Why DON'T you carry a gun?

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
If the threat of guns in the hands of the public - law abiding citizens and criminals alike - is as bad as you think it is - so bad, in fact, that you believe the rights of the law abiding must limited for the better sake of society - why haven't you purchased a gun and taken the training necessary to use it effectively?
H&K compact .45 dont leave home with out it.
I guess I am a fatalist and trust that I'm not going anywhere that a robber or madman is likely to be. So far there have been no incidents at Albertson's grocery store or Walgreens or Wal-Mart or Borders Bookstore or Applebee's and such, so I don't really feel any danger or need for self protection in such places.

When I was working in areas in which I did not feel so safe, however, I did carry.

Somebody asked me one time what I was afraid of. And I repeated that oft repeated line you see: "Not a damn thing." :)
I don't own a handgun. My daughter lost mine.

I have suicidal thoughts so probably will not buy another. I still have my rifles and a good store of ammo if it comes to a need for defense.

I am pretty sure that if I applied for a concealed carry permit the Sheriff would turn it down because I once tried to commit suicide. ( used pills).

Besides in this State local business can designate their buildings as no carry. Lot of places have the sign so I would be leaving it in the car more then carrying it.
I don't own a handgun. My daughter lost mine.

I have suicidal thoughts so probably will not buy another. I still have my rifles and a good store of ammo if it comes to a need for defense.

I am pretty sure that if I applied for a concealed carry permit the Sheriff would turn it down because I once tried to commit suicide. ( used pills).

Besides in this State local business can designate their buildings as no carry. Lot of places have the sign so I would be leaving it in the car more then carrying it.

That is a wise path. Leaving a gun in a car is the best way to put it in the hand of criminals. I have packed when I thought the situation warrented it. Which was very seldom.

In public? Hell no. How are you going to fire at a miscreant in public without endangering a lot of innocent people?
If the threat of guns in the hands of the public - law abiding citizens and criminals alike - is as bad as you think it is - so bad, in fact, that you believe the rights of the law abiding must limited for the better sake of society - why haven't you purchased a gun and taken the training necessary to use it effectively?

California won't allow me to.

If they would, I would.

Simple as that.
If the threat of guns in the hands of the public - law abiding citizens and criminals alike - is as bad as you think it is - so bad, in fact, that you believe the rights of the law abiding must limited for the better sake of society - why haven't you purchased a gun and taken the training necessary to use it effectively?

I own guns but I don't carry them around. People piss me off. I'd use it. So I dont carry one around.

That doesn't mean other people, people who wouldn't use them except in cases of defense, shouldn't carry them around.
If the threat of guns in the hands of the public - law abiding citizens and criminals alike - is as bad as you think it is - so bad, in fact, that you believe the rights of the law abiding must limited for the better sake of society - why haven't you purchased a gun and taken the training necessary to use it effectively?

Have...and would.

Down with Sig Sauer.....

If the People's Republic would allow...I sure would.
If the threat of guns in the hands of the public - law abiding citizens and criminals alike - is as bad as you think it is - so bad, in fact, that you believe the rights of the law abiding must limited for the better sake of society - why haven't you purchased a gun and taken the training necessary to use it effectively?

--------why haven't you purchased a gun and taken the training necessary to use it effectively?

Knowing the difference between using a gun effectively, and having the emotional stability to know WHEN to use the gun, are two distinctly different things. Unless I lived or frequented areas where guns or crime are very popular, I don't feel the need for one, as of this post.
I don't own a firearm because I have teenagers, and keeping a weapon in your home increases the likelihood of your child committing suicide or causing an accidental injury.

I have a good friend that I used to work with, a police sergeant, whose daughter killed herself with his service revolver about 14 years ago. I also had two friends in high school that killed themselves using weapons they found in their homes. Those situations have stayed with me, and I simply am not willing to take the risk. Kids are impulsive, and many teenagers experience suicidal thoughts. A kid can take an overdose of pills, have a second thought, and easily survive, but a gunshot to the head is permanent.

To protect my home, I have a pitbull mix, instead. She has a very menacing bark, a strong jaw, big teeth, and hates strangers. But, she's a cuddle bug with her family, her kitties, and her bunny.

I have zero problems with firearm ownership, however, and concealed carry permits. I feel I have a right to own a weapon, but the risks outweigh the possible positives.
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To prevent against accidental gun deaths, I only keep my autos loaded. None of my daughters know how to use it. They would have no idea that they have to pull the slide back before they can fire it and in the case of my 9mm, the youngest wouldn't have the strength to do so.

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