Why Do You Trust Matt Whitaker Would Be A Better AG? Because Trump Picked Him?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Who Is Matt Whitaker And Why Is He Illegally Pretending To Be The Attorney General?

I have a simple question for Trump lovers, why do you trust that Matt Whitaker would do a better job as Attorney General than Sessions or Rosenstein? Compared to both of them, Whitaker is the least qualified -- in fact, compared to most Attorney Generals, he is the least qualified.

Whitaker is a long time political hack who kissed ass in order to move up -- and this is not a new critique, this has long been said about him. His kissed Bush's ass and got a US attorney's job out of it. He tried to run for senate, and finished 4th in the primaries, he also served on the board of a corrupt scam company where he sent out multiple threatening letters to customers to protect that scam company -- it didn't work out well.

Luckily, Whitaker went back to kissing ass and that act of ass kissing impressed Donald Trump so much that he convinced Sessions to make Whitaker his chief of staff -- in fact he was popularly known as the White House’s “spy” inside Sessions’s office and curried favor with the president’s top aides; so it was no shock that he would be picked for the AG spot -- even tho Trump claims not to know him, which is bullshit.

As for Trump lovers claiming that his appointment is constitutional and that Trump can rewrite constitutional norms -- you guys may need to have Clarence Thomas go back in time and retract his legal opinion about appointments that need senate confirmation. You see, during the Obama admin, the GOP repeatedly blocked his nomination to the Labor Review Board because of course, conservatives hate labor rights being enforced -- Obama's nominee was serving as acting chairman of the NLRB -- a company filed a lawsuit claiming his appointment is unconstitutional and it reached the supreme court where Thomas wrote in his ruling that an “acting” office holder is also subject to advice and consent requirements of the appointments clause -- but that's because Obama was president then, this is different, because reasons...

However, if Trump picked Sessions who was popular with Trump supporters because he was the first Senator to kiss Trump's ass -- and now you guys hate him -- If Trump picked Rosenstein and you guys cheered because you believe Trump only picks the best people -- now you guys hate him -- what has Whitaker done that makes you feel he is so great?
I have a simple question for Trump lovers, why do you trust that Matt Whitaker would do a better job as Attorney General than Sessions or Rosenstein?

Probably because you people are so bent out of shape about him. One can smell the fear.
I have a simple question for Trump lovers, why do you trust that Matt Whitaker would do a better job as Attorney General than Sessions or Rosenstein?

Probably because you people are so bent out of shape about him. One can smell the fear.
Sort of like you people were bent out of shape about Eric Holder?

Who was actually qualified to be attorney general -- at least that is what Ronald Reagan thought when he nominated Eric Holder as district judge...oh and he graduated with honors from Columbia -- since Trump seems to think having an Ivy league education matters.
I have a simple question for Trump lovers, why do you trust that Matt Whitaker would do a better job as Attorney General than Sessions or Rosenstein?

Probably because you people are so bent out of shape about him. One can smell the fear.
Sort of like you people were bent out of shape about Eric Holder?

Who was actually qualified to be attorney general -- at least that is what Ronald Reagan thought when he nominated Eric Holder as district judge...oh and he graduated with honors from Columbia -- since Trump seems to think having an Ivy league education matters.

Even Reagan made mistakes.
I have a simple question for Trump lovers, why do you trust that Matt Whitaker would do a better job as Attorney General than Sessions or Rosenstein?

Probably because you people are so bent out of shape about him. One can smell the fear.
Sort of like you people were bent out of shape about Eric Holder?

Who was actually qualified to be attorney general -- at least that is what Ronald Reagan thought when he nominated Eric Holder as district judge...oh and he graduated with honors from Columbia -- since Trump seems to think having an Ivy league education matters.
No one objected to Holder until he gave the cartels military grade weapons.
Who Is Matt Whitaker And Why Is He Illegally Pretending To Be The Attorney General?

I have a simple question for Trump lovers, why do you trust that Matt Whitaker would do a better job as Attorney General than Sessions or Rosenstein? Compared to both of them, Whitaker is the least qualified -- in fact, compared to most Attorney Generals, he is the least qualified.

Whitaker is a long time political hack who kissed ass in order to move up -- and this is not a new critique, this has long been said about him. His kissed Bush's ass and got a US attorney's job out of it. He tried to run for senate, and finished 4th in the primaries, he also served on the board of a corrupt scam company where he sent out multiple threatening letters to customers to protect that scam company -- it didn't work out well.

Luckily, Whitaker went back to kissing ass and that act of ass kissing impressed Donald Trump so much that he convinced Sessions to make Whitaker his chief of staff -- in fact he was popularly known as the White House’s “spy” inside Sessions’s office and curried favor with the president’s top aides; so it was no shock that he would be picked for the AG spot -- even tho Trump claims not to know him, which is bullshit.

As for Trump lovers claiming that his appointment is constitutional and that Trump can rewrite constitutional norms -- you guys may need to have Clarence Thomas go back in time and retract his legal opinion about appointments that need senate confirmation. You see, during the Obama admin, the GOP repeatedly blocked his nomination to the Labor Review Board because of course, conservatives hate labor rights being enforced -- Obama's nominee was serving as acting chairman of the NLRB -- a company filed a lawsuit claiming his appointment is unconstitutional and it reached the supreme court where Thomas wrote in his ruling that an “acting” office holder is also subject to advice and consent requirements of the appointments clause -- but that's because Obama was president then, this is different, because reasons...

However, if Trump picked Sessions who was popular with Trump supporters because he was the first Senator to kiss Trump's ass -- and now you guys hate him -- If Trump picked Rosenstein and you guys cheered because you believe Trump only picks the best people -- now you guys hate him -- what has Whitaker done that makes you feel he is so great?
Why else? Trump is God.
Who Is Matt Whitaker And Why Is He Illegally Pretending To Be The Attorney General?

I have a simple question for Trump lovers, why do you trust that Matt Whitaker would do a better job as Attorney General than Sessions or Rosenstein? Compared to both of them, Whitaker is the least qualified -- in fact, compared to most Attorney Generals, he is the least qualified.

Whitaker is a long time political hack who kissed ass in order to move up -- and this is not a new critique, this has long been said about him. His kissed Bush's ass and got a US attorney's job out of it. He tried to run for senate, and finished 4th in the primaries, he also served on the board of a corrupt scam company where he sent out multiple threatening letters to customers to protect that scam company -- it didn't work out well.

Luckily, Whitaker went back to kissing ass and that act of ass kissing impressed Donald Trump so much that he convinced Sessions to make Whitaker his chief of staff -- in fact he was popularly known as the White House’s “spy” inside Sessions’s office and curried favor with the president’s top aides; so it was no shock that he would be picked for the AG spot -- even tho Trump claims not to know him, which is bullshit.

As for Trump lovers claiming that his appointment is constitutional and that Trump can rewrite constitutional norms -- you guys may need to have Clarence Thomas go back in time and retract his legal opinion about appointments that need senate confirmation. You see, during the Obama admin, the GOP repeatedly blocked his nomination to the Labor Review Board because of course, conservatives hate labor rights being enforced -- Obama's nominee was serving as acting chairman of the NLRB -- a company filed a lawsuit claiming his appointment is unconstitutional and it reached the supreme court where Thomas wrote in his ruling that an “acting” office holder is also subject to advice and consent requirements of the appointments clause -- but that's because Obama was president then, this is different, because reasons...

However, if Trump picked Sessions who was popular with Trump supporters because he was the first Senator to kiss Trump's ass -- and now you guys hate him -- If Trump picked Rosenstein and you guys cheered because you believe Trump only picks the best people -- now you guys hate him -- what has Whitaker done that makes you feel he is so great?
Whitaker’s just another incompetent criminal. The type of person Trump likes to surround himself with. He’ll leave in disgrace soon enough, as happens to all of Trump’s cronies.
He sure has a lot of negative things being said about him, how much is true? but jumping him over two more qualified people what's that about?
Who Is Matt Whitaker And Why Is He Illegally Pretending To Be The Attorney General?

I have a simple question for Trump lovers, why do you trust that Matt Whitaker would do a better job as Attorney General than Sessions or Rosenstein? Compared to both of them, Whitaker is the least qualified -- in fact, compared to most Attorney Generals, he is the least qualified.

I don't trust him....Too swampy, though he IS qualified.

But watching the moonbats shit their britches about him, or any other appointment Cheeto makes, is a never-ending source of amusement.
He sure has a lot of negative things being said about him, how much is true? but jumping him over two more qualified people what's that about?
Whitaker is almost certainly only a place holder until the new Senate convenes...Once again, the moonbats are screeching "WOLF!" from the mountaintops, to no avail.

Might as well just sit back and take in the frenzied shit attacks with amusement.
Who Is Matt Whitaker And Why Is He Illegally Pretending To Be The Attorney General?

I have a simple question for Trump lovers, why do you trust that Matt Whitaker would do a better job as Attorney General than Sessions or Rosenstein? Compared to both of them, Whitaker is the least qualified -- in fact, compared to most Attorney Generals, he is the least qualified.

Whitaker is a long time political hack who kissed ass in order to move up -- and this is not a new critique, this has long been said about him. His kissed Bush's ass and got a US attorney's job out of it. He tried to run for senate, and finished 4th in the primaries, he also served on the board of a corrupt scam company where he sent out multiple threatening letters to customers to protect that scam company -- it didn't work out well.

Luckily, Whitaker went back to kissing ass and that act of ass kissing impressed Donald Trump so much that he convinced Sessions to make Whitaker his chief of staff -- in fact he was popularly known as the White House’s “spy” inside Sessions’s office and curried favor with the president’s top aides; so it was no shock that he would be picked for the AG spot -- even tho Trump claims not to know him, which is bullshit.

As for Trump lovers claiming that his appointment is constitutional and that Trump can rewrite constitutional norms -- you guys may need to have Clarence Thomas go back in time and retract his legal opinion about appointments that need senate confirmation. You see, during the Obama admin, the GOP repeatedly blocked his nomination to the Labor Review Board because of course, conservatives hate labor rights being enforced -- Obama's nominee was serving as acting chairman of the NLRB -- a company filed a lawsuit claiming his appointment is unconstitutional and it reached the supreme court where Thomas wrote in his ruling that an “acting” office holder is also subject to advice and consent requirements of the appointments clause -- but that's because Obama was president then, this is different, because reasons...

However, if Trump picked Sessions who was popular with Trump supporters because he was the first Senator to kiss Trump's ass -- and now you guys hate him -- If Trump picked Rosenstein and you guys cheered because you believe Trump only picks the best people -- now you guys hate him -- what has Whitaker done that makes you feel he is so great?
The 1st paragraph was a perfect description of Congress.
No reason at this point not to especially given he is a temporary appointee.

Except any decisions he makes in the Justice Department, will be challenged all the way up to the Clarence Thomas level, because he is in the position, unconstitutionally.... without the consent of the Senate.
Who Is Matt Whitaker And Why Is He Illegally Pretending To Be The Attorney General?

I have a simple question for Trump lovers, why do you trust that Matt Whitaker would do a better job as Attorney General than Sessions or Rosenstein? Compared to both of them, Whitaker is the least qualified -- in fact, compared to most Attorney Generals, he is the least qualified.

Whitaker is a long time political hack who kissed ass in order to move up -- and this is not a new critique, this has long been said about him. His kissed Bush's ass and got a US attorney's job out of it. He tried to run for senate, and finished 4th in the primaries, he also served on the board of a corrupt scam company where he sent out multiple threatening letters to customers to protect that scam company -- it didn't work out well.

Luckily, Whitaker went back to kissing ass and that act of ass kissing impressed Donald Trump so much that he convinced Sessions to make Whitaker his chief of staff -- in fact he was popularly known as the White House’s “spy” inside Sessions’s office and curried favor with the president’s top aides; so it was no shock that he would be picked for the AG spot -- even tho Trump claims not to know him, which is bullshit.

As for Trump lovers claiming that his appointment is constitutional and that Trump can rewrite constitutional norms -- you guys may need to have Clarence Thomas go back in time and retract his legal opinion about appointments that need senate confirmation. You see, during the Obama admin, the GOP repeatedly blocked his nomination to the Labor Review Board because of course, conservatives hate labor rights being enforced -- Obama's nominee was serving as acting chairman of the NLRB -- a company filed a lawsuit claiming his appointment is unconstitutional and it reached the supreme court where Thomas wrote in his ruling that an “acting” office holder is also subject to advice and consent requirements of the appointments clause -- but that's because Obama was president then, this is different, because reasons...

However, if Trump picked Sessions who was popular with Trump supporters because he was the first Senator to kiss Trump's ass -- and now you guys hate him -- If Trump picked Rosenstein and you guys cheered because you believe Trump only picks the best people -- now you guys hate him -- what has Whitaker done that makes you feel he is so great?
I don't hate Jeff Sessions...I'm simply dumbfounded by his decision to recuse himself from the Russian collusion probe but place Rosenstein in charge of that probe when Rosenstein had a far greater conflict of interest than Sessions did!
No reason at this point not to especially given he is a temporary appointee.

Except any decisions he makes in the Justice Department, will be challenged all the way up to the Clarence Thomas level, because he is in the position, unconstitutionally.... without the consent of the Senate.
You don’t need the consent of the Senate for a temporary appointment other Presidents have made them without Senate consent including Bush and Obama.
No reason at this point not to especially given he is a temporary appointee.

Except any decisions he makes in the Justice Department, will be challenged all the way up to the Clarence Thomas level, because he is in the position, unconstitutionally.... without the consent of the Senate.
You don’t need the consent of the Senate for a temporary appointment other Presidents have made them without Senate consent including Bush and Obama.
Yes, you do...

For a PRINCIPLE position of Cabinet Level, where they only report to the president of the United States and no one else as their direct boss, they do have to have the Senate's approval.

The constitution is very Clear on this....

It is to prevent corruption, in case we ever had a corrupt President... the founders specifically wrote the Constitution this way, and for the purpose of preventing corruption...
No it’s not it if it was this argument would have been made when past Presidents did it but it wasn’t. This is yet another example of people pissing their pants over Trump doing something past Presidents have done outrage of convenience is no outrage at all.
Who Is Matt Whitaker And Why Is He Illegally Pretending To Be The Attorney General?

I have a simple question for Trump lovers, why do you trust that Matt Whitaker would do a better job as Attorney General than Sessions or Rosenstein? Compared to both of them, Whitaker is the least qualified -- in fact, compared to most Attorney Generals, he is the least qualified.

I don't trust him....Too swampy, though he IS qualified.

But watching the moonbats shit their britches about him, or any other appointment Cheeto makes, is a never-ending source of amusement.
and watching Trump lovers later trash every appointment Cheeto makes is also amusing -- since it happens more often than trump making appointments that you cucks don't later trash..

Steve Bannon....trashed
Rex Tillerson....trashed
Sean Spicer....trashed

etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc
No it’s not it if it was this argument would have been made when past Presidents did it but it wasn’t. This is yet another example of people pissing their pants over Trump doing something past Presidents have done outrage of convenience is no outrage at all.
The only president that kept firing AG's until he found one who would do his bidding is Nixon....if that is the standard you want to follow, by all means..go for it

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