Why Is Michelle Obama Targeting Black Voters?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Get out the vote! Get out the vote!

They want to keep the blacks under the democrats thumb. The party of slavery, the party of kkk, the party of segregation, is somehow the party that does not use you for votes? They don't want to enslave your minds by constantly convincing you, that you are nothing more than a victim?

It is true now and it has been true then. Malcolm X even warned you about the white liberal and how they think of you.

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Get out the vote! Get out the vote!

They want to keep the blacks under the democrats thumb. The party of slavery, the party of kkk, the party of segregation, is somehow the party that does not use you for votes? They don't want to enslave your minds by constantly convincing you, that you are nothing more than a victim?

It is true now and it has been true then. Malcolm X even warned you about the white liberal and how they think of you.

It won't work. All they have to do is ask yourself are things better for ME? Lowest black unemployment EVER....I would say yes. Minority business ownership has shot up,I would say yes. Things ARE better.

Bullshit walks,money talks. Do you have more money in your pocket now? Can you find a better job now to support your family now? YES....Obama's bullshit is just that words of bullshit...he had EIGHT YEARS to help blacks and did NOTHING to help them.

Get out the vote! Get out the vote!

They want to keep the blacks under the democrats thumb. The party of slavery, the party of kkk, the party of segregation, is somehow the party that does not use you for votes? They don't want to enslave your minds by constantly convincing you, that you are nothing more than a victim?

It is true now and it has been true then. Malcolm X even warned you about the white liberal and how they think of you.

It won't work. All they have to do is ask yourself are things better for ME? Lowest black unemployment EVER....I would say yes. Minority business ownership has shot up,I would say yes. Things ARE better.

Bullshit walks,money talks. Do you have more money in your pocket now? Can you find a better job now to support your family now? YES....Obama's bullshit is just that words of bullshit...he had EIGHT YEARS to help blacks and did NOTHING to help them.

Literally, the greatest threat to that large block of enslaved voters is them being successful by the free market. Herman Cain is a perfect example of the greatest type of a threat to those democrat enslaved robotic voters. Person who grew up in ghetto, and worked his way out. Cannot argue with that and the globalists (includes republicans) needed to take him out. They did not realize he was such a threat until those large poll numbers in 2012 came out. Within a week, they basically had him eliminated through mystery women claiming bullshit. Usually a very sure fire way threats like Herman Cain are eliminated.
People are going to vote in favor of their own self-interests, just like everyone else.

Instead of calling them "enslaved robotic voters", consider that they're not voting R because conservatives simply aren't listening to them.

Consider the Philadelphia Starbucks incident and the NFL players kneeling. Has your side reached out to them or simply mocked them for voicing their concerns?

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