Why Does Trump Lie So Much? Is It Good Politics?

Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?
They all lie. But Trump lies about meaningless stuff just to inflate his ego. So I go with MI.

I used to think he lies about Spygate were meaningless and just motivated on hiding how much he owes Oligarchs, which all non-Nevada casinos seem to have in common, but I'm thinking it may be more serious.
I agree, his real issue is embellishment....he talks a lot of shit, which is why most people disregarded the grab em by a pussy. He didn't say he did it, he was talkin in general how Hollywood works, and Weinstein showed us he was right. But he does that, he talks like real men do in a locker room, and he's a one upper, if you build a skyscraper, he'll build a bigger one.
The thing about all this, is I like it, I'm tired of people not being allowed to proud or excited about themselves or what they do. The left is really scared and hateful of people who know who they are and don't need the it takes a village group bullshit.
that's why liberals hate guys like John Wayne and others, they don't need your group or you govt to live.......and if they left doesn't have that, they have nothing.
Trump bragged about pussy grabbing. GTFO
You can keep your doctor........suuuuuuuuure

I kept my doctor, as did most everyone else, even though it wasn't true in absolute sense that EVERYONE would.

Trump lies are far more blatant and FAR FAR FAR FAR more volumous.

Analysis | In 466 days, President Trump has made over 3,000 false or misleading claims

When republicans claim that as a lie, Obama wasn't lying to me. I kept my doctors.

I have also saved a lot of money because of Obamacare.

All Obamacare did was make my existing employer provided health insurance better.
How is higher premiums and waaaay higher deductibles better?

Lol why don't you ask Trump and Republicans who got rid of cost sharing, introduced tons of uncertainty into the market and repealed personal mandate for 2019 - all of which jacked up the prices big league.

Obamacare prices hiked up to 38 percent because of Trump threats: Report
What bullshit, the prices went up day one on Obama care, that's why he HAD to EXMPT people from it, you are a moron.
Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?
Must be the news that lies
Trump merely responds to the news
Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?
They all lie. But Trump lies about meaningless stuff just to inflate his ego. So I go with MI.

I used to think he lies about Spygate were meaningless and just motivated on hiding how much he owes Oligarchs, which all non-Nevada casinos seem to have in common, but I'm thinking it may be more serious.
I agree, his real issue is embellishment....he talks a lot of shit, which is why most people disregarded the grab em by a pussy. He didn't say he did it, he was talkin in general how Hollywood works, and Weinstein showed us he was right. But he does that, he talks like real men do in a locker room, and he's a one upper, if you build a skyscraper, he'll build a bigger one.
The thing about all this, is I like it, I'm tired of people not being allowed to proud or excited about themselves or what they do. The left is really scared and hateful of people who know who they are and don't need the it takes a village group bullshit.
that's why liberals hate guys like John Wayne and others, they don't need your group or you govt to live.......and if they left doesn't have that, they have nothing.
Trump bragged about pussy grabbing. GTFO

Crazy, the lefties are just jealous he gets it. they're lucky to get one of the few womens studies professors that don't much carpet
So, the question so many trump fans are trying to avoid is, why does trump lie so much. None of those trump fans is able to articulate a pragmatic reason. The best they can do is deflects to Obama and or others and attempt to change the subject.
They know trump is a liar and they can not defend him.
He doesn't, he exaggerates, we know you lefties don't know the difference......Instead of being literal with Trump, why don't you become literal with the Bible or the Constitution.....that'd be great
Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?

Just because you don't believe something doesn't make it a lie.
Agreed, but those are not the things that confirm trump as a liar. The things that confirm trump are a liar are especially the things he says that are refuted with video documentation that he is lying. Like claim people like former CIA Director Clapper said something and the video of making the referred to speech shows confirmation that Clapper never said what trump claims he said. Stuff like that proves him as a liar.
Again give us a specific example..
You just quoted one in your response.
Why not just Google "trump lying lists" or just "trump lies". Pick your own source.
There is nothing specific in that sentence...try looking up what it means.
Barry Hussein could say anything including 58 States in the Union and everyone either held their noses or ignored it or laughed. President Trump could estimate a hundred million of something and by the time self described fact checkers finished it would be a lie because it was only 98 million. That's the way the criminal conspiracy between angry half psychotic lefties and the MSM works.
Urination and Trump
CNN)The Washington Post's Fact-Checker blog has been keeping a strict count of President Donald Trump's many misstatements, untruths and outright lies. And, over the weekend at a rally in Michigan, Trump hit a(nother) milestone: He topped 3,000 untrue or misleading statements in 466 days in office.

That means that, on average, Trump says 6.5 things that aren't true a day. Every. Single. Day. (Trump is actually picking up the pace when it comes to not telling the truth; he has averaged nine untruths or misleading statements a day over the past two months, according to the Post's count.)
The problem with Trump's penchant for prevarication is that it's hard to contextualize it. We've never had a president with such a casual relationship to the truth. We have no count of how many lies Barack Obama or George W. Bush told per day because, well, they weren't as committed to saying and then repeating falsehoods as Trump quite clearly is.


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Schlapp: Press shouldn't say President lies 01:04
In an attempt to put some context on just how often Trump lies, I looked up a few other things we do (or are supposed to do) a certain numbers of times per day.

The closest corollary I found is urination. Yes, peeing. Scientists and health experts say you should go between six and seven times a day. Think of it this way: Every time you go to the bathroom, Donald Trump is saying something that is either a stretch of the truth or a complete break with the truth. Every time.
Here's another way to think about it: You are supposed to drink eight glasses (of eight-ounce) water per day. Most of us don't make it all the way to eight. So, lets say you drink six glasses. Every time you finish off that last drop of water in your glass, the President of the United States has said something that isn't true.
It's remarkable. The sheer rate of Trump's untruth-telling is staggering. It is unprecedented. And, it is very, very hard to stop.


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Comey gets real in CNN Town Hall 02:28
Fired FBI Director James Comey, in a town hall late last month with CNN's Anderson Cooper, described the challenge of rebutting all of Trump's false claims nicely.
"(Trump's) style of conversation was a series of assertions about great things he had done. The challenge I found was that they wash over you like a wave and even if you disagree, the waves keep coming. But that is the style, it's 'I'm great, I'm great, I'm great.'"
Comey's point is that if you were going to try to correct every exaggeration, distortion or falsehood that came out of Trump's mouth, you would have to interrupt him on a near-constant basis.
That challenge is amplified if, like me and my friends at the Post's Fact Checker site, you are a member of the media. Trump has spent reams of rhetoric attacking the media's credibility that many people -- especially who voted for and/or still support the President -- believe 100%.
So, saying that he isn't telling the truth -- and he isn't -- won't have any effect on how these people perceive him. In fact, the more the media fact-checks Trump, the more his supporters believe him. It's through-the-looking-glass stuff.
Regardess. Truth matters. Facts matter. And the next time you go to the bathroom today, remember that Donald Trump has just said something that isn't entirely (or even close
Just remember whitehall
the next time you go to the bathroom today, remember that Donald Trump has just said something that isn't entirely (or even close to being true
You guys never cared when Hussein lied
What lie did President Obama tell that "You guys never cared about..."?

He lied every time he opened his mouth. Perhaps you need to take your partisan blinders off
Perhaps you need to answer the question with an articulated answer or quit bluffing and bullshyting.

The question is akin to when did Hitler kill Jews. Every time obozo spoke he was lying. Trump lies too, perhaps more than Hussein. He’s still a much better president

He lies at a much higher pace and is a horrific president. And that is saying something after the 2 that came before him!
So, the question so many trump fans are trying to avoid is, why does trump lie so much. None of those trump fans is able to articulate a pragmatic reason. The best they can do is deflects to Obama and or others and attempt to change the subject.
They know trump is a liar and they can not defend him.
He doesn't, he exaggerates, we know you lefties don't know the difference......Instead of being literal with Trump, why don't you become literal with the Bible or the Constitution.....that'd be great
He doesn’t exaggerate

He ignores the truth and provides alternative realities in their place
Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?
It’s good politics for Trump to placate his base by lying to them.
Trump claimed he saw thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ on 9-11. It was a common myth among conservatives.
When informed that there is no record of that happening and no TV station covered it....Trump just doubled down on the lie....I saw it
Then he took an obscure article by Serge Kovaleski and claimed it affirmed what he had said. Kovaleski denied he had said anything like that and Trump called him a liar and mocked him for being crippled
Trump claimed he saw thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ on 9-11. It was a common myth among conservatives.
When informed that there is no record of that happening and no TV station covered it....Trump just doubled down on the lie....I saw it
Then he took an obscure article by Serge Kovaleski and claimed it affirmed what he had said. Kovaleski denied he had said anything like that and Trump called him a liar and mocked him for being crippled
This was one of his most malicious and hateful lies. It was meant to portray American Muslims as traitors. It set an anti American Muslim tone that continues with Trump supporters to this day.
Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?
/——-/ You don’t know what “everybody “ knows. Why are you lying?
Trump claimed he saw thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ on 9-11. It was a common myth among conservatives.
When informed that there is no record of that happening and no TV station covered it....Trump just doubled down on the lie....I saw it
Then he took an obscure article by Serge Kovaleski and claimed it affirmed what he had said. Kovaleski denied he had said anything like that and Trump called him a liar and mocked him for being crippled
/——-/ Not a myth. Learn how to Google EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say
Trump claimed he saw thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ on 9-11. It was a common myth among conservatives.
When informed that there is no record of that happening and no TV station covered it....Trump just doubled down on the lie....I saw it
Then he took an obscure article by Serge Kovaleski and claimed it affirmed what he had said. Kovaleski denied he had said anything like that and Trump called him a liar and mocked him for being crippled

If you were confident in what you just posted, you would not have included the lie that Trump mocked the reporter for being crippled.

That is a lie, you know it, I proved that you to multiple times.

You are a liar.
Trump claimed he saw thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ on 9-11. It was a common myth among conservatives.
When informed that there is no record of that happening and no TV station covered it....Trump just doubled down on the lie....I saw it
Then he took an obscure article by Serge Kovaleski and claimed it affirmed what he had said. Kovaleski denied he had said anything like that and Trump called him a liar and mocked him for being crippled
/——-/ Not a myth. Learn how to Google EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say
That was not the lie trump told. He said he saw thousands celebrating in the streets of New Jersey on a TV broadcast. No such broadcast exist. He was lying. He did not see what he claims and has never admitted it as a mistake, hence it continues to be one of his biggest and most malicious hateful lies.

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