Why doesn't Mormonism have much to say about its mother goddess?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Mormonism is one of the few religions I'm actually friendly to. I'm... less than convinced... that it's in any way actually true, but I do admit that I find a lot of its teachings at least more appealing than mainstream Christianity - especially those emphasizing strong family values. Those doctrines are exactly why I've always wondered why the faith downplays its (totally canonical) mother goddess aspect down to the occasional vague admission of its existence and generally contents itself to talk about a father god alone instead. The idea is there. It's been talked about by several LDS prophets. It's a central component of the idea that we're God's literal sons and daughters given bodies on Earth to prove our right to our literal inheritance. It's not like it really makes sense to say it doesn't exist or it isn't important. So why does the same faith that emphasizes your birth mother so strongly and teaches that we all have one original birth mother in our particular god's wife not have anything more to say about her?
It may be because Father in heaven loves her too much to allow the blasphemy on this earth to desecrate her name. Perhaps it is because there may be more than one mother in heaven and Father wants us to be focused on only one God. The knowledge of eternal marriage has been revealed but for some reason, our Father in Heaven, has chosen not to reveal to us specifics about our Mother in Heaven. There just hasn't been any revelation on the subject.
This isn't from Mormonism, but God supposedly had a consort.

Asherah - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Asherah is identified as the consort of the Sumerian god Anu and Ugaritic El,[1] the oldest deities of their respective pantheons."

"The Book of Jeremiah, written circa 628 BC, possibly refers to Asherah when it uses the title "Queen of Heaven", stating: "pray thou not for this people...the children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the Queen of Heaven, and to pour out drink offerings to other gods, that they may provoke me to anger."(Hebrew: לִמְלֶכֶת הַשָּׁמַיִם‎) in Jer 7:18 and Jer 44:17–19, 25.[6] (For a discussion of "Queen of Heaven" in the Hebrew Bible, see Queen of Heaven.)"
Because Judaism came from the pre-extant Sumerian religion (epic of Gilgamesh etc.) that this consort goddess was "God's wife" and brought over isn't all that unusual. It's only because of the sexism and misogynistic nature of Judaeo-Christianity that most are unaware of her.
Any religion that says you Will become Gods is Satanic.

Mormons say they will become Gods.
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The Mormons belive they will become Gods, have endless clestial sex and populate the Earth will millions of Mormon babies.

It's complete lunacy.
The unwitting talking unwisely about a concept they don't really understand, above.

Talk to Avatar4321.
My Dad and his wife are Mormons. They confirm EVERYTHING I wrote in the above posts.

Also, I figger E-7 (RGS) has probably even met my Dad at the Mormon Temple in San Diego.
Why talk to Avatar when I've already been talking to a "High Priest" about the Mormon Cult for many years?
Because Avatar actually has studied and read extensively in his religion. I am not knocking your Dad, but after living around Mormons all of my life, after actually studying it with some interest for some time, after retiring to SLC, I have found the average older priesthood holder only knows what he is taught in his priesthood classes and that not very well.

It's no more loony that the social con far right evangelicalism or the silliness of militant atheism. In my opinion.
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Because Avatar actually has studied and read extensively in his religion. I am not knocking your Dad, but after living around Mormons all of my life, after actually studying it with some interest for some time, after retiring to SLC, I have found the average older priesthood holder only knows what he is taught in his priesthood classes and that not very well.

It's no more loony that the social con far right evangelicalism. In my opinion.
What a lovely endorsement: "they're no more loony....."
No more loony than the militant atheists as well, Hollie. Sorry you guys were left out. It is good that you admitted you can't disprove the existence of God.

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