Why is media claiming the GOP is shutting down the govt?

There is a bill from the house that funds the federal govt
why is the press claiming other?

Same old lies

Because they are Obama lap dogs for the most part.

come on eagle, you're not that stupid. Even King of NY says you don't shut down govt because you don't like a law you don't have the votes to repeal. This is adolescent idiocy, and it will wreck the gop's fortunes.

Ben, the house bill funds the govt and does not shut the govt down, just defunds BO care.
There is a bill from the house that funds the federal govt
why is the press claiming other?

Same old lies

Because they are Obama lap dogs for the most part.

come on eagle, you're not that stupid. Even King of NY says you don't shut down govt because you don't like a law you don't have the votes to repeal. This is adolescent idiocy, and it will wreck the gop's fortunes.

Funny how Democrats never have to reap the consequences of their screw ups....
Because they are Obama lap dogs for the most part.

come on eagle, you're not that stupid. Even King of NY says you don't shut down govt because you don't like a law you don't have the votes to repeal. This is adolescent idiocy, and it will wreck the gop's fortunes.

The house repubs lost two seats and gained two senate seats following the 96 shutdown. Of course times were a little different then. There weren't as many millions completely dependent on govt handouts.

yeah, a win for the gop
Presidential Approval Ratings -- Bill Clinton | Gallup Historical Trends


Besides, it's simply lying to say it's not a shutdown to defund one program. And then to blame the LW media for tellign the truth. It's bs that ain't gonna float.
Because they are Obama lap dogs for the most part.

come on eagle, you're not that stupid. Even King of NY says you don't shut down govt because you don't like a law you don't have the votes to repeal. This is adolescent idiocy, and it will wreck the gop's fortunes.

Ben, the house bill funds the govt and does not shut the govt down, just defunds BO care.

So if the Senate sends back the bill with Sequester Cuts intact and funds ACA will the House accept the compromise or will they obstruct unconditionally until ACA is defunded?

If the house doesn't accept the Senate's compromise then that shows they are at fault.
Because they are Obama lap dogs for the most part.

come on eagle, you're not that stupid. Even King of NY says you don't shut down govt because you don't like a law you don't have the votes to repeal. This is adolescent idiocy, and it will wreck the gop's fortunes.

Ben, the house bill funds the govt and does not shut the govt down, just defunds BO care.

You really buy this shit? You really think the party that holds the WH and Senate needs to defund a law to get the minority party to agree to not shut down the govt? Are you on drugs? If not, consider them.

When the hell has that EVER happened? The gop needs 67 senators to defund obamacare.

Get fudckiing real, eagle.
come on eagle, you're not that stupid. Even King of NY says you don't shut down govt because you don't like a law you don't have the votes to repeal. This is adolescent idiocy, and it will wreck the gop's fortunes.

Ben, the house bill funds the govt and does not shut the govt down, just defunds BO care.

You really buy this shit? You really think the party that holds the WH and Senate needs to defund a law to get the minority party to agree to not shut down the govt? Are you on drugs? If not, consider them.

When the hell has that EVER happened? The gop needs 67 senators to defund obamacare.

Get fudckiing real, eagle.

No I don't expect them to agree and they don't need 67 senators to defund a program, repeal yes, but not to defund.
Exactly. First the sold us "Trickle Down Economics" and that was an abject failure

I know, a 20 year economic and stock market boom, who needs that!

Actually after 5 years of recession, Obama could use a whiff of it...

excpet for Clintons first 2 years with a DEM controlled congress
trickle down was brillant for over 40 years
5% UE
over 30 million jobs created (real jobs)
the crash of 08 was fixed by late 09 with tarp
the economy has no-one there to support it
drill baby drill
clean coal
pipe lines
If this bill is as bad as every con says it's going to be then why not let it be implemented? The dems pretty much went all in on Obamacare and if it is a disaster like you say then 2014 and 2016 should be dominated by Republicans. You can finally get your con utopia. Naw, i think they are scared shitless that people will like it and it will work. Then in forty years you will have a new batch of "conservatives" holding up signs like, "Keep the government hands out of my exchanges."

The Affordable Care Act requires mid-sized and large employers to sponsor health insurance for all full-time employees, which it defines as those who work 30 hours a week or more. Big labor unions, which had been in favor of the new law, are now sounding the alarm against it. They argue the sticker shock from the premium hikes is leading businesses to offset the impact by capping hours on employees, despite a recently announced one-year delay in that insurance mandate. If workers don’t clock 30 hours a week, the reasoning goes, employers won't have to offer health insurance.
we wil see
Ben, the house bill funds the govt and does not shut the govt down, just defunds BO care.

You really buy this shit? You really think the party that holds the WH and Senate needs to defund a law to get the minority party to agree to not shut down the govt? Are you on drugs? If not, consider them.

When the hell has that EVER happened? The gop needs 67 senators to defund obamacare.

Get fudckiing real, eagle.

No I don't expect them to agree and they don't need 67 senators to defund a program, repeal yes, but not to defund.

When, has a sitting president agreed to defund a program passed in his administration, esp when he holds the senate? When had it EVEN been tried. Come, on, Eagle. The gop is bullshitting on this, regardless how you feel about obamacare, and the media isn't being "partial" for calling bullshit.
You really buy this shit? You really think the party that holds the WH and Senate needs to defund a law to get the minority party to agree to not shut down the govt? Are you on drugs? If not, consider them.

When the hell has that EVER happened? The gop needs 67 senators to defund obamacare.

Get fudckiing real, eagle.

No I don't expect them to agree and they don't need 67 senators to defund a program, repeal yes, but not to defund.

When, has a sitting president agreed to defund a program passed in his administration, esp when he holds the senate? When had it EVEN been tried. Come, on, Eagle. The gop is bullshitting on this, regardless how you feel about obamacare, and the media isn't being "partial" for calling bullshit.

so the time old tradition of debate as well as the will of those people who elected in mass numbers in 2010 is called bull shit?
Your a little bit biased here bud
I got no issue with debate no matter what the issue is
That is no BS
That is called the will of the people, they run out the big majority the dems had in 2009 for a reason
That reason was Obama-care
those elected are doing there job
Get yer facts straight, kid.

It's not a budget. We haven't had a budget since the last time we had a real president....

It's a CR (continuing resolution)

As to shutting down the gubmint? dimocraps were all for shutting down the Wisconsin gubmint when a REPUBLICAN Governor tried to do something they didn't like.

And they did.

After Wisconsin, How Do Democrats Argue Against a GOP Government Shutdown? | The Weekly Standard

dimocraps are the scum of the earth
In Wisconsin, they are responding to overwhelming public opinion, that is not the case here.

In this case, the GOP is going against the will of the people.
No I don't expect them to agree and they don't need 67 senators to defund a program, repeal yes, but not to defund.

When, has a sitting president agreed to defund a program passed in his administration, esp when he holds the senate? When had it EVEN been tried. Come, on, Eagle. The gop is bullshitting on this, regardless how you feel about obamacare, and the media isn't being "partial" for calling bullshit.

so the time old tradition of debate as well as the will of those people who elected in mass numbers in 2010 is called bull shit?
Your a little bit biased here bud
I got no issue with debate no matter what the issue is
That is no BS
That is called the will of the people, they run out the big majority the dems had in 2009 for a reason
That reason was Obama-care
those elected are doing there job

The point stands that GOP has 1/3 and the Democrats have 2/3
When, has a sitting president agreed to defund a program passed in his administration, esp when he holds the senate? When had it EVEN been tried. Come, on, Eagle. The gop is bullshitting on this, regardless how you feel about obamacare, and the media isn't being "partial" for calling bullshit.

so the time old tradition of debate as well as the will of those people who elected in mass numbers in 2010 is called bull shit?
Your a little bit biased here bud
I got no issue with debate no matter what the issue is
That is no BS
That is called the will of the people, they run out the big majority the dems had in 2009 for a reason
That reason was Obama-care
those elected are doing there job

The point stands that GOP has 1/3 and the Democrats have 2/3

What they refuse to "get" is once the genie is out of the bottle, she won't go back in. It doesn't matter if its the gop, or the dems. Once a minoriity party can demand a bill they can't repeal be defunded, and the only option is to shut down the govt, repesentative democracy ceases to work.

That's why Cruz is an egomaniac and demogogue. He's urging people to ignore the electoral process that allows the country to function. He knows he colleagues won't go along, because to do so would violate their duty to the nation. It's not about obamacare anymore.
It's particularly disgusting because the one chamber of congress the Republicans have a majority is only kept through Gerrymandering.

Meaning the GOP majority in the house is actually FAKE and they shouldn't get any say at all...
It's particularly disgusting because the one chamber of congress the Republicans have a majority is only kept through Gerrymandering.

Meaning the GOP majority in the house is actually FAKE and they shouldn't get any say at all...

Gerrymandering has been a way of life for years and any dem whining about now would not be if the gerrymandering shoe was on the other foot.
It's particularly disgusting because the one chamber of congress the Republicans have a majority is only kept through Gerrymandering.

Meaning the GOP majority in the house is actually FAKE and they shouldn't get any say at all...

Gerrymandering has been a way of life for years and any dem whining about now would not be if the gerrymandering shoe was on the other foot.

Okay, so since it's been done in the past means it's justified to do now. Gotcha.

And no, I know I would be against Gerrymandering regardless of which party was performing it. If a state votes 51% for one party but gets 12 out of 16 congressional districts representing the OTHER party that is a seriously fucked up situation....democrat or republican.
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It's particularly disgusting because the one chamber of congress the Republicans have a majority is only kept through Gerrymandering.

Meaning the GOP majority in the house is actually FAKE and they shouldn't get any say at all...

Gerrymandering has been a way of life for years and any dem whining about now would not be if the gerrymandering shoe was on the other foot.

Okay, so since it's been done in the past means it's justified to do now. Gotcha.

Nio, just that dems whine about the system when it works against them as does the GOP.
Besides we do not live in a one party Obama state...yet.
Gerrymandering has been a way of life for years and any dem whining about now would not be if the gerrymandering shoe was on the other foot.

Okay, so since it's been done in the past means it's justified to do now. Gotcha.

Nio, just that dems whine about the system when it works against them as does the GOP.
Besides we do not live in a one party Obama state...yet.

I'm happy at least Iowa and California had the commen sense to stop the nonsense. I hope others follow suit sometime in the near future. Relying on Gimmicks to stay relevant as a party is pretty darn pitiful.
Okay, so since it's been done in the past means it's justified to do now. Gotcha.

Nio, just that dems whine about the system when it works against them as does the GOP.
Besides we do not live in a one party Obama state...yet.

I'm happy at least Iowa and California had the commen sense to stop the nonsense. I hope others follow suit sometime in the near future. Relying on Gimmicks to stay relevant as a party is pretty darn pitiful.

That is a start to some extent, but don't hold your breath on any meaningful reform in the other 48 states, no matter which party is in control.
When, has a sitting president agreed to defund a program passed in his administration, esp when he holds the senate? When had it EVEN been tried. Come, on, Eagle. The gop is bullshitting on this, regardless how you feel about obamacare, and the media isn't being "partial" for calling bullshit.

so the time old tradition of debate as well as the will of those people who elected in mass numbers in 2010 is called bull shit?
Your a little bit biased here bud
I got no issue with debate no matter what the issue is
That is no BS
That is called the will of the people, they run out the big majority the dems had in 2009 for a reason
That reason was Obama-care
those elected are doing there job

The point stands that GOP has 1/3 and the Democrats have 2/3

So were not going to listen to the will of the people?
the house represents all of the people
NY city
They elect the senate and most of the time the president

Middle class working class elects the house of reps
It is the true will of the people and there voices deserve to be heard

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