Why is media claiming the GOP is shutting down the govt?

The ACA will survive, and will be found to be a good program. Then it will morph into universal single payer program that will be good for all the citizens in this nation, except for the piggish CEO's of the present health insurance companies that make millions denying the claims of people that have been paying into their systems for decades.
There is a bill from the house that funds the federal govt
why is the press claiming other?

Same old lies

Could it be because the GOP is threatening to shut down the government? Could that be the reason?

And of course the gop has not said a word about shutting down the government. It has ALL been the LSM threatening to shut down the government.

Now how did the main stream media get into the Congress to shut down the government?
Was it a violent overthrow? Or what?

And why is it that hardly anyone believes that the T party rethugs do not want to shut down the government?
Polls are now equal blame on both parties if a shutdown happens. Yes, you are correct, dems should quit holding Americans hostage.

I'd like to see these polls you refer to...

Free them and weep!!

The teabaggers got what they wanted by pulling a huge dog and pony show with "dr seuss" Cruz and his tantrum.

The right wingers, including mcconnell have said they will not stand with cruz and the teabaggers that want to shut the government down. I find it highly unlikely the the GOP would shut down the government, it will all be on them, and will cost them direly in 2014.

Polls are now equal blame on both parties if a shutdown happens. Yes, you are correct, dems should quit holding Americans hostage.

The polls are increasingly unequal...thanks in no small part to Nutbag Cruz...


LOL. You cite a poll from CBS/NYT. How dishonest.
Why? Because they are hoping its what the GOP try will do.

I doubt it will happen though.

I have to express agreement. Neither side wants to shut it down.

I'm actually waiting to see what happens with obozocare. If it's half as bad as the republicrats claim it will be, watching the democrooks try and claim it's because of "Tea Party Anachist" sabotage that it failed will be amusing.

The republicrats just need to come out and tell the people, there's nothing more we can do about obozocare. We tried our best. If and when obozocare causes you to suffer, don't vote for a democrook in 2014 or 2016 and we'll get rid of it.

Interestingly enough, but Obamacare is working. In NY and other places where it has been implemented, rates for insurance rates have dropped significantly.

The GOP is scared because it is working, and they are realizing they are on the wrong side.

Exactly. First the sold us "Trickle Down Economics" and that was an abject failure. Not many Americans want to try that idea again.

And when Obamacare works, the rethugs will find that no one wants to listen to them about ANYTHING.

Repubs are scared. And they should be.
Polls are now equal blame on both parties if a shutdown happens. Yes, you are correct, dems should quit holding Americans hostage.

I'd like to see these polls you refer to...

Free them and weep!!


39-36 is not equal

Granted that is the first poll I've ever seen with even remotely similar numbers...so I guess right wingers have to take what they can get.

Most polls I've seen have it in the Obama 33% GOP 50% range
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I'd like to see these polls you refer to...

Free them and weep!!


39-36 is not equal

Granted that is the first poll I've ever seen with even remotely similar numbers...so I guess right wingers have to take what they can get.

Most polls I've seen have it in the Obama 33% GOP 50% range

More and more have caught on to the lies by this admin. More and more people are seeing the dems for the obstructionists that thy really are.
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There is a bill from the house that funds the federal govt
why is the press claiming other?

Same old lies

Because the GOP will not pass a budget without getting their way with Obamacare.

Which is completely different of course then the Democrats, who will not pass a budget without getting their way with Obamacare...

If there isn't a majority for spending, the default is that we do NOT spend it, it is not that we do.
Exactly. First the sold us "Trickle Down Economics" and that was an abject failure

I know, a 20 year economic and stock market boom, who needs that!

Actually after 5 years of recession, Obama could use a whiff of it...
If this bill is as bad as every con says it's going to be then why not let it be implemented? The dems pretty much went all in on Obamacare and if it is a disaster like you say then 2014 and 2016 should be dominated by Republicans. You can finally get your con utopia. Naw, i think they are scared shitless that people will like it and it will work. Then in forty years you will have a new batch of "conservatives" holding up signs like, "Keep the government hands out of my exchanges."
I'd like to see these polls you refer to...

Free them and weep!!


39-36 is not equal

Granted that is the first poll I've ever seen with even remotely similar numbers...so I guess right wingers have to take what they can get.

Most polls I've seen have it in the Obama 33% GOP 50% range

Yeah it is. You just like all that skewed crap from liberaland. It's called honest polling, Nyvin.
The House can still shut it down by not passing the Senate version of the CR right? They have the numbers, but do they have the will?

But we all know they are just playing to the dumbass "keep your gubmint hands off my Medicare" Teabag crowd right?

The teabaggers got what they wanted by pulling a huge dog and pony show with "dr seuss" Cruz and his tantrum.

The right wingers, including mcconnell have said they will not stand with cruz and the teabaggers that want to shut the government down. I find it highly unlikely the the GOP would shut down the government, it will all be on them, and will cost them direly in 2014.

Polls are now equal blame on both parties if a shutdown happens. Yes, you are correct, dems should quit holding Americans hostage.

Only to those who live inside the Echo Chamber.

Poll: Majority Opposes GOP Government Shutdown Plan

"Republicans who do not identify themselves as Tea Party supporters hold views closer to those of Democrats than to Republicans that do identify themselves as Tea Party supporters: They oppose defunding Obamacare 44 percent to 36 percent with 20 percent unsure.

Independents are more troubled by the prospect of defunding Obamacare and shutting down the government than the broader population. In general, they oppose defunding by a slight plurality of 44 percent to 40 percent. However, when the issue of shutting down the government is included, opposition to the measure swells to 65 percent, while support drops to just 14 percent."
I have to express agreement. Neither side wants to shut it down.

I'm actually waiting to see what happens with obozocare. If it's half as bad as the republicrats claim it will be, watching the democrooks try and claim it's because of "Tea Party Anachist" sabotage that it failed will be amusing.

The republicrats just need to come out and tell the people, there's nothing more we can do about obozocare. We tried our best. If and when obozocare causes you to suffer, don't vote for a democrook in 2014 or 2016 and we'll get rid of it.

Interestingly enough, but Obamacare is working. In NY and other places where it has been implemented, rates for insurance rates have dropped significantly.

The GOP is scared because it is working, and they are realizing they are on the wrong side.

Exactly. First the sold us "Trickle Down Economics" and that was an abject failure. Not many Americans want to try that idea again.

And when Obamacare works, the rethugs will find that no one wants to listen to them about ANYTHING.

Repubs are scared. And they should be.

Unions against it, delays in key aspects of bill because it would bankrupt thousands, waivers, triple digit increases in premiums, higher taxes, adds trillions more in debt. Yes, its a glowing success.
There is a bill from the house that funds the federal govt
why is the press claiming other?

Same old lies

Because they are Obama lap dogs for the most part.

come on eagle, you're not that stupid. Even King of NY says you don't shut down govt because you don't like a law you don't have the votes to repeal. This is adolescent idiocy, and it will wreck the gop's fortunes.
There is a bill from the house that funds the federal govt
why is the press claiming other?

Same old lies

Because they are Obama lap dogs for the most part.

come on eagle, you're not that stupid. Even King of NY says you don't shut down govt because you don't like a law you don't have the votes to repeal. This is adolescent idiocy, and it will wreck the gop's fortunes.

The house repubs lost two seats and gained two senate seats following the 96 shutdown. Of course times were a little different then. There weren't as many millions completely dependent on govt handouts.

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