Why I support Mitt Romney for President

*shrug* thats you're preception.

If I cared enough I could find a video clip of Romney saying exactly what I want to hear, on every important political issue there is.

The man is, whatever you want him to be. Just this week he came out agaisnt the boyscouts policy to not allow gay boys to participate. I may not think the best of Obama but at least I'm 100% certain what I'm getting with him, and I know he will have a republican majority in congress to balance him. Romney is someone I would vote for as governor, as he is a moderate republican who's polices always reflected his constitutes no matter if they followed party lines or not. As it stands, I will be voting Johnson, and won't be really disappointed with whoever comes out on top in November.

You've seen nothing yet. You give the guy four lame-duck years with no political accountability and 2-3 more bites at the Supreme Court apple and this country won't be recognizable inside a decade. I honestly believe that if it looks like he's going to win, we'll see another crash of the stock market, another round of layoffs and bank failures like we saw in 2008. And this time, we've got NOTHING to staunch the blood with. We won't be talking "recession", we'll be talking "depression".

I don't buy the doom and gloom economy. I think, for the most part, it will stay the same no matter who POTUS is.

Romney has already said he is repealing/keeping the ACA :rolleyes:

As for the Supreme Court, roe v wade will never be repealed, just like a liberal majority will never limit gun rights. And as we've seen recently, judges don't always vote party lines.

Romney has said unequivocally that he'd work to repeal Obamacare and give waivers to states who want them while that's being done on his first day in office. And fortunately, I don't think we're going to have to witness the degradations Obama will perpetrate upon what's left of our liberties in a lame-duck term, because I don't believe he'll be reelected.
In response to a thread I saw about no one talking of their support for Mitt Romney and only trashing Obama - Here ya go:

I, like so many, bought into Obama's rhetoric and lofty promises of Hope and Change in 2008. Although I disagreed with him on so many key issues, I thought it was a new era, a new time, a new political arena, and I thought he was going to be the one to get America on track. Man was I wrong.

4 years later, I see that his tenure as President has been nothing but a failure. I'm not someone that believes he is just crumbling America because he hates America, rather I think he's tried everything he thinks will work.. and it isn't. As Romney said, "he's out of ideas, and out of time."

I think he's tried his social experiment on America, and I believe it's failed. From Obamacare, to supporting gay marriage and no longer defending the law of the land (DOMA), and to supporting government funded abortions - he has to go.

His economic policies have obviously failed as well. Unemployment still sky high.. Gas prices still skyrocketing.. America lost it's AAA credit rating.. What's next?!

Now that I've made the case against Barack Obama (as an ex-supporter.. yes, it's amazing what four years of Obama can do to someone).. Allow me to make the case for Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney - Businessman, Religious leader, Governor.. Why is he the right choice to beat Obama? While I admit that Mitt Romney wasn't my first choice, he is my 100% choice now. Here's why - listed in importance to me..

#1. He's for defending our laws and upholding marriage as an institution between a man and a woman (DOMA).
#2. He's for protecting innocent life by repealing Roe V. Wade and letting the states decide abortion laws.. and he's also for cutting ANY government funding that goes to killing innocent life.
#3. He doesn't want to cut our military at such a volatile time.
#4. He's a businessman. We need someone that knows a thing or two about running something and how to get businesses doing business again.
#5. He'll be a strong ally of Israel.. and may even make a couple trips over there.. (ahem, Obama, ahem..)
#6. He's for repealing Obamacare and letting the states decide their own health care laws, like he did in Mass.
#7. He'll protect the second amendment and won't tour the world making apologies for America.

Just my top 7.. I know he isn't perfect.. but when we compare him to Obama.. There's no contest.. :eusa_whistle:

Romney 2012!

I find it hard to believe you voted for Obama. You're focus is the exact same focus as the Tea Party folks.
You've seen nothing yet. You give the guy four lame-duck years with no political accountability and 2-3 more bites at the Supreme Court apple and this country won't be recognizable inside a decade. I honestly believe that if it looks like he's going to win, we'll see another crash of the stock market, another round of layoffs and bank failures like we saw in 2008. And this time, we've got NOTHING to staunch the blood with. We won't be talking "recession", we'll be talking "depression".

I don't buy the doom and gloom economy. I think, for the most part, it will stay the same no matter who POTUS is.

Romney has already said he is repealing/keeping the ACA :rolleyes:

As for the Supreme Court, roe v wade will never be repealed, just like a liberal majority will never limit gun rights. And as we've seen recently, judges don't always vote party lines.

Romney has said unequivocally that he'd work to repeal Obamacare and give waivers to states who want them while that's being done on his first day in office. And fortunately, I don't think we're going to have to witness the degradations Obama will perpetrate upon what's left of our liberties in a lame-duck term, because I don't believe he'll be reelected.

Yes he did. He said he would work hard to repeal the ACA while simultaneously keeping all the parts of it that people like:rolleyes:

The ACA is here to stay, it just might end up being called RomneyCare instead of Obamacare
In response to a thread I saw about no one talking of their support for Mitt Romney and only trashing Obama - Here ya go:

I, like so many, bought into Obama's rhetoric and lofty promises of Hope and Change in 2008. Although I disagreed with him on so many key issues, I thought it was a new era, a new time, a new political arena, and I thought he was going to be the one to get America on track. Man was I wrong.

4 years later, I see that his tenure as President has been nothing but a failure. I'm not someone that believes he is just crumbling America because he hates America, rather I think he's tried everything he thinks will work.. and it isn't. As Romney said, "he's out of ideas, and out of time."

I think he's tried his social experiment on America, and I believe it's failed. From Obamacare, to supporting gay marriage and no longer defending the law of the land (DOMA), and to supporting government funded abortions - he has to go.

His economic policies have obviously failed as well. Unemployment still sky high.. Gas prices still skyrocketing.. America lost it's AAA credit rating.. What's next?!

Now that I've made the case against Barack Obama (as an ex-supporter.. yes, it's amazing what four years of Obama can do to someone).. Allow me to make the case for Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney - Businessman, Religious leader, Governor.. Why is he the right choice to beat Obama? While I admit that Mitt Romney wasn't my first choice, he is my 100% choice now. Here's why - listed in importance to me..

#1. He's for defending our laws and upholding marriage as an institution between a man and a woman (DOMA).
#2. He's for protecting innocent life by repealing Roe V. Wade and letting the states decide abortion laws.. and he's also for cutting ANY government funding that goes to killing innocent life.
#3. He doesn't want to cut our military at such a volatile time.
#4. He's a businessman. We need someone that knows a thing or two about running something and how to get businesses doing business again.
#5. He'll be a strong ally of Israel.. and may even make a couple trips over there.. (ahem, Obama, ahem..)
#6. He's for repealing Obamacare and letting the states decide their own health care laws, like he did in Mass.
#7. He'll protect the second amendment and won't tour the world making apologies for America.

Just my top 7.. I know he isn't perfect.. but when we compare him to Obama.. There's no contest.. :eusa_whistle:

Romney 2012!

I find it hard to believe you voted for Obama. You're focus is the exact same focus as the Tea Party folks.

Take it or leave it. I completely changed in 4 years.

So did this guy..

C.L. Bryant Talks About His Journey From the NAACP to the Tea party | TheBlaze.com
Obamacare hasn't STARTED yet- Romneycare,the same thing, is a great success, lowest cost rises by far. The stimulus worked GREAT, Pubs have blocked everything since. Romney is a grinning, personality challenged, vulture capitalist whose plan is more W, a disaster for the nonrich and the country.
In response to a thread I saw about no one talking of their support for Mitt Romney and only trashing Obama - Here ya go:

I, like so many, bought into Obama's rhetoric and lofty promises of Hope and Change in 2008. Although I disagreed with him on so many key issues, I thought it was a new era, a new time, a new political arena, and I thought he was going to be the one to get America on track. Man was I wrong.

4 years later, I see that his tenure as President has been nothing but a failure. I'm not someone that believes he is just crumbling America because he hates America, rather I think he's tried everything he thinks will work.. and it isn't. As Romney said, "he's out of ideas, and out of time."

I think he's tried his social experiment on America, and I believe it's failed. From Obamacare, to supporting gay marriage and no longer defending the law of the land (DOMA), and to supporting government funded abortions - he has to go.

His economic policies have obviously failed as well. Unemployment still sky high.. Gas prices still skyrocketing.. America lost it's AAA credit rating.. What's next?!

Now that I've made the case against Barack Obama (as an ex-supporter.. yes, it's amazing what four years of Obama can do to someone).. Allow me to make the case for Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney - Businessman, Religious leader, Governor.. Why is he the right choice to beat Obama? While I admit that Mitt Romney wasn't my first choice, he is my 100% choice now. Here's why - listed in importance to me..

#1. He's for defending our laws and upholding marriage as an institution between a man and a woman (DOMA).
#2. He's for protecting innocent life by repealing Roe V. Wade and letting the states decide abortion laws.. and he's also for cutting ANY government funding that goes to killing innocent life.
#3. He doesn't want to cut our military at such a volatile time.
#4. He's a businessman. We need someone that knows a thing or two about running something and how to get businesses doing business again.
#5. He'll be a strong ally of Israel.. and may even make a couple trips over there.. (ahem, Obama, ahem..)
#6. He's for repealing Obamacare and letting the states decide their own health care laws, like he did in Mass.
#7. He'll protect the second amendment and won't tour the world making apologies for America.

Just my top 7.. I know he isn't perfect.. but when we compare him to Obama.. There's no contest.. :eusa_whistle:

Romney 2012!

I was a Bush supporter in 2000. That's when Republicans believed in the individual mandate, cap and trade, the Dream Act, and no nation-building.

That seems like a very long time ago now. Republicans today have to pretend to believe in stupidity in order to get the lowest-of-the-low vote, uneducated types who are mostly older white folks who actually think it would be good if their Social Security was privatized.

I supported Barack Obama in 2008, not because of "Hope" and "Change", but because he's got the right kind of temperament that this country needs. He's a levelheaded man who has the right mix of smarts and balls.

He campaigned that if we had Bin Laden in our sights, that we would get him even if he was in Pakistan.

Mitt Romney and John McCain said they would not have. What you say means something to me, and if you say you're too fucking chicken to get the job done even if that pisses off some folks in Pakistan, than it makes it hard for me to support such chickenhawkery.

Unlike you, I do not believe that Obama has "tried his social experiment" on America.

Allowing gay folks to fight for their country is not an "experiment"; it's equality in action.

Making it law that an insurance company can't kick your kid or your wife off the plan because of their expensive treatments or for a pre-existing condition is not a "social experiment"; it's common sense.

Under Obama, domestic drilling has increased at a faster rate than under the previous administration. Look it up. That's no "social experiment"; that's Drill Baby Drill in action.

Under Obama, 95% of this country has seen lower taxes.

When Obama took office, we were bleeding 750,000 jobs per month. Within 6 months after he passed his Stimulus--which he compromised on and turned 40% of it into tax cuts instead of direct shovel-ready job action like he really wanted to in order to get corporate Democrat and Republican votes--we stopped losing jobs and the economy was rescued.

Since then we've seen 30 months of consecutive private sector job growth. Meanwhile, we've seen over 600,000 public sector job losses in just the last couple years. That's a social experiment called "less government" and how's that workin' out for ya? That's 600,000 less people to buy what I'm selling and I blame the Tea Party for it.

Fuckin' baggers, they go on about hating Europe so much but all they wanna do is follow Angela Merkel and the David Cameron right into a double-dip recession with austerity measures alone.

And that's Mitt Romney's prescription for our economy. Just keep cutting and outsourcing jobs, give the Mitt Romneys of the world a quarter of a million in additional tax breaks to help get them through these obviously tough times the top tax bracket must be having, and that will somehow get the money into the hands of the people I need to buy my products.

What a load of bullshit.

Nobody with a conscience can honestly vote for Mitt Romney and say his economic priorities aren't totally back-asswards.

Tell me, how do you think he's going to afford an additional $5 trillion tax cut?

Don't you find it totally irresponsible that he wants to take Medicare, turn it into a voucher coupon program, kicking old white folks into the private market so they can be charged outrageously for being old and infirm? And who do ya think that debt is going to fall to when a whole group of $20,000/year old people on retirement cheques start having to pay hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars a year on health care they can't possibly afford?

The military budget is bloated as it is. Cutting it by half a trillion over a decade like the President wants to do is fair and a nice start in the right direction.

Obama has governed just like the centrist that I thought he would be, and it isn't his fault that morons and loonies, flat-earthers and birthers have overtaken a once great party instead of working with Obama to get things done.

President Obama was elected. By 9 million votes. He was given a mandate and all he was faced with was blind hatred by his opponents instead of an outstretched hand ready to go to work.

The economic philosophy this country still has is from a conservative two-term administration, so this business that Obama has tried his "experiment" is laughable, particularly because you can't go into detail about what these so-called experiments have been, since there haven't been any yet, they've all been held up or filibustered.

If the Bush Tax Cuts had expired a year and a half ago on the top 2 brackets, this country would have nearly $100 billion less in its yearly deficit.

Had he gotten his other plans through, we would have seen a $50 billion decrease in taxpayer money given to the health lobby to advertise us. Filibustered.

Had he gotten his Jobs Bill through, we'd see public-private partnerships and the beginning of the creation of about 3-4 million jobs over the next couple years. Filibustered.

Obama wants to cut about $500 billion in corporate subsidies to multinationals who are doing just fine on their own and who aren't investing in America. No can do: FILIBUSTERED!!

80% of the country, including mainstream Republican voters, say we should have higher and more fair taxes on millionaires and billionaires. Pocket change to a rich man would mean a trillion or two over the next decade in revenue to help with jobs, education and lowering the debt. No can do though: FILIBUSTERED!!!

Sorry, I'll stick with the guy who wants to fix things, and that's President Obama, not Mitt Romney, who doesn't know where he stands on anything.
I don't buy the doom and gloom economy. I think, for the most part, it will stay the same no matter who POTUS is.

Romney has already said he is repealing/keeping the ACA :rolleyes:

As for the Supreme Court, roe v wade will never be repealed, just like a liberal majority will never limit gun rights. And as we've seen recently, judges don't always vote party lines.

Romney has said unequivocally that he'd work to repeal Obamacare and give waivers to states who want them while that's being done on his first day in office. And fortunately, I don't think we're going to have to witness the degradations Obama will perpetrate upon what's left of our liberties in a lame-duck term, because I don't believe he'll be reelected.

Yes he did. He said he would work hard to repeal the ACA while simultaneously keeping all the parts of it that people like:rolleyes:

The ACA is here to stay, it just might end up being called RomneyCare instead of Obamacare

No, it's not "here to stay". Not if Romney is elected. Not if Obama is reelected. Because in the end... it's UNSUSTAINABLE. Eventually, if it's not repealed, it'll crash and burn along with everything else in our economic system. You can't keep spending money that we don't have. You can't borrow your way out of this mess and you can't print your way out of this mess. If Obama is reelected, against all common sense. Dig a frigging hole and start storing food and medicine, learn some herb lore and some first aid. On the bright side though, we'll get to see how the pilgrims lived, right? :eusa_shifty:
Sorry, I'll stick with the guy who wants to fix things, and that's President Obama, not Mitt Romney, who doesn't know where he stands on anything.

For me, best opportunity for economic upturn is Romney out of the two choices.

Many of the things the left excoriates him for are exactly the kind of things we need for 4 years.
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Romney has said unequivocally that he'd work to repeal Obamacare and give waivers to states who want them while that's being done on his first day in office. And fortunately, I don't think we're going to have to witness the degradations Obama will perpetrate upon what's left of our liberties in a lame-duck term, because I don't believe he'll be reelected.

Yes he did. He said he would work hard to repeal the ACA while simultaneously keeping all the parts of it that people like:rolleyes:

The ACA is here to stay, it just might end up being called RomneyCare instead of Obamacare

No, it's not "here to stay". Not if Romney is elected. Not if Obama is reelected. Because in the end... it's UNSUSTAINABLE. Eventually, if it's not repealed, it'll crash and burn along with everything else in our economic system. You can't keep spending money that we don't have. You can't borrow your way out of this mess and you can't print your way out of this mess. If Obama is reelected, against all common sense. Dig a frigging hole and start storing food and medicine, learn some herb lore and some first aid. On the bright side though, we'll get to see how the pilgrims lived, right? :eusa_shifty:

I think, as a country we are headed to the type of healthcare other western countries have, unless someone comes up with a better solution.

If Obama is elected it won't be repealed, down the road, it will be changed countless times, as we face unexpected problems.

If Romney is elected it will be repealed and replaced with RomneyCare, Im not sure what that is, but he says it will have all the benifits of Obamacare without tha tricky part that's supposed to pay for it all.

Either way, it's the exact same health care reform, just makes the republicans feel better because it's stamped in red instead of blue.
The whole 1st half of your post has nothing to do with Mitt, and even while praising him you still couldn't help but take jabs at Obama.
Ms. Nation, many of us here are just citizens, not hardliner press corps people, and we speak from our hearts a lot because this is a meeting place for opinions, I see mods bending over backward to tolerate everyone, even when push comes to shove.

If everyone were perfect, we'd have model representatives who spent every waking minute making America a better place and avoiding any semblance of nepotism, favoritism, exaggerations, lies, and mudslinging, but sticking to objectives.

From what I've seen, people are just human beings, frail and subject to making mistakes, not behaving as though in formal attire being vetted for an important election or appointment.

Conservadude is a new poster. Let's cut him some slack for a few hours more. ;)
In response to a thread I saw about no one talking of their support for Mitt Romney and only trashing Obama - Here ya go:

I, like so many, bought into Obama's rhetoric and lofty promises of Hope and Change in 2008. Although I disagreed with him on so many key issues, I thought it was a new era, a new time, a new political arena, and I thought he was going to be the one to get America on track. Man was I wrong.

4 years later, I see that his tenure as President has been nothing but a failure. I'm not someone that believes he is just crumbling America because he hates America, rather I think he's tried everything he thinks will work.. and it isn't. As Romney said, "he's out of ideas, and out of time."

I think he's tried his social experiment on America, and I believe it's failed. From Obamacare, to supporting gay marriage and no longer defending the law of the land (DOMA), and to supporting government funded abortions - he has to go.

His economic policies have obviously failed as well. Unemployment still sky high.. Gas prices still skyrocketing.. America lost it's AAA credit rating.. What's next?!

Now that I've made the case against Barack Obama (as an ex-supporter.. yes, it's amazing what four years of Obama can do to someone).. Allow me to make the case for Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney - Businessman, Religious leader, Governor.. Why is he the right choice to beat Obama? While I admit that Mitt Romney wasn't my first choice, he is my 100% choice now. Here's why - listed in importance to me..

#1. He's for defending our laws and upholding marriage as an institution between a man and a woman (DOMA).
#2. He's for protecting innocent life by repealing Roe V. Wade and letting the states decide abortion laws.. and he's also for cutting ANY government funding that goes to killing innocent life.
#3. He doesn't want to cut our military at such a volatile time.
#4. He's a businessman. We need someone that knows a thing or two about running something and how to get businesses doing business again.
#5. He'll be a strong ally of Israel.. and may even make a couple trips over there.. (ahem, Obama, ahem..)
#6. He's for repealing Obamacare and letting the states decide their own health care laws, like he did in Mass.
#7. He'll protect the second amendment and won't tour the world making apologies for America.

Just my top 7.. I know he isn't perfect.. but when we compare him to Obama.. There's no contest.. :eusa_whistle:

Romney 2012!

I find it hard to believe you voted for Obama. You're focus is the exact same focus as the Tea Party folks.
Mr. Sallow, a lot of conservatives failed to notice Obama's Senate voting record, which was to the left of Kennedy and were therefore somewhat shocked as reality set in of where Obama stands, which at this point is $5 trillion more in the hole with no budget plan and no plan to pay the $5 trillion back with mounds of more spending planned in its stead. On the one hand, President Obama makes people feel good while he's got his arm around them on the podium, but they don't feel so good when the other arm was engaged in picking pockets to the tune of five trillion. Some saw this before Boehner started fighting back and traipsied back to the RNC three years ago when the shockwaves started hitting them, issue by issue and line by line. :eusa_shifty:
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I think making gay marriage your number one reason for supporting or opposing a candidate speaks volumes about you.

There are much bigger issues facing our country and more dangers emanating from Obama than the "threat" of two men in love filing a joint tax return.


Degrading the status of a "family" is the first step down a long, dark road..

Take away defining marriage as between a man and woman.. What's stopping a man and three women? Or a man and his pet? Or anything..? As long as it's "love"..

Slippery slope fallacy. Why is it bigots invariably, literally invariably, bring up incest and/or bestiality and/or pedophilia whenever gay marriage is spoken of? It is downright creepy.

Perhaps you have not been informed that incest, bestiality, polygamy, and pedophila are all illegal. You know why? Because they have been determined to be harmful activities!

Guess what? Being gay is legal! And it does you no harm!


I know you find this hard to swallow. I understand. I used to have a problem with it, too.

You could give the GLBT community EVERY thing in the book that they're asking for, but call it something other than marriage.. They wouldn't accept it.

So yes, protecting marriage is my #1 priority.. Because I think it has an effect on everything else.

I know.. I'm a crazy right wing fanatic, right??

Bigots like you used to define marriage as between two people of the same race, and you just fucking HATED marriage being redefined to accomodate a big black porch monkey marrying a white woman. It drove y'all crrrrraaaaaaaazy.

Now the thought of two men filing a joint tax return is making you nuts, too.

This isn't about a word. Who do you think you are kidding?

Gays could call their marriage a "joint" and you would find yet another reason to object.

As each of your logical fallacies are destroyed, you just hatch a new one. All to cover up the simple truth that beneath all the smoke and mirrors is an irrational hatred of fags.
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In response to a thread I saw about no one talking of their support for Mitt Romney and only trashing Obama - Here ya go:

I, like so many, bought into Obama's rhetoric and lofty promises of Hope and Change in 2008. Although I disagreed with him on so many key issues, I thought it was a new era, a new time, a new political arena, and I thought he was going to be the one to get America on track. Man was I wrong.

4 years later, I see that his tenure as President has been nothing but a failure. I'm not someone that believes he is just crumbling America because he hates America, rather I think he's tried everything he thinks will work.. and it isn't. As Romney said, "he's out of ideas, and out of time."

I think he's tried his social experiment on America, and I believe it's failed. From Obamacare, to supporting gay marriage and no longer defending the law of the land (DOMA), and to supporting government funded abortions - he has to go.

His economic policies have obviously failed as well. Unemployment still sky high.. Gas prices still skyrocketing.. America lost it's AAA credit rating.. What's next?!

Now that I've made the case against Barack Obama (as an ex-supporter.. yes, it's amazing what four years of Obama can do to someone).. Allow me to make the case for Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney - Businessman, Religious leader, Governor.. Why is he the right choice to beat Obama? While I admit that Mitt Romney wasn't my first choice, he is my 100% choice now. Here's why - listed in importance to me..

#1. He's for defending our laws and upholding marriage as an institution between a man and a woman (DOMA).
#2. He's for protecting innocent life by repealing Roe V. Wade and letting the states decide abortion laws.. and he's also for cutting ANY government funding that goes to killing innocent life.
#3. He doesn't want to cut our military at such a volatile time.
#4. He's a businessman. We need someone that knows a thing or two about running something and how to get businesses doing business again.
#5. He'll be a strong ally of Israel.. and may even make a couple trips over there.. (ahem, Obama, ahem..)
#6. He's for repealing Obamacare and letting the states decide their own health care laws, like he did in Mass.
#7. He'll protect the second amendment and won't tour the world making apologies for America.

Just my top 7.. I know he isn't perfect.. but when we compare him to Obama.. There's no contest.. :eusa_whistle:

Romney 2012!

I was a Bush supporter in 2000. That's when Republicans believed in the individual mandate, cap and trade, the Dream Act, and no nation-building.

That seems like a very long time ago now. Republicans today have to pretend to believe in stupidity in order to get the lowest-of-the-low vote, uneducated types who are mostly older white folks who actually think it would be good if their Social Security was privatized.

I supported Barack Obama in 2008, not because of "Hope" and "Change", but because he's got the right kind of temperament that this country needs. He's a levelheaded man who has the right mix of smarts and balls.

He campaigned that if we had Bin Laden in our sights, that we would get him even if he was in Pakistan.

Mitt Romney and John McCain said they would not have. What you say means something to me, and if you say you're too fucking chicken to get the job done even if that pisses off some folks in Pakistan, than it makes it hard for me to support such chickenhawkery.

Unlike you, I do not believe that Obama has "tried his social experiment" on America.

Allowing gay folks to fight for their country is not an "experiment"; it's equality in action.

Making it law that an insurance company can't kick your kid or your wife off the plan because of their expensive treatments or for a pre-existing condition is not a "social experiment"; it's common sense.

Under Obama, domestic drilling has increased at a faster rate than under the previous administration. Look it up. That's no "social experiment"; that's Drill Baby Drill in action.

Under Obama, 95% of this country has seen lower taxes.

When Obama took office, we were bleeding 750,000 jobs per month. Within 6 months after he passed his Stimulus--which he compromised on and turned 40% of it into tax cuts instead of direct shovel-ready job action like he really wanted to in order to get corporate Democrat and Republican votes--we stopped losing jobs and the economy was rescued.

Since then we've seen 30 months of consecutive private sector job growth. Meanwhile, we've seen over 600,000 public sector job losses in just the last couple years. That's a social experiment called "less government" and how's that workin' out for ya? That's 600,000 less people to buy what I'm selling and I blame the Tea Party for it.

Fuckin' baggers, they go on about hating Europe so much but all they wanna do is follow Angela Merkel and the David Cameron right into a double-dip recession with austerity measures alone.

And that's Mitt Romney's prescription for our economy. Just keep cutting and outsourcing jobs, give the Mitt Romneys of the world a quarter of a million in additional tax breaks to help get them through these obviously tough times the top tax bracket must be having, and that will somehow get the money into the hands of the people I need to buy my products.

What a load of bullshit.

Nobody with a conscience can honestly vote for Mitt Romney and say his economic priorities aren't totally back-asswards.

Tell me, how do you think he's going to afford an additional $5 trillion tax cut?

Don't you find it totally irresponsible that he wants to take Medicare, turn it into a voucher coupon program, kicking old white folks into the private market so they can be charged outrageously for being old and infirm? And who do ya think that debt is going to fall to when a whole group of $20,000/year old people on retirement cheques start having to pay hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars a year on health care they can't possibly afford?

The military budget is bloated as it is. Cutting it by half a trillion over a decade like the President wants to do is fair and a nice start in the right direction.

Obama has governed just like the centrist that I thought he would be, and it isn't his fault that morons and loonies, flat-earthers and birthers have overtaken a once great party instead of working with Obama to get things done.

President Obama was elected. By 9 million votes. He was given a mandate and all he was faced with was blind hatred by his opponents instead of an outstretched hand ready to go to work.

The economic philosophy this country still has is from a conservative two-term administration, so this business that Obama has tried his "experiment" is laughable, particularly because you can't go into detail about what these so-called experiments have been, since there haven't been any yet, they've all been held up or filibustered.

If the Bush Tax Cuts had expired a year and a half ago on the top 2 brackets, this country would have nearly $100 billion less in its yearly deficit.

Had he gotten his other plans through, we would have seen a $50 billion decrease in taxpayer money given to the health lobby to advertise us. Filibustered.

Had he gotten his Jobs Bill through, we'd see public-private partnerships and the beginning of the creation of about 3-4 million jobs over the next couple years. Filibustered.

Obama wants to cut about $500 billion in corporate subsidies to multinationals who are doing just fine on their own and who aren't investing in America. No can do: FILIBUSTERED!!

80% of the country, including mainstream Republican voters, say we should have higher and more fair taxes on millionaires and billionaires. Pocket change to a rich man would mean a trillion or two over the next decade in revenue to help with jobs, education and lowering the debt. No can do though: FILIBUSTERED!!!

Sorry, I'll stick with the guy who wants to fix things, and that's President Obama, not Mitt Romney, who doesn't know where he stands on anything.


Concise..no bull..

Obama should hire you.

I think making gay marriage your number one reason for supporting or opposing a candidate speaks volumes about you.

There are much bigger issues facing our country and more dangers emanating from Obama than the "threat" of two men in love filing a joint tax return.


Degrading the status of a "family" is the first step down a long, dark road..

Take away defining marriage as between a man and woman.. What's stopping a man and three women? Or a man and his pet? Or anything..? As long as it's "love"..

Slippery slope fallacy. Why is it bigots invariably, literally invariably, bring up incest and/or bestiality and/or pedophilia whenever gay marriage is spoken of? It is downright creepy.

Perhaps you have not been informed that incest, bestiality, polygamy, and pedophila are all illegal. You know why? Because they have been determined to be harmful activities!

Guess what? Being gay is legal! And it does you no harm!


I know you find this hard to swallow. I understand. I used to have a problem with it, too.

You could give the GLBT community EVERY thing in the book that they're asking for, but call it something other than marriage.. They wouldn't accept it.

So yes, protecting marriage is my #1 priority.. Because I think it has an effect on everything else.

I know.. I'm a crazy right wing fanatic, right??

Bigots like you used to define marriage as between two people of the same race, and you just fucking HATED marriage being redefined to accomodate a big black porch monkey marrying a white woman. It drove y'all crrrrraaaaaaaazy.

Now the thought of two men filing a joint tax return is making you nuts, too.

This isn't about a word. Who do you think you are kidding?

Gays could call their marriage a "joint" and you would find yet another reason to object.

As each of your logical fallacies are destroyed, you just hatch a new one. All to cover up the simple truth that beneath all the smoke and mirrors is an irrational hatred of fags.

What is the argument to allow two homos to marry that does not apply with equal force to thre homos. Or one homo that wants to marry another homo and a normal person in a different state? Or two relatives that are not engaged in sexual relations that also want to marry.

I am in favor of homo marriage. I have not stated this before because it is much more fun watching the high and mighty make grossly incorrect assumptions. But the fact is, that the arguments are exactly the same. Polygamists and relatives that want to marry are no less discriminated against than poofters. And every time this is brought up, the high and mighty pro poofter marriage crowd insists that the recognition of how accommodating bushpushers and pillow biters will affect other, equally valid and special relationships are looked at legally, is an indication of bigotry. Well, g5000, you are also a bigot.
The arguments are not the same, polygamy is a choice, homosexuality is not.

Actually there is no known genetic or physiological identifer, in an age where we can nail down DNA specifics with pretty much absolute certainty.


We are just beginning to understand how DNA works. Personally..it looks like computer language to me..but that's another thread.
The arguments are not the same, polygamy is a choice, homosexuality is not.

Actually there is no known genetic or physiological identifer, in an age where we can nail down DNA specifics with pretty much absolute certainty.


We are just beginning to understand how DNA works. Personally..it looks like computer language to me..but that's another thread.

Ok then there is no known genetic or physiological identifer.

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