Why don't Liberals celebrate when a Muslim is dying?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?


Here are the links of Liberals in this thread using Osama Bin Laden as an Example of "a Muslim" death that they celebrated. Apparently they believe that Osama bin Laden constitutes an example of the typical Muslim as a sufficient answer to the title of this thread; thus they have insulted and slandered every Muslim on earth.

Post 1:

Progressives cheered when Osama bin Laden died.

Post 2:
When Bin Laden was killed we celebrated along with other leading terrorist leaders that were snuffed, I celebrated.

Post 3:

Hello?!?!? Did you miss the dancing in the streets over OBL's death?

Post 4:

I did a jig in my office when Bin Laden died. If I was not working? I'd be out in the streets with the rest of the partiers. Call me sick..

Post 5:

as for muslims? i'm pretty sure we all celebrated when bin laden got off'd.

it's where the person hits on the vile scale

Post 6:
Osama was essentially a cult leader as well.

Post 7:
Wait just a minute. We liberals celebrated when Osama bin Laden was finally killed.
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Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?

Don't know do ya?
Hasty generalization: drawing generalized conclusions from limited information and examples

You are not a patriot, 2dA: most Americans would put think of you like they do Pastor Phelps.
Hasty generalization: drawing generalized conclusions from limited information and examples

I was under the impression that gays in the Middle East are hanged, beheaded or stoned to death. Am I wrong?

You are using Phelps' impending death as a sample of ONE to which Americans should spring spraying hatred.

Also the OP demonstrates the fallacy of Special pleading, which is one-sided and requiring wrongly the opposition to provide contrary evidence.

That is your duty, 2dA.

But I will play: the overwhelming number of the American population would cheer the subjugation of the NBPP, the KKK, the militia units, the false 'oath keepers', the Tim McVeighs if they rose up and were smashed. And many would help them. Two of my cousins were among the quasi-vigilantes assisting the tracking and capturing of the Republic of Texas idiots in the 1990.
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Hasty generalization: drawing generalized conclusions from limited information and examples

I was under the impression that gays in the Middle East are hanged, beheaded or stoned to death. Am I wrong?
the overwhelming number of the American population would cheer the subjugation of the NBPP, the KKK, the militia units, the false 'oath keepers', the Tim McVeighs if they rose up and were smashed.

I will ask you again, KKK Democrat:

Do Muslims hang, behead and stone gays to death or not?
I was under the impression that gays in the Middle East are hanged, beheaded or stoned to death. Am I wrong?
the overwhelming number of the American population would cheer the subjugation of the NBPP, the KKK, the militia units, the false 'oath keepers', the Tim McVeighs if they rose up and were smashed.

I will ask you again, KKK Democrat:

Do Muslims hang, behead and stone gays to death or not?


Sounds similar to 18th century conservatives!
Hasty generalization: drawing generalized conclusions from limited information and examples

I was under the impression that gays in the Middle East are hanged, beheaded or stoned to death. Am I wrong?

Yes and no. Since the Kinsey Report, the act defined homosexuality in the US. I don't know how to put this at the moment so here goes: Over there the person on the giving end is not homosexual but the person on the receiving end is considered homosexual. So, it continues. Yes, you can die.

Here, look for yourself: Page 5
LGBT Rights In Israel & The Middle East
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I was under the impression that gays in the Middle East are hanged, beheaded or nustoned to death. Am I wrong?
the overwhelming number of the American population would cheer the subjugation of the NBPP, the KKK, the militia units, the false 'oath keepers', the Tim McVeighs if they rose up and were smashed.

I will ask you again, KKK Democrat:

Do Muslims hang, behead and stone gays to death or not?

Ask Matthew Sheppard.
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?

Do Muslims protest at military funerals that our fallen soldiers died because we support gay rights? Didn't think so. Stupid thread.
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?
^^^^ This asshole thinks Westboro only offends Liberals.

What an asshole!
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?

Let's play it your way, asshole:

YES! Because Conservatives hate our military and cheer when their funerals are disrupted by protests!

ONLY Liberals support our troops!

Is that better?

Like I said - you're an asshole.
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?

Let's play it your way, asshole:

YES! Because Conservatives hate our military and cheer when their funerals are disrupted by protests!

ONLY Liberals support our troops!

Is that better?

Like I said - you're an asshole.

Everything you just said is ass backwards like bizarro world...:eusa_shifty:

snopes.com: Berkeley vs. the Marines



U B A JA...:D
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