The Peaceful Tolerant Left, Maolings In Portland Edition


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
You’re inherently violent,” screams an unhinged blue-and-purple-haired woman named Hannah McClintock, while repeatedly spitting on people (assault) and trying to punch them.

Captured on video by Andy Ngo, who needless to say has more.

Elsewhere in the video: “I don’t feel safe with you here,” says another of Antifa’s ladies of Cluster-B, while physically harassing the mild-mannered Mr Ngo, and calling for her comrades to do the same. You see, by reporting on Antifa’s behaviour, Mr Ngo is a “fascist,” a “rape apologist,” a “Nazi,” and a “white supremacist.”

Albeit one with Vietnamese parents.

Andy C. Ngo on Twitter

For those wishing to delve into the LP version, the best part is her yelling help at around 14 minutes.

You’re inherently violent,” screams an unhinged blue-and-purple-haired woman named Hannah McClintock, while repeatedly spitting on people (assault) and trying to punch them.

Captured on video by Andy Ngo, who needless to say has more.

Elsewhere in the video: “I don’t feel safe with you here,” says another of Antifa’s ladies of Cluster-B, while physically harassing the mild-mannered Mr Ngo, and calling for her comrades to do the same. You see, by reporting on Antifa’s behaviour, Mr Ngo is a “fascist,” a “rape apologist,” a “Nazi,” and a “white supremacist.”

Albeit one with Vietnamese parents.

Andy C. Ngo on Twitter

For those wishing to delve into the LP version, the best part is her yelling help at around 14 minutes.

Antifa are the beginner America version of late 1700's French Revolutionaries who played catch with unborn babies on the points of their bayonets. French Revolution American style incoming unless we as a nation put them down. Oh yes, French Revolutionaries were also rabid atheists. No similarities whatsoever, right. Soon, history will repeat 'cause folk are too blind to take notice.
You’re inherently violent,” screams an unhinged blue-and-purple-haired woman named Hannah McClintock, while repeatedly spitting on people (assault) and trying to punch them.

Captured on video by Andy Ngo, who needless to say has more.

Elsewhere in the video: “I don’t feel safe with you here,” says another of Antifa’s ladies of Cluster-B, while physically harassing the mild-mannered Mr Ngo, and calling for her comrades to do the same. You see, by reporting on Antifa’s behaviour, Mr Ngo is a “fascist,” a “rape apologist,” a “Nazi,” and a “white supremacist.”

Albeit one with Vietnamese parents.

Andy C. Ngo on Twitter

For those wishing to delve into the LP version, the best part is her yelling help at around 14 minutes.

Antifa are the beginner America version of late 1700's French Revolutionaries who played catch with unborn babies on the points of their bayonets. French Revolution American style incoming unless we as a nation put them down. Oh yes, French Revolutionaries were also rabid atheists. No similarities whatsoever, right. Soon, history will repeat 'cause folk are too blind to take notice.

The common theme of the Left is violence.
Outlaw the wearing of masks, and Antifa will fade. They have no spine to be individually recognized.

Those who remain and attack? Club them like baby seals.
Pretty cool how the vicious, violent, mentally unstable yellow bumblebee with magenta colored hair got swallowed up by and disappeared into the blue wave. Sadly, she will be seen again.

Thanks for sharing.



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