Why is it ok for liberals to


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
openly mock, or add negative connotations to whites, males, Christians, and old people?

We see this all the time. How did this come to be? Is it going to change? What can we do change this?
openly mock, or add negative connotations to whites, males, Christians, and old people?

We see this all the time. How did this come to be? Is it going to change? What can we do change this?

get over it

So you approve? That's a surprise if you do. You seemed pretty level headed to me, aside from your strange obsession with ostriches.
openly mock, or add negative connotations to whites, males, Christians, and old people?

We see this all the time. How did this come to be? Is it going to change? What can we do change this?

get over it

So you approve? That's a surprise if you do. You seemed pretty level headed to me, aside from your strange obsession with ostriches.

Since when does "getting over something" imply one approves of that something?
openly mock, or add negative connotations to whites, males, Christians, and old people?

We see this all the time. How did this come to be? Is it going to change? What can we do change this?

Woohoo, I had 'old white Christian guy' in the What is Barry44sucks? pool!!!

I win again!!!!!!!!!!

Actually you lose, I'm relatively young.
If it was a thread about racism against blacks, all the liberals would be screaming bloody murder, because many of them are the real racists, and they need to hide their racism, and feel better about it.
openly mock, or add negative connotations to whites, males, Christians, and old people?

We see this all the time. How did this come to be? Is it going to change? What can we do change this?

Repeal the First Amendment?

Obviously not. Only flip and disrespectful comments great.

I think you're missing the point of what I'm saying.

There's nothing you can do about it, except control your own civility. Other people are not your, nor my responsibility.

The irony of calls for civility coming from someone with the screen name "Barry Sucks" is pretty excellent, as well.
openly mock, or add negative connotations to whites, males, Christians, and old people?

We see this all the time. How did this come to be? Is it going to change? What can we do change this?

Repeal the First Amendment?

Obviously not. Only flip and disrespectful comments great.

With all due respect, relatively young sir, the stage-name that you've picked for yourself rather sets you as a one-issue pony and as such ensures that your views are likely to receive less than serious consideration by the bulk of the posters here.

Was that respectful enough?
Ok, I do admit the screen name I chose was inappropriate. It was meant as light hearted humor. Some people seem to not get past the screen name, and I guess that's my fault.

I'm not calling for a different tone in civility, what I'm saying is that its become acceptable for people in our society to use racist rhetoric, sexism, ageism, and make anti-Christian references.

This type of behavior is commonly accepted, and promoted by liberals, and it rarely gets challenged.
Repeal the First Amendment?

Obviously not. Only flip and disrespectful comments great.

I think you're missing the point of what I'm saying.

There's nothing you can do about it, except control your own civility. Other people are not your, nor my responsibility.

The irony of calls for civility coming from someone with the screen name "Barry Sucks" is pretty excellent, as well.

The point is that when the same happens to a muslim, black, or e women those comments are highly scrutinized, and that's how it should be, but for all groups. There seems to be a huge double standard for certain groups.
Obviously not. Only flip and disrespectful comments great.

I think you're missing the point of what I'm saying.

There's nothing you can do about it, except control your own civility. Other people are not your, nor my responsibility.

The irony of calls for civility coming from someone with the screen name "Barry Sucks" is pretty excellent, as well.

The point is that when the same happens to a muslim, black, or e women those comments are highly scrutinized, and that's how it should be, but for all groups. There seems to be a huge double standard for certain groups.

Or perhaps people should stop looking for things to get their panties in a twist over, on both sides.

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