? I think we need to discuss the most important issue we face.

Let's invest more into education of our inner-cities and set up a program that helps these children get interested in business, science and innovation. KEEPING THEM OUT OF GANGS.

You are not fooling anyone cave chimp. You could care less about Black people dying. In fact I have seen you happy about Black people dying. You are pretty much obsessed with hating Black people. Worry about your white serial killers, mass murderers, and animal sexual abusers you have in your white race. While you are at it take care of your crack and meth addiction problem too.

Non-whites should be sent out of the country. Then they can have their children.
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Because there are inhabited by liberals who have been taught not to respect anyone but themselves and that everybody owes THEM something.

More of that Hope and Change.
Why is the inner-city so violent and why isn't it national news? Where is the outrage over thousands of young men killing each other??? I read daily on the local news out of Chicago and you're talking about 20-30 people shot per day. This is nuts.

I'm assuming that most of this violence is done by minority gangs. So is it accurate to blame the single parent families for not being there for their child? Making the child turn to these gangs...

I think this is the biggest problem facing this nation.

How do we uplift these people? I think we need to discuss the most important issue we face.

Let's invest more into education of our inner-cities and set up a program that helps these children get interested in business, science and innovation. KEEPING THEM OUT OF GANGS.

Close quarters, high population and reduction in services create an environment that isnt favorable. Thats why they are called the "projects".
Oh I'm sorry I just answered the OP title question and didnt realize this was another one of his daily remixes of demanding outrage, media and general misunderstanding of black people in general.

The OP knows that more than black people live in inner cities but he doesnt "care" about those groups. He only "cares" about one race.

And when I say "care" I mean "bitch about".
Why is the inner-city so violent and why isn't it national news? Where is the outrage over thousands of young men killing each other??? I read daily on the local news out of Chicago and you're talking about 20-30 people shot per day. This is nuts.

I'm assuming that most of this violence is done by minority gangs. So is it accurate to blame the single parent families for not being there for their child? Making the child turn to these gangs...

I think this is the biggest problem facing this nation.

How do we uplift these people? I think we need to discuss the most important issue we face.

Let's invest more into education of our inner-cities and set up a program that helps these children get interested in business, science and innovation. KEEPING THEM OUT OF GANGS.

Close quarters, high population and reduction in services create an environment that isnt favorable. Thats why they are called the "projects".

Do the people that live there have no responsibility?
Why is the inner-city so violent and why isn't it national news? Where is the outrage over thousands of young men killing each other??? I read daily on the local news out of Chicago and you're talking about 20-30 people shot per day. This is nuts.

I'm assuming that most of this violence is done by minority gangs. So is it accurate to blame the single parent families for not being there for their child? Making the child turn to these gangs...

I think this is the biggest problem facing this nation.

How do we uplift these people? I think we need to discuss the most important issue we face.

Let's invest more into education of our inner-cities and set up a program that helps these children get interested in business, science and innovation. KEEPING THEM OUT OF GANGS.

Close quarters, high population and reduction in services create an environment that isnt favorable. Thats why they are called the "projects".

Do the people that live there have no responsibility?

Sure they do. Does the environment play any part in it?
Lets not even talk about overcrowding in America. Look at any population that experiences overcrowding, any race, anywhere.

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