Why is it trump is blamed

I find it intresting that democrats blame Trump for the death of the 2 central American kids who were treated medically.

Seriously how is it his fault.
Did he tell the parents to drag their kids from central america wirh no health care along the way and unsanitary conditions poor food amongs a group of people dealing with the same condition.
Its clear child endangerment.

And why is it our job to provide health care when they are in mexico.

I'm not sure, but I think Dims want Trump to provide people with transportation to the border so that they can cross illegally.

Don't quote me on that though. Trying to decipher the Left wing brain can be hazardous and often faulty due to the fact that logic is never involved.
Yeah, love your kids so much you’re willing to drag them along on a long hazardous journey with inadequate food and water and shelter and not suspect it could be harmful to them? You make it to our doorstep about the time your kid needs medical care, doesn’t survive it, and it’s our president’s fault? That’s the kind of thinking/rationale that has turned CA into a complete cesspool of lefty failure that’s a microcosm of our country’s future if such liberal madness isn’t stopped.
Hahaha! Listen to these lying hypocrites! Let me ask you liars one thing, when a cop shoots an unarmed black guy, and they take him to the hospital where he dies from his injuries, you blame the hospital, right? :21::21::21::21::21:
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I find it intresting that democrats blame Trump for the death of the 2 central American kids who were treated medically.

Seriously how is it his fault.
Did he tell the parents to drag their kids from central america wirh no health care along the way and unsanitary conditions poor food amongs a group of people dealing with the same condition.
Its clear child endangerment.

And why is it our job to provide health care when they are in mexico.

View attachment 236811
Which race is Trump racist to?
I find it intresting that democrats blame Trump for the death of the 2 central American kids who were treated medically.

Seriously how is it his fault.
Did he tell the parents to drag their kids from central america wirh no health care along the way and unsanitary conditions poor food amongs a group of people dealing with the same condition.
Its clear child endangerment.

And why is it our job to provide health care when they are in mexico.

Because one of the traits of liberalism is to not accept responsibility for one's actions, and blame someone else. It's all "agit-prop."

Marxists have been doing this ever since the Bolshevik Revolution.
Human beings have been doing it since they had a prehensile tail.
Hahaha! Listen to these lying hypocrites! Let me ask you liars one thing, when a cop shoots an unarmed black guy, and they take him to the hospital where here dies from his injuries, you blame the hospital, right? :21::21::21::21::21:

They blamed the hospital if malpractice was applied. Generally no.

Talking about lying hypocrite. That is your petulant leader Trump.
He hates foreigners taking over American jobs. He hates US companies making products overseas.

Yet this your leader a lying hypocrite bastard.
1. Makes his products from Mexico, China or Bangladesh.
2. His Maralago resorts employees are from eastern blocks countries. Like cooks, waitresses, janitors and gardeners. This lying asshole said he can’t find those kinds of workers locally.
3. The same with his vineyards. Also from from foreign countries.

Tell me if I’m wrong.
Hahaha! Listen to these lying hypocrites! Let me ask you liars one thing, when a cop shoots an unarmed black guy, and they take him to the hospital where here dies from his injuries, you blame the hospital, right? :21::21::21::21::21:

They blamed the hospital if malpractice was applied. Generally no.

Talking about lying hypocrite. That is your petulant leader Trump.
He hates foreigners taking over American jobs. He hates US companies making products overseas.

Yet this your leader a lying hypocrite bastard.
1. Makes his products from Mexico, China or Bangladesh.
2. His Maralago resorts employees are from eastern blocks countries. Like cooks, waitresses, janitors and gardeners. This lying asshole said he can’t find those kinds of workers locally.
3. The same with his vineyards. Also from from foreign countries.

Tell me if I’m wrong.
I find it intresting that democrats blame Trump for the death of the 2 central American kids who were treated medically.

Seriously how is it his fault.
Did he tell the parents to drag their kids from central america wirh no health care along the way and unsanitary conditions poor food amongs a group of people dealing with the same condition.
Its clear child endangerment.

And why is it our job to provide health care when they are in mexico.

View attachment 236811
Which race is Trump racist to?

White and black

Only Orange will do.
Hahaha! Listen to these lying hypocrites! Let me ask you liars one thing, when a cop shoots an unarmed black guy, and they take him to the hospital where here dies from his injuries, you blame the hospital, right? :21::21::21::21::21:

They blamed the hospital if malpractice was applied. Generally no.

Talking about lying hypocrite. That is your petulant leader Trump.
He hates foreigners taking over American jobs. He hates US companies making products overseas.

Yet this your leader a lying hypocrite bastard.
1. Makes his products from Mexico, China or Bangladesh.
2. His Maralago resorts employees are from eastern blocks countries. Like cooks, waitresses, janitors and gardeners. This lying asshole said he can’t find those kinds of workers locally.
3. The same with his vineyards. Also from from foreign countries.

Tell me if I’m wrong.

I’ve asked you if I’m wrong. Please don’t tell me this is the best you can do.
Hahaha! Listen to these lying hypocrites! Let me ask you liars one thing, when a cop shoots an unarmed black guy, and they take him to the hospital where here dies from his injuries, you blame the hospital, right? :21::21::21::21::21:

They blamed the hospital if malpractice was applied. Generally no.

Talking about lying hypocrite. That is your petulant leader Trump.
He hates foreigners taking over American jobs. He hates US companies making products overseas.

Yet this your leader a lying hypocrite bastard.
1. Makes his products from Mexico, China or Bangladesh.
2. His Maralago resorts employees are from eastern blocks countries. Like cooks, waitresses, janitors and gardeners. This lying asshole said he can’t find those kinds of workers locally.
3. The same with his vineyards. Also from from foreign countries.

Tell me if I’m wrong.
No of course not and thats not the same thing and you know it.
I dont think any American ice agents shot any of the kids who died dis they now.
Nor did any american boarder agent drag those kids on a 2000 mile walk with unsafe conditions poor food unsanitary conditions or poor to no medical care with zero resources to care for them.
That all falls on the parents of the kids.
Many kids were abandoned in the caravan as we now know.
But yet there are those that blame trump for it.
He had nothing to do with it.
I find it intresting that democrats blame Trump for the death of the 2 central American kids who were treated medically.

Seriously how is it his fault.
Did he tell the parents to drag their kids from central america wirh no health care along the way and unsanitary conditions poor food amongs a group of people dealing with the same condition.
Its clear child endangerment.

And why is it our job to provide health care when they are in mexico.

This question was asked on Quora if you want more complex answers. Warning you may need a receptacle nearby in case you feel the need to retch. One person actually claimed the statement the White House made after the little girl’s death is the reason why they’re blaming him. LOL you can’t make this shit up—something that happened after the fact is why he’s responsible. Just more evidence the Trump haters are losing any intelligence they once had.
I find it intresting that democrats blame Trump for the death of the 2 central American kids who were treated medically.

Seriously how is it his fault.
Did he tell the parents to drag their kids from central america wirh no health care along the way and unsanitary conditions poor food amongs a group of people dealing with the same condition.
Its clear child endangerment.

And why is it our job to provide health care when they are in mexico.
The kids were in US custody at the time, that makes them our responsibility.

How about the parent’s responsibility? Coming into the US doesn’t mean they no longer have to take care of their children. Anyone who blames Trump for these deaths is utterly brainless and belongs in a straightjacket.

I never used to make such statements about strangers but I genuinely think as a whole they’re steadily going completely insane, and this insanity is marked by bouts of extreme idiocy. I understand Trump isn’t perfect. He’s a womanizers, an adulterer, he’s lied, but other presidents have done all these things and an entire group of people didn’t have their minds leak out of their ears.
Hahaha! Listen to these lying hypocrites! Let me ask you liars one thing, when a cop shoots an unarmed black guy, and they take him to the hospital where here dies from his injuries, you blame the hospital, right? :21::21::21::21::21:

They blamed the hospital if malpractice was applied. Generally no.

Talking about lying hypocrite. That is your petulant leader Trump.
He hates foreigners taking over American jobs. He hates US companies making products overseas.

Yet this your leader a lying hypocrite bastard.
1. Makes his products from Mexico, China or Bangladesh.
2. His Maralago resorts employees are from eastern blocks countries. Like cooks, waitresses, janitors and gardeners. This lying asshole said he can’t find those kinds of workers locally.
3. The same with his vineyards. Also from from foreign countries.

Tell me if I’m wrong.

Oh, so a racist allows himself to be around those of a different race? He helps people of other races make a living? That’s horrific!!!

You just willingly informed everyone of your irrational mindset.
Hahaha! Listen to these lying hypocrites! Let me ask you liars one thing, when a cop shoots an unarmed black guy, and they take him to the hospital where here dies from his injuries, you blame the hospital, right? :21::21::21::21::21:

They blamed the hospital if malpractice was applied. Generally no.

Talking about lying hypocrite. That is your petulant leader Trump.
He hates foreigners taking over American jobs. He hates US companies making products overseas.

Yet this your leader a lying hypocrite bastard.
1. Makes his products from Mexico, China or Bangladesh.
2. His Maralago resorts employees are from eastern blocks countries. Like cooks, waitresses, janitors and gardeners. This lying asshole said he can’t find those kinds of workers locally.
3. The same with his vineyards. Also from from foreign countries.

Tell me if I’m wrong.

I’ve asked you if I’m wrong. Please don’t tell me this is the best you can do.

You’re wrong bc racists generally don’t want to be around those of different races, nor do they want to help people of other races make a living and support a family, which probably includes other POC. Racists are interested in the destruction of different races. They certainly don’t willingly allow for them to succeed.

See how easy that was to disprove your faulty argument?
I find it intresting that democrats blame Trump for the death of the 2 central American kids who were treated medically.

Seriously how is it his fault.
Did he tell the parents to drag their kids from central america wirh no health care along the way and unsanitary conditions poor food amongs a group of people dealing with the same condition.
Its clear child endangerment.

And why is it our job to provide health care when they are in mexico.
The kids were in US custody at the time, that makes them our responsibility.
We aint responsible for their parents dragging then across Mexico with inadequate supplies. Damn you people are dishonest as all get out!
We are responsible for anyone in our custody. The s the facts.
No. We have a responsibility to render aid. We are NOT responsible for the outcome of their life.

We have a responsibility to those in our custody - whether incarcerated for crimes, or in detention or a child in custody. When you remove freedom, you add responsibility. When it comes to a child we have REMOVED from the parent, the responsibility is far more than "rendering aid".

I'm sorry you don't get that, and that the life of an 8 yr old can mean so very little to you because of which side of the border he orginated from.
I find it intresting that democrats blame Trump for the death of the 2 central American kids who were treated medically.

Seriously how is it his fault.
Did he tell the parents to drag their kids from central america wirh no health care along the way and unsanitary conditions poor food amongs a group of people dealing with the same condition.
Its clear child endangerment.

And why is it our job to provide health care when they are in mexico.
The kids were in US custody at the time, that makes them our responsibility.
We aint responsible for their parents dragging then across Mexico with inadequate supplies. Damn you people are dishonest as all get out!
We are responsible for anyone in our custody. The s the facts.
No. We have a responsibility to render aid. We are NOT responsible for the outcome of their life.

We have a responsibility to those in our custody - whether incarcerated for crimes, or in detention or a child in custody. When you remove freedom, you add responsibility. When it comes to a child we have REMOVED from the parent, the responsibility is far more than "rendering aid".

I'm sorry you don't get that, and that the life of an 8 yr old can mean so very little to you because of which side of the border he orginated from.
The parents are responsible. We know why you freaks refuse to admit that.
The kids were in US custody at the time, that makes them our responsibility.
We aint responsible for their parents dragging then across Mexico with inadequate supplies. Damn you people are dishonest as all get out!
We are responsible for anyone in our custody. The s the facts.
No. We have a responsibility to render aid. We are NOT responsible for the outcome of their life.

We have a responsibility to those in our custody - whether incarcerated for crimes, or in detention or a child in custody. When you remove freedom, you add responsibility. When it comes to a child we have REMOVED from the parent, the responsibility is far more than "rendering aid".

I'm sorry you don't get that, and that the life of an 8 yr old can mean so very little to you because of which side of the border he orginated from.
The parents are responsible. We know why you freaks refuse to admit that.

The parents are not responsible once the child is removed. If your kid dies in jail - are you responsible? Not unless it can clearly be shown you had done something to that child to cause his death. The state is responsible for his care - and life - while incarcerated. Even more so if it is a child in state custody.

I don't understand why you freaks can't understand something as basic as that.
Hahaha! Listen to these lying hypocrites! Let me ask you liars one thing, when a cop shoots an unarmed black guy, and they take him to the hospital where here dies from his injuries, you blame the hospital, right? :21::21::21::21::21:

They blamed the hospital if malpractice was applied. Generally no.

Talking about lying hypocrite. That is your petulant leader Trump.
He hates foreigners taking over American jobs. He hates US companies making products overseas.

Yet this your leader a lying hypocrite bastard.
1. Makes his products from Mexico, China or Bangladesh.
2. His Maralago resorts employees are from eastern blocks countries. Like cooks, waitresses, janitors and gardeners. This lying asshole said he can’t find those kinds of workers locally.
3. The same with his vineyards. Also from from foreign countries.

Tell me if I’m wrong.

Oh, so a racist allows himself to be around those of a different race? He helps people of other races make a living? That’s horrific!!!

You just willingly informed everyone of your irrational mindset.

Are you denying that Trump is not a lying hypocrite?

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