Why God was invented


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
I read an interesting article last week dealing with evolution and the single most important factor that allows some species to evolve. The factor is understanding cause and effect. Some mammals have a rudimentary understanding of cause and effect but for the most part have no real understanding of how their actions effect results.

Only humans have a clear grasp of cause and effect. Thus the logical mind of a human is forced to invent God to explain the unexplainable.
I read an interesting article last week dealing with evolution and the single most important factor that allows some species to evolve. The factor is understanding cause and effect. Some mammals have a rudimentary understanding of cause and effect but for the most part have no real understanding of how their actions effect results.

Only humans have a clear grasp of cause and effect. Thus the logical mind of a human is forced to invent God to explain the unexplainable.

I would say that cause and effect remains a quite elusive concept to humans also
Only humans have a clear grasp of cause and effect. Thus the logical mind of a human is forced to invent God to explain the unexplainable.

How do we know this? How do we know whale songs are often not some ancient hymn to a long remembered cetacean God?

Jane Goodall claims chimpanzees have at least transcendent experience (a prerequisite to religion), that there is a waterfall where a chimp group she observed would regularly go to, they would go for no utilitarian purpose, but rather just arrive and then start displaying the body language, making the sounds that chimps usually use paying homage to dominant male, swaying back and forth in honour of the water fall.

Religious experience may be indeed the first spark of conciseness itself, the first step to self awareness, to even knowing one is alive in the first place.

A sea sponge may live in a Darwinian vacuum of meaning, as well as Richard Dawkins, but I would wager most evolved and higher life forms experience some form of the transcendence of religion.
Only humans have a clear grasp of cause and effect. Thus the logical mind of a human is forced to invent God to explain the unexplainable.
Humans who crated Gods in their own image weren't using logic. They were using their fanciful imaginations because Mankind is also the only creature capable of self-importance and vanity.

Intelligence and logic had nothing to do with it.
Only humans have a clear grasp of cause and effect. Thus the logical mind of a human is forced to invent God to explain the unexplainable.

Humans who crated Gods in their own image weren't using logic.

Of course they weren't.

They were using their fanciful imaginations

Yes, the same fanciful imaginations which are the root source of all human art and invention.

because Mankind is also the only creature capable of self-importance and vanity.

You have clearly never known any cat very well.
Only humans have a clear grasp of cause and effect. Thus the logical mind of a human is forced to invent God to explain the unexplainable.

How do we know this? How do we know whale songs are often not some ancient hymn to a long remembered cetacean God?
I suppose we can all dream. Have whales evolved to the point where they can elude capture by humans?

Jane Goodall claims chimpanzees have at least transcendent experience (a prerequisite to religion), that there is a waterfall where a chimp group she observed would regularly go to, they would go for no utilitarian purpose, but rather just arrive and then start displaying the body language, making the sounds that chimps usually use paying homage to dominant male, swaying back and forth in honour of the water fall.

Religious experience may be indeed the first spark of conciseness itself, the first step to self awareness, to even knowing one is alive in the first place.
Since we are so closely related to chimps this doesn't dispute my post. btw, how did she know they were honoring the waterfall?

A sea sponge may live in a Darwinian vacuum of meaning, as well as Richard Dawkins, but I would wager most evolved and higher life forms experience some form of the transcendence of religion.
What evidence do you have that supports that?
You have clearly never known any cat very well.
Have raised cats all my life. They are not vain or self-important. That's a stereotype which is, like most stereotypes, inaccurate. They're misunderstood.

The reality is that they are highly observant, far more than humans, deep, and independent, mostly.
Yup and some of their behavior is easily confused with self-importance and vanity.
Have raised cats all my life. They are not vain or self-important. That's a stereotype which is, like most stereotypes, inaccurate. They're misunderstood.

The reality is that they are highly observant, far more than humans, deep, and independent, mostly.
Yup and some of their behavior is easily confused with self-importance and vanity.

Also, if you care for them well enough, they will risk their lives for you, just as any decent family would do.
Oh I'm sorry to have besmirched the character of our fellow felines.

They are clearly humble creatures and not at all vane.
Take your damn cat shit somewhere else. Isn't this the guy that was whining about trolls over the weekend???
Oh I'm sorry to have besmirched the character of our fellow felines.

They are clearly humble creatures and not at all vane.

No, felines are not vain. You know too little of them if you think they are. As for your "fellow felines", until you can figure out when I am joking or not, you will always be out of the loop.
Take your damn cat shit somewhere else. Isn't this the guy that was whining about trolls over the weekend???

Until people are willing to discuss their ideas without all the bullshit they interject and repeating all their "scripture" bullshit, you can't expect much else. When all one side has in a single book to repeat a billion times, it gets old, fast, and then to dismiss their opponents just because they don't "believe" in the book and claiming that they just don't "know" the book ... well that's just sad. So yeah, something new in a religious thread is bound to happen from those of us not buying that bullshit.
Take your damn cat shit somewhere else. Isn't this the guy that was whining about trolls over the weekend???

Until people are willing to discuss their ideas without all the bullshit they interject and repeating all their "scripture" bullshit, you can't expect much else. When all one side has in a single book to repeat a billion times, it gets old, fast, and then to dismiss their opponents just because they don't "believe" in the book and claiming that they just don't "know" the book ... well that's just sad. So yeah, something new in a religious thread is bound to happen from those of us not buying that bullshit.
:confused: This thread isn't about the Bible and it isn't about cats. Just because you get your panties in a twist over an innocent comment about cats doesn't change that fact.

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